fictional-frenzy · 2 months
i swear to god when something goes wrong in customer service, especially with technology, there's always that ONE customer who has to pick up a big stink about it
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fictional-frenzy · 2 months
man idk what's worse; physically demanding work, or dealing with customers all day (mentally demanding work...)
I think they're as bad as each other, but I'd rather do physical work if it means not being bothered by people every 5 seconds while trying to get a job done...
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fictional-frenzy · 5 months
there's this guys that's been coming in every now n then for a coffee and my god he's such a fucking prick. his whole demeanor is just awful. i don't like serving him. makes me uncomfortable with the way he talks to me. looks at me like im a dumbass when i say the price. i always automatically ready the eftpos machine out of habit, and a lot of people pay with their card nowadays. he just kinda hesitates to hold the cash and then throws it at me
i really, really don't like this guy... i hope someone makes his coffee really shit one day and he decides to never come back
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fictional-frenzy · 9 months
on the p-word addiction... i wouldnt wanna stop watching it yknow. i just want to consume it healthily. like not having to watch it everyday, or even get off everyday. but i do it because it relieves stress for me and makes me forget about shit because work sucks sometimes
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fictional-frenzy · 10 months
i think i have a p-word addiction tbh. but because im a woman i feel like the effects of watching it everyday are different vs if i was a man with this addiction
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fictional-frenzy · 11 months
had a middle-aged? older lady? come in, wanted a car wash, told her it was out of action because it WAS. I don't make this shit up and I don't say this to annoy people. It's just facts (and they don't care about your feelings LMAOOO yes i just quoted that)
anyway she just picked up her keys and walked away. Said nothing at all... So rude lol
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fictional-frenzy · 11 months
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god plz be this close to me in my dreams
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fictional-frenzy · 11 months
his gold pants are still driving me crazy 6 years later
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fictional-frenzy · 11 months
i swear to god some customers make me want to lose my sanity and bash my head against the till
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fictional-frenzy · 3 years
i don’t really know how i feel about making online friends tbh
like, it sounds fun, but i’m so terrified of talkin to ppl i don’t know online lol
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fictional-frenzy · 3 years
omfg im so dumb. i shift-clicked an addon thingy lol and it automatically pinned something in the chat /facepalm
Needless to say, I logged out
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fictional-frenzy · 3 years
honestly I can’t even tell anymore if Mythic+ has changed WoW for better or for worse. on one hand, cool challenging content for players who are into it! On the other hand, everyone rushes low-level dungeons, normals and Heroics now, people expect you do skip trash perfectly like it’s a Mythic+ in a normal / heroic dungeon or whatever dungeon you’re doing that has a ridiculous skip (Everbloom Wilds anyone?)
I even heard people are doing skips in Classic dungeons. That’s just really sad imo. I’m put off doing dungeons bc of people who get pissy over one small mistake in a LOW-LEVEL DUNGEON. This game shouldn’t be stressful to play. People shouldn’t get mad in a low-level dungeon. Players have to ruin every fucking thing about this game. It sucks.
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fictional-frenzy · 3 years
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wow, what a fucking attitude. No one wants to RP with someone who has this attitude.
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fictional-frenzy · 4 years
ParadoxWoW 3.3.5a was the best WoW Private Server experience for me. I had some buddies on that server even though it didn’t last long. Some troll added all my spells to my main character and I couldn’t log into him ever again. That pissed me off so much. Bc I forgot to put on my immunity spells and turn GM Mode on.
Good times though. I used to run like 4 clients at once playing that server for the shits n giggles. God, I miss it.
I remember I was on the forums quite a bit and my profile picture was of someone else’s artwork of Emo Pikachu (yeah I stole art I was like fucking 11-12 years old give me a break).
I remember there was a really good artist who’d post their art. I forgot their name but MAN if I find them again I will be so happy.
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fictional-frenzy · 4 years
Man it would be amazing if random people didn’t slide into my DMs, complimented my art AND request/suggest that I draw their fetish for them, regardless how ‘SFW’ it is or not. And under the guise of “it’s not what you actually think it is!” Like, yeah, I know what you want, mate.
I don’t feel like taking even suggestions anymore because every time I do it’s just people wanting me to draw their fetishes.
Even if it was on a not-safe-for-work, alternative account/blog I still wouldn’t do it if it made me uncomfortable, even if it was SFW.
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fictional-frenzy · 4 years
oh boy i am finding ripto fucky as hell.
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fictional-frenzy · 4 years
highly not safe for w*rk lol
Is it bad that I once got off to Cortex’s voice files. Nothing else, no pr0n, just his voice.
It took quite a bit of effort but I did, uh, finish. Haha. Embarrassing, I know.
Man, he’s just so fuckin hot. I’d do anything for him...
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