Proper Introduction & the Deconstruction of the Concept
Let me start by mentioning two key things that will be the focal point of this introduction. I feel this is necessary for your consideration of this “blog” and the futility in the words following this:
1.) Thank you, seriously.
2.) This will be a process, okay?
One) Thank you. You have made it here by two possible avenues - self discovery or shameless self-promotion by myself - whichever the case I am pleased. This is a return to writing for me and also a release for myself of nerd-like proportions. Some of you may know I had a small blog years ago that I eventually shut down due to lack of time, creative energy and most notably, motivation. Since then, more frequent than not, I felt a tether tightening me to the idea of writing again. That tether has not felt more prominent than lately. It wasn’t just the recent musical discoveries or a euphoric revelation in sound that created the itch, it was something more human: crippling desolation.
It was July of 2015 when my wife and I moved to the biggest city we’d seen in a while, Raleigh, North Carolina. A city reeking of craft beer and tech sweat (dial-up tone) that we were ready to immerse ourselves into. This was a place that we felt could actually replace Phoenix (our hometown) - but it hasn’t. Nearly two plus years down and we still feel like tourists. We feel detached but not in the way that ‘50s literary giants swooned about, but the way that makes you palm your forehead in fury. We slowly found ourselves wearing out our hobbies until they lost their fit. For me, this was music and more specifically discussing it. I have this insatiable need to discuss the things I hear; however, I had lost this need. Music began to loose it’s purpose in my life which for me, meant I was losing purpose. Work. Sleep. Work. Grocery Shopping. Sleep. One after another, like a conveyor belt of habitual garbage. It is a terrifying  when you are asked about something you’ve been enamored by since you were a little kid, you have nothing exciting to say. I had this realization severely lodged down my throat exactly 2 hours, 14 minutes and 23 seconds ago, two beers down and my third round of Bazan moaning, “If I’m not losing sleep, then I’m probably over it...” Rather than blurting out my discovery to the nearest person to me and for the sake of my wife I have resulted that writing it down is crucial to ease the previously mentioned “itch.” 
Two) This will be a long process. This is going to take a long while. Like any other writer, there will be moments of creative crisis. I don’t expect to have articles of merit for your readership on the daily, but will make a sincere effort to write as much as I possibly can. The posts following this introduction will each have a focus. Each will have a topic and hundreds of words surrounding it attempting to enhance its clarity.  Whether it be a single album in discussion or several, each post will purposefully include those works for a reason. I don’t expect what I write to be immediately valuable to you, the reader, but within this process, I hope the gradually over time you will discover at least one component of this blog that you felt was useful. It is also important that you know there will be no grading systems and no ranks. There will be highlights, yes, but I hope to leave you with only a mere glimpse at what is being discussed. I highly encourage you to investigate these works and creators for yourself. In the end, there is no possible way for you and I to analyze things perfectly identical. One thing is certain, each selection warrants discussion and the development of your own theories. Each post will be open for your thoughts and comments and will be of great influence for future posting. You will see this blog change and you will see it progress. I may even lose you along the way, but hope you’ll return at least from lack of nothing better to do in that moment of time.
In conclusion, I hope to be useful. I hope to give you a direction to new musical discoveries. I hope to open areas of discussion that you have either never discussed or have been aching to talk to someone about. I hope you will find pleasure and ideas to contemplate. Most importantly, I hope you’ll find something for the quiet hours. Cheers. -C
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