flowerglitterwoman · 2 years
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HI Erika!! I missed you too!! 😭😭🥰🥰🥰 I'm slowly trying to catch up & be back here! It's so nice to hear from you 💕💕💕💕💕 I hope all is going well for you darling 💜💜💜💜
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flowerglitterwoman · 3 years
Hi! Haven't seen you in a while. I hope you're well. :)
Hi! Thank you for reaching out, that's really sweet 😊 Unfortunately, it's been a crazy few months for me and a lot has happened. It's one of the reasons why I stepped away from here for a while. I'm also trying to figure things out for myself & have a better mindset! Hopefully soon, I can come back & be active like I used to! I hope you're doing well & staying safe 💜
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flowerglitterwoman · 3 years
10 Things About You
Thank you for tagging me @iartsometimes! 💜💜
1. I can edit in movie programs
2. My favorite color is purple
3. I used to take ballet
4. I love watching movies!
5. I am an introvert
6. Chocolate is my best friend 😄
7. Fall is my favorite season 🍁
8. I am Hispanic
9. I absolutely love roller coasters!
10. I am a night owl!
Tagging: @quinn-tessence @sweet-nothings04 @ajokeformur-ray @thegirlwho @drippingpaint @arthurflecksgirl @jokerownsmysoul & anyone else! 💜💜
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flowerglitterwoman · 3 years
summary: you & arthur revel in laughter and love together.
warnings: smut.
word count: approx. 2500
notes: shoutout to @fleckcmscott​ for helping inspire me always with heaps of brainstorming & support! hints of that inspiration are sprinkled in this piece. you should check out her writing if you haven’t yet.
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When you cracked your eyes open, the soft, warm glow of the lamp fooled you into thinking that the sun had already risen. But when you peeked up over the sheet, past Arthur’s outstretched legs, you realized that it wasn’t the sun that was up after all – it was just him.
A rich navy drape filled the rectangular border of your window and covered the city’s expanse, seeming to settle over and quiet it all for a short while. It nearly overtook the few, dull lights that shone in the windows of the building across from yours completely. A cool breeze blew from where it was cracked open and ruffled the curtains and danced with the smoke that was rising from the ashtray next to the lamp on the nightstand on Arthur’s side of the bed; he was sat up against the headboard, journaling the minutes away. He turned to you when he sensed your weight shifting as you flipped from your side onto your back.
“You’re up early,” he mumbled softly, eyes flicking back to his journal as quickly as they had fallen to you, ballpoint pen continuing to scratch against the paper as fast as his fingers would let it.
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flowerglitterwoman · 3 years
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A belated birthday gift for my beloved @fleckcmscott, featuring a scene from an upcoming story of hers! 😏❤
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flowerglitterwoman · 3 years
🙈🙉🙊 series is back with:
"You're home late, kitten" 😏🤡
Thank you @iartsometimes and @wuika for fuelling my 🔥🔥🔥 with your latest pieces, love you both so damn much for it! 😍❤
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Please do not repost on other social media platforms, thank you! 😊
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flowerglitterwoman · 3 years
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flowerglitterwoman · 3 years
omg if you still take headcanon requests, what about another piece where arthur and reader have an argument with angst and fluff at the end?? I love your work !!
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Hhhhhh I find it difficult to write confrontational situations so I apologise if this piece is lacklustre in any kind of way, darlings!💝 Thank you so much for your kind words, it means a lot to me!💛 I did my best to incorporate these two pieces to save repetitive requests and I hope you like it! 💕
A massive thank you to the various people in my server who helped me with this piece - they asked to not be credited, but they're the backbone of this piece and they really helped me to put it together!🥺 I adore you all so much.
ALSO ALSO a huge thank you to @loveletterstoledger who read this over for me and gave me pointers on characterisation with Arthur; where the headcanon says “you were at a stalemate”; from that headcanon on, Rose really helped me to work out what to do next. Thank you darling omg I love you.🥺💝
TW; arguing (mild, for my own comfort), unresolved tensions, a bit of raised voices (not full-out shouting for my own imaginative comfort😩), swearing, fluff at the end! If I missed anything then please let me know!🥰💗
Word count: 1, 409.
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The day had been long, the hours rough and unrelenting, and you were in a foul mood.
Try as you might, your bitterness was beginning to get the better of you and you were at the point where you found it almost impossible to think before you spoke.
You were just so tired of everything and everyone, and especially the way Arthur could never fold the towels exactly right.
In the back of your mind, you knew that it didn't matter. It really didn't matter.
It's just a towel, Y/N. It really doesn't matter. Let it go, it's just a towel...
Despite your thoughts, which were supposed to calm you down, you only rolled your eyes, both at yourself and at the 'situation' at hand, and bit out a, "for fuck's sake, Arthur!"
As soon as you spoke, you regretted it.
Guilt swirled through your veins and you felt a sharp spike of self-loathing. It was okay for you to be feeling as you were, but it was not okay to snap at Arthur, who hadn’t even done anything worthy of your irritation.
In the midst of berating yourself and feeling guilty for knowing better but for not doing that, you hoped that Arthur hadn’t heard you, but he had.
Oh, he had.
Arthur's nostrils flared minutely with irritation and hurt swept in like the tide, running hot and sickly through his veins, making his forehead heat up from the inside. His fists clenched around the material of his trousers and he exhaled in a rush.
I can't do anything right, can I? He chuckled at his own thoughts and then scoffed as he stood up and ran a weary hand through his slightly greasy dark curls, which gently brushed across the tops of his shoulders before they settled back down.
Despite the hurt and the anger swirling within him like a hurricane, Arthur's voice was soft and quiet as he made his way into the bathroom. "What is it, Y/N?"
"It's - " you took a deep breath, holding the wrongly folded towel in one hand and your other was pinching the bridge of your nose between your thumb and forefinger as you said, "it doesn't matter, Arthur. Just leave it. I'm sorry I said anything." You had snapped without a thought but the last sentence was meant.
Arthur made a noise of disagreement and his green eyes seemed to sharpen as he watched you like a hawk. "No, tell me. You said 'for fuck's sake' - why? I want to know." He demanded of you.
It was more than fair for him to ask but this situation had escalated way beyond what an easily fixed issue was worth - not that it was an issue, you knew, it was just a towel, but your snap was the issue.
You had to work through the issue while also explaining the process to Arthur - you were his first relationship. He had knowledge of relationships and intimacy thanks to Dr. Sally's regular segments on The Murray Franklin Show but he didn't have the practical experience to back up the knowledge, which was where you had to come in.
The both of you had always done everything together and that included moments like this, with both of you getting increasingly angry and the situation at hand - which was minor at best - going nowhere.
At the look of hurt, confusion and anger in Arthur's eyes, his jaw set and his fists shaking lightly by his sides, everything melted away and you were left feeling almost sickened of your own behaviour.
You sighed, letting everything go in that exhalation. You closed your eyes and turned your face away from Arthur. One, two, three... in, out. You turned your face back to him and tried to use your entire body to apologise.
"I'm so sorry, Arthur," You noticed that he took a step back at your words, so you made a conscious effort to stay where you were and to not follow him, "It's just... the towel wasn't folded right and it pissed me off because you know how I like them folded. I'm sorry I snapped, darling. I didn't mean to." Arthur opened his mouth to speak so you finished what you had to say in a rush. "I know that's not an excuse but I didn't mean to snap. You didn't deserve that. I'm sorry, honey. It's just a towel, it doesn't - it really doesn't matter."
You put the towel down, not wanting to hold it anymore and wanting this to be done; confrontation was never something you enjoyed, and especially not with Arthur. You were each other's one and only person, totally devoted to each other.
You looked away from Arthur, out of steam and worried about his silence. He was... too quiet. You couldn't even hear him breathe, but a quick sideways glance at his chest proved that he was breathing. So long as he was okay, that was all that mattered to you.
Finally, you dared to look back at him and to keep your gaze there. The silence was too much.
You were at a stalemate: you were looking at Arthur, Arthur was looking at you, and silence reigned for several tense moments. 
You could only hear your own breathing and you thought you could hear Arthur's shallower, quieter ones.
One of you had to give, and soon.
It ended up being Arthur, and his reaction as everything began to sink in was to truly show how averse he was to conflict as he chuckled under his breath. 
He gasped and in a split second was everything forgotten as he mumbled, “oh no”, hands reaching for you almost blindly just in time for violent laughter to crawl up his chest and rip out of his throat.
Instantly were you beside him, falling back into the routine of grabbing one of his hands and holding it to your chest so that he could feel your heartbeat through your skin. It was something which grounded him.
Your other hand rubbed up and down Arthur’s back, bent over was he with one of his hands clamped over his mouth to try to muffle the pain.
“I’m so sorry, Arthur,” You repeated similar sweet nothings to him (but, oh, you meant every word) and comforted him as best as you could. “Breathe, honey, that’s it,” You bent to press kisses to his forehead, his temples, and soothed him as much as possible, while also giving him the space to vent his emotions. It was a difficult thing to do, but you had learned it well over the years you had loved this man with everything you were.
Slowly, slowly, Arthur’s ragged breathing settled down and he straightened up, holding both of your hands tightly now. “D-don’t leave, I - “
“I’m not. I’m so sorry, Arthur.”
Arthur shook his head, his tear stained cheeks glinting in the natural light of the bathroom. This attack had been rough and the guilt which you felt was insurmountable. All you wanted to do was apologise, over and over and over, but Arthur had told you with a shake of his head that all was forgiven.
He may have forgiven you, but you hadn’t forgiven you. 
“Come here, Y/N,” Arthur’s hands moved away from your chest and snaked around your shoulders, pulling you into his body. He was weakened temporarily by his attack but he was still so strong. 
He wrapped himself around you and pressed kisses against your neck and lower side of your jaw, wanting all of you. 
“I’ll fold the towels properly next time, I - “
The second white hot stab of guilt folded through you and you only held Arthur tighter. “No, honey, leave the towels. They don’t matter. Thank you for folding them.” A pause and then, “I am sorry, darling. I love you so much.”
“I love you too,” Arthur raised his head to kiss you properly, his lips passing every emotion he was feeling into the gesture, “It’s okay, angel. It’s okay.”
You still felt guilty and you knew you would for a while, but you would make up for that by loving on Arthur as much as you could. Moments like this would happen in a relationship and that was okay. It was normal and healthy to argue... It was the make up which held the key to growing together as a couple.
AF/J  @astheworlddturns @fluffedstar @jokersqueenofchaos @germansarechill @lynnesm @sagyunaro @greghouse @flowerglitterwoman @ben-solos-writing-avenger @scaredclowncat  @lilliryth @hotpacino @obsessedandthirsty @call-me-harley-quinn  @cbloodmarch  @askmrfleck @justacomedy @takemepedropascal
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flowerglitterwoman · 3 years
Arthur + hands, if you'd like for the drabble bit?
If you had to name any body part of Arthur's as your favourite, it would be his hands.
You knew that they had killed, that they could be trigger-happy when he was provoked. You knew that they had ghosted the planes of your body during the late nights and early mornings, his fingers splayed so as to touch as much of you as he could all at once. You knew that they applied paint to his face carefully but removed it carelessly, a contradiction was he.
You knew Arthur's hands. The good they could do. The horrible things they had done. You knew how they felt when your fingers were interlocked, the way they felt when they ran down the back of your head, smoothing your hair down. You knew everything about every part of Arthur, but always in life would you reach for his hands specifically.
If only because you knew that they would be reaching out for you, too, and Arthur would always be there. For you, for his one and only person who understood him.
Send me a one word & a character & I'll write a prompt
AF/J @astheworlddturns @fluffedstar @jokersqueenofchaos @germansarechill @lynnesm @sagyunaro @greghouse @flowerglitterwoman @ben-solos-writing-avenger @jokers-doll @scaredclowncat @lilliryth @hotpacino @obsessedandthirsty @call-me-harley-quinn @arcanealaanais @cbloodmarch  @askmrfleck @justacomedy @takemepedropascal
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flowerglitterwoman · 3 years
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WIP: This will be a full color (and bigger 😉) shot.
I have a lot of projects to do this month, both for this blog and my pastels, so might start a few this week and switch around as I go. 🤗
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flowerglitterwoman · 3 years
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flowerglitterwoman · 3 years
Hi darling!💙💙💙💙💙💙
How are you? How is everything? Are you okay? First of all, I’m so sorry that I haven’t responded to your DMs yet!😱😱😱😱I absolutely will as soon as I can asdfghjkl I love you so much and I hope that you’re safe and well!❤️
Secondly, I have to be up at 730am to study because I have so much work to do that it’s inducing nausea (I’ll be fine if I Knuckle Down™️) but the problem is that it’s 1am and I’m staring at the ceiling missing Arthur terribly. I watched the film only about four hours ago but it wasn’t enough and I miss him. I just want to rest my forehead against his and feel his arms around me under the covers and to have my eyes open and see him looking back because he is literally the reason I’m doing the degree I am and he is the reason I’m going into the mental health field and hhhhhhh I’m yearning. I would also loooooooooove to crawl into Joker’s lap and kiss his tears away and fall asleep in the cage of his embrace.
I want him to Know He Is Loved Always.🥺❤️
So that’s why I’m awake instead of sleeping hhhhhh it’s been nearly two years (😱👀💀) and he still keeps me up at night.🥺❤️
I just felt like sending you an ask darling omg I hope that this is okay!❤️ You’re in mine so often and I wanted to return the favour.🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 I love you so so much darling and so does Arthur!!! We’re both very proud of you and we’re sending you lots of love!❤️
Hi sweetie!! 💜💜💜💜💜💜
It has been wild over here! I'm doing okay right now, but I guess life adds up & it becomes exhausting. It's alright darling, I know you're working your hardest & you'll get back to me when you can! No worries 💜 I'm not going anywhere 😊 I love you too angel!
Those feelings are the worst. So much to do & so little time 😔 I know you're working hard on your studies & doing your best. It's not easy, but look at you go! Always so strong & inspiring 💖 You're doing amazing. Oh darling, I have missed Arthur immensely too. It would be heaven to be around him. He would do anything to be held or to hold you darling. He's so proud of you & he's honored to be the reason you chose this field. He has a true smile on his face just thinking about it. Joker loves you so much & he misses you just as much. I know he's with you, cheering you on & supporting you in it all. He knows he's loved darling, just by you thinking of him. I'm telling you our love for him grows stronger by the day! It's such a beautiful thing 💜
Oh sweetie, of course it's okay! My ask box and DMs are always open to you! Thank you for taking the time to send me this sweet message. Sometimes I wanna send more asks to you, but I don't want to give you more work 😂 I love you so much too darling as does Joker & your F/O's! We're all very proud of you & sending you lots of hugs & love 💜💜💜💜 I hope you get some much deserved sleep! 😂
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flowerglitterwoman · 3 years
waiting for you
Summary: you cherish the time when Arthur finally comes back home to you after a long day.
Warnings: none.
Lenght: 2100
Notes: a very short silly little vignette that’s been running in my mind for days and I couldn’t stop thinking about. Written in haste, a lil unedited so sorry if it’s… bad lol.
It’s also a tribute to his teal cardigan which is one of my favorite, and to all the times I said that it’d be beautiful to have Arthur coming home to you looking like this, so soft and handsome. It’s short and silly, but I hope it’s enjoyable. ♡
Originally inspired by this edit by @forever-fleck queen darling girl ❣
I must say that the wonderful drawing made by @quinn-tessence contributed profusely, because I’ve been thinking about this scene no stop those last few days. I guess sometimes we come across artworks which make us relive all the feelings we have for a specific scene, and we fall in love with it all over again. 🥺
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It had been a long day. Nothing serious had actually happened, but as hard as it was to live in Gotham, it wasn’t uncommon to find yourself overwhelmed by everything you would bump into from the moment you crossed the threshold in the early morning, headed to your workplace, to when you finally could make your way home. Once you’ve dragged yourself into the streets of Gotham, you did not know what could have happened. Anything, or nothing at all.
That morning Arthur had to attend a long gig planned on Amusement Miles which would last until late at night and had forced him to leave home a little earlier, preventing him from giving you the have-a-nice-day kiss that every morning made you a little braver – to face your coworkers, the unmerciful crowds, to face an entire day without him.
It was late in the evening, and he had not returned yet.
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flowerglitterwoman · 3 years
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12 hours of coloring later, here is my second pastel Joker! 🥺
I'm dedicating this one to @ralugraphics and @wuika for inspiring me to pick up traditional work again alongside my digital work, and to pursue portraiture apart from my fan art. You have both also inspired me so much to keep improving and try new things, and I hope I will make you proud someday. 😭❤ Love you both!
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flowerglitterwoman · 3 years
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flowerglitterwoman · 3 years
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Finally making progress on pastel Joker today! 😭 Very excited to try my new pan pastels for the larger areas!
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flowerglitterwoman · 3 years
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