feywildrecap · 6 years
Feywild Recap 8/20/18
Hello again friends! I’m back from hiatus and (hopefully) caught up with the big plot points that’ve happened in the last 2 weeks. Remember when I said these were going to happen more regularly? I’m clearly not fey because that was a lie. ANYWAY, here’s short version of what we missed since then.
Malachite and Hyacinth (among others) have figured out that the rocks take memories. Hyacinth can’t remember meeting Elise, but Mal isn’t quite sure what he’s lost. He is asking the important questions though: Why DO the rocks need their memories? (queue ominous music)
At Luna Park Quinn bullied a fair few folks into riding the cyclone with her. And probably has photos of it all.
Emmet managed to overhear Peridot complaining about the queen and the recent death of an Unseelie. Whoops. Not to worry, the best defense is a good offence so Per may or may not have accused Emmet of being a murderer.
Gale and Malachite are discussing the lack of glamour and how that affects 99 production and price. Gale thinks the price needs to triple which is going to be a real kick in the teeth to the top customers. Did I say teeth? I meant wallet. But who needs to eat or pay rent as long as you’re pretty, right Nadia?
Lacha and Gale are reunited and it feels so good. Despite dumping his ass in the Wood, they’ve put their heads (and other bits) together to try and find a solution to their current problems. Make up sex is the best sex, right kids?
Marigold has gone back to Maynooth looking for Slane but ran into Brielle instead.
Yvette and Patrick are discussing elixirs. This can’t end well.
Flashback to Gale and Lacha in the 80s, sadly with not a shoulder pad or scrunchie in sight. It’s not that kind of flashback. Nope, instead they’re arguing over Camellia.
Malachite is pulling his best Morpheus impersonation and inviting Yvette to see how deep the rabbit hole goes -- he’ll answer her questions and she’ll tell him about Slane and other things she’s discovered.
The night of the eclipse was particularly rough for Lark, for obvious reasons, and she had a bit of break down with Forest. You know it was bad because Forest actually offered to try and find Nadia for her.
Ember, rather than be caught with someone else’s husband, decided to flee via the floo network straight to Hogwarts, but she miscounted fireplaces and ended up in Oleander’s room half naked.
Knox decided to show back up at Oakenfold and Forest, true to his word, let Adare and Willow know about it.
Lunasgad has begun and Queen Aster has been named the fairest of them all. Folks are all set to compete in “friendly” competitions and get hitched, Vegas Fey Style. There’s several competition starters out there so be sure to jump on your fav and compete. There’s also competitions still up for grabs.
Zinnia is bitter that she’s not queen, but that doesn’t stop her from being confident she’ll win her competition.
Nickel and Hyacinth are both hoping to be Robin Hood like in their archery competition, even if Hyacinth claims to be out of practice.
Willow and Zinnia are swordfighting. Careful, ladies, glamours are a thing of the past and swords are sharp.
Don’t forget, humans are invited to hang out with the Clann and their own version of the holiday! 
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feywildrecap · 6 years
Feywild Recap 8/6/2018
It’s that time again, folks! Time to check in and see what’s been going on on the dash One day I might be organized enough to actually do this weekly, but today is not that day. Lets see what we missed, shall we? 
Peridot and Onyx are still chatting about rebellions, Peri says hers is more important than literally anyone or anything. It might be wise to have another hobby, just in case Per. On Onyx’s end things are slightly more well rounded -- the rebellion itself isn’t the most important thing but the people he’s found that are worth rebelling for just might be.
Adare taught Forest how to recognize Clann Nuadha and asked him to keep an eye out for them.
Larkspur and Isabella are having coffee together so that Lark can avoid all the people out looking for Lorde.
Ro is giving Camellia a quick history lesson, teaching her about Queen Celia and other things she should know about why the Unseelie court and Queen Lacha are the way that they are.
Sean finally revealed to Nadia that he knows far more about the fey than he’d originally let on and his status as a changeling. Peridot also told him that he was swapped with Nickel, so all that pent up anger has a fun new target.
Tiger and Yvette are also getting more honest with each other - TBD whether or not it makes a difference on Tiger’s literal brain damage. (Thanks, Ro)
Marigold and Forest are still hanging out and drinking, though he has discovered that when she’s drunk and overwhelmed by emotion (such as when she receives a hug from her father and info about her mother for the first time in like 50 years) she has a tendency to turn into a cat. Totally normal.
Hyacinth and Camellia are taking in the comfort of the chilly Winter Court.
Mal and Yvette are chatting about elixirs, Malachite being unintentionally (or maybe not) creepy and intense. But with the #18 flowing through her system, Yvette doesn’t seem bothered by it.
Forest and Cobalt are at Goldhide punching things together and being generally manly.
Kaitlin and Hazel ran into each other, literally, at Oakenfold and it turns out Kaitlin is really holding a grudge at Hazel for what Sorrel did to Davey. Hazel hasn’t managed to get Kaitlin to believe that she had nothing to do with it.
Larkspur and Hyacinth are at his apartment indulging in elixirs and escapism like the healthy adults they are.
Fey and friends descended on Luna Park at Coney Island and broke it IRL. Worse, though, during the eclipse the magic decided to NOPE out and glamours are down, plus the hungry grass and rocks are popping up again. Oh, and there was another dead fey found. NBD.
Lacha and Camellia are enjoying some mother/daughter bonding over cotton candy.
Nadia convinced Sean to join her at Luna Park with the promise of winning him a stuffed animal -- a feat she accomplished and now he’s stuck with Otto the Otter.
Aster is hoping to have the same luck winning stealing Larkspur a stuffed animal. And also, hopefully, winning her heart.
Forest tried to get his players to go and have fun but it backfired on him when literally everyone reminded him that he’s a stick in the mud and also needs to have fun. So he’s there with Marigold. Except Mari never told him she’s a fan of supermodels, so when she spotted Nadia across the park Forest had to promise to introduce her later. And inform her that they are siblings.
Emmet has run into Lark at the park as well, he’s pretty sure he knows why she seems familiar but hasn’t quite decided to believe he’s met Lorde yet. But he has decided she’s trouble either way. The good kind of trouble though, right Emmet?
Other people who might be in trouble as far as Lark is concerned: Camellia. She and Larkspur have run into each other for the first time since Bealtaine. Not awkward at all, ladies. 
Kaitlin was hoping the time she spent learning about baseball from Davey would help her win the games, but didn’t quite get it the first time. Forest stepped in to give her a hand, as did Willow.
Nickel managed to get Raven to take a turn on the High Striker carnival game before he left the event, but apparently he’s a fan of the shadows that night because he also stopped to tell Ro not to mess with the hungry rocks.
Yvette and Malachite bumped into each other at the park and Yvette informed him that she’d seen the mysterious rocks before. A fact that only makes her more intriguing to Mal. Danger Will Robinson. 
Hyacinth didn’t get the memo about the rocks and picked one up, trying to get Larkspur to do the same. Trouble is, they have no effect on her at all and she can’t quite figure out why.
Hazel and Yvette caught up at Luna park as well, exchanging numbers and noticing the hungry grass pop up as they watched.
Everyone was having a grand ol’ time until Hyacinth found the body at the park, then Hazel found them, but it was Larkspur who ID’ed him. Raven helped get the body OUT of the park via the hall of mirrors. Lark went to Ro for help after the body was taken care of.
The loss of glamour hit Jasmine pretty hard, given the scars she bears so Marigold went to find her and take her home. In a shocking display of fatherly love, Adare showed up at her place to check in on her. He even brought her a #99.
Speaking of 99, the price has gone up due to the loss of fey glamours. Nadia is not happy.
Lacha and Adare are having lunch to discuss the dead fey and other problems.
Ember and Rowan should text more often.
Peridot is unimpressed with the way Lacha is handling things and not afraid to say so to anyone who will listen.
Forest and Tyler ran into each other in Central Park. Awkwardness and half-truths ensued.
Don’t forget you’ve got until August 14th to send in IC & OOC love to the Remix for Lugnasad.
--XOXO, OOC Gossip Fey
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feywildrecap · 6 years
Feywild Recap 7/26/18
Time for our quasi weekly recap, reminding you of the things you may have missed while you were working, vacationing, sleeping, or just having a life. This week brought us another influx of new characters to love and I’m going to have to get better at doing these ACTUALLY weekly because y’all have been busy! Let’s get into it.
Aster decided to get a few rounds after his shift at the bar then proceeded to try and buy Hyacinth a drink. Only problem was Hyacinth was working and is apparently no fun. At all.
Maybe Hyacinth would be more fun if his girlfriend hadn’t just died in An Fidchell (the world may never know) but sadly Elise has shuffled off this mortal coil.
Willow and Garnet are having a girl’s night. Garnet, to everyone’s eternal relief, is finally realizing maybe she deserves better than the King (-GASP-) who doesn’t love her.
Nadia is engaging in retail therapy and getting the opinions of anyone who will stand still long enough to provide one.
Adare asked Forest to keep an eye out for Knox, since Onyx noticed him hanging around.
Larkspur and Benji are still chatting, though Lark is now giving specific elixir recommendations. I feel like this can only end in tears.
In case no one noticed, Patrick is tall. 
Adare and Willow’s conversation is going beyond the typical surface chat and real questions are getting asked. It seems like Adare is really trying to make sure Willow knows he is trying to make things better for the court. Whether or not they believe him is another story.
Since Nadia struck out with Forest in terms of discovering what Slane meant when he referenced the fey, she’s turned to Sean. Perhaps because he’s tired of watching her flail uselessly, Sean is actually giving her some answers.
Ember and Kaitlin are spending the 4th drinking together at the Irish pub.
Memes. Text memes everywhere. And some people (you know who you are) took that whole heartbreaking text a bit too seriously. Ouch.
Rowan is apparently starting a mentorship program for young unseelie, taking time to offer assistance and instruction to both Camellia and Larkspur. I would love for both of them to start following her around and trying to be just a little more like Ro in how they dress and talk. Wishful thinking? Probably, but I can see an AU forming. (No one judge me, its 4 am)
Nickel got drunk at a wedding in Jersey and texted Hazel to see about getting some mac and cheese. Hazel, after a little confusion, agreed because who doesn’t love a stray?
If you’d like to know more about Adare and his former wife, Bethany wrote a literal novel. But it’s beautiful and worth reading. Also informational. Did you know lushy was a word in 1849? I didn’t. Gotta read to find out context…. 
Ember is treating Quinn to a night on the town. And by town, I mean water. On a yacht. To rub elbows with a certain unnamed hollywood actor.
Willow has given Hazel a bit more info on the rebellion and Hazel, like the dork she is, is making Star Wars comparisons in her mind. If they ever try to teach her to fight, expect her to make lightsaber noises.
Adare and Marigold are having a moment. Possibly because Adare is drunk. Regardless, a moment was had -- with a hug, no less. Adare told her that he loved her mother and loved (note the past tense, intentional or not) her and her sister.
Ember and Cobalt are hanging out at the bar, but not splitting nachos… because Cobalt is selfish about that kind of thing.
Marigold and Forest are also hanging out at a bar for drinks, sans nachos. They’re contemplating places they’d rather be. So far better options include beaches, mountains, and some place upstate.
Cobalt and Willow are being adorable and also pushing the boundaries of appropriate workplace conduct at Oakenfold.
Adare revealed to the Seelie Court that he was working on a fix to the fertility crisis but that the fix might actually be another problem. A problem named Knox Bakshi who may or may not be stalking and/or murdering fey. Good talk.
Peridot is picking up where Jasper left off (someone please recruit us a Jasper) and touching base with Nickel. Because the rebellion’s motto is “the more, the merrier.” 
Sean has named his price to join the rebellion -- the name of the changeling who took his place. It could get uncomfortable if both Nickel and Sean are recruited.
Hazel and Cobalt got stuck working late and are debating the merits of Red Bull.
Kaitlin finally returned Davey’s cat to him. Pros: positive, chipper, rambly Davey. Cons: he can’t remember why he shouldn’t be those things.
Speaking of Davey, he decided after a month of hiding out with his fam (a well deserved break, I’m sure) he’d try to figure out why he had a poker chip from a casino. His presence brought about a few different reactions. Adare “recognizing” his neighbor, Quinn checking on a stranger, Tyler legit checking on a stranger, Hazel turning into a dog to try to keep him from returning to repeat his mistakes, etc.
Brielle totally stole Adare’s watch (by accident, of course) so Adare decided coffee wasn’t enough and has asked her to join him for dinner to return it. Patrick sees no problem with this arrangement, provided Adare continues to be generous. He’s hoping for a taco truck. 
Kaitlin decided she’d moped long enough and took to dancing in the rain with friends and sort of strangers alike.
Marigold and Camellia are having lunch to discuss their daddy issues. I really hope their waiter is a therapist on the side.
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feywildrecap · 6 years
Feywild Recap 7/17/18
Time for our quasi weekly recap, reminding you of the things you may have missed while you were working, vacationing, sleeping, or just having a life. 
Lacha and Willow are trying to murder us all with feels and cute babies that hide deep implications. They’re both being far more open and honest than either would have expected and it’s beautiful.
Marigold and Jasmine are having some important twinly bonding over food and I cannot even begin to express how thrilled I am to have both twins taken again.
Nickel has tracked down Jasper, asking probing questions about the Fox Rebellion without coming out and really asking. The two are dancing around each other, getting a feel for whether or not the rebellion might gain a new member.
Speaking of rebellions, Willow is hanging out with Hazel, getting a feeling for her own dissatisfaction. The Holly Rebellion may also gain a new member. #Changelings4Change  Willow is also touching base with Garnet (as is Onyx) and Jasmine.
Peridot is trying to recruit Sean, because who better to fight the power than the overlooked player with a chip on his shoulder? She’s also making deals with Aster and chatting with Onyx. Both rebellions are doing some recruiting, trying to build their numbers so it’s time for rulers to start sweating a bit.
Yvette is trying to get an elixir education from Aster, who’s being rather cryptic because there are some things you’re supposed to figure out for yourself and why do you have so many questions anyway? Subtlety is not Yvette’s strong suit…. But in the end it worked out for her and she got the secret password. Bonus points for persistence. At least she doesn’t have to worry about starving while she does her digging into fey stuff -- Hazel has her in the kitchen of Oakenfold, making her grilled cheese.
Onyx sought out Aster, trying to determine whether or not the Unseelie apprentice could make an elixir that might help Willow on the DL. In exchange, Onyx would owe Aster a favor. TBD whether or not that’s gonna be a thing, though if I were a woman to place bets, I’d say no. When is anything ever that easy?
Forest is back in caretaker mode, popping in on Hazel to try and heal the burn left by Fidchell. Good thing Hazel essentially lives in a greenhouse, lots of plants to tap into.
Don’t worry, though, Yvette is also checking on Forest. Kind of. She ran into him at Oakenfold and, remembering what Nadia told her about how he used to be Kevin Ives, she asked if he was okay. Because that’s more socially acceptable than saying “I met your sister and she thinks you’re in a magical cult, is that true?”
A wild Malachite appeared!! He used buy people drinks. It was very effective.
Rowan is hardcore wallowing in the loss of her magic from the hungry grass, mostly because she’s thinking it’s permanent rather than temporary. Raven, in typical Raven fashion, is not entirely helpful.
Jasmine is drinking with her scarred brethren at the Rookery, trading cocktail/real estate trivia with Aster.
Nadia is continuing to help treat Forest’s injuries from Fidchell, and the two of them are actually talking with some degree of honesty. (Will wonders never cease??) Forest has confirmed the existence of the fey in a roundabout manner without actually saying “Hi, my name is Forest and I’m a feyry.” Nadia has admitted to using 99 on the reg and to the extent of damage the fire caused.
Back in Tara, bets are being settled and promises kept. Lacha announced that Gale is Cam’s father and Adare took the opportunity to drag her (and himself) about it and also get a few digs in at the Princess. 
Jasmine found Adare to remind him that there but for the death of Elise go I and congratulated him on the Fidchell victory and the baby. He internally compared talking to her to having a root canal. #1 Dad
After chatting with Aster, Yvette found herself presented a drink by none other than Malachite himself. Of course it’s spiked with elixir, because Malachite.
Sean is still brooding about not being picked for Fidchell, but is being distracted by Nadia’s terrible renditions of Shania Twain chart toppers. And the fact that Slane, aka some weird Irish dude, told her about the hungry grass.
Nickel and Benji are having a meal with mama Dalton and I love everything about it. Family bonding ftw.
Yvette, ever persistent, is still looking for more answers from both Tiger and Adare. We’ll see if it pays off like it did with Aster.
More newcomers popped up in game and I’m STOKED. Quinn is taking photos in the park and making friends with Aster and Nick and catching up with Forest.
Brielle found what she thought was Adare’s wallet, but he keeps a closer eye on his belongings than that. And also condones the rules of finder’s keepers. Not to worry, though, she’s also performing random acts of kindness for the likes of Aster and Peridot.
Brielle and Quinn are bonding over journals, crystals, and candles. Onyx and Hazel are bonding over baking. Patrick and Brielle are having staring contests. Cuteness abounds.
Though Adare believes the rumblings of change are mostly from the Unseelie court, he’s not stupid an realizes his own has things to be dissatisfied over. He might be feigning ignorance, but he’s aware and hoping he and Oleander can pull another rabbit out of their hats.
--XOXO OOC Gossip Fey
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feywildrecap · 6 years
Feywild Recap 7/7/18
Want to know what you missed this week on the dash while you slept, ate, worked, or had a life? Here’s the gist.
Knox and Adare are still working on a solution to the fey-fertility crisis, but Adare seems skeptical about the hungry grass being part of the solution. Can’t say that I blame him? But scientific breakthroughs have come from stranger places. Actually, that’s probably not true.
Turns out Rowan can’t undo Tiger’s memory wipe (sorry Yvette) but she might be able to do something. For the right price. Which is vague and ominous and probably a terrible decision so I really hope Oleander goes for it. 
Nadia survived an encounter with Rowan (who planted the idea in her mind that if she’s willing to go on a quest of Tolkien proportions, the cure for her scars might just be attainable--she’s still looking into that and considering) and, according to Frost, that’s worth celebrating. So they are. With shots. Before Fidchell because RP timelines are weird, friends.
Also before Fidchell, Camellia and Jasper are having a besties slumber party and discussing their thoughts on the games, potential outcomes and their fears/concerns. Guess what kids, it doesn’t end well for your court. Camellia, not sure whether your should blame Jasper for making it worse or thank him for the distraction. Last time I said I shipped something, one of the halves of the ship left the next day, so I’m keeping my mouth shut this time. But I ship it.
She wouldn’t admit it, but Lacha was momentarily relieved about the distraction after Fidchell since it gave her a bit more time to hold on to her secrets. Upon further consideration, she realized just how serious the situation could have been. The fire strikes her as a very Unseelie thing and the fact that she could have been on the board rather than Adare is not lost on her. (Off with their heads!) Despite what the rebellious among her court think, Lacha does not believe Camellia is ready to be queen so now she has to make a decision about what to do. Instead of fighting fire with fire (pun intended) she decides to go the diplomatic (re boring) route. In essence, her speech can be summarized as: You bitches want to play games, let’s fucking play. (a far longer and more eloquent version of Lacha’s speech is here. I highly recommend everyone take a few minutes and read it) 
After saving Freesia and the all important banner (fight me, Royan), Ember is back in the action being ironic and saving the former firefighter from the fire that knocked him on his ass.
Willow and Adare are having one of those chats by the bar that leave you wondering whether or not they’re in a fight -- polite on the surface but fraught with tension. Employees of Oakenfold should feel safe, though, because Willow is updating the fire evacuation plan. Good choice, Will. 
Aster is being rebellious and breaking rules for Larkspur, but who can blame him when she’s so damn happy about it? Poor lad is going to have to change his address to permanently living in denial, though, if he thinks she actually likes him for him and not his elixirs. Don’t worry too much, though, he’s also buying drinks for Yvette and Tiger. Nothing like keeping your options open. 
Adare just wants to be romantic and doesn’t understand why no one will let him. (Spoiler alert, it’s because he’s kind of the worst at it) 
Raven would like to remind everyone that he is not soft, he is not a mother hen, despite the fact that he checked in with both Camellia and Rowan after Fidchell to make sure they were okay. It’s just his job, so shut up.
Not to be outdone, Peridot also met with the Princess, but her version is sketchier considering her part in the rebellion and the fact that she’s totally putting on a false front to earn/keep Cam’s trust. It’s ok... the ends justify the means, right? 
Willow is doing their own checking in, stopping by to recruit an eager Onyx and check on Hazel. And maybe recruit her too, depending on how things go. 
Nadia is far less subtle, texting Forest that she knows about the fey and hoping that he’ll either confirm or deny. Except that’s really not his style so instead she got a read receipt. Rude. Not one to be ignored, she showed up at his apartment and demanded entry, only to be cowed when she discovered he was injured. Not just injured, burned. Fucking karma being a bitch again. Nadia put aside her annoyance and curiosity for a moment and is patching him up.
Frost and Camellia are spending the 4th splashing around like they’re in an episode of H2O: Just Add Water. (please understand that reference)
--XOXO OOC Gossip Fey
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feywildrecap · 6 years
Feywild Recap - 6/28/18
Want to know what you missed this week on the dash while you slept, ate, worked, or had a life? Here’s the gist. 
After having her power sapped and figuring out the grass was the cause, Garnet went to Forest for assistance discovering who let the grass out (who, who who who who) -- she firmly believes it’s the Unseelie’s fault because in her mind all the bad things are their fault, but she’s trying to be fair and rule out the Seelie before she points the finger.
Sean and Benji also looked into the grass just a little, with less purpose than Garnet. And Benji brought up his brother just to punch us in the face with feels.
Peridot has mommy issues. She is cold and hard precisely because her mother was not. Mom wore her heart on her sleeve and Peridot had to watch her get hurt over and over so she decided to go the total opposite route and never open up to anyone ever because people are the worst.
Nadia let her 99 supply get low and before she could get more, the glamour died revealing her scars to Rowan. Rowan, in typical Ro fashion, decided to push and got Nadia to reveal her story but also gave her the tidbit that there might be a more permanent solution to her problem.
Jasper and Frost are sparring because punching fixes everything.
Danica wants Onyx to show her a magic trick. Is it too early/too forbidden to ship it? Yes? Ok, nevermind.  Also, Onyx told Oleander that he’s suspicious of a tall dark haired man with dark eyebrows and a beard. Me too, Onyx. Me too.
Camellia and Hazel are chatting plants at Cotilan because they’re both precious little nerds who’d rather focus on plants than the fact that ten people just got nominated to fight to the death in the Funger Games (aka fey hunger games.) The denial is strong with these two.
Forest and Nickel both have daddy issues, as proven by their bro-time bonding on father’s day.
Yvette is teaching Onyx and Gale about Lucid dreaming. Seems like a terrible idea to me, but Yvette is full of bad choices. Like giving her number to Adare because he’s Tiger’s best friend and Yvette is hoping Adare will tell Tiger that Yvette thinks she’s preeeetty. Or letting Oleander text Tiger for her. Check Yes or No, Tiger.
Oleander approached Rowan to find out what could be done to retrieve Tiger’s memories so maybe she can actually reciprocate the crush Yvette is working so hard to develop.
Nadia gets cranky when she’s hungry and lied to, but she’s getting more and more information from the Unseelie about the possibility of a permanent face-fix. No one will give her a straight answer though… Sean says to ask Ivy.
Speaking of Sean, he’s still HELLA cranky about not being picked for Fidchell and is being grumpy with Ivy about it, even though she swears she put his name in the ring. He’s also mildly antagonizing Forest now that Forest knows about him and Nadia. Though, to be fair, Forest makes it kind of easy.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Kaitlin is also super unhappy about not being chosen this year, but instead of being angry, she’s depressed. And also showing far less respect to the fey than usual.
Larkspur and Nadia are having a boozy brunch and gossiping about everyone and everything, Nadia intending to subtly (or maybe not) dig for further about the so called cure Rowan mentioned.
Gale fucked up in letting Adare light his cigarette -- he’s not the fem fatale in noir film, after all. In payment for the light, Adare demanded a future favor. (DUN DUN DUN) But swears it’ll be innocuous. (Sure, Jan.) Gale told Lacha about it and landed himself 3 days in the wandering wood, starting the day after Fidchell. Happy Father’s Day, Gale.
Despite her annoyance, Lacha tasked Rowan with making sure Gale got to say “Cam, I am your father,” before the announcement was made should the Unseelie lose Fidchell.
As Fidchell approached, Davey decided to tug on everyone’s emotions by doing things like going to the batting cages with Kaitlin, watching Field of Dreams with Kaitlin and Forest. And lets not forget giving Kaitlin his hat, and cat aND A BIG OL’ KISS. This one I definitely ship. Except now Davey is like a bad Days of Our Lives storyline and doesn’t remember a god damned thing since he got the magical amnesia because he’s the worst at wishes and I hate everything.
Camellia has been struggling with her own daddy issues as Fidchell approached, given that mommy dearest wagered daddio’s name. And then they lost. So Cam and Gale had some VERY brief father-daughter bonding while the world fucking exploded in green fire with the end of the match. Oh, and then Gale wandered off into the Wandering Wood because we can’t have nice things.
At Fidchell, Nickel and Hazel grumbled at each other from opposite sides of the figurative fence about the event and the way the fey treat humans. Hazel broke out the big guns, asking how Nickel would feel if Benji were the one on the board. Nickel also chatted with Sean, both of them fighting for the title of King of Not Caring and Cool Leather Jackets.
Yvette and Nadia are both finally finding some answers courtesy of Slane and some magic rocks. Yvette toyed with the stoner stones longer than Nadia, but the girls are deep in some Nancy Drew feels, starting to put pieces together about what might be fey related.
Chaos ensued directly after Fidchell, Hazel got burned but was helped away from the flames by Marigold. Garnet is doing her sneaky feyry magic on the banner, trying to figure out who put it there.
Ember and Tiger both tried to rescue as many people as they could once the fire broke out. Ember started with Adare’s baby-mama, then rescued the banner because evidence, THEN went for the other folks. Tiger, in typical Tiger fashion, used a paper dragon and loaded up fey like she was Daenerys Stormborn herself. As you may recall, paper is flammable so Tiger had to sacrifice the dragon to the flames once the people were safe. Ashes to ashes.
Jasper and Peridot are gloating. Rude.
--XOXO (OOC) Gossip Fey
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