fadedsepia · 3 years
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fadedsepia · 3 years
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fadedsepia · 3 years
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fadedsepia · 3 years
You are a genetic researcher who has come across a universal truth. The DNA in all living creatures are attempts to build a single design. Viruses and phages have been stopping this process intentionally, resulting in different species. You now know what that design is and can complete it.
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fadedsepia · 3 years
100 year old Galapagos tortoise with a few weeks old Galapagos baby posing for a new family photo, and its own baby photo from 100 years ago.
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fadedsepia · 3 years
darkersolstice: Do you know what the worst part of having a uterus is?
HobbitGuy1420: I don’t. What is?
darkersolstice: When you're upset about something, to the point of crying, and you go to the bathroom, and there's blood on the toilet paper, so you're like "Oh, of course I'm upset, I'm hormonal and whatever was wrong must not really be a thing at all."
HobbitGuy1420: I’m sorry you have to deal with that.
darkersolstice: It makes me doubt if my upsetness is all...wrong. Fake. Not real.
HobbitGuy1420: I think it’s real. It might be hitting you harder than it would normally
darkersolstice: Probably.
HobbitGuy1420: If you excuse the analogy, just because you’ve temporarily lost 10-again on Composure rolls doesn’t mean that there isn’t something calling for a roll
darkersolstice: ...Oh.
HobbitGuy1420: You aren’t weak, you’re just suffering a situational modifier
darkersolstice: That's...really, really useful to hear.
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fadedsepia · 3 years
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IRON MAN 2 - Post-Senate Hearing (Deleted Scene)
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fadedsepia · 3 years
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You will never forget it. You can control that fear and use it for something good, like you already have. Like you taught me. The first time we met? Do you remember? You put a taser arrow to my forehead. Even Thor, the mighty Asgardian, was walking around in a vision of mine, but yet, you saw me coming and stopped me. What does that tell you? ▬ insp. by chapter 10 of swallow your soul more Wanda Maximoff gifs /// more Clint Barton gifs /// all gifs /// buy me a coffee!
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fadedsepia · 3 years
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I finished 114! Hoorah! To commemorate this wonderful occasion, I doodled some Peggy and company in the style I used for my final animated short for 114 (which I’ll post tomorrow, once I’ve adjusted some things). This was super fun, I love drawing skinny Steve!
Also Howard is such a bear to draw… >__< He walks a fine line between either looking like Dorian Pavus or Walt Disney.
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fadedsepia · 3 years
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fadedsepia · 3 years
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fadedsepia · 3 years
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I’m just imagining Bucky dragging Rocket into a McDonald’s after a huge battle and Rocket passes out on a table and the entire place has to shut down lmao.
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fadedsepia · 3 years
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fadedsepia · 3 years
Turning my stickers from @deandraws into magnets. Successful test with TenRose, so now I can do the rest!
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fadedsepia · 3 years
Come with me, friends…
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To this house. Not a contemporary house, and the pentagons of those two windows on the left are a little unusual, but not particularly notable.
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The sides of the steps to the front entrances are painted purple. That’s a little interesting.
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You thought you’d bring your own furniture to this house? No. Only built-in seating covered with orange-pattered carpet in the purple living room.
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This is where things start to get a little surreal to me. This house was built in 1975. But look how bright and new that carpet looks! It still matches the light fixture! And it’s in the kitchen! It looks like it was never used (weird), or that it was REPLACED recently (WEIRDER BY FAR).
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This is actually a lovely bright dining space, if you can ignore the purple carpet of the living room running up against the blue carpet of the kitchen. As sometimes happens in a house.
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That’s a new toilet. And that’s purple carpet in the bathroom. And a pink sink where the material reminds me of tiny independent movie theaters or hole-in the wall restaurants.
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The only way to move between the three floors of this house, friends and foes. I have one drink and I’m sleeping on the orange built-in seating for my safety.
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And now…pink. (And some sliding doors which I hope open onto a balcony but I don’t SEE anything like a balcony railing.)
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Stepping back, I’m still having trouble interpreting this room. My best guess is that it’s the main bedroom, with a semi-public area at the top of the stairs and then this is the more private area where the bed would go. But it’s not actually walled off. The decorative light switch cover shaped like a regular house is a nice touch.
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This is a lot. I genuinely now start to think that this house was inhabited by beings that DID NOT USE BATHROOMS nor did they UNDERSTAND what bathrooms were used for. That carpet is so bright! So fluffy! It shouldn’t look that way if it’s original, and WHO WOULD HAVE MADE THIS DECISION MORE THAN ONCE??? And it. It doesn’t even match the shade of pink around the tub. And the blue tile in the tub doesn’t match anything. Th…the shower head. Is there. But there is no place to hang a curtain around the tub. IN A CARPETED BATHROOM. There are so many signs of remodeling, and yet…the bathroom is still…this. 
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Non-Euclidian closet. First non-carpeted room we have seen.
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I run from the non-Euclidean closet to face the stairs, which I fall down headfirst, dying instantly.
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Ah, the lower level. There’s another sink in another carpeted area, but at least the built-in furniture isn’t carpeted. It’s fine.
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This bedroom makes me think of dorm rooms, but from a bad alternate timeline.
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This bedroom doesn’t have carpet, but rather a portal to a different alternate universe.
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Your best chance for normality in this house.
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At least the children’s toilet room isn’t carpeted? I’ve gotta count this as a win at this point. I’m blocking the sink and counter from my mind. I do not see it.
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It’s fine. Oh THERE’S the balcony. …it has no railing. Friends and foes, I really think I’d need my balcony to have railings in this house. But I guess if you’re an incorporeal being from another dimension who loves carpet, it wouldn’t really matter.
Thank you for journeying with me. 
(Btw it sold for about $160,000.)
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fadedsepia · 3 years
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fadedsepia · 3 years
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