fadedheroicxxdreams · 4 months
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When see a server you're in and its elf posting hours:
Yes im very happy for this
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fadedheroicxxdreams · 4 months
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Shes taking notes how fascinating tonight is!
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fadedheroicxxdreams · 4 months
@x-latteart-x from here
Sapphire eyes gaze towards the other, as she momentarily begins to tap her chin while trying to come up with a plan in order to help the other.
For it was quite strange to have her savior show up unexpectedly at her home. As she was no elder seedseer / nor Padjal / or a true master of the elements / and yet here was her saviour from the snow was asking for her help.
And so regardless of her lack of magical or anicent civilization knowledge, K'alian still wanted to still at least try and help her saviour.
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"Well since clearly going on the offensive is not working , i do have a rather unorthodox and off the wall idea to solve your problem"
Since from the others words , this was not easy task she could not simply just punch throughand thus the white harried miqo'te woman thought of something different in mind.
"What would you say.... about trying to sing to the statue ?"
As she knew how many ancient poems were woven into the farbics of many different societies . For she knew about the importance of traditions passed down through songs and stories, so part of her was guessing if attacking didnt work perhaps humming a note or two would appease the staue.
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fadedheroicxxdreams · 4 months
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Lali-ho! Can you please reblog or consider dropping a follow if you're interested in interacting and RP'ing with a (now) active FFXIV blog for two Dark Knights?
One's a little Tsundere, one's a little... Edgy.
Thank you! I'll be reaching out to anyone that drops a follow, and remember: if we're already mutuals, please feel free to hit me up for anything!
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fadedheroicxxdreams · 4 months
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"You know what is quite funny i remember hearing a young bard sing of tales about my adventures. Yes the tune was quite embellished in many many regards , but i would say i did enjoy it quite a bit"
For she might have changed from her early days, but at the same time she couldn't forget those times. Times where she was a young bright eyed adventuer without a care in world.
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fadedheroicxxdreams · 4 months
[ side hug ] a casual and friendly hug where one person puts their arm around the other's shoulder / waist [ back hug ] a hug where one person comes up to another and wraps their arms around them [ bear hug ] a tight, warm, and engulfing hug [ waist hug ] a hug where both partners put their arms around each other's waist and hold onto them [ welcome hug ] a hug given to someone as a form of greeting [ goodbye hug ] a hug given to someone before they leave [ reunion hug ] a hug where one leaps into their partner's arms after time apart [ quick hug ] a quick hug that's usually accompanied by a quick pat on the back [ unreciprocated hug ] a hug where one partner remains motionless while the other hugs them [ eye-to-eye hug ] a hug during which two people gaze into each other's eyes [ patting hug ] a hug where one / both partner(s) give a pat on the back [ cuddle hug ] a tight hug where both tightly hold onto each other and one snuggles into the other person's chest [ pickpocket hug ] a hug where they have their arms behind their partner's back and their hands in their pockets [ straddle hug ] a hug where one straddles their partner's waist who is holding them up and they both keep eye contact [ heart-to-heart hug ] a hug where the left arm is over the partner's right shoulder and the right arm around the partner's left side [ london bridge hug ] a hug where the upper bodies are close to each other but the lower bodies are kept apart [ head-on-shoulder hug ] a hug where one partner holds onto their partner's arm and rests their head on their shoulder [ twirl hug ] a hug where one twirls the other around while tightly holding onto them [ flirty hug ] a hug where one has their arms around their partner's neck and their head on their chest [ lingering hug ] a long-lasting hug between close friends or romantic partners [ comforting hug ] a hug given to someone to comfort them [ touch starved hug ] a careful hug given to someone after noticing some signs of touch starvation [ running hug ] a hug where both partners run into each other's arms [ surprise hug ] a hug where one catches the other off guard with an unexpected hug [ apology hug ] a sincere and heartfelt hug given to convey apologies [ group hug ] a hug that involves multiple people [ slow dance ] a type of hug where both partners are incredibly close to one another and sway to some music [ shoulder-to-shoulder hug ] a hug where two people stand side-by-side with their arms around each other's shoulders [ family hug ] a hug given between two family members [ no-words-needed hug ] a hug given when no more words are needed and they just want to be close to one another
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fadedheroicxxdreams · 4 months
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Please reblog / follow if you'd be interested in interacting with an indie OC (mostly) fandomless blog, with a current fixation on FFXIV.
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fadedheroicxxdreams · 4 months
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fadedheroicxxdreams · 4 months
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Pure bright green eyes gaze towards the other, along with her floofy ears wiggling with excitement, for she was practically beaming with pure joy at the thought of being able to recall her some of her tales.
"Oh id say the latter for these lands have been filled with many villians to vanquish and sights to see, would you like for me to recall some of these tales?"
For she had seen many sights and being on grand adventures that were filled with villians to be felled along with treasures to be found , oh how it filled her heart with joy to experience this new world and all of its wonders.
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fadedheroicxxdreams · 4 months
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fadedheroicxxdreams · 4 months
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fadedheroicxxdreams · 4 months
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fadedheroicxxdreams · 4 months
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"Now now why would i do something like that, im not that type of person to jump to random assumptions about a person at first glance"
The redheaded miqo'te woman said with emerald eyes filled with anticipation along with a joyful smile to her face.
Yes she knew could still vaguely remember being taught the large amount of danger in putting blind faith strangers, but at the same time she was in a new world beyond the safe K tribes walls / and with this new world came new experiences and people and as such she wouldn't shy away from trying to be quite chummy with a new face.
"Besides i'm eager to meet new people and as such, i would like to get to know you better if you would permit me to do so"
@fadedheroicxxdreams asked: “I believe in you.” from pre ARR verse kal to FFXIV leslie yo
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"...I appreciate it. Aye, I do. But...Don't you feel the least bit strange saying that to a bloody stranger? I mean, you don't even know me, let alone what part of the world I'm from. You're not the least bit worried I might be some kind of Imperial spy, or summat?"
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fadedheroicxxdreams · 4 months
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fadedheroicxxdreams · 8 months
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Long and far away from home the white harried cat woman had been whisked away from her world and placed in a strange world she was unfamiliar to her.
Over and over she pondered the same brighly light street corner, where she had many faces look at her fluffy cat ears and her white hair. Part of her wanted to speak up and say at least something to the onlookers, but knew she was in no position to say anything less she cause problems for herself.
But at the same time simply not doing anything wasn't going to help her, so she decided to bite the bullet and the first person she came across for some sort of directions.
"Excuse me!"
The white harried feline woman said with a bold sounding tone to the first person she came across.
"I am quite lost as i am not from here, do you mind helping me out?"
As the same woman was upfront and straight foward sounding with her question, for she did not want to simply play games with what she truly wanted and as such wanted to get straight to the point of her question.
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fadedheroicxxdreams · 8 months
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fadedheroicxxdreams · 8 months
It is funny how i have now the headcanon how green my WOLS eyes are, like she has emerald colored eyes
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