fcxjinah · 10 years
[ sms ] remember i broke my leggggggggggggggggggggg ):
[ ✉ → lena ] oh right[ ✉ → lena ] i forgot, sorry[ ✉ → lena ] i can stop by to get some after class?? i need money though, i spent it all on .......... food :
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fcxjinah · 10 years
( ` / jinah couldn't just push james away; it wasn't in her, it wasn't something she had planned to do — she didn't hate him. maybe he had reasons to. unconscious ones, ones like she wasn't good enough for him, wasn't pretty enough, wasn't being a good girlfriend; they had been digging at her nerves for the past few years and it's dawning on her right now. right at this moment, as she stands in front of him for the first time in the last two years and she finds herself feeling like a six year old girl again, nervous in front of her school crush. )  i don't hate you. ( ` / she blurts out, her lips pursing together as she battles with herself. what wouldn't push her over the edge? she didn't want to cry in front of him, that was weak, but at the same time, a big part of her was telling her to envelope him in her arms like she's ached to do every time she's seen him. she takes a deep breath before she continues. ) i ... i did at first, but it's passed and i felt bad for being mad. there's a reason why you did — or maybe it really was blind, but i feel better telling you that i forgive you rather than worrying what that reason might be. ( ` / she nods to emphasize her point, her shoulders being relieved of some of their weight as she finally brings her gaze up to his face. she's shaken and has to sit on the desk behind her so that she doesn't fall over.  she reaches her hand out for a moment, wanting to reach forward to connect her hand with his once more, but she keeps it in the air between them, dropping it a few split seconds afterward when she feels her resolve die down. ) i don't know what you've done since then, but ... i'd at least like to know that you're doing okay. if you don't want to talk to me now, though, that's alright — we haven't talked in a while so it's kind of awkward and i ... i'd understand. 
" — the silence ;
( x ) 
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fcxjinah · 10 years
[ sms ] unni we're out of tampons )~:
[ ✉ → lena ] .......... go buy some then :(
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fcxjinah · 10 years
> plot call!
this is an rp post yes :') pls plot with nana 
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fcxjinah · 10 years
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Nana in Harper’s BAZAAR July 2014 
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fcxjinah · 10 years
{ ` it's been two years since she's seen him this close up. two entire years, she thinks, two years of personality changes and life additions and subtractions; two years of change. she had been the epitome of that word, she was sure — she dyed her hair from blonde to darker colors, bouncing from black to its current brown, as it had been a ritual for most girls her age to do upon a bad break up. she lost weight, she's sure, and her attitude towards love had changed: she hasn't been with anyone since. maybe it's a distrust towards relationships and the events that had occurred between her and james twisted her idealistic romantic desires of a prince charming stealing her away into her thinking that prince charming isn't actually very charming and instead, he's just like everyone else. but one thing that she's sure hasn't changed, even though she pushed it away every time she receded back into replaying memories of them in her head, was that she still loved james. it was undeniable, even as she looks from their intertwined hands and up to his face, watching him plop down onto the desk before her and still not let go. and she doesn't bother to drop her hand either. it's a self-conscious decision and she can feel her chest tighten as she listens to him speak. she watches his mouth finally spill an apology and all she wants to do at that point is jump into his arms and bury her face into his shoulder, telling her that she forgives him and wants him back — but her mother told her to not do that. that shows weakness and she needed to be strong.  but his words still warrant her to give his hand a squeeze before she slides her fingers out from between his, bringing it into her other hand in order to idly play with her fingers — a nervous habit she's picked up that she's sure james knows well enough to read, but she tries to keep her nerves out of her voice } that's funny. { ` she pauses to gulp, her eyes dropping from her voice and to the ground as she feels butterflies fill her stomach at his gaze and she drops her head in order for her hair to fall over her face, hopefully to mask the embarrassed tint that's painted over her cheeks due to his gaze } i was going to say that i ... forgive you, for everything. it's been two years and, so, i thought that it was time to ... forgive and forget, really.
" — the silence ;
( ` he’s a little surprised at the sudden contact, the brush of her skin against his own, but he can’t bring himself to brush it off, or for it to fully register in his mind as she briskly tugs him along, leading him further down the corridors to one of the empty classrooms, so that he all but couldn’t protest. not that he wished to at all in the first place.
once they’re inside, it’s apparent how the underlying tension between them is still there, lingering. she still looked as beautiful as ever, and it took james every once of resistance to not reach out and encircle her in his arms as he previously had been able to two years ago. still, who else was to blame for that but himself? get it together, man.
sitting atop one of the desks and facing her, shoes planted firmly onto one of the plastic chairs, he hesitates for a brief moment, clearing his throat a little before speaking— a reoccurring habit of his which he’d yet to rid himself of. james’ gaze is trained onto their interlocked fingers, simply relishing in her presence before him as he fights to suppress the amassing guilt within his heart, a heavy burden he’d carried all this time, even more prominent when she was around. but now wasn’t a time for avoidance, for further continuation of the cowardly actions he’d displayed. despite the sheer stupidity of what he’d done to butcher their past relationship, it was pretty much still a no-brainer that he did in fact still love her, even now. and it was that which had his regret, the feelings of self-loathing brimming to a peak. ) this doesn’t in any way change the past, but the main thing i wanted to say was that i’m sorry. i just thought you should know that, even if it doesn’t mean much. 
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fcxjinah · 10 years
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Gorgeous Nana for DHC Korea
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fcxjinah · 10 years
프라이머리 ~ Happy Ending (feat. 진실 of Mad Soul Child & 개리 of 리쌍)
"내 숨을 뺏어줘…내 맘을 얼려줘…그대로 가져줘"
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fcxjinah · 10 years
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fcxjinah · 10 years
out of all the classes she had over the past two years, ability training was the first one that required her to meet the teacher before the course began. she didn't particularly know how to feel: part of her was in her normal persona, and didn't really care (in fact, she had thought about just not attending), but at the same time, the teacher gave her an uneasy feeling in her stomach that she couldn't identify as good nor bad. cho — the surname had an unfamiliar familiarity to it and for the last day, she had tried to think back to find the reason why it stuck with her so much, but she couldn't find anything. and besides, maybe it was more common of a surname than she thought. when she had met him for the first time (or well, seen him), he didn't look like anything special. but the one thing that does pop into her head is that she's late for the meeting as soon as she gets to her dorm room and she huffs, not even bothering to change out into a better clothes as she hurls her textbooks onto her bed and rushes out of the door once again. her mind tries to recall what room his classroom was — was it 206? 403? fuck, she didn't remember. hopefully he'd be standing outside his door, or his name would be outside the door — cho kyuhyun. geez, it still brought that feeling up in her nerves. she brushes it off as anxiety as soon as she steps into the hallway of classes, peeping her head into each one's window before she spots the open door — either that's it, or she's late, she thinks, and relief settles over her features as soon as she sees the teacher stand up to receive her.  "hello!" she quips, forcing her lips to draw into a broad smile before she notices his expression fade. she watches him, confusion etched into her features before he speaks up again — "it's been so long" — what. it even takes her a few moments to register what he says before she looks up at him, brows scrunched as she tries to analyze and remember his features (well, side features, considering he's not looking her in the eyes) and that's when it hits her — flashbacks of memories long forgotten. letters and toys and birthday parties and the face of a kid seven years her senior, his playful features and mop of brown hair belonging to only one person she knew of: cho kyuhyun. but he was dead. "i'm sorry ..." she speaks calmly, tone laced with confusion even though her nerves were riling up at the thought that her cousin wasn't dead. "is something wrong?"
[ lukso ng dugo ; ckh&ij
shit. he wasn’t ready for this.
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fcxjinah · 10 years
{` upon seeing him, the only thing that plays in her head are all the treasured memories that she had previously pushed aside of them: the couple shirts, the songs he wrote for her, the way he serenaded her so passionately — sure, their relationship might not have spanned over years, rather mere months, but there was a connection. one that jinah hadn't felt with anyone else before, and maybe that's really cliche, but part of her actually loved him, she was just always too afraid to actually say it. and for two entire years, she's regretted it. maybe it could've prevented his cheating [even though he was drunk, she'd like to believe that love conquers alcohol], maybe it could've resulted in them still being together today.  but no, it didn't. fate was an ugly thing when it reared its head and so she's forced to deal with discontented sighs and awkward, brief reunions — until now. now she's finally got him pinned and the courage in her heart is drowning out her thoughts and really the only thing she wants to do right now is hug him and let all of their worries wash away —  but she has to stop herself and remember that life doesn't work out like it does in romance movies. she bites down on her lip as he speaks, her fingers interlacing in front of her abdomen and clenching together in a nervous habit, his peering and overall distantness causing her stomach to go into an anxious stir. } no — no, i'm not, i was actually ... hoping to talk to you too. {` she glances around, briefly wandering for a place for them to go before it hits her — there's empty classrooms around them, and unless there's a desperate couple in one of them, they should be empty — } i ... i know of a place! {` she nods, and despite all of her encouragement to maintain a strong and distant demeanor — she had to at least pretend that she still hated him externally, or else it might go in the wrong direction — she reaches forward to grab his hand without much thought, pulling him towards one of the perpendicular hallways, finding a door that looks neglected enough before trying it — and much to her relief, it opens. she peers back at him before pulling him inside, quickly shutting the door and flicking the light switch on } now ... um, you first!  
" — the silence ;
yeah— it's been a while. ( ` stepping aside so as to not block the entrance to the training area, he peers around briefly, enough to deduce that the campus hallways were far from providing enough privacy for them to continue this discussion — or at least, what had been left unsaid for these past two years— and he wasn’t going to run from it again. forgiveness was something he didn’t expect, but at the very least, he owed it to her to face the consequences of his reckless behaviour head on. running wasn’t an option now. )  are you busy at the moment? i was hoping i could talk to you, elsewhere.
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fcxjinah · 10 years
she didn't get angry often. she'd pretend like it, sure, but nothing got her riled up much — unless some dumbass decided to mock her. yeah, her accent was weird, but shit, she could make fun of someone too (of course, the question was if they'd understand her). "yo' ass is goin' to get capped before you get outta the door," she purses her lips into a frown, looking up at him with a painfully unamused stare. "get outta your big-ass thinking and think rationally for once, idiot. you ain't gots anythang to protect yo' ass against dem fuckers." of course, she didn't either, but she didn't want to see someone get eaten today  — even if it's someone that she could care less for. every time she saw him, he acted like some king on a high pedestal: some fucking caesar with those crappy roman grass crowns, thinking that he's going to lead an army (of himself, no one particularly liked him, from what she saw) to conquer ... whatever the fuck he wanted to conquer. he was annoying, that was one word she had placed on him as soon as she first saw him. what's better than an annoying guy with a prince complex? this dumbass thinkin' his schmoooove ass can bust a cap up in all the weird monsta things outside. she'd seen this in movies before. the first one to charge always gets eaten. and who knew if they come back? well, shit, what was she thinking, they wouldn't. this isn't some game; they couldn't just respawn at a savepoint before a pivotal mission. fuck this kid, he was stupid. but again, part of her didn't want to see him die, and that part sucked. "what is you even goin' to fight with?" she retorts, lifting both of her brows as she folds her arms over her chest. "crowbars aren't goin' to work on dem thangs, you know that, n' our phat asses ain't gots any glocks round here."
— “in the fast lane” »
"well, aint dis solid?" he retorts with a scoff, poking fun at the way the girl spoke, "move out of the way lady, i have monsters to be slaying."
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fcxjinah · 10 years
— “in the fast lane” »
the entire situation was gripping. from the point the ruler smacked down on her desk and she let out a disgruntled "you need ta quit trippin' up" up to the point where she had to write a word down on this stupid piece of paper in response to some dumb question that would most likely result as a joke in the year book or something-- she could see it now: "if im jinah wanted to survive a battle, she would duplicate". like that was possible. what a dumb word. but she can feel the air become more ominous -- her own confusion being shared amongst the rest of her class and she glances out the window with the rest of them, her brows raising in disbelief as she watches these little (wait, maybe they're big, she couldn't tell), gross-looking monster things pop up out of no where.  she knew she wasn't high right now, but this can't be reality. panic lays in over the students and she feels her own being to spark up in her chest, but she only eyes the teacher during his lecture, her brows furrowing in confusion. "show them your power!"  what the fuck.  are they kidding right now? are they in some sort of movie? this isn't real -- jinah refuses to believe it until she hears the commotion outside, everyone in her class slowly beginning to stand up and mass right where the monster things are -- how dumb. she stands, sliding out of her seat with a huff before she steps out of her classroom and right into a larger frame. so great, there's monsters outside and she's already tripping up by walking into other students. "man, watch where ya' goin'," her nose scrunches up in distaste, a hand reaching upward to rub it before she looks up to the owner of the chest she just collided with, her eyelids drooping once she notices who it is. "out of all the people there is up in the school, why am i stuck wit' you?"  lee joohyun ain't hard on tha eyes yo, but tha muthafuckaz a thugged-out douche.
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fcxjinah · 10 years
url change! fcximjinah  → fcxjinah
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fcxjinah · 10 years
hello, my name is 「 im jinah 」 and my chosen word is 「 duplicate 」 !
the tattoo of your chosen word appears on your ankle as soon as your hand finishes the last stroke — you’ve been granted the ability of duplication, and must follow the guidelines below :
may only create maximum of three clones.
clones reflect different emotional states of the user.
a clone’s death will draw energy from the original.
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fcxjinah · 10 years
iggy azalea x charli xcx | fancy
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fcxjinah · 10 years
name im jinah age seventeen family the hood class #04 power  duplication profile meet nana: tha seventeen year oldschool transfer hustla from tha streets - probably some prom night dumpsta baby, dat biiiiatch was raised up in tha hood n' proud, homie. rap is her steez n' tha underground is her place, n' her big-ass booty stereotypically fits dat persona; blunt, aggressive, in-your-face n' obnoxious, dat biiiiatch won't hesitate ta tear you down. word who knows man she was high connections
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