“Ah o-okay then...” the machine being depressed was a strange way to put it, or in Doug’s mind it was, but he would rather not question what the woman meant. “My name is Doug. The fourth Doug out of four Dougs I guess...actually I’m not quite sure but...well I never really looked into it. I’m employee four forty one. From the high floors...” 
employee-210 liked this post for a quick starter
Doug was always awkward with the ladies, but he also wasn’t sure where the copy room was. Doug wasn’t even sure if he was on the right floor anymore. He came from the four hundreds and now he was pretty positive he was in the two hundreds. He slowly approached the other employees door and knocked. “H-hello? I’m sorry if I bother you but I uh…well I’m a tad bit lost. You see I was sent to copy some of these papers but I-I’ve sorta lost my way…if you are busy and can’t help then I understand.”
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employee-210 liked this post for a quick starter
Doug was always awkward with the ladies, but he also wasn’t sure where the copy room was. Doug wasn’t even sure if he was on the right floor anymore. He came from the four hundreds and now he was pretty positive he was in the two hundreds. He slowly approached the other employees door and knocked. “H-hello? I’m sorry if I bother you but I uh...well I’m a tad bit lost. You see I was sent to copy some of these papers but I-I’ve sorta lost my way...if you are busy and can’t help then I understand.”
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{*whispers quietly* Like for a quick starter}
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{And here is the Doug. Employee 441. Enjoy eve}
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{I’ll be drawing a picture of Doug #4 eventually today. Sorry the blog is blank for now}
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