flatbacks · 6 days
Do you think Jessie will mind if I steal you away for a little bit after the signing this weekend? I promise not to keep you away for too long. @cassieslee
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flatbacks · 6 days
Glad to hear it, Uce! I'm betting your kids spoiled you with plenty of attention, right? Things are actually pretty good. The school's going well, I'm doing some shows and signings when I can squeeze them in, and things with Cass have been great. I couldn't be happier.
thanks, matt! it was a great day so i appreciate the well wishes. it's been a while since we've talked, so how's everything going with you?
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flatbacks · 15 days
I think that's how group chats always are. All the action goes down when you're either trying to relax or trying to sleep. But in a way that's one of the reasons they're so fun, because you never know what to fully expect from them.
have a group chat with your stable mates they said, it will be fun they said. until you have to start playing the mediator when they’re getting on each others nerves, like all i’m trying to do is lay by the pool in peace, smh.
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flatbacks · 15 days
Happy birthday, Joe! Hope it's a good one. @reignsvpreme
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flatbacks · 25 days
You better believe I'm very happy. It's not always easy being a Canucks fan, so them ending the regular season first in their division and currently leading this second round has been great to see. If they can win tonights game then that would be even better. You not a Predators fan?
Well, hey, I'm glad to see one hockey fan happy 'bout how things are goin', haha. I'll tell you what -- given my Knights are outta things, I'll back the Canucks and hope they can go all the way. They did take out the Predators, so that makes 'em okay in my book.
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flatbacks · 1 month
I don't think he'd deny how much of a help you are, Cass. You've been a part of things since the beginning just as much as we have, so I'm only speaking the truth. but if it makes you happy then I'm glad to do it because I love seeing you smile. I'm sure Austin and baby boy are going to keep you busy enough but you know I'll be here with you every step of the way, and whenever you're ready we can get back to training again. I was. She's one of the first students to make it to the main roster, so it was an incredible moment. I can't wait for everyone to see what she can do.
As happy as that makes me to hear I think Ron would probably have something to say about that. But thanks Matt, you always know the perfect things to say. I can't wait to get back to it again, even though it's going to be sometime before that happens again. You must have been so proud when they called her up.
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flatbacks · 1 month
It's one of the downsides to social media. It's nice knowing people are concerned or interested in what we're doing, but at the same time some don't know when to quit.
I wish everyone would stop asking if I'm injured or leaving. I'm fine.
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flatbacks · 1 month
I am, so I'm sure you already know how happy I am to see them move onto the next round. It was a shame to see the Knights get taken out already but there's always next year. The season was kind of up and down for them anyway, so I think they did pretty well to force seven games.
Oh, shit, are you a Canucks fan? My bad, my bad. Just engagin' in some trash talk, you know how it goes. Ain't got nothin' against 'em myself, outside of the fact that I gotta root against 'em on account of me being a Vegas guy.
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flatbacks · 1 month
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flatbacks · 1 month
As long as you're smart about it, it could be a while before it starts catching up. Either way it's good to see you enjoying yourself out there.
Feels great to go out there and have 20 minute bangers. May catch up to me but for now, I'm going to enjoy it.
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flatbacks · 1 month
With as much as you help out with things, you may as well say it's your school as well. You're practically a part of it. Seeing all the love and support she's gotten makes me proud too. As long as they give her a fair chance, then I know she'll do great.
Seeing Flatbacks students succeeding and doing well makes me so incredibly happy, and it's not even my school. I can't wait to see what Kayla does now that she's on the main roster.
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flatbacks · 1 month
Sorry, but I have to ask: Why are the Canucks out here catching strays like that? @unsaintlike
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flatbacks · 1 month
Some people don't know what it's like to have fun. It's as simple as that. Did you have a good time at least?
i don't know why people are acting like they've never seen a grown man in a baby yoda t-shirt before. sheesh. what else are you supposed to wear for a trip to disney?
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flatbacks · 1 month
We do. We had fun in WWE so it's been a lot of fun getting to revisit the team and doing more again together on the indies. Not that I don't enjoy wrestling on my own, but sometimes it's better to be in there with a friend. I'm sure you know how that is. Wow, Cass, that hurts. I thought you'd realize by now that I'm a great chef. Or do you need more examples? I'm happy to provide anytime you want to come by.
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flatbacks · 2 months
I didn't think I would for a while since the school kept me busy enough, but it didn't take long for the wrestling itch to come back. I love doing practice matches with the students once they reach that point, but it's been great working shows and being in the ring with more experienced people too. Thanks, but I think I'm good for now. You and Claudio have done well out there, but I know Ron had some issues and plus I like having a more open schedule. Not to mention I still do things with WWE so I don't think they'd be happy about it either. That's good to hear. It'll be nice seeing you get back in the ring again.
I'm glad you're getting out and doing things. I'm not sure if you're interested but I can put in a word if you want to join me and Claudio at work. If not at least we all have DaParty.The boot's off and I don't have to be in a wheelchair anymore so I'm hoping to get cleared soon.
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flatbacks · 2 months
This was the sweetest pre-show message I could've gotten. It's been great teaming with Curt again, so I hope you enjoyed it. I'm back home again, so let me know if there's anything you need. Or if you want to come over, I can make us some dinner.
Good luck tonight! Me and the boys will be watching and cheering you on from here. Well, me and baby boy will be. I think it'll be past Austin's bed time by the time the show starts. @flatbacks
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flatbacks · 2 months
If there's one thing I can promise you right now it's that you could never lose me. The only way that would happen would be if you told me to leave. You mean too much to me to let anything else come between us. It's alright, I don't think anyone could blame you for being nervous. It's the first thing you've really done as far as fan interactions since the tour did you in Australia, and you never know how those things will go. I'm happy you've have a good time though, you deserve it. From the things I've seen online everyone was just as glad to see you. You guess? Ha, luckily I have one more night to make that a little more definite. You're welcome, Cass. I know Jessie and Wrestlecon was probably the main reason you came out here, but I'm glad you're here.
I could never regret it, Matt. You've always been someone special to me and the only thing I was afraid of was losing that after everything. I feel like such an idiot for being so worried about things, because the last couple days have been simply incredible. Doing Wrestlecon with Jessie, reuniting with old friends, seeing you all over the place with Fanatics and UpUpDownDown, and I guess it's been fun having a little time with you to myself after all the craziness has died down for the day too. Thanks for making it such a good time.
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