flameontmarchive · 2 years
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And so was born “The Fantastic Four” and from that moment on, the world would never again be the same!!
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flameontmarchive · 2 years
( ✉️ → the “human” torch ) : last i checked you thought i was literally a spider so tbh i’m not convinced u actually know what my powers are ( ✉️ → the “human” torch ) : wow sorry how dare i make the assumption that just bc you do the same thing every day & spend like 80% of ur lung capacity telling me abt ur brand that you’re predictable you’re right my sincere bad ( ✉️ → the “human” torch ) : also unblock me on tiktok coward ( ✉️ → the “human” torch ) : ok fine have fun enjoy being hit in the head with a nine iron by a late-middle-aged widow! also tell her i say hi and love her very much ( ✉️ → the “human” torch ) : …. ( ✉️ → the “human” torch ) : …….. ( ✉️ → the “human” torch ) : i’m sorry i did not mean to disrespect your medical needs but i would appreciate at least some briefs while i’m around if that is a concession you’re willing to make for me ur best bud and favorite roommate ( ✉️ → the “human” torch ) : oH YEAH GROUND RULE 2 NO EATING THE FOOD THAT HAS MY NAME ON IT I’VE RUN OUT OF CEREAL THREE TIMES THIS WEEK I DON’T HAVE THAT KIND OF MONEY RESPECT THE POST-IT ( ✉️ → the “human” torch ) : k thx ( ✉️ → the “human” torch ) : … i hate you so much ( ✉️ → the “human” torch ) : https://www.opticsplanet.com/konus-biorex-biological-microscope-infinity-system.html?_iv_code=KO-MI-BIOREX-5607 ( ✉️ → the “human” torch ) : i’ll hate you less if you buy me this and also i will consider calling you next time i’m going for a sulk (which btw defeats the point of going for a sulk bc a sulk is a solitary activity but ok go off) or maybe we can Get a Hobby or Do an Activity or smth idk i don’t know what people do ( ✉️ → the “human” torch ) : you hurt yourself in the process of typing that didn’t you buddy
( ✉️ → itsy bitsy spidey ) well maybe YOU shouldnt go around calling urself SPIDER-man when apparently its not even true ( ✉️ → itsy bitsy spidey ) just want you to know i took a screenshot of you saying that im right and now its my background forever ( ✉️ → itsy bitsy spidey ) do you promise to not write mean comments about my hair this time  ( ✉️ → itsy bitsy spidey ) just because you (annoying, menace) bring out violence in all who talk to you doesnt mean i (charming, loveable) have that same problem ( ✉️ → itsy bitsy spidey ) ???? ( ✉️ → itsy bitsy spidey ) wow did i finally shut you up ive had this dream  ( ✉️ → itsy bitsy spidey ) ugh. fine. for the record a lot of people wouldnt consider it a hardship to catch me in the buff but fine. whatever. see if i care. ( ✉️ → itsy bitsy spidey )  woooowwwwwwwwww i literally have almost died for you but if i dare breathe near your cereal ...good to know  ( ✉️ → itsy bitsy spidey ) haha got ya ( ✉️ → itsy bitsy spidey ) well pete youve been a real good boy and now hanukkah is coming early for you this year ;) dont ever say johnny storm doesnt give it to you good ! one telescope coming your way pal ! ( ✉️ → itsy bitsy spidey ) we SHOULD get a hobby i guess we could  ( ✉️ → itsy bitsy spidey ) uh ( ✉️ → itsy bitsy spidey ) we could  ( ✉️ → itsy bitsy spidey ) damn what do normal people actually even do all day 
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flameontmarchive · 2 years
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  it  brings  a  smile  to  his  face  listening  to  how  johnny  spoke  about  his  sister  -  the  two  had  always  been  close  and  it  was  a  relationship  that  reed  wished  he  could  have  experienced  himself.  if  anything,  he  was  truly  grateful  that  sue  and  johnny  had  each  other  at  the  end  of  the  day.  “i’m  not  going  anywhere,  johnny..  you  don’t  need  to  worry.”  not  that  reed  could  be  sure,  but  he’d  bullshit  his  way  through  it  and  pretend  that  there  was  absolutely  no  way  something  of  the  similar  fashion  could  happen  again  ..  was  he  100%  sure  about  that?  absolutely  not.  and  it  was  becoming  a  lingering  fear  that  he  could  be  ripped  from  his  family  once  more.  gaze  lifts  from  his  computer  once  more  at  the  other’s  muddled  tone  of  voice,  reaching  his  hand  out  to  touch  his  shoulder.  “you  don’t  have  to  say  anything.”  the  scientist  nodded.  “i  know  ..  we  know.”  it  was  time  for  johnny  to  do  his  own  thing  ..  truly  figure  out  who  he  was  without  the  others  lingering  around.  plus,  it  wasn’t  like  he  was  going  far.  “just  ..  don’t  burn  down  the  apartment..  please.”  because  honestly?  he  didn’t  have  much  faith  in  peter  either.  here’s  hoping  the  two  of  them  would  be  anything  but  chaos  together.  for  some  reason,  reed  doubted  that  though.  “plus  you  never  really  feel  ready  for  a  massive  leap  like  that.  you’ll  be  fine.  you  always  are,  bud.”
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Franklin Storm had been dead for years. It wasn’t a tragedy, not really. It was only Reed who’d ever been there, and it was only Reed who Johnny believed wholeheartedly when he said things were going to be okay. “Oh, I never worry,” Johnny answered lightly, hiding any emotion in his eyes. “That’s how you get frown lines. We can’t all stretch them away. Don’t lie, I know you do it.”  He swung in his chair, side to side, not wanting to sit still or meet Reed’s eyes. It was hard enough feeling his hand on Johnny’s shoulder, all reassuring, like Reed could tell Johnny needed comforting. He felt another wave of doubt. What was he without his family? He could hear it now, already, that expectation that followed him around, that Johnny was going to do something wrong. “Aw, Reed, c’mon,” he said, waggling a finger, his smile a tense stretch across his mouth. “I’m a cosmic level superhero. And Peter ...  he ... Pete’s good at ... he can ...he’s got ... you know, he does that thing where he crawls on walls and swings around. Which, wow, yeah, totally cool power. Kind of like how I can fly, but slower and more boring. It’s gonna be fine. It’s gonna be great! Literally, what could go wrong? Nothing!“ 
Johnny decided not to leave space to answer that question, doubts still whirring around. Not just a pretty face after all, really, he thought, a little bitterly. He’d always had a real talent for finding ways to fuck up. He looked up at Reed’s final words, straightening up in surprise, a warm glow in his chest. “Oh. Yeah, course I’m gonna be fine. Yeah. Thanks, boss man. And hey, this isn’t gonna be it. I mean, you can always call me if Mole Man attacks or Namor tries to steal your wife again. You guys need me, I’ll ... I’ll always be here,” Johnny finished quietly, sincerity breaking through the bluster of his grin.  He knew it was true, that he would never stop needing them, but maybe the same was true in reverse: that they’d always need Johnny, too. It was a nice thought, anyway, even if he wasn’t sure he really believed it. 
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flameontmarchive · 2 years
Okay, fine then. He could play along. “Oh, Human Torch! I’m your biggest fan! Sign my tits!” He teased, but then he shuddered. “Try to stay away from ESU during frat party hours, if you can. Drunk college kids are… something else. More concerned with getting a selfie than Vulture trying to cave in Frat Row, but go off, I guess.” It felt wrong to think that he’d been one of them not so long ago (not one of them, exactly; even in college, Peter hadn’t been big in the party scene, but not so far off). May had the picture framed above the fireplace: Peter in a cap and gown mugging at the camera, pointing wildly at his diploma. (MJ and Harry were there too, clustered in tight. It was the twin of the picture next to it, only they were four years younger in that one, and Peter’s arms were wrapped tightly around the pretty young blonde missing from the college photo.) It wasn’t yet three years old, but it was lifetimes ago. That was back when he’d thought he was about to start a real goddamn life as Peter Parker. Not whatever this was.
Johnny, however, would have an absolute blast being ogled on Frat Row. Peter wished he could have his breezy confidence–this would all be so much easier if he liked the attention.
And then he frowned, a wrinkle forming between his eyebrows. “Ex stuff? Dude, I’m so sorry. I got all caught up kvetching about my own shit–what’s going on?” There was the paradox at the heart of all of this: Peter swore he hated the attention, but some part of him, however small, ran on it. He was tunnel-visioning into it again. If the whole world was weighing on his shoulders, it was the only thing that existed. The only thing he saw. The only thing that mattered. It was just Peter and his echo chamber, a one-man pity party, everyone welcome to watch. He had, once again, forgotten that not everything was about him. Other people had problems, too. Even Johnny goddamn Storm and his perfect cheekbones had baggage. “No, no, back up to the part where you said Loki and the part where you said dating and super the part where you said marry– please don’t tell me you married Loki. And if you did, please super send me the wedding registry because I don’t want to be smited for stiffing the wedding party. Smited? Smote? Whatever. Just… unpack this, please.”
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He exhaled, swinging his legs against the side of the building. He was trying, dammit. He was weak, he was rusty, and trying to crack a joke felt like he was trying to squeeze into an ill-fitting shirt he’d long since outgrown, but he was trying. Johnny helped–it was the way he had a story to top every batshit thing in Peter’s life, sure, but it was something else. There was a warmth there, a familiarity built over the years, earned through trust and time and just kinda getting it. Sitting here with him, Peter saw who they were, who they’d been, what they were meant to be doing. He could feel out the motions, but it was like swinging back through his old college campus or those two photos on May’s mantle: almost the same, not quite. (If you looked closely, you could see the way his eyes were brighter in the high school picture, his smile wider, his shoulders lighter. Unless you were looking for it, you’d miss the space between them in the later one. Just wide enough for her.)
“Okay, so. One, please stop reminding me about your sex tape. Two, there’s wanted, and there’s wanted. You, Torchie, are the first kind. I’m the one that comes with a bounty.” Peter shrugged. “Wait, what if I just leaned into the whole criminal thing, go all Al Capone or someshit? There, that’s a rebrand. Think Felicia would go for that?” 
He dropped the teasing smile when Johnny mentioned May. Our own. Family. All of them, no matter how much Ben grumbled about it.–But more family meant more people too caught up in his messes, more people to get burned in his wake. You can’t count on people, Peter. You know that. No one else is getting hurt except you. “Thanks,” he said, quietly, seriously. “Really. And I am not telling her to call you like that. Ugh. That’s my aunt, dude. That’s like me hitting on Sue. Although–” He cocked an eyebrow and smirked.
But he let the thought trail off and instead gave Johnny a shove. “Oy, okay, Mister 'learning to talk was so hard with this silver spoon in my mouth.’ Some of us are from Queens.” He clipped his voice up a few tax brackets into his best I summer in the Hamptons impression. “I’m Jonathan, and I spend more money on my hair than most people see in a year.” He slipped back into his own voice, which was not nearly as thick with New York as Johnny seemed to think it was, and blinked. “Gonna be honest, I don’t know what most of those words mean. I think MJ used that stuff?”
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“Wow,” Johnny commented, amusement flashing in his eyes. “Didn’t think you were that kind of girl. It’s always the quiet nerds wearing glasses who surprise you.” And young Peter Parker, wasn’t that a thought. Johnny had known him, technically, while he was in college (and Johnny was, go figure, a college dropout), but he hadn’t really known him. For Johnny, it had been all about Spider-Man. He tried to think back to if Peter really had been as serious as he remembered it. It was hard to imagine him as an average college student, kicking back his heels and letting his hair down. Something about the thought tugged at Johnny painfully. “Well, there is this thing called fun, that people like to have, Spidey,” he said, smile faint on his lips. “Don’t be so hard on them. Whadda the kids say? You only live once? I don’t think you’re doing it right, buddy.”  
Then again, it wasn’t like Johnny had really ever been good at normal himself. He stared at the crease forming at Peter’s forehead like it would have answers for him, let seconds drag by long and slow, world narrowed down to the space between Peter Parker’s deep brown eyes. Peter was like that, a rock. He made things okay. But maybe not this. 
Johnny shrugged. “Don’t worry about it, man, it’s nothing. I just, uh, I ran into Daken again. Uh, Wolverine’s son? Haven’t really seen him since he ghosted me and then came back and tried to kill my family and, I, uh...” Johnny cringed and looked away. There was really no good way to say, I totally fucked up and let the guy play me again, just let him get away. What kind of person is still hung up on a killer?  “I mean, it doesn’t really matter, because I’m probably married to Loki now. D’you think I’d make a good god? I think I’d make a good god.” He gave up after a second, but didn’t look back at Peter, staring out at the skyline instead. “I don’t know, Pete. I just... I always go for the wrong person.”
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Nope, didn’t feel better for having gotten it off his chest.  It was still hard to look at Peter. Johnny was half afraid he’d see disgust in his eyes. Or what was maybe worse, disappointment. He was used to them both, but not from Peter, and Johnny was pretty well aware from him it would hurt a lot more. “Okay, one, you make it sound like I bring it up to you all the time or something, which I definitely don’t. Two ... you’re literally the most boring person I know. You’re not gonna cut it as a criminal mastermind, okay? You better just stick to being a hero, Spidey. It looks good on you.” Johnny finally managed a grin again. “With the mask anyway. Glad you’re still wearing that. Like, just because we’ve all seen your face now doesn’t mean we need to see your face now. You’re, uh, definitely keeping the mask as part of the whole ensemble, then?”
He’d tried to make the question sound casual, but his smile was growing a little hopeful. Yeah, he doubted Pete was ever gonna ask him for anything, but at least he knew: family was family, and Spider-Man had been included for a long time in Johnny’s. “Hey, you wouldn’t have to call me Uncle Johnny right away. May and I would want you to do it on your own timetable, when you feel comfortable.” Then Johnny’s smirk dropped right off his lips, rising to the bait in a heartbeat. “Ew. Stay away from my sister, you Spider-creep!”
Sometimes Johnny really didn’t know why he even liked the guy so much. He was not as funny as he thought he was. Case in point: “Oh, from Queens, are you? Yeah, didn’t know, because it’s not like you mention that all the time,” Johnny said, eyes rolling at the voice Peter was doing. He really didn’t sound like that, like, at all, but ... he did remember the big house he’d grown up in, how important his father had seemed. How Johnny’d gone around talking about how he wanted to be a surgeon too. Yeah, right. Like that would have ever happened. Even before they died. But Sue had always shielded him from the worst of it, after.  She’d practically put Johnny in a forcefield before she could even make forcefields. And yeah, Johnny had just let her do it all for him, coasted by while his sister gave up her life for him, until they were back on top again. Riches to slightly less rich orphans to riches again wasn’t exactly the inspiring story of the year, didn’t get much page time in the authorized biographies. Personally, Johnny liked that their story usually started with the flight to space. It was the way he liked to tell it, the better version of Johnny Storm, the day his life had finally meant something. Nothing else was like that feeling.
Except maybe this: Spider-Man sitting next to him, the skyline of New York stretching out in front of them. He returned Peter’s shove to the shoulder lightly, grimacing at him. “You’re so hopeless,” Johnny said, shaking his head. It was, maybe, a little bit fond, he was prepared to admit. “Every day, I don’t understand how you make it through. Okay, I’m gonna write it down for you. Do you need pictures? I’m gonna do pictures.”
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flameontmarchive · 2 years
( ✉️ → the “human” torch ) : i have nothing if not a brand and that brand is somehow new york city’s most eligible bachelor sorry i don’t make the rules i just benefit from them ( ✉️ → the “human” torch ) : yes sue probably does love u best and she also gives me all the gossip SO (also lmao dude you’re incredibly predictable i simply just know) ( ✉️ → the “human” torch ) : don’t tell may i told u this but she DOES keep several baseball bats and some old golf clubs in the shed i don’t know where they came from and i don’t want to ask i don’t think she knows i know but i do know ( ✉️ → the “human” torch ) : anyway! ok! yes! ground rules! like no setting the apartment on fire or…….. whatever the fuck that is ………. don’t do that in the house……. at least not while i’m home jfc ( ✉️ → the “human” torch ) : what did u do to ben should i be worried ( ✉️ → the “human” torch ) : EXCUSE ME i also need a good bagel and money for some new lab equipment my microscope is biting the dust and by that i mean it’s literally only showing me dust i think i broke the mirror somehow ( ✉️ → the “human” torch ) : but yeah. the costume thing helps. sometimes u wanna sulk alone it’s very therapeutic but sometimes company is kinda nice actually i guess ( ✉️ → the “human” torch ) : HEY WHAT DOES THAT MEAN
( ✉️ → itsy bitsy spidey ) aw buddy im so sorry but you do know that ur power isnt reality warping right ( ✉️ → itsy bitsy spidey ) you take that back right now i am NOT predictable ! i JUST saw a tiktok where a fan said following me on twitter was like having an unhinged n unbalanced fever dream with every refresh . so there !  ( ✉️ → itsy bitsy spidey ) also i WILL be telling may about this . if you and MY sister are having gossip sessions i dont see why i shouldnt do the same  ( ✉️ → itsy bitsy spidey ) um what are YOU talking about ??  i just meant that im hot natured ??  like sometimes i dress a little casual when im at home . its more comfortable for me . its basically a medical need . why are you being a jerk about my medical needs peter  ( ✉️ → itsy bitsy spidey ) i mean sheesh. SOME people sure have one track dirty minds . here i thought living with ben was bad . any other “ground rules” i need to follow to please the great overlord parker ?  ( ✉️ → itsy bitsy spidey ) i cant believe u just gave me the setup for this its almost too easy that i dont wanna say it ... no i have to ... haha u broke the mirror by being UGLY  ( ✉️ → itsy bitsy spidey ) but hey dude ill buy u a microscope . where do u get ‘em ? the nerd store for nerds ? HA  ( ✉️ → itsy bitsy spidey ) its way too depressing thinking of u sulking alone on rootftops please call me next time or like . get a real hobby   ( ✉️ → itsy bitsy spidey ) oh i think u know what it means . in fact i think u know that i know that u know what it means . and if u know that i know that u know what it means than i think u also know that i know that u know i don’t need to say it again . i said what i said .
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flameontmarchive · 2 years
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It was really only the hair net that he had to complain about, Johnny thought, while stepping inside one of the shelters the Fantastic Foundation had within the city. It was, generally, a pretty good way to spend a few hours, grinning and chatting to regulars on his way in, then heading to the kitchen to help out with a few hearty meals for people who needed it. Seriously, if only he didn’t have to wear the hair net. He stepped inside the kitchen, dreading putting it on, and then stopped, eyes widening. Not only did Johnny not recognize the guy already at work in the kitchen, but he definitely looked a little worse for wear. “Woah, you okay? I mean, not that you’re not making the whole bruised and bloody thing look good, but like ...” Johnny gave the stranger another glance, concerned gaze brushing over the bruises on his face. “Do you need to sit down or something? Can I get you anything? Call someone for you?” 
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flameontmarchive · 2 years
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Usually, when Johnny walked into a room, all eyes were on him. It was kind of weird to feel invisible for once. Not a power he’d ever wanted. Guess he could understand the big green lady drawing attention. It worked out more or less for him this time,  since he’d spent the last half-hour looking for her. Gotta love Twitter and its tendency to freak out over Hulk sightings. “Shulkie,” Johnny said, putting on a serious expression and formally making a salute by way of greeting before he broke, humor dancing in his eyes. “I’ve got a proposition for you. Like, a proposition of the PG kind,” Johnny clarified and then flashed her a grin. “What do you say to you going and She-Hulk smashing one Benjamin J. Grimm’s rocky kisser into the dirt? You don’t need to know what he did to me this time, you just need to know he did it and he’s gonna pay.” A scowl briefly broke out across his features before returning to a playful grin, lifting his eyebrows. “Do it for ten bucks?” 
Over time, Jen became used to people staring at her. A strange thing, she realized. But hey, if the shoe fits… It still aggravated her when it came at the wrong time, but otherwise she could tune it out or ham it up. Whatever she felt like. It became something of a game.
This time, when she felt a gaze on her, she simply leaned back and locked eyes with the person, returning the stare with a coy smile. Caught you.
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flameontmarchive · 2 years
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Johnny’s eyes widened. Usually, he didn’t really go for blondes, but woah. He could practically see the shared Instagram account the two of them could have in their future. Johnny’s hand went into his hair, fussily fixing it into messy lines as they approached. “Well, hey now, I always say, it doesn’t matter so much what you put on as it does what you take off,” he said, eyes lighting up mischievously. “How about you ask me again later? I got a good feeling about this one. And please, you can call me Johnny.” Finally, a little action. These things were always so dull, and while he certainly wasn’t unused to being approached by people who wanted a taste of fame for a night, something about this felt different. He took another long and shameless look up and down - no complaints about the dress from Johnny! - and then furrowed his eyebrows, “Do I ... do I know you?” 
@flameontm​😼felicia’s not a socialite ( not really, enjoying the lavishness of it more than the socialising that must occur as a side effect ) but she’s trained to be one, just as much as she’s trained to steal and never be caught. of course, there are times when they enjoy being caught and one of those times replays fondly inside her mind at the sight of johnny storm. there’s a flash of a smirk on her lips, taking the last sip of the champagne before felicia makes her way to him. “if i knew the johnny storm was going to come to the same charity gala as me, i would have put on a better dress.” as if any of her dresses are subpar. “do you enjoy these as much as i do, mr. storm?” which is, barely. the only reason she’s here is to decide which rich asshole she’s going to steal from next.
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flameontmarchive · 2 years
“Oh so we’re talking about boundaries now?” Daken said, stepping up close and waving the file in his face, once more. “You’re meddling in my life. You can’t tell me that you want nothing to do with me, that you want me dead, and then come back the next fucking day, trying to interfere into my personal matters.”
This was infuriating. Even though Daken loved existing in gray areas in terms in relationships, constantly keeping people on the edge and never quite knowing what he wanted, it was annoying to have it mirrored back to him. And Johnny said he wanted nothing to do with Daken. That Daken was a monster, that Johnny had no feelings for him, and Daken respected that Johnny wanted nothing to do with him, but apparently Johnny couldn’t do the same. Which was horrible ironic, that Johnny was the one that couldn’t let things die.
And to what end? Daken was being nice, but he knew he was stronger than Johnny was. If Johnny went against Romulus, then Johnny would lose. Romulus would kill him in an instant, would kill Johnny in the most brutal way imaginable, all while ensuring that Daken had a front row seat, to really make the point that this his fault. That Johnny had died because he had gotten involved with Daken. Johnny would play perfectly into Romulus’ hand, in making sure Daken was entirely alone.
“Of course I want him gone, Johnny. But-” this wasn’t his fight. It was Daken’s fight the second Romulus made the conscious choice to ruin his life. It’s been Daken’s fight since 1959- “he’s gonna kill you. He’s been around since the dawn of time! You think you’re gonna be able to do something?”
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“Don’t give me that bullshit.” Daken said flatly. “You’re doing this for yourself. You’ve somehow managed to convince yourself that if you defeat the big evil that lurks in my shadows, then i’m suddenly going to be fine and uninhibited. Then, i’ll come crawling back because i’m so thankful for everything you’ve done!” Daken explained, feeling more and more insane by the second. He felt like he was raving at this point.
“This isn’t your fight, Storm. You can’t even defeat me, so what makes you think you can defeat Romulus? Are you joking?” Daken looked at him, disbelief coating his features. “Look, I appreciate the knight in shining armor schtick. It’s adorable. Precious” Daken said, “I’m not a victim. I’m not some damsel in a tower. This isn’t your fight, so you either stand down, or i’m going to force you to stand down.”
Johnny refused to flinch backwards. He didn’t want to give up ground. He couldn’t do it again. He couldn’t be the one who let Daken in again. But he didn’t have an answer. Johnny didn’t understand it either, that right now, knowing he was here, set Johnny’s pulse racing, the unsteady thrum of panic rising in his chest as he worried over where Peter was, hoped Sue wouldn’t suddenly get the idea to come over, prayed she wouldn’t bring Franklin or Val here into the line of fire. But when Daken wasn’t here... when Johnny didn’t know where he was... that was torture, too. If he was hurt. If he was hurting somebody.
It was impossible to win. Impossible to win. Johnny’s eyes burned.
“Uh, I’ve served as the Herald of Galactus. I defeated Annihilus and took control of the Negative Zone. I’ve been the sun. I think I can handle one guy who has, what, claws?” he finished scathingly, building to an eruption. There was one thing that just didn’t make sense to him. “Why would you-” Johnny blurted out and then stopped. He started again, quieter. “Why would you even care? I mean, I die, what is that to you? No skin off your back.”
Death wasn’t something that he was afraid of. He could hear it now in his head, the way it had played out a million times over: Johnny, wait, stop! You haven’t got a chance! No! I’m more expendable! You guys need time to escape! It just made sense. He’d always been the muscle, or rather, the heat. He’d always gone for the sacrifice play. It was Reed or Sue who would really figure out how to save the day, and then they had the kids to think of. Ben had Alicia. No one really needed Johnny to come home. Expendable. Sure, he knew his family didn’t think that way, but Daken had made things pretty clear from his side. To him, Johnny was more than expendable, he was a goddamn write-off.
Only the way Daken was looking at him now didn’t feel like Johnny was so expendable to him.
Johnny’s heart thudded in his chest and his voice rose. “Maybe it is my fight. Maybe if it’s your fight, then it’s my fight,” he said. His heart was pounding even harder now, blood rushing in his ears. “Maybe you just can’t stand that someone actually cares about - that I actually-” He stopped, biting down on his lip, teeth scraping roughly against his own skin. His eyes meet Daken’s steadily. “I get it. You’ve always been alone. You’ve always done things alone. But you don’t have to. I can do this for you.” 
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He wanted to do this and be done, but that ... that wasn’t going to happen. There was a universal truth of his life. Johnny Storm didn’t leave. Johnny Storm got left.  
It was the pattern all his relationships had followed, and always, always, Johnny had been the one still clinging on with his teeth.  The thing was, he didn’t know how to keep fighting this. “I’m not so easy to get rid of,” Johnny said, and stepped forward, eyes dark. “If you’re going to make me stand down, then you’re gonna have to use your powers on me. Make me stop feeling this. I want to stop feeling this.” His eyes dropped from Daken’s eyes to his lips. It was a distance that was numbing and electrifying at once. Johnny wanted to do more than breathe him in, that wasn’t enough. He wrenched his stare away from Daken’s mouth and met his eyes, feeling suddenly empty, wrung out. So much for pride: Johnny was this close to begging. “Because I can’t do it myself, I’ve tried.”
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flameontmarchive · 2 years
( ✉️  → the “human” torch ) : real mature ( ✉️  → the “human” torch ) : yeah no i think i had every right to complain about that one i woke up to an alien in the bathtub  ( ✉️  → the “human” torch ) : AND YOU TOOK MY FAVORITE SHIRTS WHAT DO YOU EXPECT ME TO WEAR WE DON’T ALL WANT TO STREAK AROUND THE HOUSE DO YOU KNOW HOW EXPENSIVE CLOTHES ARE  ( ✉️  → the “human” torch ) : anyway ( ✉️  → the “human” torch ) : thank you for breakfast and lunch, oh great and powerful domestic goddess jonathan storm ( ✉️  → the “human” torch ) : but seriously thank you i do appreciate it ( ✉️  → the “human” torch ) : (i would appreciate it even more if you gave me my ramones shirt back) ( ✉️  → the “human” torch ) : ok. so. about that. like. you’re right. it’s arguably not my best move. however. she steals exclusively from the rich and u know what we say about the rich! i am, as you said, the people’s hero and that does not include the rich people’s hero 80% of the time ( ✉️  → the “human” torch ) : also she’s incredibly hot ( ✉️  → the “human” torch ) : hold up emma frost. why. why would you do that to yourself. why are we voluntarily inviting her into our home and why are little sandwiches so expensive they’re smaller than regular sandwiches they should cost less not more!!! can i cut a bunch of pb&js into tiny pieces i think no one would know the difference
( ✉️  → itsy bitsy spidey ) : do you want me to apologise or something ? im so sorry that i didnt tell the hooud to drink and then portal home through ten different galaxies !!! im so sorry im a responsible co-partier !!! im so sorry i didnt allow a catastrophic portal incident on the intergalactic highway just so peter parker didnt have to be mildly inconvenienced !  ( ✉️  → itsy bitsy spidey ) : relax . i was gonna replace everything i took with better stuff thatd make you look even hotter ( ✉️  → itsy bitsy spidey ) : i mean . thatd make you look hot in the first place . bc youre not . to me personally . but you are to some people probably . i mean its likely . statistically . everyone is into different things and all . i think thats like maths or something ( ✉️  → itsy bitsy spidey ) : but thats what you need me for ! i can make u universally appealing ( like me ) ! ( ✉️  → itsy bitsy spidey ) : ramones shirt ?? hmmn . cant remember that one . dont know where it got to . could be anywhere . i definitely dont have it  ( ✉️  → itsy bitsy spidey ) : yeah thats what i thought . does it feel good to know your principles are stretchier than my bro in law after one drink  ( ✉️  → itsy bitsy spidey ) : i guess that would be ok i mean little sandwiches are little sandwiches right ? i feel like no one will notice the difference  ( ✉️  → itsy bitsy spidey ) : there was something else i was gonna tell u ... something about before the party ... i was just talking to someone about something i needed to tell u ... idk cant remember !!! just dont be late okay ? ( ✉️  → itsy bitsy spidey ) : probably gonna start set up at around 7.17 so be there then EXACTLY . not a MINUTE later than THAT TIME EXACTLY . ANY TIME LATER THAN THAT would definitely be BAD . if you were ANY TIME LATER than 7.17 i would be UPSET  
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flameontmarchive · 2 years
[ text : STORM, jonathan ] feel free to. although why someone like you needs a telepath is mind-boggling? is it to find out how many people just aren’t interested in you? or only care about you because you’re a world-famous superhero and not because of who or what you are? [ text : STORM, jonathan ] we can add it to the #EmmaFrostIsABitch pile [ text : STORM, jonathan ] how… small-minded mr storm [ text : STORM, jonathan ] who says my plus one has to be someone i’m dating? why can’t they just be pretty arm-candy? [ text : STORM, jonathan ] so no checkmate just yet mr storm. you’re not even playing the same game as me let alone the same board. [ text : STORM, jonathan ] if you need someone who actually knows him, why don’t you ask his teammate illyana rasputina? she was on a team with him for years [ text : STORM, jonathan ] this reads more ‘ i want to date him ‘ than ‘ i think he’s cool ‘ 
[ text : FROSTY ] i mean ... i AM a world famous superhero !! that IS who i am !! so cant blame them for caring about that !!! i know a thing or two about Science and im what they call a PRIME SPECIMEN !  [ text : FROSTY ] woah woah woah lets just let the record show that YOU used that word . i did NOT call u that . my sister raised me RIGHT  [ text : FROSTY ] im just sayin . seems like ur dating options are a bit slim on the ground for someone whos trying to call ME out [ text : FROSTY ] ok youre already taking the chess metaphor further than im really comfortable with now like i actually really dont know that much about chess what does that even mean ??? how many boards are there ???? i thought there was just one  [ text : FROSTY ] no no no its just a professional thing . its more like i need a reference from u about him .  since ur basically the top x-man now [ text : FROSTY ] x-woman [ text : FROSTY ] x-person  [ text : FROSTY ] huh . you guys ever think about changing ur team name ? seems kinda sexist  [ text : FROSTY ] and also u still havent told me if hes seeing someone . OR what flowers he likes . honestly frost ur not being that helpful  [ text : FROSTY ] maybe you and i could grab some coffee and u could tell me more 
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flameontmarchive · 2 years
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He landed on the fire escape and crawled through the open window. “Honey,” he called, “I’m home! Sorry, got a little held up–I’m not way too late, am I? Thanks for leaving the window open.” With a gentle thud, he dropped into the apartment, pulling off his mask, and throwing it on the ground. “I was gonna get snacks, but, um–” There was a scruffy dog in his arms, the sort of indeterminate gray-brown that came with no particular breed. “He needed a home, and I thought…” Sandwich jumped from his arms and, tail wagging, trotted straight towards Johnny and… Oh. His smile was tight, his shoulders stiff, his wave forced. “Hey, MJ.”
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               ❝     torch  baby  !  thank  god  it’s  you  ,  hopefully  we  can  sneak  a  drink  before  peter  gets  in.    ❞     empty  arm  takes  her  spot  at  johnny’s  elbow  ,  kissing  at  the  other  side  of  his  cheek.     ❝    that’s  sweet  ,  jay  —  this  place  is  cute  by  the  way  .  .  .  giving  very  much  sex  and  the  city.     ❞     weight  is  lifted  from  her  arms  ,  body  shifting  towards  the  kitchen  counter  as  she  helped  johnny  shift  the  bottles  from  her  arms.  honestly  ,  with  johnny  being  the  first  one  around  mary  jane  feels  somewhat  at  peace.  made  things  a  little  less  awkward  and  a  little  more  ,  normal.     ❝     smartest  guy  i’ve  ever  met  and  he  still  hasn’t  figured  out  that  old  trick  ?  nice  one  ,  hotshot.  you’re  totally  fit  for  the  spider-man  housewife  .  .  .  speaking  of  which  ,  you  let  him  know  i  was  coming  ,  right  ?  i  never  said  anything  so  i  figured  you  wou——     ❞     just  as  she  plays  on  a  familiar  voice  shot  throughout  the  home  ,  turning  to  meet  her  impeding  doom  ,  there’s  a  sort  of  hesitance.  mary  jane  hadn’t  seen  peter  fully  masked  up  in  so  long  ,  rationalization  fighting  her  to  stop  staring.  smiles  returned  ,  a  shallow  hand  manifesting  a  half  assed  wave  back  :  let’s  not  forget  a  display  of  affections  over  text  messages  shared  just  a  couple  of  days  before.     ❝     hey  ,  pete.     ❞     jaw  almost  drops  at  the  sight  of  the  dog  ,  mouth  cascaded  into  a  wide  set  gasp  as  mary  jane  falls  to  the  bottom  of  her  heels.  manicured  nails  scratch  behind  the  dog’s  ears  ,  cooing  at  the  perfect  distraction.  ❝     you  got  a  dog  ?!  you  didn’t  even  tell  me  !     ❞
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Johnny was close to buoyant as they started stacking bottles in the kitchen, excited every time he looked over at Mary Jane. He raised an eyebrow, thought it through. “Huh. Guess I do have the legs for the whole housewife thing! Yeah, course I did.” Although maybe it wouldn’t hurt to subtly send Peter a text just in case but ... too late. Johnny’s eyes lit up further and he started hollering back, “Honey, you are a little late, but it gave me just enough time to start an affair with a hot redhead-” Wait, what the- “Uh, no, he did not get a dog. What is this? Where are my little sandwiches?” Johnny asked Peter, staring between him and the rangy-looking dog in open-mouthed disbelief. Pete did look kind of uncomfortable - obviously he felt guilty about letting Johnny down, which helped. But still. He stretched out an anxious hand, “Woah, MJ, stay back, he probably has fleas. The dog, not Peter, ha.” Despite himself, Johnny crouched down on the floor beside her and reached out a hand to ruffle the dog’s fur, “Yes, you have fleas, yes you do. Spider-Man’s going to put you back where he found you, yes he is.” The dog licked his hand and Johnny’s face made a complicated manuever as he tried very hard not to smile.  “Aw. I’m definitely catching from something from this. Tell me you didn’t find this guy in a dumpster.” 
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flameontmarchive · 2 years
(✉️  → firebug 🔥) Oh wait same, hold on
(✉️  →2/10) Good now
(✉️  →2/10) Technically you didn’t catch me in the act. You caught me after.
(✉️  →2/10) I know it’s the mature thing, but when has that stopped any of us?
(✉️  →2/10) Listen, I’ll stay away if that’s what you really want. And I know it doesn’t mean much, but I am trying to change.
(✉️  →2/10) I’m getting too old for this shit. 86′ing people doesn’t have a great 401K.
( ✉️  → jerkface mcugly ) ok so maybe it wasnt exactly in flagrante ( ✉️  → jerkface mcugly )  i still know what you did and im not okay with it ( ✉️  → jerkface mcugly ) im NEVER going to be okay with that ( ✉️  → jerkface mcugly ) yeah well ive heard that before havent i  ( ✉️  → jerkface mcugly ) but  ( ✉️  → jerkface mcugly ) i do think you could ( ✉️  → jerkface mcugly ) if you really tried  ( ✉️  → jerkface mcugly ) i always did  ( ✉️  → jerkface mcugly ) good luck i guess
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flameontmarchive · 2 years
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johnny and his flame hearts for the dash
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flameontmarchive · 2 years
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“You do know I’m not… actually a spider, right? Also, I literally swing myself around the city all day. That takes core strength.” Johnny was enjoying this way too much, but seeing him sputter at a face full of fabric helped. A little. It didn’t totally make up for the box of cereal that Peter had labelled PETER’S CEREAL, DO NOT TOUCH!!!! and found half-empty that morning. Or the two am alien rave. But it was something. “Okay, every part of that sentence was horrifying. Just because you’ve got some kind of degradation kink doesn’t mean I need to hear about it.” Peter swung himself over the side of the couch to sit on its arm, still frowning. “The science shirts are funny–and, like, tenth grade chemistry at most. C’mon, did you really never learn the periodic table?” He shrugged. “I’ve done pretty okay for myself without… that thing, anyway.”
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“Of course I know that. I totally know that. I’ve been your friend for years, you think I don’t know how your powers work?” Note to self: ask Reed how Peter’s powers work. URGENT. “Uh, kinkshaming is a little beneath you, dude. Keep that behaviour up and nobody is gonna be beneath you.” Johnny rolled his eyes. Showoff. He couldn’t just sit normally, oh no. The most annoying part of Peter’s tendency to perch on things, that Johnny knew was purely to show he could, was that Johnny probably couldn’t shove him off if he tried. He adjusted his position, resting his head against the back of the couch so he could look up at Peter and continue without missing a beat. “Learnt the periodic table, forgot the periodic table. I’ve managed to save the universe half a dozen times over without it, so, think I’m good. Now, let me get this straight: you’re telling me that you’re not going to wear the shirt that I, your friend, your pal, your best buddy, took time out of my day to buy for you?” Johnny folded his arms. “Wow. I bet if Ned gave it to you, you’d wear it.” 
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flameontmarchive · 2 years
Querl’s face was so still, it could’ve been a photograph. Johnny way as well have been speaking gibberish, metaphorically. But unfortunately, Brainy understood every word he said, “Why wouldn’t I listen to the music?” They took hold of Johnny’s hands, allowing their arms to slightly swayed back and forth, “I don’t think my body moves quite as easily as yours.”
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“Ah, because it’s not about thinking, it’s about feeling,” Johnny explained, grinning at them. “And you seem like a person who needs to get out of their head, my friend.” Good thing Johnny was here. That was kind of his speciality. Johnny could have claimed it was his powers that made him like this kind of thing: bodies moving, generating heat. But he knew it was just him. Always wanting something more. “Not to worry, Professor Storm is in! Welcome to Hot Stuff 101. Just follow my lead,” he said, with a step forwards to bring them closer together, and took over swaying their hands in circles, moving in time with the music. 
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flameontmarchive · 2 years
(   ✉️ →  johnny  🔥   )    at   least   be   more   careful   next   time   . (   ✉️ →  johnny  🔥   )    i   can   name   at   least   a   dozen   people   offhand   that   you   shouldn’t   be   inviting   home   (   ✉️ →  johnny  🔥   )    and   knowing   you    (   ✉️ →  johnny  🔥   )    you’ve   personally   invited   all   of   them (   ✉️ →  johnny  🔥   )    why   you   even   have   their   numbers   ,   i’ll   never   know (   ✉️ →  johnny  🔥   )    also   franklin   insists   on   you   bringing   ice   cream (   ✉️ →  johnny  🔥   )    with   sprinkles
(   ✉️ →  the boss  👸🏼  )  i promise absolutely next time i will be more careful ! careful will be my middle name !  (   ✉️ →  the boss  👸🏼  ) dont worry its just one little party (   ✉️ →  the boss  👸🏼  ) whats the worst that could happen  (   ✉️ →  the boss  👸🏼  ) peter will be there to ruin anything fun so  (   ✉️ →  the boss  👸🏼  ) franklin could probably actually come  (   ✉️ →  the boss  👸🏼  ) but tell the kiddo there will be sprinkles AND chocolate fudge sauce coming his way from his #1 favorite uncle
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