fluffychoclatecake · 26 days
According to humans right watch, https://www.hrw.org/news/2024/01/31/interview-building-evidence-crimes-committed-israel-october-7
"The attacks started at around 6:30 in the morning, from what we can gather, after Hamas-led fighters breached the fences separating Gaza and Israel. Pretty much everyone we spoke to from virtually all the more than 20 civilian locations that were attacked heard air raid sirens go off at that time. Those living in what is known as the Gaza Envelope (Israeli communities close to the Gaza Strip) are used to sirens and to incoming rocket fire from Palestinian armed groups in Gaza. People there have “safe rooms” in their homes – reinforced spaces to protect residents from such attacks – and most sought refuge in them. But for many these safe rooms proved not to be safe enough."
Survivors described how they spent hours without water, electricity, or food while in hiding, listening anxiously to the gunfire outside. They said that the attackers moved from house to house, broke down doors, and set some homes on fire to force those sheltering inside to come out, and that they shot some, and took others hostage. Many of the bodies that were later found had bullet wounds, others were burned, and some were mutilated, survivors told us."
those were from israelis themselfes, so it's not trustworthy, if palestinian witnesses of israeli attacks in forexample hospitals, then israeli witness are also untrustwothy
or poc can't be trusted to the likes of soc dems and futher right of that
You spent weeks interviewing survivors and witnesses. Which stories have stayed with you?
It is hard to mention just one, as so many were horrific and are now seared in my mind. But there is the story of Sagi Shifroni, a mechanical engineer from Kibbutz Be'eri. Be'eri is an extremely tight-knit community and was one of the worst affected by the attacks. I interviewed Sagi in a hospital in Jerusalem. He was recovering from severe burns. He and his 5-year-old daughter may not have survived had his wife not years ago urged him to disable the outer door handle to their safe room. These safe rooms are required by law in every home built in the Gaza Envelope since the 1990’s. Normally they are designed in such a way that they cannot be locked, so that neighbors can come to the rescue if necessary. This left many people vulnerable once the attackers entered their homes.
With the door handle to Sagi’s safe room missing, the gunmen tried other ways to force their way in, shooting at the door and the hinges. When this didn’t work, they set fire to the house. We spoke to neighbors who witnessed what happened, including a man who saw Sagi jump out a window into their backyard, with his daughter in his arms. When he had smelled the fire, he wrapped her in blankets and made her hold a pillow to her face. The little girl remained unscarred. Sagi’s feet, however, were so badly burned that the skin was peeling off."
why is this witness trustworthy willist this one is untrustworhty?
We are particularly distressed by reports that Palestinian women and girls in detention have also been subjected to multiple forms of sexual assault, such as being stripped naked and searched by male Israeli army officers. At least two female Palestinian detainees were reportedly raped while others were reportedly threatened with rape and sexual violence,” the experts said. They also noted that photos of female detainees in degrading circumstances were also reportedly taken by the Israeli army and uploaded online.
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