filiiconscidisti · 5 years
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filiiconscidisti · 5 years
How do you deal with stress?
stress is not something that draco handlesvery well. up until the events of the order of the phoenix, draco had verylittle in his life that caused stress. being the stellar student that he is, noteven the end of term exams could cause him to stress. in a sense, draco wasvery much unequipped to handle the stress that came with the arrest of hisfather and the task that the dark lord assigned him. he began to isolatehimself, pushing away even the closest of his friends and ending his relationshipwith pansy. he stopped eating, began neglecting his studies, and slept verylittle. eventually, he began to experience break downs. he was completely unableto cope with the stress.
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filiiconscidisti · 5 years
╰✧☼. ooc. i’m on my way back from a month-long trip through europe, so you’ll be seeing me around on the dash again. right now i am most active over on @filiiconscidisti
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filiiconscidisti · 5 years
draco & headcanon : patronus
in the wake of the events of the order of the phoenix, draco taught himself the patronus charm. knowing well the strong connection that the malfoy family historically has with birds, draco had anticipated his patronus forming in the shape of a bird. he had intended to use it to fly messages to his father in azkaban; but with the weight of his newly appointed position bearing down upon him, combined with the sorrow and stress of his father’s arrest and sentence in azkaban, draco was unable to properly produce the patronus. had his patronus properly formed, it would have taken the shape of a european magpie.
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filiiconscidisti · 5 years
Viktor’s entire countenance changed the longer Malfoy talked. What had been neutral indifference turned to something much harder and much colder. He looked at Karkaroff in much the same way. He slipped off his broom with more grace than he usually had on the ground, and his steps were silent and precise as he walked up to Draco. He towered over him - there were at least six inches between them - and Viktor took full advantage of his height.
It wasn’t uncommon knowledge that Viktor had grown up starving and poor - his entire nation had - and his stance on pureblood pieces of shit thinking they were better than everyone else wasn’t a secret. 
“You talk very big for someone who is very, very small,” he said quietly, his voice steely. He was calm, but that made the threat of it more apparent. “One day, someone will teach you a lesson for this arrogance of yours. And you had better be hoping it is not coming from me.” His eyes flashed and he ground his teeth together menacingly, clearly fighting against some greater instinct to hit him. “If I am ever hearing you speak this way again, or using this word ever again, you will be sorry you are ever meeting me.” His gaze, if possible, hardened, and the unmitigated disgust was clear on his face. He hadn’t had to talk to anyone this way in a long time, since he and his friends beat these notions out of their classmates minds. Still, it wasn’t hard to slip right back into it again for a nasty little roach like Malfoy. “Are we clear?” 
Viktor turned on him, looking very much like the most murderous of predators, and Draco’s fine skin paled more than was perhaps natural. In that moment, he looked so very much like a ghost – and his heart had dropped to his stomach so quickly that he wasn’t entirely certain that he hadn’t instantly become a ghost. He took threats from those his own size well in stride, but Viktor was far from having his own lean build. And Draco, though tall for his age, was no where near to approaching Viktor’s towering height. All of his instincts screamed at him to shrink away, to back down and perhaps flee – there was no one to witness the exchange, and so there was no one who would see his shame.
He swallowed hard and nodded his understanding after Viktor had said his piece. He shuffled a bit in lace, breaking the captivating hold that Viktor’s glare had on him to instead scrutinize the dirt on his shoes. Looking away from Viktor was a reprieve – and it was enough for Draco to be able to muster some courage ( though perhaps it would have been better had he not, but Draco was not thinking of this).
“What would you do?” He questioned, his voice low but clear, “if I were to use that word again, what would you do? I’m sure that I don’t need to remind you that you are a guest at our school – I’m sure the staff here would not be happy to hear that you are harming their students outside of the context of the Tournament. Now I’m not entirely sure what the consequences would be, but I’m sure they would be severe, would they not? Considering the reputation Durmstrang has…” When he looked up again at Viktor, there was a glint of a challenge in his eyes.
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filiiconscidisti · 5 years
Viktor’s brows rose just slightly the more he talked. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Ivars snickering, eavesdropping on the conversation, knowing without having to ask that Viktor was disgusted at the suggestion. “Da, that reason is that this is where my classmates are sitting the first night we are here.” He wondered how someone could be so ignorant and arrogant at the same time. Did he really think even half of the Durmstrang delegation would like Slytherin house? He wasn’t terribly familiar with them all, but so far as he could tell, they were a bunch of spoiled, rich little crybabies who cared about blood status and little else. While status was important to many of his school mates, it was never mentioned - they were largely all equals and had been judging each other differently for years.
“Interesting,” he added after a moment of extremely judgmental silence, “that you are assuming you are knowing so very much.” He hadn’t finished eating yet and had never in his life left the table before then, but he got to his feet anyway. “And you are mistaken. I am very fond of yellow.” He smiled in his most condescending way, and made his way to the Hufflepuff table to sit with Cedric. He might’ve done that anyway on another day, but today he wanted to make a point. Hopefully Malfoy wouldn’t follow; he could only handle so much idiocy and still maintain an appetite. 
If it were entirely up to his choice ( meaning that Hogwarts pride and school loyalty were no longer factors which actively influenced his decisions ), Draco would throw his full support behind Viktor as the Champion most likely to win the Triwizard Tournament – but as he was not completely free to choose, he had to support Diggory ( as the alternative would be supporting Potter, and Draco would never do such a thing ). Therefore, no matter his opinions of the Hufflepuff house as a whole, Draco was not put off approaching the table when Viktor took up a seat next to Diggory.
“I see you support Diggory, as well – rightfully so, when you consider that he’s the real Hogwarts Champion,” Draco observed, loud enough for not only Viktor and Diggory to hear, but also the entirety of the surrounding students in the area, “I’m going to be producing some signs of our support – some buttons, perhaps, ” he finished loudly before lowering his voice enough that it was more apparent that he was speaking to Viktor, “I’ll make one for you too, of course, if you’d like.”
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filiiconscidisti · 5 years
taken from beth kinderman and nikki walker’s the 100 most important things to know about your character. a good list to help develop a character’s background, personality, and general aspects. 
What is your full name?
Where and when were you born?
Who are/were your parents? (Know their names, occupations, personalities, etc.)
Do you have any siblings? What are/were they like?
Where do you live now, and with whom? Describe the place and the person/people.
What is your occupation?
Write a full physical description of yourself. You might want to consider factors such as: height, weight, race, hair and eye color, style of dress, and any tattoos, scars, or distinguishing marks.
To which social class do you belong?
Do you have any allergies, diseases, or other physical weaknesses?
Are you right- or left-handed?
What does your voice sound like?
What words and/or phrases do you use very frequently?
What do you have in your pockets?
Do you have any quirks, strange mannerisms, annoying habits, or other defining characteristics?
How would you describe your childhood in general?
What is your earliest memory?
How much schooling have you had?
Did you enjoy school?
Where did you learn most of your skills and other abilities?
While growing up, did you have any role models? If so, describe them.
While growing up, how did you get along with the other members of your family?
As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
As a child, what were your favorite activities?
As a child, what kinds of personality traits did you display?
As a child, were you popular? Who were your friends, and what were they like?
When and with whom was your first kiss?
Are you a virgin? If not, when and with whom did you lose your virginity?
If you are a supernatural being (i.e. mage, werewolf, vampire), tell the story of how you became what you are or first learned of your own abilities. If you are just a normal human, describe any influences in your past that led you to do the things you do today.
What do you consider the most important event of your life so far?
Who has had the most influence on you?
What do you consider your greatest achievement?
What is your greatest regret?
What is the most evil thing you have ever done?
Do you have a criminal record of any kind?
When was the time you were the most frightened?
What is the most embarrassing thing ever to happen to you?
If you could change one thing from your past, what would it be, and why?
What is your best memory?
What is your worst memory?
Are you basically optimistic or pessimistic?
What is your greatest fear?
What are your religious views?
What are your political views?
What are your views on sex?
Are you able to kill? Under what circumstances do you find killing to be acceptable or unacceptable?
In your opinion, what is the most evil thing any human being could do?
Do you believe in the existence of soul mates and/or true love?
What do you believe makes a successful life?
How honest are you about your thoughts and feelings (i.e. do you hide your true self from others, and in what way)?
Do you have any biases or prejudices?
Is there anything you absolutely refuse to do under any circumstances? Why do you refuse to do it?
Who or what, if anything, would you die for (or otherwise go to extremes for)?
In general, how do you treat others (politely, rudely, by keeping them at a distance, etc.)? Does your treatment of them change depending on how well you know them, and if so, how?
Who is the most important person in your life, and why?
Who is the person you respect the most, and why?
Who are your friends? Do you have a best friend? Describe these people.
Do you have a spouse or significant other? If so, describe this person.
Have you ever been in love? If so, describe what happened.
What do you look for in a potential lover?
How close are you to your family?
Have you started your own family? If so, describe them. If not, do you want to? Why or why not?
Who would you turn to if you were in desperate need of help?
Do you trust anyone to protect you? Who, and why?
If you died or went missing, who would miss you?
Who is the person you despise the most, and why?
Do you tend to argue with people, or avoid conflict?
Do you tend to take on leadership roles in social situations?
Do you like interacting with large groups of people? Why or why not?
Do you care what others think of you?
What is/are your favorite hobbies and pastimes?
What is your most treasured possession?
What is your favorite color?
What is your favorite food?
What, if anything, do you like to read?
What is your idea of good entertainment (consider music, movies, art, etc.)?
Do you smoke, drink, or use drugs? If so, why? Do you want to quit?
How do you spend a typical Saturday night?
What makes you laugh?
What, if anything, shocks or offends you?
What would you do if you had insomnia and had to find something to do to amuse yourself?
How do you deal with stress?
Are you spontaneous, or do you always need to have a plan?
What are your pet peeves?
Describe the routine of a normal day for you. How do you feel when this routine is disrupted?
What is your greatest strength as a person?
What is your greatest weakness?
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
Are you generally introverted or extroverted?
Are you generally organized or messy?
Name three things you consider yourself to be very good at, and three things you consider yourself to be very bad at.
Do you like yourself?
What are your reasons for being an adventurer (or doing the strange and heroic things that RPG characters do)? Are your real reasons for doing this different than the ones you tell people in public? (If so, detail both sets of reasons…)
What goal do you most want to accomplish in your lifetime?
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
If you could choose, how would you want to die?
If you knew you were going to die in 24 hours, name three things you would do in the time you had left.
What is the one thing for which you would most like to be remembered after your death?
What three words best describe your personality?
What three words would others probably use to describe you?
If you could, what advice would you, the player, give to your character? (You might even want to speak as if he or she were sitting right here in front of you, and use proper tone so he or she might heed your advice…)
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filiiconscidisti · 5 years
conceited? you mean well aware of who the fuck i am? absolutely
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filiiconscidisti · 5 years
draco & headcanon : a brief history of the malfoy family, 58 BC - 1970
the earliest known written records of the magical family lineage originates from the commentarii de bello gallico (58-49 BC), an account of the gallic wars (58-50 BC) as described by julius caesar (100-44 BC). in chapters 13-14 and 16-18, caesar wrote of the druids of gaul ( present-day france and luxembourg ), noting that their high social standing and education set them apart from the other barbarians. they were also well-versed in “the stars and their movements, the size of the cosmos and the earth, the nature of the world, and the powers of immortal deities.” the magic possessed by the druids complemented well the natural magic of the roman augures publici, who used their magical abilities to interpret the will of the gods through the behaviour of birds – particularly ravens and eagles ( the predisposition the modern malfoy family has for keeping birds derives from their historical augury ). the family’s pure-blooded magical lineage originates from a pairing of a gallic druid and a roman augur in the 1st or 2nd century AD. evidence suggests that the family settled in gallo-roman territory, and remained there for many years.
the middle ages & the viking age
the distinct white-blonde hair that runs in the family line developed from centuries of contact with the gauls, germanics, and their collective ancestors, the visigoths, during the migration period of the 4th and 6th centuries AD. during this period, the family lineage becomes relatively untraceable due to lack of historical record. the family reappears once more in the 9th century AD during the viking settlement of west francia. due to insufficient records, it is currently not known whether the family was of frankish or viking origin during this period of invasion. there is, however, evidence that suggests that the family had attached themselves closely to the newly created duchy of normandy by the late 10th or early 11th century, implying that by this time they already had formed a not-insignificant connection to either king carolus simplex (879-929 AD) or rollo the viking (c 860-930 AD), first duke of normandy. their connection to nobility either way would be cemented with the rise of william the conqueror (1028-1087) to the duchy.
armand malfoy (fl. 1066) arrived in england with the norman conquest in the 11th century. when william the conqueror secured his throne in 1072, he seized the lands of resisting english elite and granted them to his loyalists. having provided various unspecified, but undoubtedly magical, services to the king, armand was granted a 180 acre plot of land in wiltshire that would become the site of malfoy manor. when the manor was constructed, it covered 30,000 square feet and contained 300 rooms, 61 of which were bedrooms ( approximately 50 of the 300 total rooms of the manor as of the modern era are now uninhabitable due to a lack of upkeep ). at the time of the land being granted, the 180 acre malfoy estate housed four muggle tennant farmstead households ( for a total of about 16-20 total farmer tenants, none of whom remain on the malfoy estate as of 1692, when they were forcibly evicted due to requirements set forward in the international statute of wizarding secrecy ), and was capable of yielding up to 900 bushels of grain during a peak and fertile harvesting season. the malfoy family as the landlords absorbed 15% of the total harvest yield from each individual farmstead, and 35% of all profits made from grain sold, accounting for the immense wealth that the malfoys were able to accumulate early into their english residency. as their wealth grew, the malfoys were able to annex neighbouring muggle farmland until the estate grew to a peak of 6,000 acres ( most of which has since been lost as of the modern era. the modern estate consists now only of the original 180 acre plot ). 
the malfoy family maintained a close relationship with the muggle tenant farmers on the estate, being lenient landlords who would not evict the sick or elderly even if their land was not yielding profit. a church, two cemeteries ( one for the muggles and one for the malfoys ), and a muggle school were eventually built. once a year, the malfoy manor would open itself to visits from the muggle tenants, and they would be treated to a grand dinner held in the drawing room. nicholas malfoy (fl. 1340) was a very brief dark mark on the history of the malfoy family’s interactions with their muggle tenants. nicholas murdered many of the muggle farmers under the guise of the black death in the late 1300’s. his motivations for the murders are currently unknown, and his actions escaped the notice of the wizards’ council. he was never charged for his crimes.
the elizabethan period & the renaissance & the age of exploration
the malfoy family continued to thrive well into the 16th century, with lucius malfoy i (fl. 1560) rising to queen elizabeth i’s (1533-1603) court. lucius had, like many, aspired to take the queen’s hand in marriage, but was declined. although never proven, many historians believe that this refusal brought lucius to hex the queen. this bit of spiteful spellwork resulted in queen elizabeth i never marrying and eventually gaining notoriety as the virgin queen. the malfoy family’s opinion of muggles shifted following these events, and eventually culminated into strong anti-muggle sentiment. lucius malfoy i’s daughter, elizabeth malfoy-burke (fl. 1592) ( who was named after queen elizabeth i ) served as headmistress of hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry at the age of 35, marking her as one of the youngest persons to hold the post of head at hogwarts. elizabeth held strong pureblood supremacist beliefs, and therefore deeply favoured the slytherin house ( which was, of course, her own house ). like many of her predecessors, elizabeth would lobby for increased selectivity in the students hogwarts accepted. she was unsuccessful in instituting a complete ban on muggle-born admissions.
in the 17th century when persecution of wizarding kind by muggles was at its height. the malfoy family began to steadily isolate itself from their muggle tenant farmers, and by 1692, with the passing of the international statute of wizarding secrecy, all muggles were evicted from the malfoy estate. the malfoys then turned to wizarding society as a place where political and social power and influence could be gained. brutus malfoy (fl. 1675) began to gain notoriety in the wizarding community as an editor for an anti-muggle periodical called warlock at war. his opinions, although still considered to be radical and outrageous at the time, led him to work in the ministry of magic where the malfoy family would find the political influence they had been lacking since their isolation from the muggles separated them from the courts of muggle royalty. septimus malfoy (fl. 1780) grew to be incredibly influential within the ministry of magic. many historians claim that while he worked only as an advisor to he minister for magic unctuous osbert (fl. 1772) from 1789-1798, septimus was more the minister than osbert. osbert was elected two terms, with septimus serving as the de facto minister. the malfoy family continued to hold such influential ministry positions into the modern age.
the modern era
the modern era saw many changes for the malfoy family. with no muggle tenant farmers remaining on the estate property and no monetary investment placed in muggle industry, their wealth began to decline. eventually, 5,820 acres of the 6,000 acre estate were sold, leaving the estate with only its original grant size of 180 acres. the malfoy family continued to foster their connections within both hogwarts and the ministry in an attempt to prevent their line from dying. in 1962, nobby leach (fl. 1960) became the first muggle-born to be appointed to the post of minister for magic. several members of the wizengamot, which was packed primarily with prominent members of pure-blooded and sacred 28 families, resigned in protest. abraxas malfoy (fl. 1954-1968), however, did not resign. instead, he grew close enough to the minister that he was able to hex the minister, causing him to come down with a sickness that forced him to prematurely resign his post in 1968. no conclusive evidence was ever brought forward against abraxas, and he was heralded a hero in pure-blooded wizarding circles. two years later, the first wizarding war would begin, with abraxas’s son, lucius abraxas malfoy ii (1954-current), fighting at the frontlines in support of pureblood superiority.
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filiiconscidisti · 5 years
He’d really hoped the kid would take his thanks and leave him alone, but no such luck. He hadn’t expected him to just fuck off - no one typically did. This was an excuse to talk to him and he knew it. So many people had done it over the years that he’d have been stunned if he’d just given him the gift and left. One can dream, though. He was already turning back to his breakfast when Malfoy continued. His brows knit together and then rose, clearly showing he was unimpressed (or would’ve clearly shown it if this brat cared what he thought, but Viktor doubted it). 
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He kept eye contact with Draco but took a drink from his goblet before he deigned to respond. “I am not a Slytherin either,” he answers flatly. He was a Durmstrang student, and being abroad here for the year didn’t change that. Where his housemates had chosen to sit by chance didn’t change that either. They could’ve just as easily ended up at any of the other three tables. He could’ve said more, could’ve told him it was a gift from Cedric and he preferred it to the one Malfoy had given him - this was a cold and calculated move. Cedric had given Viktor one of his own scarves because they were friends, and because he wanted him to have something of his to remember him by once he left for home again. But he didn’t. What little he’d said served him plenty well. So he took another drink and left it at that.
“No, I suppose you’re not – a real Slytherin, that is,” Draco agreed, knowing well that Viktor was from Durmstrang, not Hogwarts, and not really needing to be told that. “But you’re a pure-blood,” he stated, “if things had gone a bit differently in the world and you had gone to Hogwarts instead of Durmstrang, you’d have been sorted into Slytherin.” Of that, he was certain – after all, Slytherin only took the best, and Krum was one of the best Quidditch players this century. “There’s a reason why you’re sitting at our table and not at theirs.”
“You don’t want to associate with the Hufflepuffs anyway,” Draco continued, “that house is filled with nothing but misfits. They don’t have the qualities required for the greater Houses so they just get all lumped into Hufflepuff. Not a single bit of talent over there. Not a single great wizard’s come out of Hufflepuff since Helga Hufflepuff, herself,” though there was the distinct possibility that Cedric Diggory did have the slightest chance at winning the Triwizard ( he’d take any winner over Potter ). “You don’t want to wear their colours.”
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filiiconscidisti · 5 years
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                        DRACO  L. MALFOY
“he’s got looks that books take pages to tell
                                                  he’s got a face to make you fall on your knees,,
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filiiconscidisti · 5 years
He wasn’t surprised at the look on Malfoy’s face at his reply - a lot of people didn’t understand. He didn’t care; if Malfoy couldn’t tell the difference between any two brooms and never bonded with one, he doubted he could be a terribly skilled flyer. At the very least, he was cementing Viktor’s less than stellar opinion of him; the boy was clearly a snob. Not that that was shocking information. He’d pegged him for it the moment they’d met. He knew too many people with the same shitty attitudes who all mimicked one another and seemed not to know what thinking for themselves was. All of which would be wasted breath if he tried to point that out to any of them.
Vitja sat up and swung his legs around so he was facing Malfoy more properly now. “This is amusing to you?” he asked, his own brows raised in judgement. “That this family you are speaking of is poor?” Typical, and again, extremely unsurprising. “Yes, perhaps you should be giving it to him. That is a very kind thought.” Though of course he could tell that wasn’t the motive; it was easier to act like he simply missed the malice. “Since you are clearly not needing it, it is making sense not to be keeping it.”
Draco snorted, thoroughly beginning to enjoy himself around Viktor, “you’d understand what’s so funny about them if you’ve seen the way they lived,” he said, as though he, himself, had ever stepped foot in the Burrow ( which he hadn’t. Why would he ever lower himself to visit such a place? ) “You should see their home – my father says it’s more like a shack, all run-down and made of wood. They’ll probably take my broom apart and use it as a support beam to keep the rafters from falling down on top of them. They’re such a disgrace to the wizarding world they can hardly even afford their wands.”
“And they like being poor! My father says that Weasley actually wants to work in the Misuse of Muggle Artefacts Office and won’t accept any other position, even though they’re higher paid. Can you believe it? At least the one that hangs around Potter’s got some brains on him – If he weren’t friends with Potter, who knows where his next meal’d be coming from.” He paused for a brief moment, “on second thought, I’m giving Weasley too much credit with the brains. He hangs around the mudblood too, probably just to cheat off her exams. The fool’s useless.”
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filiiconscidisti · 5 years
Rabastan was bored. He hated being cooped up all the time, but that was the life of a widely hunted fugitive. He’d spent so long in a cell that life stuck at home was not as appealing as it had been in his youth. That and the fact that crowds didn’t make him vomit now (usually) meant he would’ve liked the option of going out sometimes - and he did go, just usually discretely. For the moment, he was sitting in Cissy’s back yard, throwing knives at a make-shift target he’d transfigured out of a pillow. These knives weren’t as good as his real ones, but he didn’t want to damage them for no reason or have to sharpen them later. Better to use the less important ones.
He turned when Draco spoke and raised his eyebrows at him, then turned and threw another knife. “Good for you, kid,” he answered dully. He knew of course that he was supposed to train him (or rather, Narcissa had asked and Bella agreed so that was that, really), but he hadn’t exactly written out a lesson plan or been counting on doing it today. Oh well. He had nothing better to do.
“What exactly are you ready for?” he asked, still not watching Draco. The next knife he threw hit the straw-man in the throat. “Your mother was a little mums-y on the details. I need to know how useless your education’s been before we get started. And you’re the would-be assassin for the whole big shindig, aren’t you? I assume you’re entirely unprepared.”
Draco’s eyebrows rose further and further with each knife that was thrown – he was impressed with how accurately they hit their mark without any clear use of magic ( was he to learn how to do that? He had never really thrown anything like a knife ever before in his life. ). He set the notebook he had brought with him aside, understanding now that this was clearly to be a more practical course in duelling than he had first thought.
“Hogwarts doesn’t believe in teaching its students how to duel,” he began rather begrudgingly as he thought of that illegal little duelling club that Potter had started up in their previous year. Whatever Potter had taught his little army, it had been enough to stall off his father before the aurors had arrived. That pathetic little club was the reason why his father was in Azkaban right now. It was enough to make his stomach churn.
“You were at the Department of Mysteries – you saw how Potter fights. Wherever Dumbledore goes, Potter follows. I need you to teach me more than what he already knows.” He knew that he was not likely to be able to learn enough magic in a few short months to out-duel such a powerful wizard as Dumbledore. But if he could just be at a manageable level – a level above Potter and on-par with some of his fellow Death Eaters – he might just stand a fighting chance.
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filiiconscidisti · 5 years
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they're better off without you
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filiiconscidisti · 5 years
draco & headcanon : emotional maturity
while draco is socially very mature, he is incredibly emotionally immature. pure-blooded society tends to be a culture of stoicism and repression. as such, draco tends to internalise all of his feelings and never truly speak about them ( though he might write them in a letter to his mother). when he experiences too much emotional stress, he breaks down – as can be seen throughout the events of the half-blood prince. romantic emotions he deals with only slightly differently, but with no greater level of maturity. he is the embodiment of the boy who will pull on a girl’s hair because he likes her. he bullies to show affection.
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filiiconscidisti · 5 years
draco & headcanon : childhood socialisation
draco is an only child who was raised primarily around adults. he was provided with very little opportunity to socialise with other children his own age due to there being a general lack of schooling in pure-blooded wizarding society prior to hogwarts ( compared to primary school education that muggle-born children receive ). as a result of being socialised around adults, draco behaves very maturely for his age group, which sets him socially apart from other children. he does not play and does not stand for nonsense. he takes easily to leadership roles, as he believes that maturity equals superiority over other, less mature individuals. when he first encounters harry at madam malkin’s robe shop, he displays a very genuine attempt to socialise with harry – someone his age – which unfortunately comes off as arrogant and unlikeable, as he only speaks of himself, his goals for the near future, and politics – all of which are more than acceptable conversation topics for adults, but not anything that would interest an eleven-year-old.
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filiiconscidisti · 5 years
╰✧☼. ooc. this blog and @filiiconscidisti now have rules pages. whoops ! sorry about that !
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