fiddlewave · 7 years
Janosh Nigun - Ot Azoj Klezmerband
[link: What is a Niggun?]
“When does a Jew sing? a Hebrew writer once asked. His answer: when he is hungry.
Truth is, a Jew is always hungry, and to most observant Jews the niggun (a wordless song, but not necessarily) is the fastest way to feed his hunger. Hungry, a Jew searches because his Jewish soul won't let him rest until he has come to hear what he needs to hear and to say what he needs to say. Hungry, he turns to music when words fail and he looks up to Him and sings his heart out. With the right intent, any Jew who sings a niggun always reaches his Creator.
In a sense, a niggun is a combination of parent-child sounds that no one else can understand. "Ya--na--na--ya--na--pa--pa--yaya--ya"--a stammering infant language G-d created for us when our feelings are too delicate or too intimate for others to hear.
A child speaks this perfect language, but forgets it when he learns his parent's language. Yet nothing is lost to a Jew. One day, when he is at his wit's end, the parent rediscovers suddenly, in singing a niggun, the language of the child in him. Then he speaks to his Father, and all becomes right. This is what a niggun is for.
As for the person who has not yet a child? He who experiences such inner aspect of a deeply moving emotion, through a niggun is flooded with light, beauty, and soul, above all, awareness of details, even those that are related to the emotion.”
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fiddlewave · 7 years
Just learned Arcand-saw Traveler today. 
This version of Arkansas Traveler is named after John Arcand, who remembers his ancestors playing the song this way. This is a “crooked” tune... unconventional rhythms and styles of fiddle in here, keeping with the métis, native and french canadian traditions.
 The fiddler here, I believe is April Verch.
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fiddlewave · 7 years
Martha Campbell
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fiddlewave · 7 years
Josef Szalai, hungarian Romani fiddler/violinist performing Czardas. Enjoy a glass of wine with the wonderful singer as you watch this video. Cheers🥂
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fiddlewave · 7 years
Can anyone tell me if this is Rromani fiddlin? Don't want to misattribute things I know little of. Either way it's awesome! Grabovica designates the region/country of Bosnia I believe.
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fiddlewave · 7 years
A demonstration of multiple styles of fiddling.
Included in this is the fiddling style of “g*psies” which I know Rromani peoples affirm that this is a slur against their people. I would assume Carol Ann Wheeler showcases the romani style of fiddle here. I chose to share this video despite the slur, to showcase the culture. In the future I will research more accurate depictions of the Romani culture.
Also, the Norweigan fiddling I believe has been corrected in the youtube video, it’s actually Swedish.
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fiddlewave · 7 years
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fiddlewave · 7 years
There is a video online recorded in 1928 by Fox Movietone News about folk musician John H. Scruggs also known as Uncle John Scruggs. He was an American banjo player born in Buckingham County Virginia.
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fiddlewave · 7 years
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St Louis Post-Dispatch, Missouri, June 18, 1909
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fiddlewave · 7 years
Oh my dad showed me this on Facebook awhile back. Are they cajun or créole? From what I remember they are. They make me want to go down to america.
Leyla McCalla & Cedric Watson - “Pa Janvier”
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fiddlewave · 7 years
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Math, math, math. Laying out sound holes based on harmonic and geometric proportions. Porkchop helps with holding paper down.
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fiddlewave · 7 years
This is a beautiful video of John Arcand, an accomplished métis fiddler. 
The métis style fiddle is a tradition that is being kept by those like Arcand. In its own way, métis fiddle has an oral history. It cannot really be taught by writings, though now métis fiddle is being documented well as recording technology has become more accessible and advanced.
The style of fiddle is well known for the “Red River Jig”, which mixes aboriginal rhythms inside of fiddling. In fact, the tunes of métis style fiddle all mix aboriginal rhythms and dance into the fiddle music. Thus, the style of fiddling is unique because it takes its character from different nations of people in Canada, european settlers, and native american nations of the west. 
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fiddlewave · 7 years
Ashley MacIsaac with the Chieftains, 1997, Japan
The odd thing about youtube fiddling culture, is that the videos and modern fiddlers are very wavey. Today, as some types of fiddling are being lost to the ages, this blog presents old fiddling videos from the 90s and early 2000s and maybe some old-time fiddling too. Of course, fiddlewave is not real a real “wave” of music, just a catchy name. So, to truly show you the premise of this blog we will begin with one of the most iconic fiddlers of all time, Ashley MacIsaac.
In this video, Ashley is playing a set of standard Cape Breton (in Nova Scotia) style fiddling songs, notably Tullochgorum. 
Ashley MacIsaac fuses multiple genres of music with the traditional Cape Breton fiddle, especially grunge and rock music. He is most well known for his album hi how are you today? for its excellent blend of traditional fiddle and rock music.
Many consider MacIsaac to truly represent Canadian music. As you watch this old VHS video, take note of his wacky camouflage t shirt, his playfulness on stage, and his focus on his performance as the Chieftains watch him with respect. Though it is important to note MacIsaac’s Cape Breton-ness, his gayness shows through too. That’s not really a stereotype, I am just stating a fact... Ashley MacIsaac, a gay Cape Bretoner, represents Canadian music.
I wonder what is the influence gay culture has had on MacIsaac’s music. As a gay fiddler myself, I wonder if in 50 years, gay fiddle music will start to take form. As many people focus on preserving traditional fiddling, which is extremely important, I also wonder how fiddling music will evolve.
So, I suppose that’s what fiddlewave is. On this blog, I will try to show modern fiddling music while also fitting this video’s vintage aesthetic. Hopefully, as I post more and more videos, we can also see how the music genre will evolve. This is certainly the best video to begin with!
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