fortean-glow · 3 years
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fortean-glow · 3 years
Cassian: Doesn’t count when you use your hands to do most of the work.
Nesta: I bet that isn’t what you’ve been telling yourself at night.
Cassian: Is that what those smutty books teach you? That it’s only at night? It could be anytime—dawn’s first light, or when I’m bathing, or even after a long, hard day of practice.
Nesta: Sounds like you have a lot of time on your hands, Cassian.
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fortean-glow · 3 years
Curious to know!
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fortean-glow · 3 years
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fortean-glow · 3 years
Usually I would be preparing for our Sockstice party that brings joy and laughter into our home with a party and food and it sustains the house for the rest of the year. We can't have gatherings so I feel compelled to replace that with getting up before the sun and lighting a fire in the fireplace to attend to all day.
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fortean-glow · 4 years
A Herbalist's Glossary: Herb Actions
This is a list of terms used when describing the way a particular herb affects the body. Herbals can be confusing to read sometimes so I’ve put everything in one place here 🌿
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Abortifacient: induces abortion
Adaptogen: helps the body processes return to normal when stressed
Adjuvant: modifies the effect of another substance
Adrenergic: acts like adrenaline or describes how adrenalin affects the body
Alterative: restores the body’s functions to normal
Analgesic/Anodyne: a pain killer
Anthelmintic/Antihelmintic: destroys/repels/expels intestinal worms
Antibacterial: inhibits bacterial growth
Antibilious: helps the body to remove excess bile
Anticatarrhal: helps the body reduce excess mucous and phlegm
Anticholinergic: a cholinergic blocking agent
Anticoagulant: slows or prevents clotting of blood
Antidote: counteracts or neutralizes a poison
Antiemetic: reduces the feeling of nausea, can help to prevent vomiting
Anti-inflammatory: helps reduce inflammation
Antilithic: prevents formation and aids removal of stones in the urinary system
Antimicrobial: helps the body destroy or resist pathogenic micro-organisms
Antimitotic: prevents division of cells
Antineoplastic: inhibits or destroys tumours
Antioxidant: eliminates hydroxyl free radicals
Antipyretic: prevents or reduces fever
Antirheumatic: relieves or protects against rheumatism
Antiscorbutic: prevents or cures scurvy
Antisudorific: stops or reduces perspiration
Antiseptic: prevents growth of microorganisms
Antispasmodic: prevents/eases spasms or convulsions
Antitussive: reduces or relieves coughing
Aperiant: laxative
Aphrodisiac: stimulates the sex drive and sometimes sexual ability
Aromatic: an organic compound containing benzene, or, of herbs, having a fragrant/spicy smell
Astringent: contracts tissue and reduces the function of said tissue, affecting haemorrhages, secretions, diarrhoea, bleeding etc.
Bitter: herbs that promote the appetite
Cardioactive: affects the heart
Cardiotonic: increases function of heart muscle
Carminative: relieves flatulence and colic
Cathartic: purges the bowels
Cholagogue: stimulates the release of bile from the gall bladder, sometimes acts as a laxative
Choleretic: stimulates the production of bile in the liver
Counter-irritant: causes inflammation of the skin, used for temporary relief from deep irritations
Demulcent: soothes/protects inflamed or painful surfaces
Depurative: removes impurities from the blood
Diaphoretic: increases perspiration to aid the body in removing toxins
Diuretic: increases the flow of urine, aids in removing toxins via the urinary tract
Emetic: induces vomiting
Emmenagogue: stimulates and normalizes the menstrual flow
Emollient: used internally to ease inflammation or externally to soften skin
Escharotic: a substance that sloughs off dead skin, corrosive
Expectorant: helps the body to expel mucous
Febrifuge: prevents/reduces fevers
Galactogogue: increases or induces lactation
Hallucinogen: affects the senses, produces a wide range of reactions often including hallucinations
Hepatic: strengthens and tones the liver as well as stimulating the flow of bile
Hypnotic: induce sleeps
Hypotensive: lowers blood pressure
Laxative: promotes evacuation of the bowels
Lymphagogue: promotes/increases lymph flow
Miotic: contracts the pupils
Mydriatic: dilates the pupils
Narcotic: in small doses promotes sleep and reduces pain, but can cause poisoning with comas or convulsions
Nervine: strengthens the nervous system, eases anxiety and stress
Oxytocic: stimulates uterine contractions
Parasiticide: kills and removes parasites
Pectoral: used to treat respiratory complaints
Placebo: an inactive substance that is believed by the patient to be a cure
Prophylatic: prevents disease
Psychotropic: affects the mind
Purgative: produces very strong laxative effects and watery evacuations
Reagent: involved in a chemical reaction
Retardant: delays or slows down a chemical reactant
Rubefacient: stimulates circulation locally when applied to the skin
Sedative: calms the nervous system
Sialagogue: stimulates the secretion of saliva
Spasmolytic: relieves spasmodic pains
Sternutatory: causes sneezing
Stimulant: enlivens the physiological functions of the body
Stomachic: promotes digestion and strengthens the stomach
Styptic: stops bleeding by contracting the tissue
Sudorific: induces sweating
Tonic: strengthens and tones either specific organs or the whole body through nutritional stimulation
Vasoconstrictor: constricts blood vessels
Vasodilator: dilates blood vessels
Vermifuge: expels or destroys intestinal worms
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fortean-glow · 4 years
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So I'm aware of the mass hex that's supposedly happening on the full moon on the 5th against the police, the institution, and white suprememcists, however I have NOT seen any instructions or resources shared by a specific organiser. I largely feel as though it was an idea that floated around but never gained enough traction to be planned properly
I'd like to propose this spell that I have found in on of my books on witchcraft (Inner magic: a guide to modern witchcraft by Ann-Marie Gallagher)
The beauty of this spell is that it is not a hex or curse, so it's safe for inexperienced witches to do without anything bad rebounding on them. It's a binding spell created to stop a wrongdoer from continuing to do harm, I believe we will be able to name the wrongdoer as 'those against the BLM protesting'.
This spell, however, should be performed on a WANING moon on a SATURDAY, which would be this Saturday coming (Sat 6th June), since the full moon is on the 5th.
Please spread this if you think its a good idea.
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fortean-glow · 4 years
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pls watch The Midnight Gospel on Netflix, it’s excellent 
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fortean-glow · 4 years
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flowers that bloom in the night
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fortean-glow · 4 years
Chant to Draw Snow to You
“Frost flows through the veins Of all the land, Chilling and freezing All that we know. Frost flows through the veins Of you and me, Bringing the snow To all that we know”
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fortean-glow · 4 years
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fortean-glow · 5 years
might fuck around and let nature reclaim me
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fortean-glow · 5 years
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fortean-glow · 5 years
🔮🌠Tips for Reading Reversed Tarot Cards
🌙 The upright meaning of the card has already occurred.
🌙 Energy that is blocked, closed off, resisted or denied, both consciously or unconsciously.
🌙 An unreleased potential ,which is being re/suppressed.  
🌙 A turning point or opportunity to take action in order to bring the qualities of the card into expression.
🌙 An aspect or part of personality that we usually hide away.
🌙 Resistance, procrastination, or denying something.
🌙 Inner, private part of one’s personality. Misunderstood or unapparent qualities.
🌙 Similar meaning as when the card falls upright but in a less conscious or developed state. A behavior is not fully matured and is hardly visible.
🌙 An idea just under the surface waiting for the right time and conditions under which to appear.
🌙 The characteristics represented by the card are being reevaluated and therefore temporarily up in the air. It can, consequently, denote the beginning of greater clarity or a new cycle.
🌙 Suggests the benefit of trying to learn something new or stepping out.
🌙 Encourages taking action towards more independence and breaking away from relaying on others.
🌙 Shows pressure building under the surface.
🌙 New beginning, outlook, potential or a new way of seeing one’s self, one’s relationship or situation. 
🌙 Opportunity to take charge and make a difficult change before it is made for you.
🌙 Indicates stress and instability triggered by change and regaining perspective.
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fortean-glow · 5 years
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Stumbled on the most amazing teacup on Etsy today - it’s designed specifically for tea leaf divination and is absolutely gorgeous! It’s a bit expensive but it’s definitely going on my witchy wishlist!
You can find it here.
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fortean-glow · 5 years
Ultimate Protection Magic Masterpost, Part 2
Family/Loved Ones Protection Jar
Quick Protection Spell
Full Moon Protection Spell
“I Send You Safety” Spell
Knitting Spell (For Protection)
Ayano’s Theory of Happiness Spell
Ritual To Protect Loved Ones
“This Person Is Under My Protection” Sigil
“This Person Is Safe & Happy” Sigil
“My Significant Other Is Happy & Safe From Harm” Sigil
“My Child Is Safe From All Harm” Sigil
Pet Protection Spell Jar
Pet Protection Spell Bottle
Pet Protection Spell
Pet Protection Spell
Protective Chant For Dogs
Protective Chant For Cats
Cat Protection Bag
Cat Blessing/Protection Spell
Animal Blessing Spells
Animal Protection Spell
Animal Candle Protection Spell
“Watch Over Me” Pet Protection Guardian
“Always Come Back To Me” Spell
“My Dogs Will Be Safe and Happy” Sigil
Pet Protection Powder
Protection Against Nightmares
Protection During Sleep
Nightmare Warding Stuffed Animal Spell
Ghost Nebula Protection In Sleep Spell
Protection While Travelling
Jar Spell for Safe Travels
Protection For Travellers Spell
Roadtrip Protection Charm
Empath/Emotional Protection
Calcified Heart Spell
Empath Protection Jar
New Job Protection Pouch
Corvid Safety Spell
Emoji Spell for Protection Against Extreme Weather
Cleansing & Protection from Mind-Altering Spells
Dragon’s Bite Powder
Sweeping Powder for Protection & Energy
Dark As Night Protection Powder
Anti-Curse Powder
Archer’s Protection Powder
Protection Powder Recipes
Fire Salts
Black Salt
Empath Protection Oil
Demonwitch’s Hellcat Oil
Flying Devil Oil
Moon-Infused Protection Water
Storm Witch’s Ward Water
War Water
Circles, Shields & Wards
Casting a Circle for Beginners
Methods of Casting Circles
Personal Shielding
Basic Protection
Keeping Yourself Protected
The Basics of Wards & Warding
A Crash Course In Warding
Top Ward Mistakes I
Top Ward Mistakes II
Threshold Magic 101
Charms, Amulets & Talismans
The Rowan Cross
Grass Charm
Hag Stones
Moon Snails
Protection Wreaths
Protection Chimes
Elemental Protection Charms
Folklore Charms for Home Protection
Tech Magic
Turning Your Wifi Into Wards
How to Anti-Taglock Pictures of Yourself
Simple Email Protection Spell
Technomagic Ward
Cyber/Tech Protection Ideas
A Basic Guide to Servitors
An Introduction to Servitors
How to Create a Protective Servitor
Spell and Meditation for Calming, Serenity and Peace Within Self
“Warrior of Light” Guided Meditation (YouTube)
Protection Correspondences
Protection Correspondences
Quick Protection Magic Reference Guide
[part 1]
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fortean-glow · 5 years
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This means ‘get out’. A sigil for telling anything you don’t want around to leave. A banishment ward, essentially.
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