fmp2wendyread · 1 year
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Liams artwork for this project.
I really like what he’s done for this project and I love how detailed his work is. His line art is honestly so impressive and the insane amount of detail he has in this piece is honesty incredible. I don’t know a lot about his project, but just seeing this makes me think that it’s about some sort of parasite that’s taking over someone’s body. I’m not the best at drawing scary things, but Liam seems to be very good at it and it honestly makes me want to try making more scary things on paper with outlining pens and try to make it as scary and detailed as I can.
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fmp2wendyread · 1 year
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This is what my Kuro-sune looks like coloured in. I had wanted to make more creatures then this but didn’t have time too so this is the only creature I have made for my main planet. I wasn’t sure if I would have time to colour this in but I really wanted to because the sketch didn’t do it justice to what I imagined in my head. This took a very long time to make, there was so much process and details that I must in to make it look this good. The blood was the main thing that took the most time, it took a long time adding in all the blood on each individual tooth and then blending it out one by one. I wanted to make it look as scary as possible, but still look really cool. In my original drawing of this creature it had black eyes and white pupils and it had black saliva coming out of its mouth and teeth. As much as I thought this looked cool I wanted it to look more scary and a lot of the time when you see scary creatures they have red eyes, so I wanted to give it red eyes and white pupils because white pupils I think makes things look creepy anyways so I thought combining them together works really well. Because the eyes were red I thought adding blood in its mouth would work really well because it goes with the colours of the eyes and it makes it look like it’s just killed and eaten something and is ready for more. I’m really happy with this design and I’m glad that I managed to finish it in time for this project.
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fmp2wendyread · 1 year
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Deleted background scene.
This was the first background I drew, but I didn’t like how it was going and I wanted to change so many things about this so I decided I would just start over. I drew this before I had any idea with what I wanted my planet to look like so I had no plan and was just going with it, because if that the water looks thick and gloopy, the trees look badly done and the surface was way too smooth. I also didn’t use any reference images so that didn’t help. The only thing I really liked about this was the sunset, but that wouldn’t work because my planet doesn’t have a sun or a moon. After looked at more reference images, made a mood board of what I want my world to look like I then realised that I would have to change everything in this picture, so I designed I would just start over and forget about this piece.
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fmp2wendyread · 1 year
FMP Final story - in detail.
It all started when my main character Hoshi turned 18 years old her parents bought her first spaceship for her birthday because it was her dream to be the first youngest female space explorer to discover s new planet. She left with her alien pet ferret Fuyuko which she has had since she was 8 years old and found the ferret lost going through some bins and so she took it in and took care or it. Fuyuko is like a normal ferret but he is from another planet and can change colours like a chameleon and doesn’t age. Ever since Hoshi found Fuyuko they’ve been everywhere together so of course Fuyuko had to come with Hoshi when she was traveling. Hoshi and her family lives on earth, but not like how we know it. It’s much more advanced and it’s normal for people to go to other planets and it’s also normal to have aliens from other planets visit earth. People on earth developed this device that translates any language into their own and makes it so when the person wearing this device speaks it will automatically get translated into the language of the person they’re speaking to. This makes it much easier to communicate with each other and to other alien species. When Hoshi was first beginning her travels through space she had to stop off at the planet Emotavia because her spaceship was braking down because it was quite cheap because her parents didn’t have much money and even the cheapest spaceships are still very expensive. She had also run out of supplies because she didn’t pack enough. Once she stopped off at this planet she met Takeshi who helped her fix her ship, they became instant friends and he asked if he could join her in her travels and because she would prefer to travel with someone so she had someone to talk to other then her pet ferret she agreed to take him along with her. Normally when they are traveling in space they take it in turns on falling asleep so they don’t get too lost in space, but one day while it was Takeshi turn to stay awake, he didn’t because they were both so tired so they both fell asleep while their space ship was traveling very fast so when they did wake up they were in the middle of nowhere and got hit by an asteroid causing their spaceship to crash on this unknown planet. This planet had no sun and no moon all there was to light up the sky was billions of stars. Luckily this planet didn’t need a sun or a moon, because all the plant life on this planet was glowing and and all the animals here had at least one thing glowing on them and the rivers and water was glowing also. It is truly a beauty planet and they both stay here for many months studying the animals and plants that live here while also making their own brand new space ship. Hoshi is good a coming up with plans and drawing out maps and instructions and Takeshi is good at following those instructions and is really good at making things so together they made the ultimate spaceship called ‘The Jellyfish Spaceship’ original right? These guys aren’t very good at coming up with very imaginary names. The SAN’AKU have been living on this planet for a few years now because they got lost from their old planet and have no idea how to get back, so they stayed in this planet. They got lost from their home planet because the SAN’AKU were coursing a bit too much trouble. The SAN’AKU are pranksters and one of their pranks went too far and all the other creatures living on this planet has had enough of their jokes and they got into a lot of trouble. They felt bad, but they also felt misunderstood because all they wanted to do was have some fun, but nobody understood that and thought they were just dump, stupid or evil. So they left their planet to try and find somewhere they can have all the fun without consequences, but soon enough got lost in space with no way of getting back home. When the SAN’AKU saw Hoshi and Takeshi, they found them very interesting and being the curious creatures they are they followed Hoshi and Takeshi when they left the planet to tell others about their discovery, not knowing the chaos that was following them.
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fmp2wendyread · 1 year
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Max artwork for this project.
I really like what Max did for this project, I really like how much details there are in his background pieces and I think this sort of futuristic robotic world suits his style very well. I like the style of the cloths his characters are wearing, it’s very futuristic and cool. I think me and Max went a similar root for this project in the way both of our projects are to do with space and a futuristic world and yet both of our projects and outcomes are completely different which I think is really cool. I think the biggest difference between our style is mine is a lot more like anime and his is more cartoony. I really like how his final outcome turned out, it looks very cool and there is so much detail which is very impressive and I love the font of his title, I think it suits his story very well.
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fmp2wendyread · 1 year
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Emily Artwork for this project.
This the artwork my friend Emily has been making for this project. I really love her art style, it’s so pretty and I just love the way she colours everything in, it just looks so beautiful. I wasn’t sure about making a comic or WEBTOON with my story because I wasn’t sure how to portray my story into frames and I didn’t think I would have enough time to do so. Emily managed to do so much with her comic though which I think is very impressive because I couldn’t of done that much if I decided to make a comic, but I think her style really works well with her story and and it looks really good for a WEBTOON as well. Her comic is a lot less pixelated then this though so it looks a lot better then this. Me and Emily uses the same software when drawing, we both use ‘Procreate’ but she has an iPad Pro and I just use a normal iPad and so my one doesn’t work quit the same and makes the process of drawing much longer and Emily is generally faster at drawing then I am so I don’t think I would manage to get a lot of comic strips done if I did choose to make a comic so I’m glad I decided not to make a comic.
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fmp2wendyread · 1 year
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Pitch Sheet.
This is my pitch sheet for my final major project. I changed a few things about the story to help it make a bit more sense so I’ll make another post explaining my whole story in detail. I was quite limited with the different font styles I could use because for some reason Procreate won’t allow me to download other fonts so I can only use the ones I already have. This is the font I ended up going with because it’s the same font as my title so I thought it would fit well, but I will talk to my teachers and friends about it to see if I could get a better font or not. I like the layout I used for it, I think it shows a good selection of my work through this project.
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fmp2wendyread · 1 year
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Character process designs.
These are some designs I looked at when I was outlining my characters in different scenes to give me a bit of an idea on how to lay out the different scenes. Quite often with character process you will have one pose in colour and the others with the base colour of grey. I already had character design sheets for my two characters so I didn’t think I needed to add one of them in colour so that why when I made my one I cane them all one base colour. I was originally going to give each scene a grey base colour like these ones, but decided I actually really like having each scene a different colour so that’s why I then changed that. These reference images were definitely helpful for my layout so I’m glad I looked at them.
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fmp2wendyread · 1 year
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Octopus punching fish out of spite.
Octopus will randomly punch fish for no reason and scientists can’t figure out why so they think they just do it out of spite which I think is quite funny. I find octopus’s quite interesting, both with they way they move and just in general. This is why I made my coral weed similar in the way it will randomly hit anything that’s around it whenever it feels like it. It also moves about like an octopus tentacle. I thought it would just be really funny to have a plant that just hits things out of spite.
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fmp2wendyread · 1 year
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Fiddlehead fern.
The Fiddlehead Fern was one of the plants that inspired the look to my Coral Weed plant, but I didn’t know what it was called and i thought it was around when dinosaurs were about so I went on this website to try and find out the name. It didn’t have the name of the plant I was looking for but from looking on the website I remembered that it was a type of Fern and from that I was able to find the name of the plant that inspired my Coral Weed. I didn’t realise you could eat it, but I just really like how curly it is it looks like it should be in a fantasy story and that’s why I wanted to create a plant with a similar design to it.
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fmp2wendyread · 1 year
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Second landscape - improved.
You might think this looks exactly the same to the one I posted before…. And you would be right. The only difference is that I got ride of some of the stars on the tree that looked out of place. I also blended out some of the stars at the bottom of the green tree because it had a flat edge to it and it didn’t look right. Other then that it’s completely the same.
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fmp2wendyread · 1 year
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Final outcome for the A2 frame - for real this time.
I’ve finally made a decision on which poster design I like best, after experimenting with many different layouts, colours and effects, this is the one I’m going with. I think this poster is the best it can be now and is the best one out of all the others that best shows off my story. With my other posters I kept thinking something was missing or something just wasn’t right, but I didn’t know what, I was just not completely satisfied with how it looked. But now I am, I think this is exactly what it needed. It shows off my characters well and I really like how you can see the start of my glowing river from my main planet. I think it draws you in more and makes you want to know more about that planet and what it has to do with the story. I like how much detail I managed to put in this without it being too overwhelming to look at. I like the contrast it has and how everything stands out without it being too hard on your eyes, you don’t lose the details so much with these compared to my other posters I experimented with. I made this effect with the scenery fading into the character by using a clipping mask layer over the top of my character layer and putting it on mask. When it’s on mask it mean that anything you colour black makes the image disappear and anything you colour white makes it reappear. This way I filled that layer in black so that you couldn’t see the scenery and then using a low opacity soft blend brush I start to make parts of the scenery shop up, making some parts stand out more then other parts. I really like this effects and I think it works really well with this poster, I’m really happy with how it’s turned out.
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fmp2wendyread · 1 year
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Annihilation is know for its beautiful colour palette and it’s strange and wonderful plants and creatures, not all the creatures are so nice though. It’s a very strange film, but it’s very artistic and the scenery is quite beautiful and unique. I like how colourful this world is and is one of the things that inspired my planet to be so colourful. My planet doesn’t have so many evil or mutated creatures in it though, the creatures on my planet are quite magical, but some of them are quite scary. I think if I had more time on this project I would like to have draw more creatures for my planet that could look as cool and creepy as some of the creatures in this.
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fmp2wendyread · 1 year
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Ansel Adams.
Ansel Adems is a black and white landscape photographer who typically focuses on taking pictures of mountains. When I was drawing my first landscape, looking at his work helped give me some idea of what it could look like, it also helped me when I was drawing the reflections in the water. Before I looked at his work I thought that the reflection of the water would be a lot clearer then it is, but after looking at his photograph (and other artists) I realised that it depends on the angle of the photo/drawing and how much the water is moving. I do really like his photos, I think they look really nice, but I would prefer them if they were in colour because without colour they seem a little dull. I do think its quite cool how even though the photos are in black and white you can also imagine the colours really well so in some ways it doesn’t need to be in colour.
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fmp2wendyread · 1 year
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Poisonous plants.
There are lots of poisonous plants in this world, so many of the plants are extremely beautiful as well and look completely harmless even though some of them could kill you. Because we have so many poisonous plants I wanted to make my own poisonous plant for my planet and that’s why I went on this website to find out for about the poisonous plants we have and the side effects they have, to help me give side effects to my own poisonous plant. With a lot of poisonous plants they can be very beautiful and have bright and vibrant colours, they also tend to smell nice so they look very appealing to touch or eat. This is why I made my poisonous plant a pretty purple colour and have it smell really nice like so many of these poisonous plants. Because so many side effects of these plants is vomiting and or death I wanted those two things to be the side effects to my plant.
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fmp2wendyread · 1 year
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The star tree.
In a little house, in a big city, an old man remembers Christmases long ago—when friends and family gathered to tell stories and sing carols and children made gold paper stars to welcome visitors. Now the city is filled with skyscrapers, bright lights, and signs. Who would even notice old-fashioned paper stars hanging in a window? But when the old man decorates a park tree with his basket full of paper stars—the whole community discovers just how powerful the Christmas spirit can be in this joyous holiday story.
I find this story quite cute and very wholesome, I like how this star tree brought people together. The tree has a similar look to my Star Tree where the tree doesn’t have leaves and only stars, which is similar to mine but the Stars on my Tree isn’t made out of paper. I really like how beautiful the tree is but I don’t think my Tree looks too similar to it, but there are definitely similarities.
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fmp2wendyread · 1 year
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delta room - dark candy tree
Delta Room is a pixel art game. The player controls a teenage human, Kris, who is destined to save the world together with Susie, a monster, and Ralsei, a prince from the Dark World. During their quest to seal the "Dark Fountains" prophesied to end the world, the group meets the inhabitants of the "Dark World", some of whom try to stop them.
I don’t play the game, but my friend does and said that my Star Tree has a similar concept to the Star Tree in this game. I think the concept of having stars in the tree is similar, but with my Star Tree there are no leaves and only stars so it sort of looks like the tree is producing its own galaxy, but with this tree the stars are like fruit in the tree and it has leaves as well as stars. I think another big difference between this Star Tree and mine is that this one has very dark colours and looks sort of like a devil tree because of the colours they use, but mine are much more magical like and has a much different colour palette so it doesn’t look so evil or devil like.
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