expirednostalgia · 14 hours
STATUS: closed for @tctteredwings
LOCATION: trove thrift
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Trove Thrift was far from where Devi typically shopped, the idea of owning secondhand clothing made her skin crawl. She was more used to getting whatever shiny, new thing her heart desired either by asking when she was kid or purchasing it herself without caring about the price tag as she got older. Her life had drastically changed, however, and in desperate need for some retail therapy with limited funds, she would have to settle for something at the thrift store.
Her fingers carefully combed through rows of clothing, before pulling a baby pink sundress off the rack. "Be honest," she addressed the nearest person, "this isn't completely hideous, right, or have I officially lost mind?"
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expirednostalgia · 14 hours
STATUS: closed for @addiefoxdances
LOCATION: new york aquarium
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"You can slow down, they're not going to swim away anywhere." A gentle laugh fell from Devi's lips as she was pulled along through the aquarium to make it to the part that housed the sharks. She wouldn't say she had warmed up to her job just yet, but she was in slightly brighter spirits, feeling like she had actually done something right with this small activity. She watched as the child she nannied dropped her hand to get up close and press himself against the glass to get a better look, nearly bumping into someone else as he did so. "Sorry, you'll have to excuse him. He's been a little excited to see this part ever since I suggested coming here for the afternoon."
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expirednostalgia · 2 days
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Exhaustion felt like too weak of a word for what Devi felt after another long nannying shift. How people woke up, went to work everyday, and still managed to have the energy to help around their place or enjoy things was beyond her. She wondered if it wasn't too late to find a way to grovel to her parents in hopes that they would start paying her way through life once more. Realistically she had too much pride to actually do so.
She was daydreaming of a hot shower and ranting to her best friend as soon as she got back home and off the godforsaken subway when she was rudely pulled into reality thanks to an ice cold sensation seeping through her clothing. Almost immediately a loud shriek filled the crowded subway and she was up to her feet in dramatic fashion. As if anyone would expect any less from her.
"Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse." Her voice was a mix of annoyance and a whiny defeat. Seriously, did the universe have it out for her right now? She rudely snatched the scarf from the other. "I seriously doubt this is going to do much." Her words came out in a frustrated huff as she tried in vain to dry off.
status: open @bhqextras location: on the subway
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auriela doesn't like to be one of those assholes who don't watch where they're going on the subway, or -- god forbid -- one of those people who sings their lines on the subway and disturbs everyone else. however, she's also a major fucking procrastinator, and since she started preparing for her big audition next week, she realizes she literally hasn't memorized half of her audition piece, and faking it isn't going to work for this one. therefore, here she is, getting on the subway with her broken, knockoff stanley cup in one hand, a script in the other hand, and her bag slipping off her shoulders. she's repeating the lines to herself, muttering you snuck up on me, jack kelly over and over and over, to the point where even other passengers waiting for the subway seem to be increasingly annoyed at her. it's one of those disgruntled passengers who pushes her just as she gets on (in classic new yorker style), forcing her to bump into the poor person sitting near the doors. her knockoff stanley cup breaks even further, ice water pouring all over their lap. "oh my god! i'm so sorry!" she exclaims, putting her cup back together and tucking her script under her arm. "i didn't mean to -- here, take my scarf and dry yourself. i'm so sorry." the scarf is a thin, decorative scarf, but it's better than nothing. right? right?
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expirednostalgia · 2 days
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"Tempting. Only issue with that is I feel like people would inevitably figure out where I work and then the place would constantly be busy. Which would be great for the owner of course, but I might just turn into something very similar to a mindless zombie if there's not a single lull in business." His laughter at the exaggeratedness of it all filled the kitchen. Honestly he was just thankful to have a small moment to shut his brain off while spending time with a friend. "No problem." He shrugged, not thinking too much of the gesture. Marcus enjoyed doing small things like that randomly for the people in his life, thinking they were more than deserving of it. "They would've gone to one of my neighbors if I didn't and I think they may have assumed it was a preemptive apology for setting the building's fire alarm off again."
Dakota nods along to show he's listening, finishing up scrubbing the dirt from his hands and drying them off. He then leans on the counter as Marcus tells him about his day, the exasperation of a busy shift being masked by the prospect of excitement in what he's doing. "That would be quite the talent." He agrees with a smile. "Put that on YouTube, get a lot of views." YouTube was still popular right? He was sure it was and he didn't understand TikTok enough to mention it. His eyes follow over to the box, a little surprised at the thoughtful gesture. "Oh, why thank you!" A nervous laugh. "You didn't have to bring 'em here!"
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expirednostalgia · 2 days
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Marcus was pulled from his daydream by the sound of a voice addressing him. "Hmm," he wanted to put genuine thought into her question, "I don't know if there's anything specific I'm looking forward to, but I've always really liked this time of year." It was largely thanks to knowing that he'd get to spend loads of time around his grandparents as a kid. "There's always a sort of fun energy around summertime." He tried to find something to enjoy about each part of the year, even if it was small or not well defined. "What about you, any specific you're looking forward to other than Midsummer?"
Status: Open Location: Open location, but outside, likely a park. For: @bhqextras "I truly adore this time of year, especially with Midsummer next month" Chiara hummed to herself, pushing her long hair from her face and allowing it to pool around her head as she lay back on the soft grass. The woman was very much in her most 'hippy' aesthetic, wearing a bright tie-dyed summer dress, feathers and braids in her hair and her shoes were once again absent. "Do you have any particular things that you are looking forward to with the impending Summer?" she wondered in an almost velvet purr.
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expirednostalgia · 2 days
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Marcus opened his mouth to offer to pay for half of it since he was also to blame, if not entirely at fault, but the waitress cut him off to tell the both of them it was fine before he got the chance. The poor woman was probably just happy to get away from the overly apologetic duo before she could get stuck in a ten minute long back and forth. While he still felt bad, he understood it. If someone broke something small at Bake My Day, he wouldn't make them replace it unless his boss told him to. Accidents were bound to happen in life so he tried to not take them too seriously.
"Really?" He tilted his head to the side as he listened to the other. "Is there a reason behind it or is it just something you guys do there?" It seemed a little odd to him, but he wasn't judging and was more curious than anything. He shook his head with a reassuring smile, "Don't worry about it. I'm pretty sure I was the one who bumped into you rather than the other way around, so if anything I should be the one apologizing. But either way, my afternoon will survive. If anything this woke me up more than the coffee did." He tried to ease any more worry with a small joke. "I'm honestly just relieved no one ended up with a hot drink all over them."
Adelaide was about to bend down in an attempt to help clear up the mess as well until she remembered sh was wearing a dress, it wouldn’t be ladylike to do that, she could hear her mother’s voice ringing in her ears as she stopped as soon as she’d started. “No…no I can replace it. I dropped it. I’m so sorry, please do let me know how much I owe. Or if you need multiple now because I don’t know if that’s part of a set or they come in multiple boxes but please just let me know. I’m so sorry.” God how embarrassing, she’d been here a matter of weeks and already she was making a scene in the middle of a cat cafe. You really couldn’t make this up. Addie had wanted to draw less attention to herself while she was here, not more!
Trying to catch her breath from how flustered it had made her she swallowed, grateful for his attempt at trying to make her feel better, giving a small nod. “In England when someone drops something in a pub everyone cheers…so I guess I should be grateful it’s not the same here. Then again I think that’s more often than not when a server drops something not a patron.” Why was she explaining that? What the hell was going on with her these days, she used to have such stoic control over herself and now she was like a frightened rabbit most of the time. “Cats are...yes they are known for knocking things over.” A soft, breathy laugh escaping her as she glanced around, relieved to see that no one was actually paying them any attention. It seems the other was right. “I’m still just so embaressed, I’m such a butterfingers, I’m sorry to have interrupted your afternoon like that.” @expirednostalgia
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expirednostalgia · 2 days
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He was still confused as hell about everything regarding the two of them, but he'd be lying if he said it wasn't nice to hear that she intended to let him know she was back. It didn't have to mean anything and regardless of her reasoning for doing so, he appreciated that she thought to do it rather than further leave him in the dark. "Sorry I sort of accidentally threw a wrench into that." The apology was at least half serious as he did feel bad about running into her for the first time while she was working. "I appreciate though." He softly admitted, the words feeling like the first that he didn't awkwardly force out of himself.
"Oh." She clearly caught him off guard yet again by mentioning Bake My Day and he found himself desperately wishing he could get a glimpse into what she was thinking right now. This entire time he was left to try to come up with a reason for why she would leave him without an explanation. Whenever he thought about it, it all led back to the same conclusion―she must've fallen out of love with him and maybe she thought swiftly exiting his life would somehow hurt less than telling him. Something about that explanation didn't fit quite right with her keeping up with part of his life though. "Yeah, the spring something or something spring. I honestly can't remember what they named it, but it'll probably be a super hectic day. On the bright side, I'm at least seventy-five percent sure I'll be able make whatever sells best with my eyes closed by the end of the day. Plus the whole place is going to smell like lavender and lemon for at least a few days so that's something." He felt like he was rambling to avoid reading into anything, but at least some part of their conversation actually felt normal-ish now.
"Any particular reason why?" It probably wasn't any of his business anymore. Still, he couldn't help but look over her with a glint of concern in his eyes, wondering if maybe she was burnout or if there was any other serious reason for her to take a hiatus. "Not that there has to be. I heard you went on a book tour, so it's probably nice to take a break now." He figured it wasn't odd that he brought that up considering she mentioned something about his workplace. "Congrats by the way." A soft smile accompanied his words. He was happy for her, genuinely. He just wished he could've still been part of what made her happy.
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   OF COURSE I DID, BECAUSE I came back for you, is what she wants to say, but she knows marcus. instead, she offers a simple confirmation,  ❝  i did.  ❞  while she's desperate to receive forgiveness and win him back, those are things she wants, and should, earn and she has every intention to ( if he'll let her ). his response to her question earns a small smile. it's more hollow than usual as she reads between the lines, wondering if it means the same for him as it does for her: busy, so she doesn't have time to think about or miss the only person she's ever wanted to experience this crazy thing called life with.  ❝  that makes sense, ❞ she parrots, shifting her attention to focus on some nearby blooms. she forces her shoulders to relax, altering her tone in an attempt to bring some semblance of normalcy to their interaction. she doesn't know how much longer she can take feeling the chasm in her chest, one that only seems to grow larger the longer they dance in this space that feels so... unnatural for them.
   ❝ don't you guys have that event thing coming up in a few days?  ❞  strange as it may be, she's also been paying attention to bake my day, even if she's been avoiding it. given her luck, she likely would've walked in during his shift and that didn't sit right with her. he deserves the power to walk away, to have control over facing someone that's responsible for his hurt. if he were on the clock, the florist was worried it might feel as if she were cornering him. she shrugs, soon offering her own answer,  ❝  but yeah, i've been busy too. or, was, i guess. i decided to take a hiatus from the whole writing thing or whatever.  ❞  a choice she's made for a few different reasons, most importantly because if she intends to make amends, she'll need freedom that deadlines don't always provide―and because she doesn't want to run anymore.
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expirednostalgia · 2 days
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Karmen made yet another good point that he hadn't fully thought about yet. "I don't know if technically have any experience in that department either, but I could see how it could be stressful. Even just the process of looking for one that would work out." Yes, he did live with someone else at one point, but he was pretty sure people didn't refer to living with their romantic partners as having a roommate. It was completely a different dynamic after all. Marcus grew uncharacteristically quiet as he thought on the matter a little more. "If I'm being honest though, I don't know if it's really about the place being empty in general or if it's more about not having a specific person there anymore." He confided in his old friend in the hopes that maybe she would somehow have the magic words to help him. He wasn't even sure what kind of help he was looking for. He just knew time kept passing and he didn't feel he had gotten over Aurea in the slightest.
"Yeah," she nodded as she snacked on her danish. Karmen loved the idea of having a pet, she just knew this wasn't the right time for one. Maybe in a few years once she's settled down some the timing could be right? But at the moment, slowing down was the furthest thing from her mind. She looked over at Marcus as he started to talk about maybe getting a roommate. "It's a lot less responsibility but I feel like it could also add more stress," she said, shaking her head. She has never had a roommate but has heard horror stories from her friends. "I mean, I can't really talk... I don't have any experience in that department but going home to an empty house sucks so I could definitely understand why you think having a roommate could be a good idea."
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expirednostalgia · 2 days
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Marcus smiled softly, "Me too." It was unlikely that he would ever fully understand the all the things his grandparents had done for him over the course of his life and how much they had shaped him into the person he was today, but he'd be grateful to have them in his life all the same, just like he was with anyone who entered his life. He thought about asking her about her own family, but was quickly distracted by the other's skilled toss. "Kind of sounds more like skill than luck to me based on the explanation you just gave." He said with a chuckle, impressed by it all the same. "If I ever find myself failing miserably at this again, I'll do my best to remember all that, or hope that someone like you comes along to save me again."
Abigail smiled as he spoke of his grandmother. She always thought her father was some kind of superhero growing up too. Though that thought quickly dissipated when he died in the house fire. Young Abigail just assumed that her parents would live forever, that they were untouchable... It seemed that way for the little girl at least. It was a shock to her system when she lost them and it would change her perspective forever. "I'm glad you have them in your life," she said when he finished. Stepping up to the stall, Abigail eyed the ring toss before she was handed a few rings. "I've learned that the trick is spinning the ring as you throw it, aim for the center row and throw it like a frisbee," she explained as she began to play the game. She tossed one and it landed on a bottle. She smiled to herself before turning to look at the guy. "I told you I was feeling lucky."
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expirednostalgia · 2 days
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For as long as he could remember, Marcus always liked to learn about the people around him. What they liked, what they disliked, all the small things that made them who they were. He couldn't pinpoint the exact reason, but he was sure it had something to do with some life lesson his grandma taught him. "Sounds like a good friend. Do you guys still keep in touch?" He knew it wasn't always the easiest thing to do after moving, especially when everyone had their own busy lives to tend to. "Nice to meet you too, Austin." He flashed a genuine smile. "No, I grew up in California. Not like somewhere fancy though, it was a smaller city in the valley." He had nothing against where he came from, he was just used to people picturing the major cities there. "My mom and I moved out here when I was in high school, but I used to spend some of my summers here with my grandparents."
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——- Back in his youth, austin was always desperate for friends and good connections — but all he had was his sister, dog and one best friend, his former boyfriend and sometimes his brother. ❝ no — i had this friend who had good connections and took me to these places when they could. helped a lot when i needed a break from.. things. ❞ he always struggled sharing his past as a royal, but he'd share parts that didn't make obvious. ❝ most of my childhood, i had my sister and brother — we didn't go out too much but my parents tried in the beginning before their jobs got.. too demanding. my best friend helped me enjoy things when he could. ❞ he grinned some at the memories of growing up as a royal. it wasn't the easiest but there was some good moments. ❝ i'm austin, it's not to meet you, marcus. so — are you from the new york area or else where ? ❞
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expirednostalgia · 2 days
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For better or worse, Ripley spent a lot of their spare time hanging around The Echochamber, whether it was to perform, plea for a gig, or scope out the competition. Tonight was a case of the latter. There would have been something comforting knowing that some of these bands were awful, however, they were reminded that their band was still unfortunately grouped with the weekday performers and that struck a nerve. Sure, maybe it was a matter of time before they made it big, but for right now all they could feel was frustration.
"Are you surprised?" They rolled their eyes, though not at the other but more so at their general situation. "I swear this place doesn't know what it's doing lately. Some of the groups they let play sound like they just picked up their instruments. Not to mention they overlook actual talent."
status︰ open @bhqextras location︰ the echochamber
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weeknights at echochamber could drag. sometimes he wished he didn't come here at all, but every once in a while he would get a fun song to bang out or an actually decent band would play. perhaps the nights would go faster if he was actually paid when he worked, but he couldn't bring himself to do that. any bands that came through here without a drummer definitely couldn't afford to give any handouts, so he was but a humble volunteer. besides, it could be well worth it if his input was actually requested.
he'd just finished a set and, thankfully, the next group up had a percussionist of their own. sweat glistened on his skin as he settled onto a stool at the bar, ordering a screwdriver as he pulled his arms out behind him to stretch out his muscles. a grimace worked its way onto his lips as the new band's music drifted over the crowd.
❝ god, what even is this garbage? ❞ he muttered to no one in particular, though he wasn't exactly quiet in his complaint.
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expirednostalgia · 2 days
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"Thanks." They beamed a little at the unexpected compliment. Ripley had been so into the competitive spirit that they hadn't even been paying too much attention to how well they'd actually done. "I think that might be the first time I've ever been the MVP for anything involving athletics." They said with a laugh. Physical stuff had never been their forte, but they were proud of how well they did today. "I'm game. I could use something to get the taste of that loss out of my mouth." And an excuse to do something other than try to force out a new song idea. "I'm Ripley by the way. I honestly can't remember if any of us did introductions before jumping into things."
Alejandra just shook her head as she looked over to the other side of the court where the other team was celebrating their victory. "I don't know, honestly," she admitted, now looking back over at Ripley. "But it was a good game. I really thought we had it in the bag." Looking down at her legs, she realized they were still covered in sand so she bent down to dust them off before standing back up and joining Ripley at their side. "You played really well too... Probably the MVP if we had an award for that," she said, nodding. "Anyway, I'm exhausted and could probably sleep for two days... but I also could go for a drink right now. Wanna join me?"
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expirednostalgia · 2 days
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"I think you might be onto something there. It seems like I'm developing a real talent for picking some of the worst bars in the city." They snorted. The truth was they had probably been to just as many good bars, but the worse experiences were the ones that stuck to their mind. Ripley glanced around the bar at the other patrons, wondering if their lives were really as miserable as the picture Wyatt painted. "That's my nightmare." They shuddered. "Trapped in some job you hate with shitty hours and a doomed relationship you fell out of love with years ago. I guess I can't blame them for all coming here if that is the case. I wouldn't even know where to begin to get out of that mess."
"They are," Wyatt agreed. She recognized them from a few other encounters in this kind of scene, but they weren't buddies necessarily. Still, she appreciated the other choosing to talk to her. Wyatt was a social butterfly and always had been, so for her, this was more than welcome. "I mean, I've seen it worse on a weekday, and I've also seen it better. Maybe we just chose the wrong bar," she suggested, leaning against the bar counter. "It probably would. Half of these people look like they have to be up at the ass crack of dawn tomorrow and are only here because they don't want to deal with their annoying spouse."
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expirednostalgia · 2 days
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"Unfortunately, I can't offer any solutions for getting it out of your clothes though. Despite ruining countless articles of clothing with paint before I still haven't found anything that works." They added with a small laugh. It was one of the smaller things in life that didn't bother Ripley, but that was probably because they enjoyed the process of creating whatever it was they were painting to worry about their clothing. "I kinda hope it's not something they paint over next year just so they can do a slightly different idea or make way for a mural done by some random perfectionist."
"I'm sure you're right," she said as she looked down at her paint stained clothes. Luckily Eleanor hadn't worn anything too expensive nor that she was too fond of because she knew she'd probably end up splattered with paint. It wasn't her intention to get a little messy but she figured it would probably happen since they were at an art festival. Eleanor stepped back from the mural to get a good look at it and nodded along to the others words. "Yeah, I think so too," she said before turning to look at them. "I like it better that way too... gives it a little umph."
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expirednostalgia · 2 days
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"Hoping for the best is my specialty in the kitchen." They joked. Ripley wasn't burn the kitchen down awful at cooking and baking, but they weren't particularly great at it either. It was just another thing they felt painfully mediocre at. "You could probably commission someone to make a sick sign of that, hang it out front and everything. Business will be booming." Their energy continued to shift in a better direction as they spoke, deciding they might have to stop by this bar more often whenever life was kicking their ass.
"Right? Makes me picture a bunch of uptight people who don't remember how to have fun anymore." If there was one thing that terrified them about getting older and older, it was that they were going to turn into someone like that, like their parents with nothing all too exciting going on in their life. There wasn't anything wrong with that, it just wasn't the lifestyle they wanted. "Oh yeah? I bet you get some interesting people in here sometimes. As well as some nightmare customers. It feels like every customer service job runs that risk."
Learning to once again be social was the trickiest part of leaving prison. Most of his youth was spent inebriated some how, or working with others much older than him. Building relationships with people his age was far and few between, but he thought he was doing okay. "Oh for sure. Kinda like cooking or baking, right? Just have to go for it and hope for the best." He muses back.
"Hey I'll take that as a compliment— not toxic enough to keep the rats away. New slogan." He smiles at the idea of pitching that to his manager, and if he was a lil more reckless these days he would. "Whoever said nothing good happens after midnight clearly didn't know where the party was." Dakota has half a mind to invite Ripley over to partake in his evening wind down but thinks better of it. Partly he doesn't want to be judged since he's supposed to be sober, and partly because that's weird... Right? People don't do that? "Naw, besides I like the company I get here sometimes."
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expirednostalgia · 2 days
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There was no hiding the disappoint they felt as they heard the news. A soft sigh fell from their lips as their shoulders sank. "Fuck." Ripley had never been good at censoring themself or keeping their inside thoughts to themself in general. They didn't think it mattered too much on this occasion, but there were certainly times when it had landed them in hot water. "Other than that is he okay? I mean, he seemed fine when he walked up to me, but I'm not really an expert on this sort of thing." They liked animals, who didn't, but they never owned one themself so they were a little clueless when it came to looking for any issues that weren't glaringly obvious. "I'm not really sure what the pet policy is at my place," they had no reason to, seeing as though they were just scrapping by in life with their roommates, "or if my roommates and I would be able to foster him, so um what are the other options?"
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—after scanning the found dog and handing the reader to an assistant to run it on the base, he went ahead to examine him as well, finding that the dog was in good condition. maybe it was a runaway and not an abandonment cases. Tristan scratched the dog’s head behind his ears, looking at the other for a moment; they seemed stressed. “he does have a chip…” he started, though this was not all. “but, it is not registered,” he added a moment later, almost regretfully to deliver such news, as if it was his own fault. it sadly was a common occurrence, happened a lot more often than one would think, not registered was as good as him not having a microchip at all. “look, there are options here if you can’t foster him…” which he understood, not everyone’s lifestyle was fitting for a dog. he was willing to help them, though, to find a solution because despite doing this for a living, Tristan loves animals, does his best to assist where he can, be it costs of operations, examinations, etc., especially to shelters and local rescuers.
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expirednostalgia · 2 days
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They could've easily doubled down and tried to send the other off in another direction, but a tiny bit of guilt gnawing at them stopped Ripley from doing so. They knew firsthand how tough it was to make a name for your band in a city as large as New York. "You might be able to get a weekday slot still. They've got all the weekend ones filled up already though." The last part was a lie, but they didn't want to admit that their band just got turned down for not being popular enough yet. "Bunch of pop groups to draw in a specific crowd or something to kick the summer off or whatever." They waved their hand as they continued with the story they were spinning.
Fresh off the street, the smell of sewer steam still blocking his senses, Frankie's heavy boots stomped through the threshold of The Echochamber. It wasn't a venue that he particularly liked, but any chance to win a gig was... A chance to win a gig. And in New York City, that was better than nothing, he thought.
The plastered grin on his face that he'd been preparing for his pitch only stuttered as another face came into view. A familiar stranger, someone he'd seen in passing, but not one he could quite put a name to... He was always bad at that.
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"No shit?" Came the first words before he even thought to stop them. "Ugh, gross. I didn't want to waste energy on this today." Frank's shoulders slumped as his head lolled back, overexaggerating his annoyance at the situation.
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