fluffland · 3 years
Pack (Part 2)
*Please note: tumblr is having issues so this needs to be broken into two parts. If you are a member of Wolvden, you can view this (unbroken) on the contest thread associated with it.*
The next winter, as our tiny pack huddled together, Koll grew restless. She seemed upset, but could not articulate why. Dulca tried licking her ears, but she would not stay still. She watched the darkened sky and moved away from us.
And soon the sky was filled with odd lights. Not the ribbons of sunflame that were the ghost packs hunting, but moving specks and at times a red burning. The tall stalkers and warm things became scarce, and we wondered what was happening, could not quite understand. But Koll knew, and one morning she was no longer there.
Dulca was frantic, so we sniffed about, and howled for her. Eventually we reached a boggy depression where dead black spruce and paper birch clustered, trunks sinking below snow into dark ice. Here, we found her scent, and were wagging our tails with excitement, when I looked up and growled. Eyes ringed us, watching from the darkness. They were eyes like Koll’s, but larger and getting closer.
The beasts circled, closing gaps until there was nowhere their spindly arms could not reach. Dulca stood still, but I balked, afraid. I have always been the more cautious one, there is much in this world to be afraid of.
The creature before us smashed small trees in its its paws with a sound like the breaking of bones, then opened its mouth and keened.
This was a sound I knew, Koll made it often in frustration. We didn’t respond, and then all was silent, but for clicking of claws on ice.
Dulca moved forward a pace, her right paw out, and she begin to scratch something in the snow. I recognized her work as some of the symbols from before.
The thing looked down, brow crinkling, then back at her. She sat, and then two things happened almost at once. The beast growled, and my hackles rose as I leapt to defend Dulca. But a smaller, darker, blur knocked me aside, standing over us.
It was Koll, and she was screaming. We stood very still as she then started to make mouth-noises to the creature before us. The creature responded. I looked at our pup. This, this was her pack?
These sounds were not those of a wolf, but her body spoke to us still. She paced and growled, licking her muzzle in both submission and defiance. The ring listened, and then broke apart. The one before us turned, and Koll glanced at us to follow. Then, we made a traveling line and slipped through the broken trees under the moon. Smells changed around us, revealing we were no longer standing apart, an understanding of sorts had been reached.
We continued in darkness as the moon sank, toward a growing brightness that was not the dawn, but a half-ring of small silver hills. These smelled like Koll and her pack. Their dens? Beside me Dulca flipped her head to one side as one of the dens leapt into the sky with an acrid smell and flew. But they had no wings? I was further confused.
And now you know the root of my doubts. It wasn’t that we didn’t love Koll, though at one time I’d struggled. It was that she clearly wasn’t a wolf, but now she also wasn’t the creatures before us. We’d condemned her to be neither, I think. Maybe if we’d left her as a pup, her pack would have found her sooner.
The den before us had an open slot in it and all the beasts glanced at us then loped inside, leaving our small family alone in the snow, choice quite clear.
Koll sat down, her eyes wide and ears up, tail fanning the snow. We looked at each other, and then I nudged her gently, Dulca following suit. We would be alone again, my mate and I, but Koll would have her family, and we wanted that for her.
Koll nipped at us.
“Come too,” she asked in her still-poor wolf speech, “pack come too.”
Looking back, our world was so much more narrow then, so it seems obvious that we would not at first understand. We tried to shove her forward with more insistent nose pushes, but she squealed and would not budge.
“She wants us too, Alvi,” Dulca finally admitted.  “We are her pack.”
“Pack,” Koll echoed.
I looked at my mate, she returned my glance. Our pup, recognizing we’d made the choice she wanted, shook herself off. And our pack as one stepped together into the gap, and beyond the bounds of anything our kind had ever known.
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fluffland · 3 years
Pack (Part 1)
*Please note: tumblr is having issues so this needs to be broken into two parts. If you are a member of Wolvden, you can view this (unbroken) on the contest thread associated with it.*
Perhaps we shouldn’t have kept the pup. In the darkest of my thoughts, my common sense still hunts my doubts but never catches them, never gives me an answer. Surely, likely, you’d have done no different?
Dulca wanted a litter, but even after several winters of secret dances, we were left with no one but ourselves. It is lonely for the lone wolf, yes, but perhaps even moreso for the one who feels alone, even when another runs with them. Any warm thing we took down with our teeth to add to our own small warmth did not fill that ache. That want? Perhaps you know it? A family, a home, we were only trying to make one. When we found the pup, it was late into our second lone year. We were doing as always when hungry and listening for hares before dawn, in that time when the cold bites at you and burns. The world seemed frozen and dead, until Dulca swiveled her ears back, her nose moving. “Alvi, do you hear that?” I shook myself, and inched closer. Our shoulders met, my tawny to her silver and black. She was larger than I, but our sides still felt good together. “I- What is it, I don’t-“ “Something...crying?” I moved into the moonlight, sniffing. The frigid air left the inside of my nose numb to the skull. Confused, I turned to offer question with my tail, but she shot away into the shadows, and I was left to trail her lingering scent. When I caught up, she was licking a small, fuzzy, something. It looked up at me, and I shrank back. Its eyes glowed, not with the dark-light of the animals I knew, but like twin moons. Yet it seemed real enough, whimpering and keening until Dulca licked it with more ferocity and hit it with her nose to calm it. The small thing then looked at her, and at me. It growled and pinned its ears as it crawled closer to her. I wasn’t sure it liked me. Hell, I wasn’t sure I liked it. Was it a puppy? It certainly was oddly-shaped and very large to be so young. Yet it had the proper ears and tail, claws as well. And it held hints of the right smell beneath something metallic. I could, perhaps, see what Dulca saw in it. “Alvi, what do you think of this pup?” I thought we should eat it. But if I told her such, she would likely eat me. “It’s a bit...a bit different?” I swished my tail gently. This was a pup? I walked up to sniff it. The pup-that-wasn’t growled at me again. “Give her some space!” Dulca said, baring her teeth, then licking the furry thing gently. I suddenly had several questions. But I knew none of them would change matters when a wolf is protecting her pup. And that is what she now was, I guess. “Our” pup. Dulca named her Koll, but in my mind, for the longest time, she was Notawolf. Still, we were now a pack. Koll did not know how to hunt or speak as we did. But she did make small noises that tugged at something inside Dulca. I could not tell her to leave this child where we found it. I doubt she would have listened anyway. Winter chased and leapt for spring, and Koll grew. She learned to run as well as we, and how to hunt. Her mottled fur gained silvery banding and her tail lost its scrubbiness, flashing long and soft behind her. Dulca seemed proud of our pup. Koll was not like us, not completely, but she was ours, and even I saw she had skill. As the dark gave way to only light, our family raced across the tundra, and my mate did not mourn that summer. Koll started to teach us things as well. Her front limbs ended in paws more mobile than ours. Paws that reminded me of the tall stalkers whose dens we often avoided. When she started to use her claws to scratch things into the mud and show us, I was frightened. But Dulca seemed intrigued, and tried the scratchings herself, though hers were more crude. Koll seemed to love them anyway, and squeaked at her, then licked us both, even if I only watched.
*please continue to part 2*
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fluffland · 3 years
Hi! Just wondering because I didn’t know who or where to ask because I can’t find it anywhere? So I figured you might maybe possibly know? At the Grouse House it says wolves need to be a certain level to find chased wolves, and I was just wondering, do you know what that level is? Thanks!
Oh, hey, yeah, I can help!  So, if your lead is level 10 you can possibly find wolves that other players have chased.  At the top of the claiming window by their male/female symbol you will see a purple-ish shooting star.  If you hover over that it will say Rarity:6.  Sometimes these wolves are just chased NBWs, so be sure to look for good markings/bases and generally don’t waste GC’s on them unless you like the look and are not great at claiming. (I caught a rust this way, and also a really nice red, but there’s a lot of duds.)
When your lead wolf hits the level 15-20 zone, that is where the magic happens.  After level 15 you can start finding wolves with exclusive NBW bases (sky, diorite, nocturne ect.), exclusive eyes (glass) or exclusive marks (smoke, shaded, points). These wolves are indicated by a regular yellowish star up by the male/female icon.  If the wolf has one of these as a special feature, there will be one star.  But wolves can have multiple, and this will be indicated by more than one stacked star.  I’ve caught special bases with an exclusive mark, or special eyes with an exclusive mark.  I have not seen a wolf with more than two special features, however, if it is an exclusive NBW.
I hope this helps anon!
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fluffland · 3 years
Moirai Pack Tales (Sun in the Valley)
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The oldest of the pack during its founding, Sun was a middle-aged nomad wolf when Buttermilk scouted him in her territory.  She felt they could all learn from his experience, and invited him to stay.
He has wandered far in life, originally coming from an area he claims was warm and dry, with trees that bit at you if you were a stupid wolf cub and ran into them.  One day he tells the pack he may show them this place, if they are interested.
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fluffland · 3 years
Still two more days (ends Monday night, server time), to get your Black Friday-Cyber Monday woofs!
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Trio set for the Black Friday sale on Wolvden
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fluffland · 3 years
One of these scries is not like the others...
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fluffland · 3 years
Well I didn't think it would happen, but-
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Today the pack had a very special suprise! Black Willow produced the second-ever melanistic wolf on site! Born in the middle of winter too (I mean of course). She is Dark Star of Winter. This brings the Melanism total up to 3 (I just saw another was born)!
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fluffland · 3 years
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I did it, it's all unlocked, for the first time!
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fluffland · 4 years
I thought the anatomy looked pretty darn good.
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Drew my lead wolf Winona as a puppy! I’m aware the anatomy is off but I’m proud I’m starting to understand wolves a bit better.
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fluffland · 4 years
My lead to my herbalist, every single damn day.
My lead wolf be like
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fluffland · 4 years
Serani had her pups today, her first litter, all over 200 stats. Third one down is a cute little pewter.
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And then you have...the runt.
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Bold move, runt pup, bold move.
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fluffland · 4 years
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Shorelark is out in the wild! Hopefully someone finds her and she gets a happy home :)
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fluffland · 4 years
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Just who are you and how did you offend RNG so badly?
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fluffland · 4 years
Do you see what I see?
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Check out our first Development Update!
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fluffland · 4 years
Dia is lovely, I’m sure someone out there will love her. ^^ I’m also planning on throwing some pretties into the chase pool and it’s nice to see I’m not alone.
Thank you!  I tried!  I actually caught someone else’s chase the other day, and it definitely makes for some fun, agonizing seconds of befriending.  Also, good way to spread marks for those playing Hard Mode (my very favorite clan).  Thank you Anon for doing this too!  It pays off for all of us in the end.
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fluffland · 4 years
More Nobaby cuteness.
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Here take a Nobaby doodle go fetch
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fluffland · 4 years
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Dia aged up and I chased her today, hoping to expand the chase pool for others! (I have more on the way). I hope she made it, someone out there finds her, and she gets a home.
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