In the recently concluded National Championships in Bhopal, I had the opportunity of observing the World No. 1 Shooter in Air Pistol Ms Manu Bhaker, shooting during practice sessions and during the match. These are some of my observations;
1. Training Sessions:
There was no difference in her intensity of purpose and seriousness during practice sessions. She shoots her practice sessions exactly the way she shoots in matches.
This is precisely what I have advocated in my blog posts and Module No. 4 Advanced Training Methodology.
Compared to her, 99% of the shooters around her with a few exceptions were shooting their practice sessions in an undisciplined manner.
2. Composure and Poise:
While practising she was neither distracted nor unsettled in any manner, in fact, her composure was almost monk-like, calm. Cool and composed.
This poise came from the depth of visualisation which she practised before each and every shot.
In Module No. 4 Advanced Training Methodology, I have discussed this very important step (visualisation) and how it should be done to get into the zone.
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Improve your 10 Meter Air Pistol scores when you have a time constraint for daily practice
One of the reasons why shooters do not improve their performance/scores is due to lack of time. Almost every shooter faces this problem whether he/she is studying or working.
In my recently conducted survey, almost all the shooters who responded indicated that they can devote two hours per day for shooting. Obviously, they mean two hours on the shooting range but what if I told you that you can almost DOUBLE this time?
Yes! You can do so by adding one more training session at HOME in addition to the time you spend on the shooting range.
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Correct 10 M Air Pistol Training.
First and foremost be realistic. You cannot become an international class shooter in six months or for that matter even 1 or 2 years!
A realistic timespan would be 3 to 5 years, that too if you train correctly.
So please stop dreaming and get real!
Next, you must train under a good coach (somebody who has shot at least 570+ in a match) who can actually demonstrate how to shoot a 10 regularly in front of you.
If such a coach is not available then you can subscribe to Module 1 to 6 on this website.
Next, work on your Basic Techniques Module No. 1 Basic Techniques gradually move on to Module No. 2 Technique for shooting a 10 and Module No. 3 Training Methodology.
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When a student asks a question (related to the technical, physical or mental aspects of 10 Meter Air Pistol Shooting) to a coach, the coach should provide a correct answer, based on the skill level of the student asking the question.
For example, “Sir, when I am about to shoot, I find that my pistol moves to the left of the target. Why does this happen and what should I do to correct this?
In case the student is a complete stranger, then the coach must first and foremost find out, how many months or years the student has been shooting.
If the answer is less than a year then the coach, based on his experience should address the following points;
The shooter's position and stance.
Whether the student knows what the natural Point of Aim (NPA) is.
Whether the shooter has warmed up correctly before the training session.
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