fearfuel · 27 days
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given the circumstances that had surrounded the entire populous for the last twelve years, settling down in the domus spei had been the sliver of divinity they all needed. the peace and security that was instilled within the community was refreshing and a huge relief to anyone struggling just to see another day. however, that serenity was now shattered and there was a sense of uncertainty that hung heavy in the air, which did not exclude regina. she was so lost in her own thoughts, in fact, that it took her a moment to realize she'd locked eyes with miguel, brow quickly relaxing from its furrowed state, and a small smile gracing her lips at his quip.
" see, the danger in this is that i might end up a mess, too ... and i don't know if these people can handle both our drunk asses. especially not at the same time. " a beat, and she was reaching for an empty glass, as if her mind was already made up the moment the invitation had been announced.
" but what the hell, might as well have a drink. i'm not driving. "
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⸻⸻⸻ starter » open. ( tw: alcohol )
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⸻⸻⸻ miguel drank his first drink like a shot, putting the glass down and immediately filling it again. what a day, week, year. he would love to just go home, cuddle to his husband and well, forget the whole mess. darell's unmoving body, lying on the bed, chest barly moving with each breath flashed in his mind again, and miguel scowled lightly before taking another sip, slower this time. he looked to the side, making eye-contact with the other and lifted his glass. " wanna join me? " he asked, smiling just a little. distraction, that what it all was. " c'mon, don't let me become a sad drunk here. "
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fearfuel · 27 days
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" i dunno ... they're making it sound pretty heavy, to me, " he let out through a sigh, already feeling the cabin fever effect of their restricted access to outside the domus spei, and took a sip of amber liquid from the metal flask in hand ― a souvenir he'd picked up on one of their trips. " honestly, though, how mad could they really be if we went out and brought back something crazy ? " with that question hanging in the air, his mind began to race and his demeanor perked up at the very thought of recovering something invaluable that someone missed. lips dared to curve into that infamous, mischievous smirk, blue hues almost sparkling as they fixed on harlow.
" i mean, who knows what's out there ― what if there's a first aid kit stuffed somewhere, loaded with the good shit ? could still be salvageable. " the implication they sneak out was hardly subtle, though he would never dare directly suggest such a thing, at least not so openly where they could be overheard. but, just as quickly as the rush of adrenaline came, his shoulders slouched a little as jonesy leaned to relax in his former stance, and the spark was gone again.
" but here we are, sittin' around, wasting valuable time ... "
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⸻⸻⸻ starter » open.
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⸻⸻⸻ they took a deep breath, an almost finished cigarette filling their lungs with smoke. they were working on this pack for the past five months, trying to be subtle but not successing much. there was so many things that could kill them in this world, a little smoke break wouldn't hurt much, right? " so... " they said to the closed person. " you think they will let us out or it's closed season now? "
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fearfuel · 27 days
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" nah, man ... i knew this shit was gonna happen, eventually. " he did not, in fact, know this ― it was merely an assumption made based off the copious amounts of horror entertainment that jonesy's young mind consumed prior to the actual apocalypse. based off of this knowledge, he felt as though he had a slight advantage, as if it had prepared him for the trauma they dealt with to this day. in reality, however, it just further fueled the nightmares he silently dealt with every other night.
" i mean, y'know the simpsons, yeah ? remember how they always predicted everything ? like, major shit, " he gave pause for dramatic effect, brow raised slightly as blue hues directed a pointed look before continuing. " pretty sure zombies were in one of the episodes. " jonesy's broad shoulders gave a shrug to follow up, as if the conspiracy theory behind the adult cartoon was common knowledge, and then focused on the other's attempt at keeping the atmosphere positive.
" that's the spirit, yeah. there's loads of stuff we can do in here, on lockdown, right ? like ... water the crops. or carve cool stuff out of wood scraps. there's always the option of drinking ourselves stupid, too. "
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"Yeah, I don't know," Luka told the other, he was trying not to sound too worried, too concerned, but the latested new for sure weren't great, and some haven't even heard the wrose of it, he always did his best to keep the spirits up, keep going as he always did and always would until the day one of those things got him. "Sounds like crazy talk, but before this whole thing started we'd call it crazy talk too, yeah?" honestly he neve expected this and Luka was sure neither did anyone, zombies...sounds like something you only see in movies and tv, until you're somehow stuck in that reality.
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"But, huh we should try and just take it easy, we'll figure it out when/If there's anything to figure out."
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fearfuel · 27 days
𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐨𝐫 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓 ( 𝘫𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘺'𝘴 𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯 )
group leader or follower | long - ranged weapons or melee weapons | pre - apocalypse life or post - apocalypse life | stay alone or stay with a group | find shelter in the countryside or find shelter in a city | canned food or bottled water | radio or walkie - talkies | get captured or watch someone else get captured | carry too much or carry too little | use a car to travel or walk everywhere | trusting of strangers or skeptical of strangers | be killed at the beginning or have to live through it | endure a natural apocalypse or one started by humans | know about the virus origins or be in the dark | share supplies and risk running out or hoard supplies and be alone | leave an injured person behind or endanger yourself by helping tend to their wounds | spend the rest of your life looking for someone you love or watch them perish | witness the apocalypse outbreak or only know the post apocalyptic world | fight for your life or stay safe behind community walls
you’ve been bit ! do you : hide it or tell the group you’re with or try to amputate it one of your loved ones has been bit ! do you : kill them or run away you find a young child on their own, do you : take them with you or pretend you didn’t see them while scavenging, do you : only take the essentials or grab a few luxury items you just witnessed someone kill your loved one, do you : hunt them down and seek revenge or continue on without them you've come across a group of survivors in your travels, do you : approach them for help or attack them and steal their supplies or hide from them
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fearfuel · 27 days
𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐨𝐫 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓 ( 𝘳𝘦𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘢'𝘴 𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯 )
group leader or follower | long - ranged weapons or melee weapons | pre - apocalypse life or post - apocalypse life | stay alone or stay with a group | find shelter in the countryside or find shelter in a city | canned food or bottled water | radio or walkie - talkies | get captured or watch someone else get captured | carry too much or carry too little | use a car to travel or walk everywhere | trusting of strangers or skeptical of strangers | be killed at the beginning or have to live through it | endure a natural apocalypse or one started by humans | know about the virus origins or be in the dark | share supplies and risk running out or hoard supplies and be alone | leave an injured person behind or endanger yourself by helping tend to their wounds | spend the rest of your life looking for someone you love or watch them perish | witness the apocalypse outbreak or only know the post apocalyptic world | fight for your life or stay safe behind community walls
you’ve been bit ! do you : hide it or tell the group you’re with or try to amputate it one of your loved ones has been bit ! do you : kill them or run away you find a young child on their own, do you : take them with you or pretend you didn’t see them while scavenging, do you : only take the essentials or grab a few luxury items you just witnessed someone kill your loved one, do you : hunt them down and seek revenge or continue on without them you've come across a group of survivors in your travels, do you : approach them for help or attack them and steal their supplies or hide from them
0 notes
fearfuel · 27 days
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rudy pankow. 25. cis man. he / him. ― i see you met JONESY DELMONT, huh? they have been around for… well, it will be 10 YEARS, now. time flies when you are busy and as part of THE HUNTERS, they are. if you want to meet them, they live in B1A2D, i think. people say they are GALLANT + DEXTEROUS, but don’t piss them off, okay? because they can be also RECKLESS + QUIXOTIC, so be safe. 
full name.    jonesy wayne delmont
nicknames.    jone , delly , jd
birthdate.    may 4th , 2013
identity.    cis male , he / him
sexuality.    heterosexual
family.    joan delmont nee baker  † ( grandma ) ,  boone delmont  † ( father ) ,  elizabeth winchester  ( adoptive mother ) ,  aurora elena myranda  ( adoptive sister ) , --- --- ( adoptive sibling )
boone delmont was a name well known to the authorities and, if anything, that only further coaxed the chief's rebellious daughter into the dirtbag's bed. was still just a kid himself at 15 years when jonesy was brought into the world.
unfortunately for the junior delmont, his mom passed due to unforeseen complications after giving birth, and so he was left with only his dad and paternal grandmother. considering boone was a deadbeat, on top of being in and out of jail, grandma delmont was the one to raise jonesy through his childhood.
he was a wee bit of a hellraiser, inherited through the delmont bloodline, but was always a gem when it came to his grandmother. life wasn't perfect, but it was good enough for him. until his dad rolled up on his 10th birthday and decided to try to be a parent, dragging jonesy into his chaotic means of living.
a year later, the apocalypse hit and the delmont boys were on the run. jonesy was taught to trick unsuspecting strangers and steal from them. he also witnessed some awful actions from his dad, things he'd rather forget than ever talk about with anyone.
in another scheme cooked up by boone, they wound up in a small group with elizabeth winchester. his plan was to eventually rob them and run, but jonesy grew a liking to the atmosphere and community. it was comforting, secure; something he'd never truly experienced.
so, without a second thought, his dad dipped out in the dead of night after ransacking what he could of some supplies, never to be seen or heard of again. fortunately, elizabeth was kind enough to take jonesy under her wing and look out for him as if he was one of her own.
spitting image of his dad, much to his dismay.
while he can still be a troublemaker and smartass at times, jonesy has very high golden retriever energy. always looking for the silver lining in everything and acting a fool to entertain his fellow survivors (whether they're actually entertained or not).
often daydreams of what it'd be like if the world hadn't gone to shit. he's been fascinated with baseball, ever since he was a little fella, and likes to think he would have gone pro, after college.
thus his preferred choice of weapon is a baseball bat that he used to practice playing ball, wrapped in barbed wire. he tried using an axe before the bat, but after it got stuck in an infected's head, he opted to carry something that wouldn't get him into a similar sticky situation.
for some reason, holds onto his dad's old butane lighter. it ran out of fluid years ago, but jonesy has never been able to bring himself to toss it.
1 ) another young survivor he grew up with closely, did almost everything together as teens, got into harmless trouble more often than not. everyone thought the two were crushing on each other, like puppy love, but they honestly just enjoyed each others' company - no strings attached, no feelings other than platonic. could either have grown apart since then, or still be thick as thieves.
2 ) someone that knew his dad or mom (or both) before he was born/before the apocalypse. if it was his mom they knew, jonesy would be eager to learn all about her, since his dad and grandma never spoke of her to him. if it was his dad they knew, depending on the relationship, he'd be wary/avoidant of them.
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fearfuel · 27 days
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dewanda wise. 40. cis woman. she / her. ― i see you met REGINA DEWITT, huh? they have been around for… well, it will be 3 YEARS, now. time flies when you are busy and as part of THE MILITIA, they are. if you want to meet them, they live in H3B, i think. people say they are INCISIVE + NURTURING, but don’t piss them off, okay? because they can be also SPLENETIC + UNINHIBITED, so be safe. 
full name.    regina aaliyah dewitt
nicknames.    gi , gigi , gina , reggie , dewitt
birthdate.    october 23 , 1998
identity.    cis female , she / her
sexuality.    lesbian
family.    louie dewitt  † ( father ) ,  patricia dewitt nee king  † ( mother ) ,  simone merlotte nee dewitt  † ( older sister ) ,  carter dewitt  † ( younger brother )
born an army brat, regina grew up travelling the world. her dad was in the air force, moving their family around from one base to another dependent on where he would be stationed next. while the idea of being able to live in different countries would sound luxurious, it was hard to adjust to at such a young age. by the time she'd develop close bonds with some kids at her school, the dewitts would be moving again, far away.
eventually, she formed an unbreakable bond with a few kids whose parents were also in the force. as teens, they would constantly sneak out to party, dabbling in liquor and weed, and somehow make it back into their beds before the sun broke over the horizon.
she went through all the trials and tribulations of shifting from a teen to a full-fledged adult. through all the experimenting, trying and failing then trying again, learning hard lessons and appreciating the little things, regina found herself.
oddly enough, she partially followed in her dad's footsteps; she got her pilot's license but, rather than join the air force, she opted to giving tours via seaplane. the last tour she did indefinitely sent regina into an early retirement and almost an early death, as one of the tourists took a turn for the worst while they were up in the air and started attacking.
as the apocalypse tore up the world, regina found herself banding together with complete strangers in order to survive. she's seen so much death and loss over the last 12 years, and trust has been given and broken, time and time again -- it's hardened her more than her strict military father ever did.
by the time she made it in with the domus spei, she had very little faith in humanity. it took a while for her to fully open up to the group, but within the last couple years, regina has comfortably embraced the people of their community.
music is her heart and soul. an old crank record player was gifted to her by another survivor, and she's gathered quite the collection of records over the last year, either scavenged by herself or through trading. it's rare for her to not be humming or singing a tune, even on patrol.
as a memento to her late father, regina has a couple of his older patches stitched onto her own aviator jacket. somewhat out of guilt, she thinks it's her duty to carry on his legacy, despite not feeling like she ever has or will live up to it. this is probably the main reason why she trained to join the militia.
tends to be a bit of a pessimist whenever anyone new joins the domus spei, as she still holds a strong distrust for any straggler outside of their community.
would kill or be killed for her closest allies. would not think twice about putting herself in danger to protect those she holds dear. loyalty knows no bounds.
1 ) pseudo nephew/niece ; not really someone she sees as her own kid (she NEVER planned on or even imagined herself having kids), but definitely someone with whom she shares a familia connection and protects without question. bonus points if they call her auntie, which she pretended to hate at first but deep down actually loves.
2 ) regina needs someone she can unwind with, someone she can crack open a super old bottle of whatever alcohol they can get their hands on with, someone to share all the hot community goss with. she needs her person in this cruel, cruel world.
3 ) chip away at her cold, almost dead heart and give my girly some love. something completely unexpected that would catch her off guard, leave her feeling scared/out of her comfort zone. after developing a crush, she'd be doing her darndest to stay away from this person in order to avoid any deeper feelings from developing because how the hell you gonna fall for someone during an apocalypse? she's mad, mostly at herself for letting her guard down, but also a little at this person for somehow managing to break down her walls.
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fearfuel · 28 days
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jj maybank + THAT outfit
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fearfuel · 28 days
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fearfuel · 28 days
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I get it. I like redheads, too.
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fearfuel · 28 days
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I wasn’t prepared for you.
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fearfuel · 28 days
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( #𝐅𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐅𝐔𝐄𝐋 )   ;    a  dependent  and  private  multimuse  rp  blog ,  affiliated with  𝐛𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐡𝐪 ,  as  told  by  𝒸𝒶𝒾𝓉  ( she / her )  ―  please  do  not  interact  if  not  a  member  of  the  aforementioned  group .  triggering  themes  will  be  tagged  as  ' trigger tw ' .
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𝐉𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐘  𝐃𝐄𝐋𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐓 .            ( 25 , he / him , hunter , rudy pankow fc . ) 𝐑𝐄𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐀  𝐃𝐄𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐓 .             ( 40 , she / her , militia , dewanda wise fc . )
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