eyqri · 10 years
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@qrisus: guys!!!!!! 2013 is almost over!!! ㅠㅠㅠ let's hope the new year will bring a lot of happiness and luck neh ♡♡ㅋㅋㅋ
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eyqri · 10 years
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eyqri · 10 years
Why didn’t she just simply walk away? From this girl, from the whole situation. Sure, that was easier said than done and with Qri, there was always this small, but much more significant annoying thing called pride that made it impossible for her to turn her back on the problem lying restlessly in front of her eyes. Not to mention that there was still half of the semester she had to know behind her before she could hop off to college, which meant that they would be obligated to play against or in the same team with the girl who was now the source of her anger so it seemed to be a rather reasonable decision to attempt clearing their skies instead of making it even gloomier – although, looking at the situation now, the two girls were leaning more towards the latter one than the first.
“And why on Earth would there be no sincerity in my apology at all?” she snorted, the not very ladylike action making a slight frown to spread across her features. “I’m not the type to shower others with bullshit especially not when it comes to petty apologies,” she rolled her eyes, her teeth sinking into her lower lip as the realization of probably having made the situation worse with her words hit her. She didn’t want the other’s nerves to be piqued by believing Jihyun thought her injury was nothing but a silly accident that wouldn’t have deserved more than a simple “I’m sorry” to be uttered  rather than all the caustic words that had been thrown at and back at each other.
Upon confronted with the other’s request, Qri’s eyes widened greatly as she was caught by the sudden change in her tone and she had a hard time deciding if she liked this more playful ringing to her voice opposed to the irritated one; somehow the assumption of the other wanting to use her wasn’t much of a pleasure to her. “What favors?” she asked, her eyes squinting in a suspicious manner as she casted them on the other. “I’m not killing anyone and I sure as hell am not going to parade naked around the school.”
█ ▌— get a grip 「*」krystal x qri
The searing pain ricocheted through the tender edifice of her head, ever so slightly embedding itself in the linings of her skull which somehow kindled the demon concealed beneath her lithe frame. Contrary to the frail countenance she casts off, Krystal is, in actuality, not one who could condone such act or accident—as what the other insisted—with ease. Should there be a root cause for this then it must be her huge ego to take the blame for it basically destroys any threat that could taint its essence. The same goes for the one who beholds it.  Anyone who makes Krystal appear like a personified embarrassment in the eyes of other people, is always met with her bullet-like stares embellished with venomous comments out of utter fury, and this predicament has been, indeed, brought to life by the ill-fated situation she’s currently facing.
Her ears clung loosely onto the statement shot by the female, taking small mental notes of the emotions coating her voice. Anguish, irritation, or possibly a bare mirror of Krystal’s own erosion of feels, had been detected in a split second, even though she believes hers was of a higher caliber than the other’s. “Well dang apologies are too easy to say but i doubt there’s sincerity in it. How did you want me to react then? Pretend like nothing happened? Is that it?” Krystal peeled off the protective arms swung over her head one by one, aware of the eyes in quiet scrutiny of her actons, and unfolds her body from its former position. The chatters among students, who have witnessed the tension-filled scene, simmered down to muffled syllables as she was dragged by her feet toward the other girl, a whirlpool of thoughts assaulting her mind.
The girl’s next articulation pricked the playful side in her yet it was not meant to offer some kind of positivity which could be beneficial for both, rather, just for Krystal’s own amusement. “Hmm, I wonder if you’re up to what I’m thinking…”  She edged behind the lass and purposely expelled a dark chuckle before adding the final touch to her somewhat villainous scheme, “Do some favors for me….just for a day” 
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eyqri · 10 years
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eyqri · 10 years
S'okay, I just don't like you talking fake shit about yourself. (-- she offers you a bright smile, a hand raising to pat at the other's cheek in a loving manner; a contented grin drawing itself upon her lips as she hears her words and she nods enthusiastically. ) Exactly, see, that's more like it. It's good to see you getting into the spirit of all this. (-- she snickers softly. ) We'll drink all ya want, girl. I'll be there to take care of you if you happen to pour a bit of too much alcohol into your gorgeous system. (-- she nods her head and slides a hand down tiffany's spine to pat her butt before rolling her eyes. ) You are not going to embarrass me, okay? Just because I am a professional dancer of some sort does not mean you'll look like a hysterical wind puppet next to me. (-- pulling away slightly so she can take a better look at the female, her eyes glistening with satisfaction. ) You look perfect, my dear. And I have money, there's no need to go back for your wallet now. You can repay me tomorrow. (-- mentally sighing at the other's desperate attempts on trying to run away from the situation, she walks behind tiffany and presses her palms against her back, pushing her forward all the way through the door and right inside the middle of a smaller crowd that filled the area. ) Welcome to today's paradise, lovely.
█ ▌— diamonds and disco balls 「*」tiffany x qri
{/makes muffled whiny noises; Fine, fine. I’m sorry for complaining. {/gives the most sincere smile she can muster at the other. She felt lucky to have a friend like Qri, she didn’t deserve having someone as awesome as her in her life and she resolved to try and be more upbeat. she waved off the others compliment and gave a small snort is disbelief; You’re right I’m just going to try and make the most out of tonight and just have some fun, I mean I can’t mope around forever right? Plus I also can’t die which means if I want to I can drink as much as possible. {/she raised a thin eyebrow in thought; That’s how it works here right?{/shrugs not really sure; Wait—what ready now? {/eyes widen in surprised at having arrived to the venue so quickly, nervousness refilling her gut; Wait, but I can’t dance? What if I embarrass you? Wai—look at my hair It’s all messed up I can’t go in there looking like this right? {/wacks her brain for more excuses to not go inside; I forgot my money? Yeah I forgot my wallet I have to go back and get it.
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eyqri · 10 years
(-- listening to the other's words, she's slowly nodding along before letting a shrug fall off her shoulders. ) Ah well, I guess manners are important to most people, but definitely not me. And to be honest, I don't care about first impressions. (-- she runs her tongue across her lower lip, a weak smile stretching her lips. ) I believe that most first impressions are wrong and that if someone tries too hard to display a good one at the first encounter, they might end up showing a completely false version of them that won't apply to their behavior in the future. Which means that if I like someone at first sight, it might turn out that they really aren't that good of a person at all when I start spending time with them. Or it can also happen vice versa, though that's a positive one. (-- squeezing her lips together, she puffs her cheeks slightly, poking at one side of them. ) Let me see, I can listen to music and sing at the same time and also watch something, sometimes eat as well. If studying doesn't require me writing, then I can maybe use the computer at the same time as well but that's kind of hardcore now. (-- beaming at the other, she giggles into her palm. ) I guess you envy me, yeah. I don't envy you at all, that's for sure. (-- she nods once and slightly ruffles the back of her hair. ) But soon I'll be in college as well. I can't wait, actually! I still have to find what major I'd be interested in apart from Performing Arts. I'm planning to take double majors. (-- her nose crinkles in displease upon hearing william scold her once again because of her language, but she lets it slip without getting angry about it. ) I'm not sure about Elegy, to be honest. Never read the Terms & Agreement or whatever they call that long thingy. (-- pulling off a small pout, she lets her lips press against each other before letting them go with a small pop as she tilts her head to the side. ) Mhm, let me see, is there anything you really like? Food, or drink or anything else? Perhaps you could make a mixed name, play with the words. (-- she shrugs lightly, slipping inside the café after he opens the door for her, flashing a grateful smile. ) Thanks! So, if we're already here, what's your favorite type of coffee? 
♚ What's That Sound? 「Qri ✖ William」
[ ` he presented a mock bow to her ] You’re very welcome. [ ` grins ] And I’ll be looking forward to that! [ ` stares at her reaction ] Well, its fine. People kind of tell me the same thing though [ ` smirks; thinking of the past false allegations that was given as a result of his looks and jealousy ] No, you’re not. But frankly speaking, its not actually my first choice of words to say it when for first encounters, you know? For me, it effects the whole first impression you have on people. But don’t take it at heart. [ ` peers his ears to her inquiry ] I truly understand that [ ` smiles sheepishly and lets out a brief chuckle ] Wow, multitasker. So tell me, how many things that you can actually do when you’re studying? [ ` raises his brows ] Ah, how I envy you for having so much time on your hands! [ ` blinks and a silent sigh escape his lips; thinking that life would be a lot nicer if he had the privilege as hers as well ] Yes, I haven’t. I’m not much of a social networking fanatic since back then I rarely login my SNS account. And whoa—mind the language. [ ` cocks his head to the side; somehow finding the name albeit intriguing ] I don’t think they would let people sign up for usernames like that, as far as I remember. [ ` his lips perched up; shaping an almost pout ] Well, I actually thought of the usernames but since I heard your username, I sort of want it to be unique. It’ll be obvious that its me if I registered under those usernames! [ ` chuckles; follows her lead ] Yeah, it will. [ ` finds the entrance; shifts forward—opening the door ] After you. 
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eyqri · 10 years
(-- she lets out an amused laugh and waves a hand. ) By bad experiences, I only meant that I've eaten it several times before and always ended up throwing up. I get sick by even the smell of it, not to mention if I eat it. The first time I ate honey, it was fruit-flavored... and I liked it so much, at least I thought I did that I ate the entire bottle and then I couldn't stop vomiting for hours. So ever since then, my tummy can't handle honey itself at all. (-- shakes her head, a dramatic sigh erupting from her lips as she puffs her cheeks and rolls on her back once again; but suddenly turning around as she hears mihyun's words, her eyelids snapping open and closed rapidly as if she's unable to believe what the other had said. ) Wow, look who's being so emotional there? You really do love me, don't ya. (-- she pokes the other's side and lets her tongue poke out in a teasing manner before she exhales a happy sigh. ) It's okay, though, I feel the same way about you. But let's drop this subject because we are both going to end up collapsing from the embarrassment these talks cause. (-- she smiles meekly, her legs swinging in the air back and forth as an instinctual habit out of boredom before she lets them fall back on the bed and crosses them. ) Lady Whiteskull? That sounds interesting... a big fat lady with four arms but no legs and a hyperactive skull in her hands. Rad. (-- she laces her fingers into each other, playing with each of her hands as she tries to recall the names of all the games she had played, but none of the titles pop up in her mind; it was such a long time ago since she last played anything and even if she did, it never lasted for too long so. but now, she catches herself sort of missing the feeling she would get everytime she roamed through all the levels or worlds of different games. ) To be honest, I always went for cute or freaking creepy pets. Kitties, polar bears, half-skeletons, I never had normal or boring ones, like there was this huge living tree once... that was freaking dull, girl. And almost everyone had it. (-- she closed her eyes for a few seconds, nodding her head. ) Yes, exactly. Those players who won these exotic things and then sold them for billions... I hated when they did that. I mean, sure, it was a nice and easy way to get money, but please, they wasn't even worth that much. I remember once attending a Halloween event as well but if I remember correctly, I didn't win anything. Once, I did win a pet though, his name was Okarin I believe and he was this huge (-- she spread her arms wide, illustrating the size. ) and he was a bunny. He was so adorable but in the end I had to keep his egg in the inventory because I needed the open slots for other, more useful pets. (-- the other's idea causing a sudden excitement to boil inside her, she excitedly sits up and turns around to face mihyun. ) Perhaps? We can download music from the internet, why couldn't we download games as well? We need to check it later! (-- she nods and makes a mental note not to forget about it; a smile spreading across her face, she nods. ) I agree. Stop talking about depressing stuff, that's not why we got another chance, to keep digging up the past. The past is past and will always be. 
█ ▌-- how scandalous ! 「*」mihyun x qri
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eyqri · 10 years
(-- her lips fall apart to say something but she suddenly realizes that her body is still riduculously too exposed; an instense blush spreading across her otherwise pale cheeks, she waddles back to the bed and grabs a blanket to wrap it around her naked body before she clears her throat, not being quite sure whether she's ready to face whoever was occupying the shower. ) O-okay... I'm c-coming in... (-- she murmurs under her breath and pulls down the handle, stepping inside and silently praying that the other would already have some clothes on but unforunately for her, she finds the other woman still standing under the rapid flow of water; the only relief to her is that the blurry glass separating the shower from the bathroom prevents the other's body from being completely shown and qri immediately turns her head to the side. ) H-hi? Who are you? And why are we here? 
█ ▌— dizzy awakening 「*」taeyeon x qri
「— the steaming but soothing hot water relaxed her tensed muscles from the night previous, she remembered it being filled with dancing, chugging back lots of tequila and flirting with a beautiful female who she had grown quite fond of, Although Taeyeon wasn’t the sort to sleep around nor did she plan too, so awakening in a v.i.p room naked beside another naked body was a shock to her science filled mind, trying to muster what happened when both of them returned here in the early hours of the morn.」Shit, I wonder what actually happened last night, like I’m complaining. not in the slightest. 「— mumbling her words as the water trailed down her chin which followed the shape of her inked body, it was relaxing even if the water was a little too hot for her taste.」What actually happened last night? 「— frowning expression as she thought hard to recollect her memories from last night, her train of thought was cut off when she heard a feminine voice coming from the other side of the door. 」yes? come in. 
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eyqri · 10 years
eyxstephanie replied to your post:Salutations Madam Dildo. I hope you have an...
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eyqri · 10 years
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eyqri · 10 years
Salutations Madam Dildo. I hope you have an exciting Christmas with fabulous joy, In celebration of jeeebus big birthday, I know one or two bottles will be empty on my side. So i hope you have fun doing the same but with a lot less alcohol. Thank you for the lovely cupcakes i shall devour them with joy. here is my gift to you. so......................Happy Time of Winter Related Group Activities~! - 미스 김 (taeritto)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - 
Tae....ri.....tto....Oh my god. (-- she scratches at the back of her head, slightly awkwardly and embarrassed. ) Well, thank you so much lovely dildo slave, I shall treasure this gift very well in the future. 
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eyqri · 10 years
ey; network update
@lolmihyun: @qristmas does it look like i give a fuck
@lolmihyun: @qristmas oh i'm writing, you can't see me right now...
@lolmihyun: @qristmas when you read my updates, does it feel like i give a fuck
@qristmas: @lolmihyun sorry i didn't know you liked running to the bathroom every five minute
@qristmas: @lolmihyun my bad
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eyqri · 10 years
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eyqri · 10 years
ey; network update
@lolmihyun: tho @qristmas or @qrisus or ur name now thnks for the cupcakes
@lolmihyun: @qristmas @qrisus made my Christmas better
@qristmas: @lolmihyun i'm glad you enjoyed them!!!!!
@qristmas: @lolmihyun i put laxatives in them btw
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eyqri · 10 years
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eyqri · 10 years
So... many cupcakes... I baked... so... many... uhhh... (-- collapses to the ground. )
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eyqri · 10 years
█ ▌— dizzy awakening 「*」taeyeon x qri
(-- there's a slight soreness spread across her entire body her mind registers as soon as she gains consciousness. a hand reaching up to rub at the back of her head as a lousy attempt to ease the mild pain in it, her eyes snap open and her body immediately freezes. where am i? a confused frown colors her features when she lets her eyes scan the room that appears to be one of the v.i.p. rooms of the local club and her confusion soon morphs into a weak fright as she tries to recall the events of yesterday's night. ) What the... (-- she whispers to herself, blinking a few times to get rid of her blurry vision before she realizes that she's been lying on the floor; standing up accompanied by a deep sigh, she stretches her muscles when a sound hits her ears; her gaze flicking at the door of the bathroom, she's surprised to recognize that she's not alone in the room and that someone's there, in the shower, right now. someone else is here. with her. in a v.i.p. room. jihyun's frown grows more evident as she approaches the bathroom and brings her knuckles to knock thrice on it. ) Hello? Who's inside? 
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