fmp2liamedwards · 1 year
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I experimented by doing a few practice flicks before adding the ink to my final outcome
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fmp2liamedwards · 1 year
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I have decided to splatter some black ink over my final outcome and i also blacked out the borders of the paper as well. I splattered the ink on the same way i did the red i think it makes the outcome look more complete
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fmp2liamedwards · 1 year
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This is the paper after i added the paint to it i just used watered down paint and flicked the brush at the paper from different angles to get a very messy look.
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fmp2liamedwards · 1 year
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These are the pens that i used to ink the drawing. On the left is the white paint pen that i used to do the highlights on the tentacles.
In the middle is the fineliner that i used to ink the whole drawing and do all the cross hatching
On the right is the ink brush pen i used to do the tentacles and the black liquid stuff coming out of his back.
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fmp2liamedwards · 1 year
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I used a white paint pen to add some white highlights onto the tentacles coming out of the guys mouth. I did contemplate adding white highlights to the black stuff coming out of his back but i thought that that wouldn't look very good and might just over complicate the drawing I also didn't want to risk running out of time.
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fmp2liamedwards · 1 year
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Before i added the red ink i did a few practice flicks on a piece of paper to get a feel of what it will look like on the drawing. I used a paintbrush and stood in-front of the drawing and just flicked my wrist .
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I think that the red ink really brings the drawing together and makes it seem a lot more chaotic I thought that i wouldn't add too much red ink as i thought that having to much would ruin it by making it the focus of the drawing instead of a compliment to it.
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fmp2liamedwards · 1 year
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I have finished inking the drawing about half way through day 3 i think that there are a few more finishing touches i could add to bring the piece together like adding some white lighting on the tentacles coming out of the guys mouth and maybe add some red ink splattered across the drawing to add some colour to it.
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fmp2liamedwards · 1 year
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I have started working on the monster and added a few more fleshy bloody bits flying out of the guys back. I think that it is coming along really well so far and i am really enjoying working on a piece as big as this. I think that i am making good progress as this is what i have achieved at the end of day 2.
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fmp2liamedwards · 1 year
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I have now finished the infected corpse guy and i am now going to start working on the monster. I used the brush pen to do all of the weird bloody juices coming out of his back but an issue i'm having is doing all of the little drops because they are very time consuming to do and tedious but the drawing doesn't look as good without them so i think that i will focus on them once i finish the monster so if i run out of time then at least the monster will be finished.
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fmp2liamedwards · 1 year
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I have now started inking the giant drawing i am using a fine-liner and an ink brush pen to do the tentacles originally i was planning on doing all of it with the ink brush pen but i found it hard to keep a consistent pen pressure with the brush pen so decided to use a fine liner.
I managed to do all of this in one day which i found surprising because i thought that working at such a big scale would take way longer.
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fmp2liamedwards · 1 year
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I have started drawing my final piece on the large pieces of paper that i threw some paint on and stuck together. I decided to draw one of the infected corpses with a monster bursting out of his back as i thought that this would be a very cool unique design to have at a really large scale.
At first it felt weird drawing on an upright board standing up but i quickly got used to it and started really enjoying it.
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fmp2liamedwards · 1 year
western weapons
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I have done research on the types of weapons used by cowboys in the west so that when i design weapons i can have more variety in the types of weapons used by the settlers and bounty hunters.
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fmp2liamedwards · 1 year
Alien chestbursters
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I noticed that the idea i came up with for the monsters bursting out of the infected corpses is similar to the chestbursters from alien because they both involve a weird creature violently bursting out of another creature although i didnt realise this while designing my weird creature. I really like the designs of the creatures in the alien franchise and may take more inspiration from alien and H.R Giger.
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fmp2liamedwards · 1 year
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I have spent some time doing different variants of the monsters head I think that the design i will use in my final piece will be the one on the top left as i think this design incorporates the best parts of every other design i did.
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fmp2liamedwards · 1 year
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I have designed what the infected corpses will look like and have decided that there will be monsters that grow inside of them and burst out of their backs when fully grown. I had trouble coming up with what the monster should look like and just ended up adding random things to it like the weird spider legs and i am happy with the result although i think i will refine the head of the monster a bit by maybe adding some spikes.
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fmp2liamedwards · 1 year
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At first i couldnt decide whether or not i wanted to do four individual panels or do one giant panel made up of four pieces of paper all overlapped. I eventually decided that it would be easier to do one giant panel although i did like the idea of doing four frames i thought it would take too long to draw four separate illustrations and have to draw the same character four times and try to make him look the same each time.
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while drawing these illustrations i didn't bother to look at the original design i did and forgot i game the monster weird spider legs which i think looks way better than him having normal human arms
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I think that the design i will go for in terms of the placement of the paper i will go with one of the two pictures above because i think it looks better when the zombie thing is lower on the page which allows more space for the monster i think the placement on the paper on the right might be easier to work with because it is wider so i will be able to make the monster more hunched over which i think looks better.
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fmp2liamedwards · 1 year
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I have designed some weapons that will be used by the settlers and the outlaws. I am having trouble coming up with designs that i am happy with though because i think that its hard to incorporate a firearm into a melee weapon.
I am happy with the way that the outfits have turned out though i was heavily inspired by bloodborne and i think this will be the standard outfit worn by bounty hunters who spend their time tracking down and killing beasts.
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