fckkeegan-blog · 9 years
That’s the most accurate description I’ve heard all day. 
You don’t. There’s no such thing as an adult. Just a bunch of people who pretend that they’ve got their lives together.
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fckkeegan-blog · 9 years
I’m not very new to that.. the only real difference is that I’m working full time in stead of part time. It’s a little harder. 
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A job, setting a budget and having no social life of which to speak are pretty good places to start.
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fckkeegan-blog · 9 years
I’ve been doing that before I was an adult. 
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You work.
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fckkeegan-blog · 9 years
Oh, that’s cool. That’s something kids really need, you know?
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Well…I’ll b-be a substitute for a while…b-but then theatre
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fckkeegan-blog · 9 years
What are you teaching?
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My first d-day of actual t-teaching is so um…so c-close
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fckkeegan-blog · 9 years
Not gonna lie, it’s weird not being in school. Like.. how do I adult?
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fckkeegan-blog · 9 years
Text || Ella
Keegan: Are you busy?
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fckkeegan-blog · 9 years
She.. she seems like she’d like daises more.. maybe I could drop a hint and ask her favorite type of flowers?
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Think of this girl who you so desperately want to date. Is she a rose type of person? You should know this! You can’t let a stranger tell you what to do.
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fckkeegan-blog · 9 years
Ink Task #007
In Character: Keegan Terry
1. Who are the three people who mean the most to you and what is your relationship with them like?
Ella, and I think our relationship is kind of awkward. Like, I’m always fumbling around and stuff, especially with my words. Henry, he’s like, one of my best friends. I can always talk to him about things, and.. it’s nice, having somebody to turn to. Mel, she’s like my little sister. When I gained Jay, I gained her as well. Also, Jayden and Hope are obviously on this list, but Jayden’s a given, and well.. Hope is always right up there with Ella.
2. Is there anyone you miss? What would you say to them if they were to return?
I.. don’t really miss anybody. 
3. What five moments or events from your past do you think have helped shape you as a person you are now?
Well.. Number one would definitely be the fact that I kind of had to leave my childhood and teenage life behind to go to work and help my mom. I never really got the chance to have fun, and I had to grow up really quick, but I wouldn’t change it for the world. I love her. Number two.. would probably be getting a little sister. I mean, Jayden wasn’t just born or anything, but it’s just as weird, you know? Not only am I a working adult now, but I’m a role model for my younger sister. And can you believe she actually likes me? Number three would be meeting Ella and Hope because.. well, they kind of showed me that I’m not the only one out there in the world in this predicament. They took off my blinders, and I guess I stopped being so self centered when I met them.. I don’t think anything major enough to qualify as number four and five has happened yet, but I’ll let you know when it does. 
4. What’s your best memory of this past year?
Meeting Jayden or Ella. When I met Jayden, sure, she was definitely.. something else. No matter how bent out of shape she was, I had this overwhelming sense of pride that I had a younger sister. Plus.. she kind of looks like me. And when I met Ella, it was like the angels in Heaven sang, or any of that sappy stuff. Like, just the way her eyes sparkle when she laughs or the way her smile can light up a room.. she’s definitely made a huge impact on my life. 
5. Are you keeping any secrets right now and what are they? If yes, is there anyone you could see yourself trusting with that secret? If you’ve told someone your secret already or you don’t have one, do you see yourself as the kind of person to trust with secrets?
Actually, I’m not keeping any secrets. I’m definitely the type to trust with secrets, I mean, I’m very trustworthy.. right?
6. If you could change one thing about yourself or undo something that happened to you, what would it be? What is your biggest regret?
I would.. probably stop my dad from walking out on us. Then, we’d have some decent cash flow.. and.. maybe Mom wouldn’t have given up Jayden. Thinking back, I’d give anything for my dad to have stayed.. even if he is a pathetic bastard. 
7. What advice would you give to your past self? What about your future self?
To my past self.. he didn’t walk out because of you, and don’t you dare think that for a second. To my future self, you’ve come pretty far in life and you’ve overcome so many things.. so don’t give up now. Don’t give up ever. 
8. What hopes do you have for the next year? Is there anything you want to accomplish?
To have a good paying job, to get mom some medical insurance.. stuff like that. Maybe I’ll go to college. 
9. If you had to pick a song to describe your life at this point, what song would you pick? Has the soundtrack to your life changed?
Leader Of The Broken Hearts
10. Lastly, describe yourself as you think others see you. And then how you see yourself.
I’m.. not really sure how others see me. I always try to be nice, and I don’t think I’ve ever been really rude to anybody for no reason, besides Jonas. I dunno, maybe that friendly pushover guy? I see myself as.. somebody who works hard for what the want. I always have to be there for somebody else, which is okay, because that’s who I am as a person.. yeah. That’s who I am. I’m somebody to lean on.
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fckkeegan-blog · 9 years
I’m so glad I finally met and hugged you. 💚
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fckkeegan-blog · 9 years
No need to apologize, that’s me. Keegan Terry, at your service. 
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Yes, Lydia. And you’re Keegan. Right? I’m bad with names so forgive me if I’m wrong.
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fckkeegan-blog · 9 years
Well, I was mostly talking about the song, if we’re being honest.. but what about daisies? I wanna be original and all that.. maybe roses are too cliche..
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You just said a trail of roses was too over the top! I think you’re being a bit of a hypocrite but I don’t think it’s too cliche, no, considering it’s very close to what I just told you minus the song and plus a cihld.
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fckkeegan-blog · 9 years
Should I get like, daisies, or roses? I was thinking roses, but I don’t wanna be too cliche.. 
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Hm… Is she a fan of flowers? Yeah, they’re overdone, but everyone thinks they’re romantic and all that. Calm down, get some flowers, cook a dinner, and that’s all you need. All you youngsters and your relationships…
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fckkeegan-blog · 9 years
That’s what everybody keeps telling me. 
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I don’t know what to tell you. My last girlfriend asked me.
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fckkeegan-blog · 9 years
Thanks, that’s nice of you to say. It’s Lydia, right?
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Good luck! You know, I’m sure whatever you decide to do, she’ll love it.
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fckkeegan-blog · 9 years
I dunno, I think I wanna incorporate Hope somehow. 
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Flowers and a sweet note?
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fckkeegan-blog · 9 years
Okay, good. 
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I like simple.
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