fazerbaby · 3 years
I know that we’re already bullying Booker a lot in canon and the fandom alike, and I don’t mean this as a diss or a call out, but I can’t help but laugh every time he appears on screen during the first half of the movie because he really is contributing NOTHING to the group. Nothing. I’m not even saying that he’s incompetent, but every single time someone else asks him for literally anything he’d just be like “Can’t help you with that” and it really is funny as HELL. In retrospect he probably acted like this because he was the one who sold them out, but that scene where Nile told him “I thought you’re the brains of this outfit” almost gave me a whiplash because from what we’ve seen, he might as well have been the appendix of this outfit
I mean
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Thanks king, that’s really helpful
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Classic Booker, we wouldn’t have expected anything more 
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All First Act Booker did was show up piss-drunk and depressed out of his mind, get his team a job that would proceed to expose their identities, and then sit in a corner and be utterly useless for an entire week. I have never seen anyone more relatable
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I love his lack of energy, go king give us nothing!
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fazerbaby · 4 years
(for @yoituuri and @starryfeathers. I accidentally deleted this whole thing once so hopefully it doesn’t happen again/ it’s not rushed. I hope you enjoy you two, and anybody else who reads this!)
I made a post about my favorite boy Victor not too long ago, and I mentioned a shot in passing that I really loved, but because it wasn’t the focus of the post, I didn’t go into it. I would like to now. Here it is:
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This is the first glimpse of Victor we get within canon. Well, beyond the opening sequence with Yuuri watching Victor skate as they grow up but I think we can all agree that was outside of canon and can be discarded here.
It’s a damn good first glimpse. As you’ve probably already noticed, Victor’s eyes are covered. Deliberately. Dude fuckin does a twirl and the camera is framed in such a way that we don’t get to see his eyes until he looks up for the cameras. That’s an interesting touch, for several reasons. 
First, when a character’s eyes are not visible, it implies something is hidden within them. A trait, motivation, true emotions, etc etc. 
Secondly, the fact that we can’t see Victor’s eyes until he turns to the cameras with that fake-ass media smile. In this scene, we’re being treated as the public. Victor is immediately hiding from us and the rest of the world. You know, something he does all the goddamn time.
Victor is scarily good at masking. For those who don’t know what I mean, masking is the act of hiding one’s true personality, desires, and/or emotions to conform to society. I mask due to past trauma. Victor masks to meet public expectation. 
You’ve probably guessed already that masking is incredibly unhealthy–it’s repression, after all. If it gets bad enough, you’ll stop knowing where masking ends and you begin. Sometimes it takes me months to figure out how I feel about something because I need to sort through so many layers of masking and anxiety and doubt. It’s really difficult sometimes. 
We see tons of lovely examples of Victor masking throughout the show. Here are a few off the top of my head: 
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(^absolutely terrified vitya trying to be smooth)
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(^living up to his press image)
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(^so incredibly upset on so many levels but he doesn’t dare show it)
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(^pissed enough that yuuri picks up on it. and then acts dishonestly w/ yuuri by trying to come off as pleasant)
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(i love that yuuri is comfortable enough by this point to call victor out on his bs. if you’re gonna get mad, get mad) 
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(you can actually see Victor’s hand shake if you watch the scene. boy is so pissed and he’s holding it in)
etc etc. 
Victor is actually incredibly reserved in all the emotions he shows, especially if it’s anger or sadness. For most of the series, he only lets himself go in front of Yuuri or alone. Victor hides from himself, he hides from Yuuri, and it helps no one in the end. 
The beach sequence, actually, is important to this idea too. As we know, Victor asks Yuuri what he wants them to be. 
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And then he lists off all these options before essentially asking to go out with him, but in a way that says he’s too scared to do it outright.
Now, this is partially to gauge Yuuri’s feelings towards him, but it’s also highly revealing of Victor’s self-worth. He’s willing to put on any mask, any persona to be with Yuuri. Yuuri, of course, doesn’t want this at all. 
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And looking at Victor’s reaction (guarded surprise)
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This may be the first time Victor has been asked to just be himself. 
So if Victor was a world champion at 16
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(boy is 15-16 in that article)
He must have been skating for a while beforehand. We can probably approximate by saying he started competitions around the time Yuri did, which I estimate to be about 12-13. However, Victor does say this 
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And if we’re to believe him, 27-20=7, and therefore something happened at the age of 7 to force Victor into backing away from others and working himself to the bone. Uhm, wow. I don’t know how accurate it is to say that, but regardless, he’s been in the public eye for a long fuckin time. 
Victor has spent this long fuckin time building an image: elegance, confidence, charming yet untouchable. The perfect playboy, in a way. This is the person he presents to the public. I think he’s been masking like this for so long he forgot that this isn’t who he is–Victor has the ability to be all those things, but it’s not who he is. Victor is excitable, bubbly, caring, vulnerable, depressed, lonely, hardworking…Yuuri, by asking Victor to be himself, released a metaphorical floodgate on Victor’s emotions. He’s broken that carefully crafted persona. 
Victor is now publicly goofy and affectionate
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(i love how he hides his face a little here…how cute and shy while showing off that he’s yuuri’s)
And can drop his composure comfortably 
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(also vitya always wears gloves to competitions until they get the rings and then victor keeps the gloves off completely :v) 
I love that Victor’s relationship with Yuuri has allowed him to find himself again, and peel away those masks to live and breathe and love as he was always meant to. 
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fazerbaby · 5 years
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770K notes · View notes
fazerbaby · 5 years
Harry Potter Cocktails:
Muggle Made Butterbeer:
Butterscotch Schnapps
Whipped cream vodka
Cream soda
Melted butter
Vanilla ice
Bourbon Butterbeer
Butterscotch sauce (be stingy - you don’t want to overpower)
Apple cider
Butter (smallest amount to start with and build up taste depending )
Whipped cream as garnish
Hot Shot Spell Shooter
Tabasco sauce
Jalapeno pepper
Avarda Kedavra (death drink)
Equal parts of :
Vodka, Triple sec, tequila, gin, light rum
Then add:
Sour Mix
Goldschlager Snitch Shots
Equal parts:
Bailey’s Irish cream
Polyjuice Mocktail
Lime sherbet
Lemon and Lime soda
Add Bitters and Vodka for alcoholic version
Goblet on Fire
Blue curaco
Splash of 151 proof rum
Light on fire
Add pinch of cinnamon to the flames ( SAFETY WARNING: the cinnamon will spark. Blow out fire before consuming)
Hedwig’s Booster on the Rocks
Smirnoff Vodka
Liquid Luck
Lemon Juice
Ginger beer
2K notes · View notes
fazerbaby · 5 years
118K notes · View notes
fazerbaby · 6 years
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111K notes · View notes
fazerbaby · 6 years
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173K notes · View notes
fazerbaby · 6 years
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“A cub snuck into our chicken pen and fell asleep, without harming any of our chickens!“
Taken from Reddit
27K notes · View notes
fazerbaby · 6 years
Naruto Workout Series: Sakura Haruno/Uchiha
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Hey everybody! so i want to start something random or maybe not so random and its a workout series for thoes of you who want to feel like your fav Naruto character
Starting with Sakura
Lets go!
Warm up:
30 sec high knees
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30 sec jumping side to side
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5 min jumping rope
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40 Punches
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Quick tip: keep your core tight
20(each side) long leg lifts 
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20 Triceps and leg rises (10 each side)
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10 up and down plank
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15 plank twist
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30 Eagle crunches
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Stretch/Cool down
20 sec bow pose
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Downward dog and cobra
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Side leg stretch
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And we’re done!
 Let me know if you like it and message me which character i should do next
952 notes · View notes
fazerbaby · 6 years
When you not the baby daddy but you take care of the kids anyway 
409K notes · View notes
fazerbaby · 6 years
My boyfriend is an idiot sometimes
But I love him very fucking much
(the pic is not related to his idiocy)
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1 note · View note
fazerbaby · 6 years
My boyfriend is an idiot sometimes
But I love him very fucking much
(the pic is not related to his idiocy)
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1 note · View note
fazerbaby · 6 years
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3K notes · View notes
fazerbaby · 6 years
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7K notes · View notes
fazerbaby · 6 years
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916K notes · View notes
fazerbaby · 6 years
Still don’t know what fortnite is about
71K notes · View notes
fazerbaby · 6 years
You’re all monsters
358K notes · View notes