fashionandstyle2day · 6 years
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How to Look Pretty in Your School Uniform There could be a few restrictions with how much you can experiment with your look and attire but still there are things that you can try-out to look pretty in your school uniform. Your school uniform should make you feel good about yourself and should be stylish. They are not meant to be boring. Let's look at things you can experiment with, to look pretty in your school uniform. -Fitting-Uniform Your uniform should fit you well and should not be baggy or too tight. It should be well ironed and in a perfect fit. It should enhance your body structure making you look smart. You can shorten the length of your skirt, keeping it above the knee. This will enhance your legs and nothing looks better than a short and a well fitting skirt. Similarly, you can also shorten your sleeves, if they are too long or just fold them (if you can carry if off), it will look smart. Another style you can experiment with is by combining a well fitting skirt with a baggy shirt (not very baggy). It looks pretty cool. Use your creative outfit ideas and give your uniform your style and touch Accessorize with a smart tie or a scarf or a jacket on your uniform. There are different ways of accessorizing with a scarf and a jacket. You can wear a scarf in so many different ways; you can tie a scarf around your neck- like a tie, you can also tie it sideways on your neck. You can wear a tie and experiment with hair bands too. In case of accessorizing with jewelry, wear cool and small earrings, neck-pieces with a bracelet. Optimal Make-up Heavy makeup on a school uniform is not a cool idea. Try keeping a natural look; apply a foundation to camouflage blemishes. Highlight your eyes using a liner and a mascara. Use a lip loss or a lipstick to glisten your lips and use a little blush. -Skin Having a beautiful skin is the most attractive thing on a person. Beautiful-flawless skin with the above makeup or even without it will make you look pretty. Take care of your skin and don't experiment with harmful products to look nice. Keep it simple by drinking lots of water, eating healthy food, maintaining good hygiene and exercising regularly. Maintain clean and beautiful nails. Color them or try some nail art work on it. Dirty nails are a big turn off. -Set-Hair Your hair takes almost 50% of the credit in contributing to your prettiness. There is so much you can do with your hair, so many school hairstyles you can try. You can tie a high ponytail, a side ponytail or leave them open with a pretty hair-band. Keep your hair in a good condition don't use harmful products on your hair. Trim them and style them by straightening them or curling them. -a-Deodorant It is very important that you smell nice. Carry a deodorant with you to school and use it after you've played a sport or a dance practice to avoid body odor. If there are no restrictions with the kinda footwear you should wear, there are so many options for you to experiment with. Try tennis shoes or ballet flats or some matching formal trendy shoes that don't have high heels. High heels are not recommended as they do not collaborate with the activities you do in school. They can be uncomfortable for brisk walking or running. -the-Right-Attitude Even if you have a no makeup and no accessories on you, you can still look nice if you carry yourself confidently and with a good attitude. Right attitude is the attitude that merges with the real you. Don't walk or sit clumsily; maintain an upright back posture. Your body language speaks everything about who you are. Carry cool and funky bags to school; it adds to your overall look. Experiment with contrast colors or with sober colors and with different styles. It is good to look pretty and dress up, but don't overdo it. Nothing in excess is good! Style and flaunt but don't let it take over your mind and change you into a different person. Beauty is a true expression of who you are. The coolest girls are never the ones that have the prettiest face or the best bodies; they're the ones with their own unique style and look. They are the ones who are true to who they are." Wendy Zomnir
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fashionandstyle2day · 6 years
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Make Your Friends Jealous! Know the Best Clothes to Wear to College Can there ever be just one list of say 10 best clothes to wear to college? Well yes, there can be one actually! If you want to know what you should and shouldn't wear to college, continue reading till the end of this article. You may not learn to dress like a diva at the end of it, but you won't be a walking wardrobe disaster either! Every girl on this planet dreads her first day in college whether she accepts it or not. There is only one thing that leads to this dreading - what will I wear on the first day? This question has troubled many girls and given them sleepless nights, I agree. This article will perfectly clear all the doubts you have ever had on what you should be wearing to college. Before you start making plans to make some changes to your wardrobe, there are a few things you should consider. 'What suits you best?' This is a very important question as depending on this, we will decide what can be the best clothes for you to wear to college. Then again, you have to understand that college is all about being a student and you cannot wear anything that will make you look older than your age. Yes, some guys would like that but for the ladies, it's a strict no-no. Avoid everything that will make you stand out of the crowd, as chances are you won't be 'in' it for long then. Yes, you've got to be different, but this is how you're going to do it! ? Your shirts are going to be a very important part of your wardrobe as this is what people notice first. If you live in a town that is blessed with too much of sun, stick to wearing light colored simple tees. Avoid too much of sleeveless as this would give you a horrible tan in the long run. Never wear anything that shines too much. On those lazy days you can pull on a cardigan, but make sure you don't make this your habit. For accessories throughout the year, choose between stoles, mufflers, gloves and shrugs as and when the weather permits or demands. None of these should be more prominent than the shirt/sweater you wear. Since it's hot most of the year, once every week, you can wear a skirt or some casual shorts to let your legs breathe. Khadi and cotton pants look cool too. During the winters, stick to denims (no boot cuts and only black or blue) and a few well designed yet, simple pants. Avoid shorts completely. These would show the occasional goose bumps that you would get. If you have to attend just a sport or music class, you can dress in pajamas too. Once in a while, it's important to you let yourself free! When it comes to footwear, you have to be careful. You might think it is cool to wear those red pumps, isn't it? They look so hot after all. But then, NO! You are not attending a party! Sneakers are the best option to team up with denims and pants. To give yourself a change sometimes, wear a pair of nice flip flops. With skirts, team up some nice flats. As for the boys, stick to those shoes. You'll look the best in them! Once in a while, you need to show just how gorgeous you are! On days that need a celebration, a birthday maybe, dress up just the way you want. Get those pumps out (finally!) and also get that makeup out. Do your hair just how you want it and wear any color and fabric that you want, even if it shines (finally, again!). On such days, dress to make a statement. Get out all the accessories from the closet as well and make sure you enough of them on you. As for the guys, will you even bother? These tips on choosing your college wear are very important as most people are a little low on their fashion quotient at that age. You like something, you pick it up and come to college all geared up, ready to flaunt what you shouldn't be. You have enough trendy teen clothing to choose from; choose well. Throughout your college days, stick to simplicity. Every fashion trend fits different age groups differently. Don't try to imitate a super model on the cover of your favorite magazine, you may look too overdone for a student. Always, for your entire life, focus on 'style'. As they say, Keep It Stylish!
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fashionandstyle2day · 6 years
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Getting a Grasp on the Basics of Beauty Regimen for Men With the wedding season having kicked in strongly with a rise in the mercury, many self-conscious grooms-to-be are looking everywhere for tips on beauty regimen for men. This article will help you get a grasp on the basics of male beauty care. Beauty isn't worth thinking about; what's important is your mind. You don't want a fifty-dollar haircut on a fifty-cent head. Garrison Keillor With due respect to Mr. Keillor, the above quote would fall flat on its face in these times when men are about as concerned with putting their best looks forward as women! That doesn't mean men were any less beauty conscious in the past. It's just that the masculine and macho tags caused a certain amount of inhibition in men, leading them to be left with the option of just a shave, a haircut and an occasional massage. Nowadays, a pleasantly surprising number of men can be seen shedding this inhibition to openly solicit tips and advice with regards to improving their looks, by following therapeutic as well as cosmetic regimes. While a lot is common between a women's and men's beauty regimen, owing to the difference in the texture and overall quality of their skin and hair, the products used for their respective beauty regimens may slightly differ, chiefly in terms of certain ingredients. With the warm summer air ushering in the wedding season, here are some beauty regimen ideas for men who would be walking the aisle this season. Read ahead to find out what to do, to so that the two of you look like a match made in heaven, when you stand beside the bride at the altar! On a general note, there a certain things that men, who have a decent sense of hygiene and give some importance to grooming, should adhere to. The daily routine must essentially include a bath followed by applying a mild, non greasy moisturizer. A mildly perfumed deodorant makes sure to keep you fresh and appealingly fragrant all day long. Whether or not you shave regularly is a matter of individual choice. However, if you're fond of sporting a stubble or are petrified at the thought of touching a blade to that proud mustache, make sure that you keep them trimmed and well-groomed, so that your facial hair adds to your personality, rather than robbing you of it! Clean and well-trimmed finger and toe nails give you a neat and well-maintained look, and you lower your risk of getting hurt by their breakage or tearing off. Exfoliate at least twice a week to keep those dead cells away and let the fresh, smooth you breathe! During summers, do not forget to apply a toner between bath and moisturizer application. You can choose from a wide range of cosmetic and alcohol based toners or may settle for a natural, herbal one. I would suggest that you refrain from all alcohol based products for the skin, as alcohol tends to absorb more UV rays when you step out in the sun, turning the areas of application darker than their surroundings. That reminds me - wear a sunscreen when venturing outdoors and always use sun protective tanning products when hitting the beach. Last but not the least, drink lots of water and fresh fruit and vegetable juices to keep you body well hydrated. The inner detox effects will show as healthy, unblemished complexion and trouble-free skin on the outside. If you're thinking that a stylish haircut, a relaxing bath, and a good shave will do, and your designer wedding outfit will take care of the rest, snap out of it immediately! While these things do matter and are the basics of any beauty care regimen, these alone will not suffice for the biggest day in your life! Think of it this way - your wedding day is when you give yourself to her and she gives herself to you; in other words, the bride and groom present themselves to each other for life! Now, would you consider gift wrapping a diamond the same way as you gift wrap a coffee maker (no matter how posh it looks!)? You are akin to the diamond on your wedding day. All eyes would be on you. In fact, all those people would have gathered there because of you and your bride! That makes it your most solemn duty to look better on that particular day than you do on other regular days! So, what are we waiting for? Let's just zip down to find out what a basic personal care and grooming regimen for men before a wedding, would look like. -WeddingPreparations It's your wedding, so don't settle for quickies! Take time out of your busy schedule well in advance, say 3 - 4 months before the big day, and enroll yourself for a professional beauty and wellness course. Join a spa or get yourself a pre-wedding package at a good men's salon, and follow the appointments diligently. These professional beauty regimes usually include intensive cleansing schedule, where your skin will be cleansed, exfoliated and toned routinely. These will be followed by intensive moisturizing and/ or cosmetic dermabrasion, depending upon individual skin requirements. Facials, bleaching sessions, deep conditioning and other beauty treatments for removal of scars, lightening hyper pigmented blotches, treating acne, etc., may also be availed of. Choose a package that meets the maximum number of your requirements. If you join a spa course, you'll be made to attend massage and therapeutic bath sessions (mud bath, cocoa bath, herbal bath, steam bath... and whatever else the spa offers), along with relaxation therapies to soothe your senses, in addition to the conventional beauty treatments. A spa may also recommend you a certain diet to detoxify you from inside, so that your skin appears healthier and you look more youthful and fit. Go for regular manicure and pedicure, as well as wear a good sunscreen every time you venture outdoors. It's Your Wedding - Walk the Aisle in Style! Depending upon what time of the day the wedding is at, plan your dressing up regime well in advance. Get a haircut at least two days before the wedding, so that you have some time in your hand in case you need to go for corrective trims here and there. Shave in the morning if the wedding is scheduled for later in the day or evening. If the wedding is scheduled for the morning, shave the night before just before going to sleep, so that you look fresh for the occasion. Arrange for the services of a professional hair stylist if you or the best man aren't any good with hair sculpting gels. A day before the wedding, take time to cleanse and exfoliate your face and neck. Trim the nails on your fingers and toes neatly. Make sure no stray hair stands out prominently from either of your eyebrows, ears or nostrils (it may sound gross, I know, but so do many a truth!). After you take a long, relaxing bath, apply a non greasy moisturizer or a mild astringent (depending upon your skin type) to keep your skin fresh and hydrated. For fragrance, choose a cologne with a natural, slightly masculine essence, rather than an overpowering, artificial smelling perfume. Don't just go ahead and douse yourself in the cologne though! Just dab some on your temples, behind your ears, and rub a small amount on your wrists. Spill some on your handkerchief if you want, but refrain from overdoing it. If you still want to go in for perfume, don't spray any of it directly on your person or clothes. Rather, spray a mist in front of you and walk through it. This will make you smell just right without coming across as too heady. It's also absolutely okay to take the help of camouflaging cosmetic products, such as concealers for hiding undesirable scars or pigmentation on the face. At least a day or two before the wedding, check out the entire length and breadth of your outfit to see if it's totally spotless and well ironed. Get the fittings done well in advance. Since this is a big day for you, you may be tempted to accessorize and there is nothing wrong with it as long as you keep it simple. A classy watch with a big, masculine dial and a traditional metal clasp would do just fine, unless you're having a theme wedding (hip hop, Gothic style, 60's hippie theme and the likes!). So, pull up your socks and get going - when YOU are the gift for your fiancée, make sure she gets the best!
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fashionandstyle2day · 6 years
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An Ideal Beauty Regimen for Women to Get a Perfect, Flawless Look Every woman aspires to have perfect skin that is radiant and smooth. Although your skin texture and color is based on genetics, following a proper beauty regimen will help in keeping your skin soft and glowing. How many times has it happened that you are walking down the street and you suddenly notice a woman who has a complexion that is radiant and dewy? On giving a second look carefully, you find out that she is not wearing a trace of makeup and her skin texture is naturally flawless, almost translucent! While you might envy her as someone who is lucky enough to have good genes, the truth is that you too can have a smooth and radiant skin texture. While you cannot do much about your genes, but by following a good beauty regimen, you too can have the skin that you always longed for. A beauty regimen for women should be tailor-made according to the skin type and age. While mature women would require beauty products that take care of crow's feet, lines and wrinkles, younger women would require oil free cleansers and anti acne products, if they are prone to acne. One of the most important things to remember while following a daily beauty regimen is that you should take care of your entire body and not just your face. If you have soft and smooth facial skin and your hands and feet are rough and pigmented, then it is going to give away your age. For day-to-day skin care, a skin care routine that consists of cleansing, toning and moisturizing along with application of SPF protection and weekly exfoliation is ideal. This should of course be complemented with some specific beauty rituals that will target some particular skin issues, if you have any. Always cleanse your face and neck twice a day with a face wash that is suitable for your skin type. While a gel based cleanser is ideal for oily skin, a foaming facial cleanser is suitable for normal to dry skin. Moisturize your skin immediately after you have washed your face as this allows the product to be absorbed by the skin. Apply a non greasy high SPF formulated sunscreen, even if you are not planning to step outdoors. Your sunscreen provides protection to your skin only for a few hours, so reapplication is very important. Also, remember to use sunscreen on areas such as back of neck and ears. Exfoliate your skin with a gentle scrub twice a week to remove dead skin and blackheads. Lastly, always remove your makeup at the end of the day, before retiring to bed. Most women are so fixated with taking care of their face that they forget about extending the same care to their arms and hands. Callused hands, rough and dark elbows along with dark spots from sun exposure, etc. are some of the problems that most women face. To prevent these, you need to use an exfoliating shower gel everyday along with a deeply hydrating moisturizer or body lotion. Your arms and hands are prone to sun tan and pigmentation, so choose a moisturizer that has SPF in it. To avoid any embarrassment while going shoe shopping and for overall beauty, you need to keep your legs and feet smooth and soft. Apply a hydrating body lotion daily after a shower and at night apply a moisturizing foot cream. If you wear open toed sandals, then applying a sunscreen to your feet is a must as it will prevent unsightly tan lines to form on your pretty feet. Exfoliate your feet twice a month with a foot scrub to remove dead skin. If you have specific problems like cracked heels, then use a product that is specially formulated for it. No beauty regimen is complete without taking care of your back. To have a blemish free skin on your back that is smooth and supple, apply a rich moisturizing lotion twice a day. Exfoliate your skin weekly with a gentle body scrub like a sea salt scrub or a brown sugar scrub to get rid of clogged pores, dirt, oil and dead skin. Doing this will help prevent the formation of acne on your back. If you do have acne on your back, then use a body wash that contains salicylic acid. An ideal beauty regimen should also include regular removal of unwanted body hair by waxing, shaving or use of depilatory creams. For mature women, under eye creams and anti wrinkle serum should also form a part of the daily skin care rituals. Follow a skin care routine diligently, and get rewarded with admiring glances and second looks.
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fashionandstyle2day · 6 years
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Read This to Put All Your Astringent Vs. Toner Confusion to Rest When do you use an astringent and when do you use a toner? Here's what you need to know about the use of both. With the wide array of cosmetics available for skin care, it is very confusing to understand the purpose of using each product. One such case includes confusion regarding the use of an astringent vs. a toner. What is an astringent and what is it used for? What is a toner used for and when should it be used? Is there a difference between the two? Those are a lot of questions, to which the answer is very simple. Take a look at the differences outlined between astringent and toner, that will help you understand the purpose of each product, and when to use either. Difference Between Astringent and Toner Both, astringents and toners are important products necessary for regular facial skin care. They are also designed with a similar purpose, i.e. to remove excess cleanser and makeup residue from the skin, to adjust the pH levels in the skin so that it does not become excessively dry, and to give the skin a temporary tightening effect by shrinking open pores. However, depending on your skin type, the use of both varies. ASTRINGENT An astringent is nothing but a strong anti-bacterial toner that is alcohol and chemical based. Use it if you have acne-prone skin, or extremely oily skin. With its ability to destroy bacteria, an astringent can be valuable in controlling acne breakouts, and even pimples and blackheads. Its application on a lesion due to acne or a pimple may cause a burning sensation. People who have dry skin should not use astringent as this will make the skin drier. TONER A toner is a mild product, that is used for the purpose of hydrating dehydrated skin. This includes extremely dry skin and aging skin too. It cleans the skin and you will not find your skin feeling dry after the use of a toner. It is even great for combination skin, as it helps in clearing the clogged pores due to the oils, and hydrates the dry areas of the skin. When used properly along with cleansing and moisturizing products, it can cause relatively no harm. Points to Remember when Using Astringent or Toner • While using both, keeping the hands clean before and after their use is extremely essential, as it is very harsh. If it touches other body parts it may cause irritation. • Both have to be applied with a cotton swab on the entire face. • These are to be applied after cleansing and before moisturizing the facial skin. Both these have the ability to dry the skin if not used along with a moisturizer. Moisturizing the skin after the use of these products gives it a firm and glowing appearance. • Finally, there is no particular winner in this debate. It all depends on your skin type. Simply put, for oily and acne-prone skin, an astringent is the best choice, while for dry and sensitive skin, a toner works well. Do not ever use both at the same time. Also, remember to follow the cleansing and moisturizing routine along with the use of both these products to get that healthy, beautiful, flawless, glowing skin. Disclaimer: This Buzzle article is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for the advice of a skin expert.
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fashionandstyle2day · 6 years
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7 Surprisingly Simple Beauty Mistakes That Make Women Look Old Even a few beauty mistakes that women make can end up adding a few years to their looks. We identify the most common beauty blunders made by women of all ages, and also gives quick and easy ways to fix them, making you look youthful and absolutely gorgeous. Beauty and folly are old companions. -- Benjamin Franklin Looking beautiful and evergreen is every woman's greatest desire. But the fairer sex does tend to goof-up on beauty-related matters, that make them look older than they are. Every woman makes fashion mistakes, unknowingly, by just following the trend of the season. The main culprits of a beauty blunder are the makeup products used. Concealer, foundation, powder, blush, mascara, liner and lipstick, if not used properly, can make a 20-year old woman look like she is in her mid-30s, but if used well, can minus years of her face. Makeup trends like colors to use, highlighting points of the face, etc., keep changing, but the basics of donning cosmetics remain the same. The easiest way to avoid looking older than what you really are, is mastering the subtle art of applying makeup. The beauty mistakes that make women look old, corrective measures, and some quick-fix tips are listed below, and will definitely help you look simply stunning. Mistake The first mistake women make regarding beauty is the foundation and concealer that they choose. While picking a foundation, you must take into account a few factors such as the shade and type of the product, and also the shade and type of your skin. It is very difficult to find an exact match to your skin color where foundation is concerned. That is why you should mix two shades to get the perfect shade, or you could go in for a shade that is slightly darker than your skin tone, to give you that sun-kissed look. You should never go out without foundation, as the sun may cause irreparable damage to your skin. Correct Way Before applying foundation, the first thing to do is cleanse your skin well. After cleansing, you can use ice or a good toner to ensure that the pores on your face are closed, so that the makeup stays on longer. You should apply the foundation or concealer with a brush or the tips of your fingers, so that it looks even. You need to be careful in the application of makeup near your eyes. You just need to slightly dab on a little bit of concealer and spread it evenly under your eyes, blending it well near your cheekbones and temple. Do not use powder under the eyes, because powder is meant to simply remove the shine from the t-zone. Instead, you could use a slight dab of compact or eye-shadow base under your eyes. Tip If you have dry skin, moisturize your skin well before putting on makeup, as powder and foundation may accentuate fine lines around your mouth and eyes, giving you a more mature look. For those who have oily skin, use a water-based foundation, and loose powder. If you are not very confident about applying makeup, try it out with a small quantity first, till you get more practice. The key is to look beautiful and not blotchy and caked.BLUSH Mistake Blush is used to highlight the cheekbones, but many women apply blush only on the apple of the cheeks. Invariably, because of this method of using blush, a lot of women end up looking odd, older, and clownish. Blush can work wonders on one hand, and be the most terrible makeup product on the other. If the blush is not spread well, then the cheeks tend to look wrinkled, and no woman wants that to happen. The wrong method of applying blush will make any woman look older than she is. A color that does not go with your skin tone will look ghastly, and great care should be taken while choosing the color. Correct Way You should apply the blush with a broad brush, in an upward motion, covering not only the apple of the cheeks, but also the entire cheekbone. For those with oily skin, use a light powder blush, while for dry skin, a cream-based blush is the best option. Using the right blush for your skin type really helps to brighten the face, giving you a natural and healthy look. Just remember to spread the product well and use fresh natural colors. Women also tend to apply blush too close to the nose, avoid that, just a little amount of blush for highlighting your cheekbones is more than enough. Tip Colors like plum, orange, wine, and cinnamon make one look older. Therefore, you should go in for natural-looking colors like rose, or a nice, rich shade of pink. These colors usually complement every skin tone. The reason we women apply blush is to look a little brighter, but we must remember that blush is just meant to accentuate the cheekbones, and should be applied with a light hand. , , and -SHADOW Mistake Eyeliner is meant to be used to highlight the eyes and make them pop. But a lot of women end up using colored liners that do not really go with their skin tone, or even their look in general. Also, many women tend to put the liner only on the lower eyelid, which makes the eyes look smaller and bottom-heavy, making them look older. Another common mistake is using colored mascara and incorrectly applying eye shadow. Brightly-colored and clumpy mascara attracts attention to the eyes, and if you have lines near the eyes, then they may appear pronounced due to the mascara color. Women also use mascara for the lashes on the lower lid of the eyes. Usually, when applied in a hurry, the mascara looks clumpy, giving the eyes a very unkempt look. The quality of the liner and mascara is also very important. Many women also like to indulge in shimmery shadow for the eyes. These shimmery shades do nothing to enhance the eyes. Instead, they make the brow bone more pronounced, making you look older. Correct Way Apply liner on both the eyelids using a soft pencil. You can also smudge up the lines a little, giving your eyes the smoky, mysterious look. Use either black or brown mascara, as these look decent and do not draw any unwanted attention to the lines near the eyes. Do not use mascara on the lashes of the lower lid. That's a complete fashion sin, as it highlights lines, crows-feet, and dark circles. Eye shadow, if not applied properly, looks garish and harsh. It should be blended-in properly, complement the skin tone, and the colors should be classy. Make sure to wipe off any loose shadow that has accidentally fallen on the cheeks, and use a very light dusting of shadow under your lower lashes. Artificial lashes are a good option if you have thin lashes, as they help add volume and also make the eyes look younger. A bright liner can be used, but in moderation, and just on the outer crease of the eyes, so as to make your eyes look doe-eyed. Do not use bright liners along the entire length of your eyelids. These liners are just meant to accentuate the beauty of the eyes. Tip Smoky eyes, and shades of brown and bronze work wonders, as they do not make you look older than you are. Mistake Lip liners and lipsticks are a must for every woman. But when the lipstick starts to bleed or feather at the corners, you are stuck looking old. No woman wants that haggard look on her lips. A gorgeous, plump, and full mouth is the effect that is desired by every woman. Chapped lips, with a dark shade of lipstick, or lips that have feathered edges teamed with a light glossy color makes women look old and unhealthy. A dark lip liner with a lighter shade of lipstick is a very old look. It is a complete fashion disaster. Correct Way Use clear liners to prevent the lipstick from bleeding and feathering. Wearing very dark colors make thin lips look even thinner. Instead, go in for lighter shades or even a sheer gloss to pump up your lips and add that extra 'oomph' factor to your overall look. The liner and lipstick color should match. You must always apply the liner first, blend it well in the fold and lines of the lips, and then apply the lipstick with a soft brush. Remember to use a lipstick fixer so that your lips look gorgeous all day long. Tip If you want your lipstick to stay longer, without bleeding out, you can first apply foundation to your lips, blending it in well, and then go in for a liner and lipstick. Remember to apply the lipstick with a brush so that the color settles well on your lips, and does not run out. BROWS Mistake The eyebrows are the most neglected part on the face while applying makeup. The color of the eyebrows should match with that of the hair. Very dark, or light eyebrows makes a woman look old. Dabbing eye-shadow just under or on the brows, that is shimmery and of the wrong shade, does not help even a little bit in making a woman look younger. Painted dark brows not only look unnatural, but also makes a woman look as if she is trying her hardest to look younger, and that ladies, is not a flattering look. Correct Way You should use an eyebrow liner with a very light hand, so that your brows look naturally full. You just need to fill in the liner where the hair is scarce, keeping the natural shape of the brows intact. You could dab a tad bit of a matte-finish eye-shadow on the lower part of the brow, so as to highlight your eyes. Eyebrows help give the face a good shape. Therefore, the shape of the eyebrows should be pleasing to the eye, and also natural. If you are not game for waxing or using tweezers for your eyebrows, then using a good liner will help. Tip Use small strokes while using an eyebrow pencil, and smudge it a little to give your eyebrows a natural look. Mistake Choosing a hairstyle is tricky. A short haircut with small waves, or long straight hair that is flat, adds years to your appearance. Even the wrong hair color makes a huge difference where appearance is concerned. Dark roots with lighter strands are outdated. Not doing your timely root touch for graying roots would also make you look old. Damaged hair that lacks luster and
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fashionandstyle2day · 6 years
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8 Famous Beard Styles for Men - Enhance Your Look NOW Beard styling goes a long way in enhancing the inherent good features of a man's face. If you are in the mood to experiment with your looks, choose from the various cool beard styles for men, ranging from the flamboyant goatee to the rugged stubble. Beards and mustaches separate the men from boys. Here we explore some of the best beard styles for men. Styling a beard adds value to a well sculpted face or compensates for its shortcomings. Men with cool beard styles, stand out due to their mature and stylized looks. This offers them an opportunity to experiment with different looks. If you are bored of your usual clean shaven look, grow a beard and try out some vintage or modern styles. Nobody needs to be told how to grow a beard because, it grows on its own! However you can learn how to style it. There was an era when men without mustaches or beards were unimaginable. Nowadays, the (so-called) metro-sexual male prefers to be clean shaven. However, beards are back in vogue, thanks to the imaginative latest styles sported by male celebrities. The story goes that Abraham Lincoln was advised by a little girl named Grace Bedell, through a letter, to grow a beard, as she thought it would suit his long face best and add class. Lincoln listened to the little girl and now we cannot imagine what Lincoln would look like without his beard. The beard changed the look and fortunes of Lincoln! Though I am not sure whether growing a beard would help you in clinching the presidency of USA, you will certainly benefit from the best styles for men that I list here. The compliments from ladies will certainly prove my point to you. Beard styling, like any kind of hair styling is an art, and this is all about ideas and improvisations. Best Beard Styles for Men There is no one unique style, that will suit every guy. According to the individual's natural facial features, he may select a beard styling that best suits his personality. Of the hundreds of different options, here are some of the most popular ones. Chin Curtain This is a style made popular by the Amish community. It's marked by a thin or thick curtain of hair grown on the lower part of the face, only along the jawline and without a mustache. The chin curtain, as the name suggests extends from cheek to cheek. It is a cool style to try out. It enjoyed popularity in Europe, Japan, and Russia in the 18th and 19th centuries. The thin version of the chin strap looks sleek and is easy to maintain. Van Dyke Beard Known by the name of the man who first popularized it, Anthony van Dyck, a 17th century painter, the Van Dyke beard is a combination of a mustache with a goatee or a soul patch, with no hair connecting the two or covering the cheeks. Some of the noted personalities who have sported this type, beside the pioneer himself are King Charles I of England and Colonel Sanders! Goatee The goatee is a class of facial hairstyles confined only to the chin. Inspired from goats, this is a good beard style, which looks quite cool. Your hairstylist will show you hundreds of variations that you could try out, ranging from the short goatee to the broader version of it. French Beard This is a combination of a goatee, attached with a mustache by a small beard bridge. It is quite a sophisticated style and is particularly recommended for men with small chins. The broad French beard balances the facial proportion, by broadening the chin. Soul Patch This is a small patch of beard under the lips and above the chin with no mustache and an otherwise clean shaven face. You can give it any shape you want, but a triangular pointed one looks good. It is one of the most modern styles, with almost no maintenance, other than some minimum amount of trimming. This is a style popularized by African-American Jazz musicians. Bruce Springsteen, and Frank Zappa are two guys who love sporting the soul patch. Stubble It's a light two day growth of beard which looks good on certain faces. It's the classic tough guy look, much adored by most ladies. Plus, it's extremely easy to maintain. All you have to do is trim it on alternate days. Let your electric razor lightly hover over the beard, to maintain the stubble. Full beard If you are the serious philosopher type, who believes in old classy elegance, then the full beard is worth giving a thought. Sported by great personalities like Charles Darwin, Karl Marx, and Leo Tolstoy, the full beard is for the strong, silent, and brooding types, who must also be patient enough to undertake the maintenance it requires! Sideburns This is a style that extends from the temples, and continues down along the jawline. It may or may not be accompanied by a mustache. Gives you a kind of a 'lion mane' kind of a look. One guy who popularized sideburns was Isaac Asimov, the great American science fiction writer. Choosing a Beard Style Now that you know some of the latest styles, we will discuss how to choose one that suits you. Beard styling can enhance or compensate your natural facial features. Here are some tips on how to choose the one that is right for you. If you have a round face, the goatee is a good idea for you as it makes it appear long. Avoid sideburns. If you have a long face, then avoid the goatee and go for a beard thick on the sides. Keeping sideburns is a good idea. If your face is oval in shape, you are free to try any styles as almost all will look good on you. Some 'Beard' Facts Before we wrap up, here are some interesting facts associated with beards, that you will surely enjoy. Since times immemorial, beards have been considering as a symbol of virility and manhood. Alexander the Great is supposed to be one of the first kings and generals who ordered his men to shave off beards, also with being one of the first monarchs to have popularized the clean shaven look. His considerations for doing so were entirely practical. He didn't want his soldier's movements to be encumbered in close combat, by providing enemies with beards as 'handles' to drag them. Ancient Egyptians, Persians, and Indians valued their beards as prized possessions, as symbols of manhood and wisdom. In fact is some cultures, a man's beard was cut off as a humiliating punishment for cowardice. Listed in the Guinness Book of World Records, the longest beard of a living male belongs to Sarwan Singh from Canada, with an incredible 7 ft 9 inches long beard! Study of beards is known as 'Pogonology' and shaving or cutting of beards is known as 'Pogonotomy'. Many people suffer from the fear of beards or bearded people, known as 'Pogonophobia'. In the middle ages, holding someone's beard was considered to be a serious violation of a man's dignity and was sorted out by nothing less than a one-to-one duel. Hope these beard styles inspire you to try out something new. You will surely realize the added dimensionality which a beard adds to your face and therefore to your personality.
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fashionandstyle2day · 6 years
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Easy-to-follow Tips on How to Get the Perfect Supple Lips Tip to get the perfect lips The lips are the most prominent feature of the face, after the eyes. So, if you are trying to look perfect, then it is essential to know how to get perfect lips. This Buzzle post includes some easy-to-execute tips. The perfect pair of lips can really make your face look brighter, happier, and alluring. However, to look our best requires a certain amount of effort, since most of us are not blessed with movie star features. This is the reason why we're including these easy tips to help you primp your lips in a natural, non-cosmetic manner. Take a look. Simple Tricks to Make Your Lips Look Perfect Trick # 1 Lips are delicate and the skin on the lips is sensitive. So sensitive that smoking can darken it and the sun can damage it. So, make sure you use a lip balm that has a high SPF, especially if you are a smoker. The sunscreen will reduce the dehydrating impact of the cigarette and protect the lips from the harmful UV rays as well. More so, it will also help avoid discoloration as well. Trick # 2 Make sure that you exfoliate your lips on a regular basis. Mild scrubbing with a toothbrush in a circular motion will do the trick. It will remove all the dead cells and soften the lips as well. However, always remember to moisturize your lips well after you exfoliate them. Else they will get more dehydrated than before. Weekly exfoliation should be enough, however, the time gap can be flexible as per convenience and requirement. Trick # 3 Scrubbing the lips, lightly, with rose water and sugar also works well. Not only does it soften the lips but it also gives them a very sweet aftertaste. More so, using this method will avoid any chances of you scratching your lips. Chances of them drying are also relatively less with this method. This method of exfoliation can be used everyday as it uses sugar and rose water which are harmless for the lips. Trick # 4 Drink plenty of water. The first body part to show the effects of dehydration are your lips. Drinking enough water in the day will make sure that your lips don't look dry, rough or chapped. More so, every time you feel your lips getting a little dry, drink water. This will moisten them instantly. More so, drinking enough water helps make the skin glow as well, giving your face a healthy and picture-perfect look. Trick # 5 Always use a lip balm before you put on lipstick. Not only will this make the lipstick look fresh all day, but it will also protect your lips from any chemical damage that the lipstick may cause. Apply a decently thick layer of lip balm as it gets absorbed and makes the lips look fuller. Lip balm is perfect to make sure that the lips look full and the lipstick gets applied better and doesn't crack in the course of the day. Trick # 6 Nightly moisturizing is the key to perfect lips. Make sure that you apply a thick layer of lip moisturizer on your lips before you go to bed. The layer should be thick enough so that your lips look white (or the color of the moisturizer). Over the night, your lips will absorb the moisturizer and it will dry out. By morning, you will have soft lips. Trick # 7 A healthy diet is the easiest way to have perfect healthy lips. Fruits and vegetables will keep your lips gorgeously pink and hydrated. These natural methods to hydrate and beautify your lips may take some time, so you need to be patient and diligently follow the routines. You are sure to see the results in a few weeks' time.
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fashionandstyle2day · 6 years
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How to Make Your Own Lipstick: 5 DIY Recipes to Try Immediately Making your own lipstick is easy and cost-effective, and you also get to choose the ingredients and color, that you would like in your lipstick. "If I walk outside without lipstick, I feel naked." ― Sofia Vergara Lipstick is an indispensable component of every woman's makeup ritual. But most commercially available lipsticks are full of harmful chemicals like lead, carmine and coal tar derived coloring. A good way to steer clear of these chemicals is to opt for organic or natural lipsticks. But natural lipsticks are hard to come by and they are quite expensive. So, the next best thing to do is to make your own lipstick. Homemade lipsticks are not that hard to make, and all you need are a few essential ingredients, like vegetable glycerin, soy wax, olive oil, and natural coloring agents. Homemade Lipstick Recipes Organic Lipstick Lipstick tube or a container with a firm lid Vegetable glycerin, 1 tablespoon Beetroot powder, 1 teaspoon Olive oil, 1 teaspoon Add the vegetable glycerin in a small saucepan and heat it slowly. Next, add the beetroot powder, and stir the mixture until you get a homogeneous compound. Finally, add the olive oil and allow the mixture to thicken. Pour the thickened mixture into a lipstick tube or a small container. Allow the lipstick to cool completely before using. Berry-colored Lipstick Lipstick tube or a container with a firm lid Soy Wax, 1 tablespoon Cranberry fruit powder, 2 teaspoons Fennel essential oil, 4 drops Heat the soy wax in a small saucepan and add the cranberry fruit powder and fennel essential oil. Once the cranberry fruit powder is mixed completely in the soy wax, and you have a homogeneous color, pour the mixture into the lipstick tube. Natural Lipstick Lipstick tube or a container with a firm lid Double boiler Organic dried alkanet root, 1 tablespoon Beeswax, 1 tablespoon Extra virgin olive oil, 1 tablespoon Jojoba oil, 1 tablespoon Rose essential oil, 9 drops Muslin cloth Grate the beeswax, and melt it using a double boiler or microwave. Heat the jojoba oil and the extra virgin olive oil for around two minutes. Remove the oil from heat, and add the alkanet root to it. Let the alkanet root infuse with the oils for a few minutes. Place a piece of muslin cloth over a container, and pour the mixture through it. Next, pour the strained mixture into the double boiler and add the melted beeswax to it, heating it slightly so that it mixes well. Remove the mixture from heat and let it cool. When the mixture cools down, add the rose essential oil and stir well. Pour the mixture into a lip tube and let it cool further. Chocolate-colored Lipstick Lipstick tube or a container with a firm lid Double boiler Castor oil, ½ tablespoon Wheat germ oil, ½ tablespoon Jojoba oil, ½ tablespoon Cocoa powder, 8 teaspoons Beeswax, 1 teaspoon Candelilla wax, 1 teaspoon Titanium dioxide, 1 teaspoon Melt the grated beeswax and candelilla wax, together in a double boiler. Once the wax has melted completely, add jojoba oil and castor oil. In a separate bowl, add mica and titanium dioxide to the wheat germ oil and combine well, eliminating all lumps. Add this mixture to the mixture in the double boiler, and let all the components infuse thoroughly. Once it begins to cool and thicken, pour it into a tube. Moisturizing Lipstick Lipstick tube or a container with a firm lid Grater Double boiler Grape seed oil, ½ tablespoon Vitamin E oil, ½ tablespoon Mica, 4 teaspoons Carnauba wax, 1 teaspoon Zinc oxide, 1 teaspoon Advertisement Grate the carnauba wax and melt it in a double boiler, or by placing the grated wax in a microwave for around three minutes. When the wax melts completely, add the grape seed oil to it, along with the vitamin E oil. Mix well and add zinc oxide and mica to this mixture. Heat the mixture until it begins to thicken. Pour the thickened mixture into the lipstick tube or container, and allow it to cool. These lipsticks are natural and safe for use. Because of the absence of preservatives, these lipsticks have a limited shelf life and will not last as long as commercial lipsticks. You can use them for up to 3 months. You can also try making different colored lipsticks by using natural food colorants.
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fashionandstyle2day · 6 years
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Get Your Swag On: Here's What You Can Wear to a Music Festival With dozens of music festivals scheduled every summer, dressing appropriately for the occasion is a must. Let Buzzle provide you with the right attire choices so that you can remember these moments for the rest of your life. "There's nothing like a music festival. People are ready to have a good time. I don't think anyone comes to a festival going, 'I'm gonna be a complete bummer today." ― Gary Clark, Jr. A rite of passage for young adults, music festivals around the world connects people with one another. From Donauinsel in Vienna, Austria to Coachella in California, USA, and from Przystanek Woodstock in Kostrzyn nad Odrą, Poland to Mawazine in Rabat, Morocco; each of these places have one thing in common―a mind-blowing number of people gather here to celebrate, enjoy, and experience music in its rawest form. Which is why, you'd better prepare and finalize what to wear to a music festival of your choice. And to help you get started, we've got a few suggestions lined up that can be put together with ease. Festival Fashion for Women Women have tons of options while planning their attire for a music festival―hippie, steampunk, rock, surf, rave, or hipster. There are many ways to embody a cool-as-hell style without breaking the bank. With the help of these outfit ideas, you will be festival ready in no time. Women's Dresses for Music Festival Maxi and printed dresses are a must, and fail-safe go-to outfits for an outdoor festival. Of course, there are many other prints and designs that work just as well for festivals. Pick one that'll set you apart in the crowd. Jeans and Pants for Music Festival Many women choose to wear skirts and shorts for a festival. However, if you'd much rather stick to your favorite pair of jeans or pants, then there's no reason why you shouldn't. Choose the top carefully as you don't want to feel too warm in it. Women's Shorts for Music Festival Wearing a romper is a terrible idea. Opt for super-cute, super-short shorts instead. Choose shorts that you've worn before, and are sure that won't chafe your legs. If you are planning on wearing new shorts, break into it before you wear it at the festival. Add or subtract layers as per the weather. Skirts to Wear at Music Festival If you're planning on wearing a skirt, there are a couple precautions to keep in mind. One, choose a fabric that won't ride up every time you're dancing hard, or two, wear boy short bottoms underneath. And as for the top, whatever makes you feel sexy and comfortable is fine by us. Women's Shoes for Music Festival Of course, we'll be asking you to wear comfortable footwear. But if you're dying to have some heels on, go with low heels that won't give you blisters. Rain boots (if the weather demands it), cowboy boots, gladiator sandals, and Converse sneakers are definitely festival friendly. Accessories for Women at Music Festival Sunglasses, a floppy hat or a straw hat, boho headband, and hair accessories is what you need. And, try not to bring your expensive and favorite jewelry with you. Maybe a few bangles, a bracelet, and a long necklace should suffice. But hey, if you are sure to keep all your belongings intact and safe, then who are we to judge. Festival-inspired Outfits for Men Although women have an upper hand in fashion, there are a few options for men to shine as well. First things first, choose a style for the festival―hipster, metal, surf, or preppy. The next step will be to put the outfits together for the entire festival. Do make sure that you're picking comfortable, and weather-appropriate clothes. Pants or Jeans Ripped or slim jeans, and straight or slim pants are some amazing options. You're not overlooking the comfort quotient, while still keeping your fashion sense intact. Men's Hipster-style Music Festival Attire If it's not too hot outside, or perhaps you're changing into something else for the evening, do give the hipster-style a chance. With lightweight vests, suspenders, and a classy jacket, you can truly make heads turn at the festival. Men's Shorts for Music Festival Shorts are comfortable (duh!), breathable, and versatile. You can wear it with a loose T-shirt, slim-fit shirt, polo shirt, vintage T-shirt, or even a jersey. Shoes to Wear at Music Festival Yes, comfort and style can go hand-in-hand. Grab a pair of Converse sneakers, walking shoes, rain boots, or any other pair that will help you stand and walk properly the whole day. Accessories Leave your favorite fedora at home, and pick a hat that will protect your face from sunburn. Plus, it doubles up as a fashion statement. Also, do not take off your sunglasses for the entire time you're there. Basic Survival Tips Although a music festival demands you to forget the outside world, you need to be careful at all times. To make the most out of any festival, follow these survival tips. Wear foam earplugs while you're listening to music. Even as you crave the thumping bass, the high decibel level can permanently damage your hearing. The weather can be unpredictable, even if you're going to a summer festival. Check the weather forecast for the weekend, and plan to carry the necessary items. Instead of carrying 3-4 different outfits, see if you can mix and match your clothes to last the entire festival. Carry enough cash to last the entire festival; and then some. Apart from food and drinks, you may need the money for locker room-style showers and restrooms (if the campsite has such a facility). Always carry an extra pair of jeans, leggings, a hoodie, swimwear, and shoes. Take baby wipes, hand sanitizer, dry shampoo, sunscreen, deodorant, and a few makeup essentials. Avoid taking any valuables along as you may either misplace them, or they can be stolen. Keep a fanny pack or a cross-body bag with you at all times that has all the necessary items in it. Carry a portable charger so that you can stay in contact with your friends. DO NOT wander off by yourself; follow the buddy system and know your surroundings. Stay hydrated by drinking water constantly. Of course, you'll be having alcoholic drinks; but it's essential to drink water as well, as you'll be out in the sun for long hours. As there is no official seating at the festivals, you may be allowed to bring your own chair. However, check with the venue beforehand. Be smart and keep bandages, feminine products, some health bars, and aspirin at hand. There are no dress codes, no rules that define or dictate your style for the festival. Whatever you wish to portray yourself as, is accepted. Be who you are; wear what you want. After all, it's all about enjoying music and making a lifetime of memories.
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fashionandstyle2day · 6 years
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How to Look Hot Without Looking Like You're Trying Too Hard ---------------------------------------------------------------- Looking hot isn't just about outfits and makeup, it entails having the right attitude and personality. Fortunately, these attributes can be developed. If you want to add that 'oomph factor' to your personality, you've got to move beyond those inhibitions, to begin with. When we think about the term 'hot', we also associate it with sexy, sultry, confident, elegant, beautiful and smart. We see celebrities like Johnny Depp, Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Halle Berry and many more, and we say "Wow, they are so hot!" We aspire to look just as hot as them, but without burning a hole in our pockets. Being hot is just a state of mind. It does not depend on what your body looks like or how much skin you show. You can look sultry even by being fully clothed. Being well-endowed with feminine assets should not be a criterion as far as hotness is concerned. Let's face it, Keira Knightley isn't exceptionally endowed, but she is one of the world's hottest women! Here's the lowdown on looking gorgeous everyday. Hygiene and Health The key to looking attractive for girls as well as boys is maintaining good personal hygiene. Nails of both the fingers and toes must be clean. You should smell good; so, take a shower and spray some fragrant deodorants. Brush your teeth twice a day for oral hygiene. Work towards improving the health of your skin. Eat right and avoid acidic and gassy foods. Start exercising to keep yourself fit. Cosmetics There are a very wide range of cosmetics that you can use to beautify yourself. Whatever makeup products you buy, just make sure that they suit your skin tone. Look at things in a broader perspective while trying new looks and styles. Accentuate your best feature; for example, if it's your eyes, then apply eyeliner in such a way that your eyes look fresh and stand out. Whatever you do, remember that the key to pulling off any look is self-confidence. Be Trendy It doesn't matter if your clothes are unbranded or off the rack from some designer store. You should wear clothes that fit you right, not those that are too loose or sizes too small. They should be clean and suit your body type. You can wear something plain and simple, and accessorize it with some fun jewelry and bags (for girls). Boys can wear a good belt and some nice shoes to complete the look. Follow a trend but tweak it up in your own way. For example, if the trend is skinny jeans and tank tops, and you are on the chubby side, then you can tweak it up by adding a jacket to it, or wear a sweater instead of the tank top. Fashion is like art, it keeps evolving, making you also change with it. Personality When I say personality, I mean that you should be friendly. Do not stop being with your friends just because they are not in the "hot" category. Whatever your personality maybe, you should carry it off with style and elegance, yet not come across as overconfident. You should have an aura about you that people get attracted to and want to befriend you. It's all in the way you carry yourself, with grace and confidence. Develop the ability to make heads turn your way, wherever you go! Charm Be charming and spontaneous. Flirt in a subtle way. You could just smile and talk to people, and maintaining good eye contact (not in the creepy, stalker way!) will do 90% of the job for you. Showing cleavage or too much leg (for girls) and flexing your muscles too often or using cheesy lines (for boys) are very primitive techniques in flirting. So, please keep these methods at bay. Keep your flirting and charm casual, fresh, and funny. Be witty and quirky, but not rude and insensitive. Your Walk The way you walk says a lot about your personality. If you walk with your shoulders hunched, you are nervous, dispirited or low on self-esteem. If you strut, then you may seem arrogant. You should walk in a graceful and dignified manner (for girls), and the boys should have a bit of a swagger to their walk. Maintain a good posture while doing this. These steps are important for being hot and being loved for it. Keep your head on your shoulders and never compromise on your principles. Remember to have faith and patience to transform yourself into the beautiful butterfly, you always wanted to be! I leave you with a quote: "It's important for all types of women to know that you don't have to fit a prototype of what one person thinks is beautiful in order to be beautiful or feel beautiful.... People think, Sexy, big breasts, curvy body, no cellulite. It's not that. Take the girl at the beach with the cellulite legs, wearing her bathing suit the way she likes it, walking with a certain air, comfortable with herself. That woman is sexy. Then you see the perfect girl who's really thin, tugging at her bathing suit, wondering how her hair looks. That's not sexy." - JENNIFER LOPEZ, Readers Digest, Aug. 2003
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fashionandstyle2day · 6 years
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Is Fashion Really Harmful to Society? The Answer Will Surprise You Fashion is one of the ways to express yourself and exhibit to the world more about who you are. We all agree that the fashion industry has become very popular and influential, but how does it affect our society? This Buzzle write-up will talk more about the impact of fashion on society. So Much For Fashion! ================= Victorian women would cover themselves in wet muslin cloth, so that their dress would fit them perfectly. Due to this practice, many women would often fall sick, and some used to die. We are constantly surrounded by fashion, it has become an everyday kind of thing you need to deal with. Fashion is a term that applies to clothing, accessories, hairstyle, footwear, body piercings, and furniture. The concept of fashion is not new to mankind, it is just that the definition of fashion has changed and more evolved. During the Egyptian era, both men and women used to line their eyes with Kohl for various reasons. But it was a trend back then and followed by everybody. Fashion is like a wind and is changing rapidly. From school-going kids to working professionals, everybody wants to look their best. Fashion is promoted mostly by TV advertisements and celebrities. Many people define their fashion statement as comfort. They wear whatever they feel comfortable in. Of course you need to consider the occasion too. You can't wear a jogging suit and go for a wedding, similarly you won't wear a skirt to go for jogging. If we are living in a society, then it is not a bad thing to follow fashion trends, but it should be done in a limit. Positive Impact of Fashion ► Fashion has become one common language for people all over the world. Our world is enormous, an integration of various cultures. Fashion helps to connect people internationally, because it travels from one city to another. ► Designers are able to produce and set new trends for people who are enthusiastic and ready to experiment with their look. This gives designers a satisfaction when they see their designs in the market, starting a trend among the people. ► The fashion industry is very competitive and there are many designers who offer the same thing like the others. It is always refreshing to see a new designer exhibit new and unique designs. It gives young and aspiring fashion designers a platform to exhibit their talent. ► Sometimes, fashion can be an inspiration for many to discover their hidden potential, it persuades individuals to attend fashion schools and make something out of their career, if they have an inclination towards this field. Fashion inspires you to expand your knowledge and creativity to turn your hobby into a career. ► One of the first things which people notice is your appearance. The way you dress up speaks a lot about you, fashion is one of the means through which you express yourself. Fashion gives you the liberty to mix and match clothes according to your mood, liking, and attitude. ► We all are attracted to people who dress up smartly and have a knowledge about the current trends. People dress up to attract the opposite sex and get noticed by someone they adore. Additionally, people also get acknowledged and stand out amongst the crowd largely due to what they wear and how they look. Those shabbily dressed or the ones lacking a sense of fashion are not very well taken, as compared to those who groom themselves well. ► Fashion is never ending, trends come and go. In fact, trends are inspired by designers, ideas of creating something new and different can come from anywhere. Take the example of the Little Black Dress, this trend never goes out. Almost every woman has a little black dress in her wardrobe purchased for that perfect evening. ► When you think about fashion, it's not always about dressing up. Fashion opens numerous opportunities for you. You can choose to stay behind the camera and work on styling and if you prefer to be in front of the camera, you can venture fields like modeling and acting. Possibilities are endless, so one good thing about fashion is that it offers employment opportunities to those who dream about being a part of this industry. ► Additionally, following your own fashion statement makes you a more independent thinker. If you think you have the ability to carry the attire, then it fills you up with a great deal of confidence. ► It is like a magical fix for numerous issues like handling bullies and making new friends. Research claims that people who are always dressed up smartly are hardly harassed by bullies, because they feel that anybody with a high fashion sense may retaliate and can be a great threat for them. ► Fashion also helps you to make new friends easily. If you share the same interest like other people, then connecting with them won't be difficult. You will have a common thing to base your discussions on. ► Teens get to create their own identity by following a certain trend which they like, thus they are not associated and tagged just like others. Having an impeccable and great fashion sense will easily get them a job in fashion land. =========================================================== Negative Impact of Fashion ► One of the biggest drawbacks fashion has on our society is constant change. We all are aware that it changes constantly. With new year come new trends which if we don't adopt, we are sure to be scrutinized by the fashion police in our neighborhood or school. For many fast-paced changes in fashion, it encourages people to buy clothes or other things unnecessarily. Which means splurging on things which won't stay for long. ► Every new fashion trend is promoted in such a way that it becomes difficult for any teen or student to simply ignore it. Many fashion companies endorse celebrities to advertise for their clothing line, which results in many people buying that product. Why? Because their favorite celebrity has promoted it. They don't care if it is right or wrong to buy it. ► The term 'fashionsta' sounds classy and glamorous but refers to somebody who follows fashion blindly. They want to wear it because that is the trend, they don't care about whether it suits them or not, or if they are comfortable in it or not. ► A lot of money is wasted in buying new clothes, it indirectly promotes capitalism in society. People end up buying new clothes, when they already have old ones which they might not have worn even once. They discard old clothes to make space for new fashion trends in their wardrobe. ►"If most of us are ashamed of shabby clothes and shabby furniture, let us be more ashamed of shabby ideas and shabby philosophies... It would be a sad situation if the wrapper were better than the meat wrapped inside it." A very famous quote by Albert Einstein, he was always seen in old and worn out clothes. Clothes have the power to project us in a negative or a positive way, sometimes people judge others wrong because of the clothes worn by them. ► There is a difference between fad and style. Fad fashion trends are short-lived, they come and go within months. These are known as fads of fashion, true fashion means style. People who are ignorant about this fact follow fads of fashion rather than focusing on creating their own style. ► Stealing, robbing, and blackmailing are common ways for the youth to become fashionable. They are so attracted and addicted to fashion that they are ready to go to any length to get the look they desire. Teens have become so rebellious that they even wear things which look hideous on them. ► Apart from clothes, there are certain trends detrimental to our health. These include tattoos, body piercings, plastic surgeries, etc. Teens have become extremists, one of the negative impacts of fashion is teenagers piercing various body parts. People are ready to pierce their belly button, tongue, forehead, lips all in the name of fashion. ► The environment and upbringing also has a lot to do with how an individual gets influenced by fashion around him/her. Teens staying in the rural areas will throw on an attire completely different from a teen staying in a city. ► Many times, teens or students opt for clothes due to peer pressure, they want to blend in the crowd. This fear of being left out in the crowd has a negative impact on their mind, thus they go for such clothes. ► Nowadays, students focus more and more on fashion rather than focusing on their career. They want to know everything about fashion, but little about their school or college activities. This is one of the major negative impacts of fashion on students. ► Some girls try to look like models, so they compromise on their diet to become skinny. Also, people experimenting with their hair or skin often forget about the allergies or acne breakouts they need to face due to using such products. Being fashion-conscious can even make you anxious and depressed if you don't feel you are dressed up to the mark. ► One of the major and worst impacts of fashion on our environment is the procedure and products used to manufacture these fashionable products. Often, animal fur is used in jackets and fur coats. Many birds are killed, and experiments are done on animals to check if the products would be allergic to humans. On a concluding note, fashion won't be harmful to our society if we learn to create a balance between our studies and interests. Everybody wants to look good, there is no harm in it, unless you become completely obsessed with it. Parents also need to keep an eye on their children's activity, if they are studying or wasting their time grooming themselves. There is no harm in being fashionable, but don't let it interfere with your lifestyle and career.
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fashionandstyle2day · 6 years
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Explore What Fashion Meant to the Men and Women of the 1980s The 1980s fashion trends were certainly a foundation for the fashion in the 21st century. This article gives you a brief overview of the fashion in the 1980s. When we think of fashion from the 1980s, we would generally think of colorful, bright apparel and accessories of glam metal bands in those times. The clothing and accessories that we wear today do have a deep relation with the 1980s fashion trends, as most of the current fashion comes from the clothing worn in those days. Let us take a look at what clothes, shoes, haircuts, and fashion accessories were being worn then. 1980s Fashion Trends ================== Men's 1980s Fashion Hairstyles: The 1980s was the decade from when people started trying out different long hairstyles. A majority of people wore long and layered hairdos. And among rock musicians from the music industry, wearing rainbow-colored hair was a fad. Punks from those times preferred to wear Mohawks. Wearing short haircuts was kind of rare in the 1980s, unlike today. Fashion Accessories: Piercings in the 1980s were as popular as they are at present. Style admirers used to get their eyes, nose, tongue, and ears pierced for wearing voguish fashion jewelry. Hair metal band members chose to wear dark and big glasses, unlike today's small glasses. Crocodile Dundee hats were also worn widely. Clothing: People mostly used to wear casual black and neon T-shirts, rock band T-shirts, and leather clothing. Wearing jean and black and brown leather jackets was an important part of 1980s fashion. Sleeveless shirts were also considered stylish in those days. Youngsters preferred to wear tight leather pants, bright-colored trousers, stonewashed jean pants, and Corduroy pants. Men's clothing was usually accompanied by black leather boots or shoes. Women's 1980s Fashion Hairstyles: In the 1980s, women of all ages preferred to have a feathered look on their hair. Long shags were being worn by many fashion-loving girls. Like today, hair coloring was also famous then. Additional details and glitters on hairstyles were being given more importance. Wearing side ponytails was thought of being very stylish. Fashion Accessories: Girls and women from the 1980s wore a heavy and bright makeup. Everyday fashion makeup in those times comprised having light-colored lips, dark and think eyelashes, pink and light blue blush ons, etc. Some of the most popular 80s fashion accessories consist of big hoop earrings, slap bracelets, and hair bows. Clothing: In the 1980s, off-shoulder shirts was best suited for teenage girls and young women. Even nowadays, many girls wear these shirts as a style that looks cool. Wearing 3/4th shirts was also considered a college look. When it comes to 1980s fashion clothing for women, most of these styles are widely used even in the 21st century. Such clothes are crop tops; tight-fitting stonewashed jeans; 3/4th legging, leg-warmers, or scrunch socks; super-tight mini skirts; etc. In footwear, women in the 1980s wore high tops and jelly shoes. High-heeled stilettos were also worn by ladies in the 80s. There are many famous personalities from the 1980s who made their own style statement which was being used or is being used by a lot of people around the world. Few of such people are The King of Pop-Michael Jackson, Madonna, Sylvester Stallone, Princess Diana, and Tom Cruise. Moreover, there were many other things which were common in men as well as women such as body piercing and tattoo making. Bandannas and skin-tight acid washed jeans were also worn by both boys and girls. The 1980s fashion was related to all apparel and accessories that were bright and vivid. One more important style in those times was keeping the hair long, flashy, and colorful.
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fashionandstyle2day · 6 years
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1960s' Fashion: The Stuff Back Then Was Really Good! Clothing styles have always been influenced by the attitudes of the people from a particular era; one of the best examples is the 1960s' fashion, which comprised colorful fabrics and bold designs that eradicated the formal styles. "Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening" - Coco Chanel The fashion of the 1960s is used even today, as this decade was marked as the time when there were major social changes, and was dominated solely by the youth. These were the years after the World Wars, when the baby boomers were the youth, and demanded to have their own fashion styles, and set trends their way. Because of the huge fashion saga, designers in the 1960s too responded more liberally, and had a daring approach to styling, which showed in their designing ways. This transformation was a warning to the earlier eras, that the youth of the 1960s would not be dominated by traditional obligations of what had to be worn, when, and by whom. The 1960s' Women Wore Fashion, in this era, underwent many changes in clothes for women. Along with color changes to styles, to hairdos, to footwear, everything was different. The gowns made way for mini as well as long skirts and close-fitting dresses. The hippies believed in dressing only for necessity and not luxury. They wore bell-bottomed jeans, long skirts, loose-fitting or tie-dyed shirts, sandals, and headbands. In the early '60s, the elegance of these clothes was flaunted by the First Lady, Jacqueline Kennedy. Women wore suits with short boxy jackets and over-sized buttons. Women also showed off their sexy toned bodies with A-line mini dresses with sleeveless patterns, and wore them with knee-length boots, swanky goggles, and beaded accessories. Cocktail dresses, stilettos, and go-go boots, were also very popular. Polo neck tops, square-toed boots, and berets were also gaining momentum in popularity. Colorful frills, leather boots, collarless jackets, comfortable slacks, loose-fitting shirts, and many more were the designs of the day for these budding youngsters with an attitude to change the world. Sequins and shiny fabrics also became popular by the middle of this decade, and were accompanied with leather hand bags and pump-heeled shoes. Transparent and netted clothes were flaunted by celebrities, and was aped by the common people. Capri pants and tight narrow denims were also a big hit. Some very famous collar styles in the 1960s were the turtle necks, which were mainly paired with checked and striped blazers and vests. The Nehru jacket also gained popularity, which was inspired by the Indian Prime Minister - Jawaharlal Nehru, and was a favorite among 'The Beatles' and other '60s' celebrities. Pleated trousers and sweaters were famous too. Other fashion styles for men consisted of a variety of collars. These collars were designed taking global inspirations of those times, and merged in with western outfits. There were some serious transformations in the designs and patterns of men's clothing in the 1960s. The 'hipster' pants that were to be worn below the belly button also came into fashion in the '60s, that is modified and seen even today. Men accessorized their look with swanky watches, retro sunglasses, funky bandannas, and were seen riding the famous mod-style Lambretta scooters. Plaid prints for Men and Women A famous pattern back then were the buffalo plaids, which were popular with the hippies as well as regulars, along with the lumberjacks. Another form of shirts in this time was shirts with psychedelic prints and high-collared Regency jackets. Thanks For Reading 'MenWore 'WomenWorePlease Share This Post.......
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fashionandstyle2day · 6 years
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Fashion Advice for Women Over 50 That You Cannot Miss Out On Who says women over 50 can't have all the fun? Learn to be comfortable and fashionable, no matter what your age! Fashion knows no age or boundaries. Although, women often tend to fret and fume over the birthday candles that keep adding on the cakes every year. Most of the latest fashion trends are not specifically aimed at women over 50. But, there is a little girl hidden in every woman. A girl who wants to feel liberated; a girl who wants to feel she is beautiful, no matter how old she gets. Plus-size clothing does not really offer to complete this dream. Large, oversized clothing does not bring out the beauty in a woman. And women often tend to feel that fashion is surely not meant for them. They then tend to spend their lives amidst piles of clothing that does not flatter them in any way and brings down the confidence level. However, all that's going to change. We are here to tell you that there is a way to maintain fashion at 50; and here's what you need to do. Go through the article and find out various styles of dressing yourself with vogue. Fabulous Styles for Women Over 50 You have to be comfortable in your own skin. That is when you will feel comfortable and exude confidence in whatever you wear. The departmental stores will surely have amazing fashionable and trendy clothing, but designed for the teenyboppers! You must surely avoid following fashion ideas blindly, but work towards creating a look that is unique and most importantly... you! Pay closer attention to the colors, patterns, designs, and styles you like to wear. Don't shy away from them just because you're not in your 20s or 30s anymore. Be comfortable in your own skin and you'll see the difference in your dressing style automatically. Always choose fits that flatter your body type. Avoid choosing outfits that are too tight or too loose. An overly tight-fitting garment certainly does not give anyone the elegant look. At 50, you need to choose clothing that looks sophisticated and enhances the shape of your body. Go in for silhouettes that have clean lines and overlapping patterns without all the fuss and frills. You can keep it simple, and still make the best of it. Keep in mind as to where you're going to wear certain outfits. According to that, you can choose your style properly. Dressing up or toning it down will depend on where exactly you're wearing those clothes at. Avoid wearing short and skimpy stuff and plunging necklines. Skirts that are way too short may tend to look over-the-top. If you are the kind who simply loves to wear attractive kinds of women's clothing then you can go in for a long, fitting skirt with a side slit. It will surely add to the oomph factor and draw attention for all the right reasons. Exposing arms or legs can be a tricky problem for women. When skin tends to sag, sleeveless or halter necks may not really flatter completely. If you are not really fond of long sleeves, you can opt for tunics that have sleeves made of sheer material. This will reveal your arms without bringing attention to problem areas! You can try to go for either bold or classic designs; this depends on whether you want to take risks or play it safe. You can safely choose specific prints and even stripes. Urban fashion includes trench coats for the winter, turtlenecks, A-line skirts, waist-length jackets, shirts, eternal blue jeans, gowns with classy shrugs, etc. Big prints will only tend to make a woman appear larger in size. Makeup is something that should be on the minimal side. However, there are many ways you can glam yourself up with makeup tricks that give an added glow to your skin. Accessories can also play an important part for shaping the way you look. For example, choose handbags in such a way that they aren't too contrast with your outfit. Also, a dull, boring oversized bag does not flatter a woman's personality. Fashion trends change with time, but women need to bend some rules to choose clothes that flatter and give a boost to one's confidence. But before we end this article, I'd like to mention that even though we spoke about the clothes for women over 50, there are certain clothing options you should avoid. This includes leather clothing, low-waist jeans, trousers in pleats, mini skirts, fluorescent colors, baggy clothes, fringes, textured clothing (crocodile or snake skin), etc. The basic thing to remember is, go with your gut feeling and prove everyone that life can begin at 50!
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fashionandstyle2day · 6 years
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Tips to Make Beautiful and Long Lasting Jewellery When you see someone wearing the jewellery that you made, it is a wonderful feeling to know you made it look beautiful and long lasting. Ensure that this is the same output that you get out of your efforts, particularly if you make and put up for sale. Explore internet and know the best and less expensive materials to use it in preparing handmade jewellery. There are many wholesale dealers available online and they have many varieties of beads and other materials that you may need. However, one should make sure that the online dealer is trustworthy before making a purchase with them. You can also read reviews posted on their websites and can have a look at the Better Business Bureau (BBB) for any negative comment that the customers made. Getting the needed materials in bulk will not only save you money but you can also get benefit of having the supplies that you need. Keeping huge variety of fashionable and trendy supplies allows very less breaks in your creativeness. Having good creativity skills and not having the materials that you need to put the piece of jewellery together, is nothing than worse. Knowing much on the current fashion trends will help you in getting good ideas. Majority of the designers make fashion jewellery that goes well on just a particular kind of garment. The designer looking forward to make jewellery that fits on all kinds of garments with new creative ideas will have many career opportunities. The designer that makes jewellery with unique style should consider choosing the dealer that has been in business for a long time. This is a good way to find out the dealers that provides the supplies that you need. Making of strange creation may need strange materials as well. Never limit your creativity talent in making fashionable jewellery. You cannot make much money by just selling the pieces to your friends and relatives. Know much on arts and crafts to attract pubic. You can also check online for new ways to sell your handmade jewellery. If you have a reliable and trustworthy jewellery dealer supporting you, your business having pleasant art could be more money-making. Invest some time to know all the options available by exploring internet. Having all the needed materials in hand, before you start making a piece of jewellery is important. Once you get profit on making fashion jewellery, you can slowly start making Diamond rings and wedding bands. Thanks For Reading
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fashionandstyle2day · 6 years
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Dress with Confidence – How Dressing Affects Your Attitude and Confidence Dressing with confidence is more than wearing the latest fashion trend, it’s about feeling good about what you’re wearing, looking poised and feeling self-assured in all situations. Would you believe that something as simple as how you dress could affect your attitude and self-confidence? The ...Dressing with confidence is more than wearing the latest fashion trend, it’s about feeling good about what you’re wearing, looking poised and feeling self-assured in all situations. Would you believe that something as simple as how you dress could affect your attitude and self-confidence? The truth is, how people dress is related in some way to how they feel. They feel first and dress later. Just think of a time when you didn’t feel well, did you want to pull out all the stops and dress smart? Not likely. You probably pulled on whatever was closest to you and dressed the way you felt – not that well. If we change the way we dress the way we feel will change. When we are dressed well and look good we automatically feel better. When we feel good we are more likely to feel good inside, have more energy and treat others better. You can boost your attitude, self-confidence and feel good about what you’re wearing if you: 1. Knowing the occasion 2. Know your audience 3. Know your personal style 4. Know the effects of colour Know the Occasion While you are standing in front of your closet give some consideration to the occasion. What you wear will depend on the event. Whether you are going to a business meeting, shopping, to church or to a gala event, what you wear should be tailored to the occasion. A business setting can be traditional (banking, law etc.) or softly tailored (advertising, public relations, etc). The dress code for traditional business is structured, tailored clothes with straight lines and firm fabrics (suits). For softy tailored business setting, use softer lines, structured blazers and jackets, matched or unmatched tailored pants Social occasions can include anything from a lunch with a friend to a formal event. To feel comfortable at an informal social event opt for unmatched suits, denim skirts, khaki pants and turtlenecks. Black tie means formal and white tie means ultra formal. At a black tie event men wear tuxedos and women wear cocktail or long dresses. Know Your Audience Your audience is the people with whom you come in contact. They can be your clients, boss and colleagues (in business) or your peers (social situations). Dress to fit the image of a person in your role. We don’t expect to see bankers dressed in jeans and a t-shirt; farmers dressed in suits; clean mechanics; or cleaners wearing delicate fabrics. When you are dressed out of your role your competence comes into question. When you dress to suit your role you feel more confident. For example, if you work in an environment where you create artistic products your audience will expect you to dress a little artistic. If you are dressed conservatively not only will you feel uncomfortable your audience will feel something is astray. People want to interact with people with whom they feel comfortable or who they feel are like them. That means knowing what is expected in particular roles and dressing to fit that role. Know Your Personal Style Your personal style is expressed in everything you do. When it comes to fashion your style is evident in the patterns and texture of fabrics you like to wear as well as your accent pieces such as jewelry, handbags and shoes. When you are aware of your style and feel comfortable with it then you can express yourself with confidence. Take a moment to decide which one of the four style preferences best suits you - classic, romantic, sporty or dramatic? The classic style has an elegant traditional look and wears timeless garments. The romantic style has a soft feminine look and prefers to wear dresses and skirts rather than pants. The sporty style likes casual comfortable clothes and prefers natural fabrics. The dramatic style is sophisticated, turns heads and likes to wear the latest trends. You may be thinking, what if my personal style is sporty and I am attending a gala event or my style is dramatic and I am attending a ball game? How can I feel confident, express my style and still fit the occasion? All occasions will not fit our personal style but if we know our style well enough we can make accommodations. The sporty style would feel comfortable at a gala event wearing long, flowing pants, and simple top and low (but elegant) shoes. The dramatic style can feel comfortable at a ball game wearing a leather jacket, a bold print top and angular jewelry. Know The Effect of Colours Colour is the magic that brings interest to our world. We are instinctively drawn to certain colours and respond to them with feeling. When used in garments and laid against our skin they produce either positive or negative results. The right colours will make your eyes sparkle and your skin glow; while the wrong colours will make you look tired and your skin drab. This is why it is important to know the colours that look best on you. You can do this yourself by sitting in front of a mirror, placing different colours next to your face and notice which colours make your skin come alive and which ones wash it out. Colours are divided into two categories –warm and cool. When you discover which colours look best on you and wear them consistently you will notice that you look better, feel better and have more confidence. Colours produce specific emotions and it affects how you feel and how others respond to you. For example, blue is a soothing, calming colour and red is an exciting, energetic, attention-grabbing colour. Knowing the affects of these colours which would you wear in a potentially argumentative situation? Knowing the emotional effect of colours and their symbolic links allows us to choose colours that will give us our desired effects. When you dress with confidence you know you have made the best choices for you and you feel comfortable in any situation. It means feeling attractive and completely you. Our confidence is enhanced when we know that we are dressed appropriately for the situation and our style, we are wearing colours that brighten us on the inside as well as outside and we feel attractive and authentic. Thanks For Reading –
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