firemafia · 3 years
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“[…] If you think about it, the fox and the rose are both very capricious. I think they have different ways of expressing themselves.”
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firemafia · 3 years
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What does it mean to be cared for? What does it mean to care? To love? What does it mean to be human or alien, to be held or to hold, to take care or to hurt?
Can you truly see someone in a moment of vulnerability and not find love for them within you? Can you love someone and not see them as vulnerable?
When someone takes care of you, there is a bond. And when you return that care, no matter how little, that bond grows stronger.
Shi Lei is surrounded by people who see how he feels before he does and his denials change nothing because there is nothing to change.
There's only love.
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firemafia · 3 years
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phupha and tian in a tale of thousand stars, chapter 6 ↳ the five love languages
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firemafia · 3 years
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“so…the person who makes your heart flutter…is a guy?”
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firemafia · 3 years
This show is definitely saying something about the impact one person can make on many people. Positive and negative. Torfun and Tian have both made huge impacts on this community.
i really enjoyed episode 7 because it showed us just how must is at stake emotionally for Phupha and the villagers. this is definitely a story that is centered around grief. Phupha and the rangers are grieving Torfun’s tragic early death. the kids and villagers are grieving Torfun’s absence from their lives, and they don’t even know she is dead yet. the beautiful, positive effect that Torfun had on all of their lives is so pivotal to the plot. it’s everything! she came in and was so supportive and loving and became part of the community so quickly! she was selfless with her love and they loved her so much in return. it seems like she was the first teacher who really integrated themselves into the community, and they all felt her presence. 3 month terms aren’t long, and i’m sure most of the teachers who come through know that they won’t be long and don’t try to really connect with the villagers.
I think what people mean when they say Tian reminds them of Torfun, is that he makes them feel the same way that Torfun did: selfless love from a stranger who just wants to teach kids and care for the people they encounter. He has a beautiful, caring spirit, and of course this reminds them of the other person who made them feel this way just months ago. a person who was suppose to return, but never did.
I hate that Tian is thinking they love him just because of Torfun’s heart being inside him. It’s because of the devotion he has toward Pha Phun Dao! They see that and are thankful! i’m sure they thought Torfun was one in a million, so they acknowledge the similarities.
Tian has done so much for the village, and the fact alone that he has Torfun’s heart wouldn’t be enough for Tian not to see his own value. But....if he was the one to kill her in the car accident....to take the life of their beautiful and precious Torfun...UGH! he sees himself as the jinx because he doesn’t see himself fully yet. he didn’t know he had the capacity to be so selfless and caring before. but that was in him all along, it’s just that circumstances made him face who he is and the type of impact he wants to have on the world. he showed himself that he can be selfless, but he can’t forgive himself for the horrible mistake he made.
we are seeing that the effect of losing Torfun is multidimensional. we see the guilt Tian feels, and we see the people who loved Torfun grieve her death on top of dealing with anger toward the person killed her in such a senseless act, and don’t forget the betrayal and broken trust that Phupha will feel considering how on multiple occasion Tian lied to him about not knowing Torfun/why he had her belongings.
*i got a whole lot of thoughts on what Phupha is feelings about Torfun and Tian but that’s another post*
i hope we get season 2 because i can’t see them wrapping up this so nice and neatly, considering how much time and care they put into conveying the complexities through the series so far.
i’ve never been so engulfed in not only the protagonist’s story, but also all the side characters and the complex conflicts that we are dealing with.
✨A Tale of Thousand Stars is becoming my favorite show ✨
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firemafia · 3 years
Tian thinks he doesn’t deserve anything.
He doesn’t deserve a second life (because it was bought by his parents).
He doesn’t deserve the villagers’ acceptance (he thinks he was only accepted because he’s got Torfun’s diary, which is basically a cheat code).
He doesn’t deserve Phupha’s affection (he thinks he only reminds chief of Torfun. The fact that everyone and their fucking mothers compares him to Torfun doesn’t help at all).
To top it all, he also doesn’t love himself. Everything little thing he did in that village proves this point. I even think that if Tian had the option to bring Torfun back, he would do it at the expense of his life.
That’s why he also doesn’t expect to be forgiven. He sees Phu Phan Dao and Phupha as something with an expiration date, that once everything is out in the open, they’ll cast him out and this little, happy bubble he built would just burst. He expects to be hated because he also hates himself for it (when it’s not even his fault).
That’s why I need the villagers and Phupha to prove him wrong. I don’t want him to become more broken than he already is. I’m actually more scared of his mental health than his physical condition.
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firemafia · 3 years
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firemafia · 3 years
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firemafia · 3 years
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( ⸝⸝•ᴗ•⸝⸝ )💕
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firemafia · 3 years
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firemafia · 3 years
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‘cause whenever you’re near it’s love that I fear
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firemafia · 3 years
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firemafia · 3 years
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firemafia · 4 years
honestly me too youngjae
video credit to original owner
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firemafia · 5 years
Sex. Yes or No? How to Know if You Aren’t Quite Ready
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Sex: the thing that takes up the least amount of time and causes the most amount of trouble.” — John Barrymore
When I was in high school, I dated often. A cute guy would ask me out, and I would pretend to think about it and say I had to make sure I didn’t already have plans. Of course, I never had plans and always said yes. I would wait for Friday to come with great anticipation and spend hours getting ready.
The date would start off fine, General chit chat about school, homework, teachers, and whatnot kept us busy followed by a movie or maybe we’d hang out at the local hang-out spot with friends.
I always had to be home by midnight, and the end of the date was inevitable. Kissing, wandering hands, clothes in disarray, the usual pre-sex stuff was to be expected. I knew the point would come though when I would want to say no, and he would be taking me home.
I always wondered what was going through my date’s minds when they dropped me off. I knew two things for certain. I wouldn’t be asked out on a second date, and he wouldn’t have any conquests to share with the boys on Monday morning at school.
I was happy to wait. I knew I wasn’t ready because the thought of having sex with my date, any of my dates, made me want to run the other way. Then I fell in love and everything changed.
You are Uncomfortable Talking About Sex
If you can’t talk about the ins and outs (no pun intended) of a sexual relationship, the odds are that you are not ready to be in one. If you get anxious and uncomfortable or avoid the topic altogether, then you should wait to have sex.
A sexual relationship requires…….
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firemafia · 5 years
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190724 ✧ DAY6 FIRST WIN ↳ congratulations to the best boys, couldn’t be more proud of how hard you have all worked and how far you all have come ㅠㅠ onwards on upwards always ♡
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firemafia · 5 years
“If i could just paraphrase what Drake said at the Grammy’s” okay sis said everything GOT7 needed to hear & said it so damn eloquently 🙏🙌🔥
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