fake-martyr-blog · 10 years
Your name is KANKRI VANTAS and you need to SUFFER (This is a Kankri Vantas RP blog) M/A!: None
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fake-martyr-blog · 10 years
Hey Guys!
Okay, here is the deal. I cannot speak about where I have been, nor what has happened. It was a long tough road but I am alright and still healthy. I’m not going to share to much personal stuff but I just wanted to let you guys know that I am okay.
  As for this blog and my other blogs, they will be moving. I do not have it set up yet (because technically I am not supposed to be on here right now) but by next week HOPEFULLY I will.
  Role playing will be off for a while. It’s a hiatus sort of thing. My mother said it would be best if I just put it off for a while. Which is fine, but I will miss role playing with all of you dearly. BUT she also said I could create  an alternative rp blog for when I do come off of hiatus, so that’s good right? If anything, talk to me on my main blog (when I re-make it again) so we can stay in contact!
  I have read all the messages you have sent me and somewhat kept up with everyone. Thank you so so much for sending the love and sweet words. I will be back soon!
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fake-martyr-blog · 11 years
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kankri the ectobiologist im sorry
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fake-martyr-blog · 11 years
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fake-martyr-blog · 11 years
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Anonymous asked mangrit: cans we have more kankri? (also your blog is flipping amazing thank you sooooo much!!)
yea why not.. last one for today
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fake-martyr-blog · 11 years
You probably do know ma'am. And I honestly do not know what you know/think of me but I do know that no matter what I am so happy you are such a good mother and that you are protecting her like this. I always thought you hated me for no reason but now im starting to think beck was lying about you too, or she lied to you about me. Either way I hope you do not see me as a bad person or a threat, I just really want to help her. Always have.
I don't hate anyone, there is no satisfaction in that.  So if you are being honest then you are free.  Its not my place to judge. 
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fake-martyr-blog · 11 years
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fake-martyr-blog · 11 years
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fake-martyr-blog · 11 years
And to the people on this website reading these... SHE IS TELLING THE TRUTH I know beck in real life! She has accused me of raping her and tried to tell my best friends that I was a rapist But I still pray she is ok, I understand she does not know what is going on You are a wonderful mother for not leaving her side I really hope she gets better Please, to those online friends BELIVE THIS!! SHE NEEDS PROFESSIONAL HELP!
I can only assume who this is????
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fake-martyr-blog · 11 years
Who ever is doing this, whoever is on this site... Thank you Thank you so much for saying this Her mothers boyfriend is the 4th person she has accused of rape and she really mentally belives she was raped You know her better than anyone else. Im glad you are trying to protect her and stick with her like this. THANK YOU
I do not know who you are...but I appreciate your comment.  She is in a safe place getting the mental help she needs.   
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fake-martyr-blog · 11 years
She hasn't been speaking to bad people. She has been speaking to her friends on here. I know that I am not a bad person and I know there are some people on here that are but from what we have seen, she hasn't been talking to anyone like that.
Then be her friend and hope she gets the help she needs, I am doing all I can  to get her the help she needs.  Her accusations will be determined  by the police.  If she is telling the truth it is sad, if she lied, it is sad.  Either way she will have a long road ahead of her and regardless of you thinking I am a  bad parent, I am and will be there for her.  She deserves a better life then being depressed and confused on reality and fantasy. 
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fake-martyr-blog · 11 years
So what is this about her being sexually abused and you letting it happen. I call bad parenting on that. Wow.
She wasn't sexually abused as I had a Dr. Confirm that for me.  You all fed into her scheme of getting attention and sympathy....well she got it as I am reading and seeing.  She is very ill, wait till you are  a parent an someone who doesn't really know anything expect what they read, a "Bad Parent" I don't care what you say.  so WOW right back at you.
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fake-martyr-blog · 11 years
Hey girl what happened the other night? Did that asshole get arrested? Ugh you dont know me but im worried!
Interesting that all of you following her on here, believe everything you read or hear from this person who is only 17 and has been diagnosed with severe mental issues.   Really anyone on this site taking every word on here as the honest to god truth.  Role Playing as fantasy people and things to the extreme I have read is very scary to me as a parent.  
I know not all are what I am portraying, but I doubt the numbers are not low as to those with some kind of mental issue. 
No! to answer your question, that asshole did not get arrested and go to jail.  Nice that you are so quick to judge.  This "asshole" as you call him  has a life and has been through all of this persons issues of her depression and personality .  He has done everything for her to be a better person and listen to her and has never done the things she claims he has done.  The truth will prevail in her accusations.  He is at a loss and heart broken she has said such terrible things.  
If she doesn't know you I am glad.  This isn't the place to write about  personal matters for everyone to see.  I don't know if you are a girl or a guy, but god help you if you ever get accused of something you never did by someone with clear mental issues and is constantly in search of attention and drama because she love that shit!
It scares parents such as I, who my child is speaking to and taking advice from, this is why she will no longer have access to this account until she is an adult, pays for her own computer, and internet.  and thats for a whole year from now.  
I have found through the police she has been speaking to whom she didn't realize were bad people, 
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fake-martyr-blog · 11 years
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Kankri’s n9t here. He’s in Sweater T9wn.
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fake-martyr-blog · 11 years
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This is my proudest moment as a kankri roleplayer.
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fake-martyr-blog · 11 years
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sometimes, in the solitude of your hive, you feel your wrists burn and you have no idea why
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fake-martyr-blog · 11 years
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karkat talking about his very very conflicted feels, and signless shutting up to listen.
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