fishmark59 · 9 days
Tumblr media
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fishmark59 · 4 years
Tumblr media
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fishmark59 · 5 years
I also agree!
Eleven years later and I’m moving on
I fell in love with Tumblr the day I first saw the product. 
David Karp built something magical and I was hooked immediately. As a user, as an investor and a member of the community. 
And I’ve been using the product nearly every day for the past eleven years. I adore the Tumblr community and most especially the people that made it possible. 
But I can’t bear to watch AOL/Oath/Verizon destroy this place. All the crazy take over ads, mobile apps that don’t work, important features that stop working, artful communities being shut down, and good people leaving the company.
So today I’ve moved this blog of mine to Wordpress. The domain and RSS stays the same but if you have been reading my posts in your Tumblr Dashboard, then it will be a bit quiet from now on. And that is hard to say out loud. 
Thank you so much for any of you that have followed me on this journey. It means a lot to me and I hope you keep in touch at my new home.
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