faciensmel · 2 hours
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faciensmel · 13 days
Andy looked up at Romeo trying not to laugh, "Twenty? What if there's an actual murderer there? You think I'm dying for a twenty? Give me fifty or we're going in tandem, Ro." she raised her brows hoping that a little humor would make them both enter the place a bit more at ease.
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where: outside murder house who: open
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romeo stared at the front door, there was a tiny gremlin of a person that told him a story of this place one time and now he was curious how true that story was. "i'll give you twenty bucks if you go into that house before me." he wasn't afraid.. he just wanted to make sure if there was anything to see he wasn't gonna be the first one to see it.
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faciensmel · 14 days
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ashley moore (1-9)
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faciensmel · 16 days
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faciensmel · 1 month
"Oh nice! Shame I missed it, could do with a little clarity on what's going to happen to me," Andy smiled. "Are you off to the dance then?"
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Lilith nodded. It was hard in moments like this not to tell people that she could just walk outside now. That they could too if they wanted. "Yeah! Actually, I had my own booth. Just closed it for a little to try to get ready for everything." Maybe she should've stayed out there. It was a lot easier than a stuffy bathroom. "I did my tarot readings and sold some things."
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faciensmel · 1 month
"Oh, that's amazing, I'll need to check it out. You know the top you've crocheted for me always gets so many compliments, I bet the stall is full of beautiful things like that." Andy smiled brightly looking towards where Cassie was pointing. "So how have you been anyway? How's the book going?"
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Cassie started some when Andy appeared, feeling her cheeks warm and some guilt creeping in like she’d been caught doing something wrong. But she hadn’t been. She was just recently with Charlie. On a date. Which was strange in of itself. “Oh! Hi,” she said with a small smile. “I am. I have a booth with my crochet things over there.” She gestured vaguely.
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faciensmel · 1 month
Andy nodded, she definitely wouldn't call the feeling an instinct, after all that would almost mean you know something is about to happen, but she understood the vigilant feeling most people probably felt in this town. "Right," Andy smiled, "Have you had a walk around the stalls yet? Some pretty cool things out there" she noted trying to brighten Lilith's mood by thinking about the prospect of a fun time.
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Lilith smiled down at the ground with the compliment. "You understand me," she said and set her hands in front of her as she stepped closer. Honestly, she hadn't meant to make the other feel bad. It was one of the reasons she had been gathering herself in there. "It's just this thought in the back of my head. Like instinct, ya know?" Still, she nodded. "I know I shouldn't live my life thinking everything is gonna go wrong. You're right." Maybe she could try to fix this. Not pass it on. "If you can, I can, right?"
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faciensmel · 2 months
Andy smiled bright eyed and nodded her head, "For sure! It looks so couture." she noted, still in awe of the effort Lilith has put in. Andy's smile turned softer, "Ah," was all she said for a moment, even though Andy tried not to think about the darker side of events she couldn't say it didn't cross her mind. "That's- understandable." Andy shrugged, "I'm not gonna lie I feel it too." she scrunched up he nose. "I guess it's good to be a little alert. But at the same time it's a beautiful day, you look stunning, might as well look at some art and dance. Feel happy for a bit, you know?" she added not sure if she was still trying to convince Lilith or herself.
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"You think?" Lilith asked softly, turning away from the mirror to look at Andy directly instead of her reflection. "I knew everyone wanted to be cute, I just wanted to bring in the glam and gore avant-garde..." She mused these words and sat against the edge of the sink, playing with her fingers. "Mmm, feeling off. Uneasy. Always feels like something goes wrong at these things, ya know?"
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faciensmel · 2 months
Where: Somewhere near food stalls Who: Cassie + Andy
It seemed like ages since Andy had seen Cassie last, but her face lit up when she saw the other near a food stall. Making her way to the booth in few quick strides Andy smiled peaking her head so that Cassie could see her, "Hi stranger. Enjoying the art?"
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faciensmel · 2 months
Andy stopped in her tracks when she saw Lilith, half because she wasn't expecting anyone to be there and half from seeing the amazing effort the other put in her outfit. "Yeah," Andy said lamely with a small smile before finally getting hear bearing. "You look absolutely unreal, Lil" she said a bright smile lighting up her face, "You feeling okay?" she frowned lightly, remembering the look on Lilith's face few moments ago.
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@faciensmel / closed event starter / pandora flowers setting: minnie’s dancehall - the ball
Feeling a bit out of the normal, Lilith touched up her makeup in the bathroom, adding and adjusting the red glitter that seemed splashed across her features. This look was one she really liked given the theme of everything but looking in the mirror, she just wasn’t so sure what to think of herself anymore. As someone walked in, she swallowed back her emotions and smiled. “Sorry, mid-dance touch-ups, ya know?” She said and ran a hand through her hair. “You look amazing by the way, Andy.”
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faciensmel · 2 months
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Outfit for the Art Festival + Avant-Garde Ball
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faciensmel · 3 months
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Emily Browning as Zoe | Class of '07 | S1Ep1 Bird Shit
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faciensmel · 3 months
Continued from here
Andy frowned nodding as she listened to Ruby "You’ve got a point there, bees and hens don't seem to be disturbed by them. I wonder if there is an animal that would be their cryptonite, maybe it's a cat?" Andy joked, "I do think Ten is kind of like our protector to be fair" she scribbled some notes on the board before looking back at Ruby, "It's crazy how little we know about them after so many years" she shook her head.
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faciensmel · 3 months
Continued from here
Faris' observation made Andy burst in a short laugh. "Are you implying the creatures aren't smart?" she smiled but shook her head, "They might not be smart but they sure are good at pretending to be someone you know, so I guess they're cruel. And to be cruel you have to have a bit of a brain about you." Andy sighed shaking her head. "Yeah that's true, the numbers do seem to be consistent, still think it would be good to trap one and see how they respond to sun. The very idea that might just be transparent and walk around us even now in day time brings goosebumps to my skin." she shook a little and wrote down '𝓲𝓷𝓿𝓲𝓼𝓲𝓫𝓵𝓮?' on her board.
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faciensmel · 3 months
Continued from here
Andy wrote down '𝓭𝓲𝓼𝓲𝓷𝓽𝓮𝓰𝓻𝓪𝓽𝓮' on the drawing board, "Right, that could be it, maybe we could try and trap one somewhere and see what happens to it when the sun comes up? I've read a lot of vampire-lore texts when they started appearing, they don't seem to act exactly like the creatures. But then again, I don't think an of the creatures in textbooks quite compare to these," she sighed. Andy nodded listening to Floyd's next thought, "That's a good point, they seem nocturnal and live somewhere under us. But then, I think what throws me the most is the flower festival events. How can trust anything scientific if what happened was so well... supernatural?" she frowned.
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0 notes
faciensmel · 3 months
"Sorry to hear that Tari, glad you're out of the tough times." Andy smiled. "And sorry, well that I haven't checked in with you then, feel like an awful friend." she shook her head meaning every word she said, Andy wasn't sure what she could do to help Tari out but she sure could have tried more to check in. "Oh, is that so?" Andy grinned seeing Tari's smile, "And who's the lucky person?"
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"I'm good. I had a tough time towards the end of last year but I'm in a good place now. I even kind of started dating someone." She added, a small shy smile on her lips. Her and Ransome were still figuring things out but it felt nice to be able to tell someone.
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faciensmel · 3 months
Pandora looked at a picture with a small frown, a little confused why Aya called the man in the picture Silas. "Well that's Cyan. He's our local tech-guy. Brought this place a bit closer to the 21st century I'd say." Andy noted with a nod. "To answer you're question yes, I have seen him. Is his name supposed to be Silas?"
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Aya scoffed some at the assertion that this place wasn’t so bad. It seemed pretty awful to her. “My selfish brat of a little brother,” she replied to the question. “He disappeared and he’s my dad’s golden boy so I thought I’d come drag him back. Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like that’s going to happen.” She found a picture in her phone and held it out to Andy. “Have you seen him? His name is Silas, but he might be going by a different name here.”
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