f-to-me · 4 years
don’t write odes to the girl you refuse to be. you will live your life running backwards, pinning the rough edges of your shadow with rusty nails so that it doesn’t take her shape.
write a sonnet to the girl you will be. speak her into existence and spread your arms wide, catch the wind of the future in your sails and fly until she is in formation behind you.
i have known too many women who have spent their lives filling pages with the ghost of the girl they are trying to escape. with every word her outline grows clearer. fiction can not hide you from her–not for long. she creeps.
the girl–no, the woman you will be is a song. she does not exist in pinned shadow or barriers of ink. she is in the air already, breathless and waiting. you need only give her the words.
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f-to-me · 4 years
Gender expression and Gender identity aren't the same thing. So... yes? If they want to be?
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(Image description: a picture of hands with glitter on the palms and white text inside yellow borders that says “trans men can be feminine”. End image description.)
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f-to-me · 4 years
30 Day Trans Challenge- Day 30
30. Write a haiku about being trans.
Yes, I'm transgender
But I am more than just that
I'm more than my parts
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f-to-me · 4 years
30 Day Trans Challenge - Day 29
29. Write out something positive about yourself using the letters of your name. Ex. Your name is Bob so B-Beautiful O-Outstanding B-Boy
S - Sassy
H - Helpful
A - Adaptable
N - Naive
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f-to-me · 4 years
30 Day Trans Challenge - Day 28
28. What is something you have to do everyday or else you feel like your whole day is off if you don't do it?
So... really short answer here but, nothing?
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f-to-me · 4 years
30 Day Trans Challenge
27. What goals do you have?
... is this in general or transition wise?
Transition wise mostly just top surgery. T if I can take it safely, but only if it's not going to screw with my clotting issues.
General? I'm still working on that one. Going back to school maybe?
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f-to-me · 4 years
30 Day Trans Challenge - Day 26
26. Do you feel comfortable answering questions about being trans if say your teacher/friend/stranger asked you?
For the most part I'm an open book. Within reason, I'll answer just about anything. Hell, probably without reason too depending on my mood.
Friends are in the without reason category be default, if we're friends I'll answer whatever you wanna know.
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f-to-me · 4 years
Question for the trans dudes and trans mascs of tumblr.
Did y'all live in ponytails a lot growing up or was that just me?
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f-to-me · 4 years
30 Day Trans Challenge - Day 24
24. Who is your favorite LGBT actor/musician/director/artist etc and why?
I can't say I have a particular favorite at the moment?
Shout out to Earth/Katsamonnat Namwirote though? Because he's adorable and sweet and I adore him.
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Also Kim Minsung, my ace baby who I also adore. Who has unknowingly helped me a lot over time.
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f-to-me · 4 years
When you get a haircut and can't stop admiring yourself in the mirror. It was getting so long and just far too femme. Now I'm just like "Aw yeah, there's the guy I know hey bb 'sup?"
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f-to-me · 4 years
30 Day Trans Challenge - Day 23
23. What stereotypes are put on trans people?
I honestly don't know much about trans stereotypes. I don't really see us in popular media that much. Especially us trans dudes. I feel like trans women have significantly more visibility.
I guess there's the stereotype that we're just people who hate our own sex. Or the whole bathroom predator thing. Beyond that I'm pretty clueless.
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f-to-me · 4 years
30 Day Trans Challenge - Day 22
22. Do you feel being trans holds you back from your career choice?
What's a career? ._.
Otherwise, no. I think it shouldn't have an affect on anything work wise really.
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f-to-me · 4 years
30 day trans challenge - Day 21
21. Your views on the cis-gendered community?
They're people? Who are cis?? What is this question. It's not like they're a different species or something.
Mildly jealous of cis dudes maybe, because they're usually taller and have bigger hands and the right equipment, but that's about it. (And maybe some weird fascination because how do you fit penises into pants my mind is BLOWN)
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f-to-me · 4 years
30 Day Trans Challenge - Day 20
20. Do you want to be a parent why or why not?
Nah, I think I'm good. I like to say I basically raised my younger siblings so I already did my part.
Don't physically want kids for medical reasons, plus I imagine the dysphoria would be out of this world for me. So hard pass. I'd consider adopting at some point, but I'm not in a financial place to anyway so.
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f-to-me · 4 years
30 Day Trans Challenge - Day 19
19. If you're religious how do your views effect being trans? If your not religious what about your family religions.
As an agnostic pagan witchy boy.... I honestly don't know where I'm going with this actually. My beliefs don't effect my trans-ness. My mother is also agnostic and I'm fatherless so.... yeah.
But I will say, since coming to terms with my trans-ness it feels like the universe is making sure I know it approves. So, take that as you will.
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f-to-me · 4 years
30 Day Trans Challenge - Day 18
18. How do you feel about the trans laws where you live?
Pretty good, actually. I live in New York state and feel like the laws here are pretty decent and protective.
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f-to-me · 4 years
30 Day Trans Challenge - Day 17
17. What's your binding choice and why?
I don't currently bind, because none of the binders I've tried actually work. One was too small and the other was too big. Not that it entirely mattered since the binding panel was just too short for my needs anyway.
I'm planning on trying a custom one, but I'm not sure if that will make much of a difference or not. Thanks to weight loss and things, my chest is.... a special case to put it lightly.
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