firthglassstuff4 · 5 years
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firthglassstuff4 · 5 years
Set Up
Experimenting with set up
Arranging pieces in Degree Show space to consider final aspects of display
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Great space - wondering about the effect that a multitude of Material Practice work-in-progress will have on simplicity of our planned set up.
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firthglassstuff4 · 5 years
Publicity material
Designed postcards for Degree Show as ‘business card’
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Instagram posts
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firthglassstuff4 · 5 years
Design Book
Creating Design Book in InDesign
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firthglassstuff4 · 5 years
Digital display
Creating images for display as part of Degree Show, to complement the physical work, illustrating the potential for play of natural light through the pieces, and hinting at water. Collection to be titled ‘FIRTH’
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firthglassstuff4 · 5 years
Formatting and adding content to FirthGlass.co.uk 
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firthglassstuff4 · 5 years
Professional Photography
To Shannon Tofts for high quality photos for website, design book and Degree Show
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firthglassstuff4 · 5 years
Final pieces
Following trial and error with kiln programme, found a programme and positions in the kiln that work reasonably consistently. Made 25 pieces - 9 with faults, 16 to be displayed.
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firthglassstuff4 · 5 years
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First small sample worked well - 2x4mm float glass with Optus Iris Frits of varying size. However, larger pieces slumped too much - will need to decrease top temp slightly and hold time. Also, appears to be a hot spot in centre of flatbed kiln.
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firthglassstuff4 · 5 years
Programming the making
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firthglassstuff4 · 5 years
Technical Notes
Keeping tech notes
Each time pieces have been tested, I have recorded a note of the pieces - glass, frit etc, kiln programme and outcome. These notes have proved invaluable in helping to determine an appropriate programme for each piece.
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firthglassstuff4 · 5 years
Planning the final work
Having reflected on the research and on the slumping and fusing tests, I have decided on installation of multiple pieces, each made up of a half cylinder (curved form) building up in size, each with an element of decoration reflecting an abstraction of a section of the maritime charts of the Firth of Forth, in a palette suggesting the tones and watery colours of the place (blue/grey inspiring creativity).
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firthglassstuff4 · 5 years
Refining research
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(see Reflective Statement bibliography for references)
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firthglassstuff4 · 5 years
Testing ideas
Sketching & testing ideas for self-supporting pieces
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Sharp angle or curved?
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How many pieces would be needed to create a large dramatic installation along the cill?
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If each piece is around 300mm in width, with a max height of 1200mm - max flatbed width - will need to consider whether there is time to fire large batches of pieces including extras in case of breakage. Testing of ability to slump to curve or sharp angle also required
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Moulds made and fired, covered with kiln paper, and test pieces set up. 2 layers of 4mm glass with patterned mixed frit
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Test pieces slumped unevenly. Possibly hold oh kiln cycle too long
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Another test piece
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firthglassstuff4 · 5 years
Considering the space...
Reflecting on the space we have been allocated for the degree show, I begin the revise my thoughts on the mounting of my work. The pieces need to be placed close to a natural light source even if enhanced with artificial light source. So close to the window. Suspending from so high a ceiling will need careful consideration..
But there is a pleasantly high, long and deep cill. Could pieces sit on the cill? Perhaps self-supporting in some way? I had been wondering about slumping in a manner that allows pieces to stand in a stable form after a test piece ‘dripped’ over the side of a slump mould.
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firthglassstuff4 · 5 years
Degree Show space
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Our Degree Show space identified - room C9 - one of the original north-facing studios in the main building. 
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firthglassstuff4 · 5 years
Sketching ideas
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Sketching ideas for suspended layered panels linking together visually through horizon lines
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