everyturnanycost · 6 years
if u still want the url i’ll be checking my inbox/ims for the next week or so
until then, it’s been real y’all! i’ll catch u on the flip side <3
yikes there is just too many posts on this blog time to Archive and Reboot this blog bitches
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everyturnanycost · 6 years
yikes there is just too many posts on this blog time to Archive and Reboot this blog bitches
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everyturnanycost · 6 years
yikes there is just too many posts on this blog time to Archive and Reboot this blog bitches
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everyturnanycost · 6 years
yikes there is just too many posts on this blog time to Archive and Reboot this blog bitches
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everyturnanycost · 6 years
yikes there is just too many posts on this blog time to Archive and Reboot this blog bitches
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everyturnanycost · 6 years
yikes there is just too many posts on this blog time to Archive and Reboot this blog bitches
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everyturnanycost · 6 years
yikes there is just too many posts on this blog time to Archive and Reboot this blog bitches
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everyturnanycost · 6 years
this blog is Messy # yikes
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everyturnanycost · 7 years
god. watching marcus say “friendship is a luxury we can’t afford” and then telling callie that they “can’t afford mercy either” just hurts my heart. he’s literally just following the law and doing what no one else will. because that’s what the guard taught him. that’s what he knows. and if what he knows he has to do is going to make him the bad guy, then so be it, he accepts that. he literally says “you all think i’m the bad guy. but i am the only one who’s willing to do what it takes to save us.”
he’s so unapologetic and so cold towards floating abby because it’s the law. and there are no exceptions. because if he were to start making exceptions starting with abby, then who else would he have to make an exception for? it’s not fair. and i’m sure he knows and can see that if he made an exception, if he showed “mercy”, then EVERYONE would want mercy. everyone would want to be that exception. and chaos would ensue, simply because the laws were not being followed.
and you fucking know what. when abby is in the airlock. when marcus is standing on the other side. it’s so subtle. but you can tell he’s sorry. because abby looks right. fucking. at him. he doesn’t want to do this. but he fucking HAS to. he has to.
and when the airlock is opened again, he turns his body toward her as if to apologize. he’s only doing what he knows to be right. he’s only following the law.
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everyturnanycost · 7 years
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this is 10000% how this happened i don’t make the rules
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everyturnanycost · 7 years
There’s only so much we can take until we break.
dylnaldduck (via wnq-writers)
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everyturnanycost · 7 years
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Through many dangers, toils and snares, I have already come; ’Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far, And grace will lead me home.
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everyturnanycost · 7 years
Turn ask replies into threads.
If you like a response I made, you are more than allowed to just take it and make it into a thread. Some of you do this already, but others might need a bit of a verbal confirmation to let them know that they are more than allowed to do so. When I put a lot of effort into something, I really do enjoy when it sparks the need to turn things into threads with people. Whatever random situation I put our muses in normally something that I’ve wanted to write for a while, and I assume that you do too because you sent me the thing in the first place!
Write out a thing and tag me or mention me. I want to see where things go from there. Plus, who knows, if you wanted something with our muses, breaking the ice tends to make it easier to get that thing.
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everyturnanycost · 7 years
‘  when i was a kid, whenever i’d feel small or lonely, i’d look up at the stars. wondered if there was life up there.  ‘
‘  tens of thousands of lives were lost.  ‘
‘  this was just the beginning.  ‘
‘  to fight monsters, we created monsters of our own.  ‘
‘  we got really good at it. winning.  ‘
‘  hey, kid. don’t get cocky.  ‘
‘  please, after you. age before beauty.  ‘
‘  you know what i’m thinking.  ‘
‘  worry about yourself, kiddo!  ‘
‘  ___, listen to me!  ‘
‘  suits and ties, flashy smiles. that’s all they are.  ‘
‘  bad news: three guys died yesterday.  ‘
‘  well, orders are orders. what else am i supposed to do?  ‘
‘  took me a while to find you.  ‘
‘  i can’t have anyone else in my head again. i’m done.  ‘
‘  haven’t you heard? the world is coming to an end.  ‘
‘  so where would you rather die? here, or ____?  ‘
‘  oh, no, call me ___. only my mother calls me doctor.  ‘
‘  he was 2,500 tons of awesome. or awful. you know, whatever you wanna call it.  ‘
‘  shut up. i don’t love them, okay? i study them.  ‘
‘  things have changed. we’re not an army anymore, we’re the resistance.  ‘
‘  i didn’t know it was this bad.  ‘
‘  sorry about your brother.  ‘
‘  you haven’t told me what i’m doing here yet.  ‘
‘  numbers do not lie. politics and poetry, promises, these are lies. numbers are as close as we get to the handwriting of god.  ‘
‘  politics and poetry, promises, these are lies.  ‘
‘  and this… is the point where he goes completely crazy.  ‘
‘  fortune favors the brave, dude.  ‘
‘  they won’t give you the equipment, and even if they did, you’d kill yourself.  ‘
‘  she’s one of a kind now.  ‘
‘  i think you’re unpredictable.  ‘
‘  you take risks that endanger yourself and your crew. i don’t think you’re the right man for this mission.  ‘
‘  wow. thank you for your honesty.  ‘
‘  one day, you’re gonna see that in combat you make decisions. and you have to live with the consequences.  ‘
‘  you promised me.  ‘
‘  vengeance is like an open wound.  ‘
‘  to me, you’re dead weight. you slow me down, i’m gonna drop you like a sack of shit.  ‘
‘  i’ve raised him on my own. he’s a smart kid, but i never knew whether to give him a hug or a kick in the ass.  ‘
‘  it’s a dialogue, not a fight.  ‘
‘  better watch it.  ‘
‘  i’m not crazy. you felt it, right?  ‘
‘  this is worth fighting for.  ‘
‘  if you’re listening to this, well, i’m either alive and i’ve proven what i’ve just done works, in which case, ha ha, i won. or i’m dead and i’d like you to know that it’s all your fault. it really is, you know, you drove me to this. in which case, ha, i also won. sort of.  ‘
‘  are you gonna say anything?  ‘
‘  you look good.  ‘
‘  like when you blink your eyes over and over and over again and all you really see are like, frames. it was emotion.  ‘
‘  i’m okay. just let me control it.  ‘
‘  you are a goddamn disgrace. you’re gonna get us all killed.  ‘
‘  why don’t you just do us all a favor and disappear? it’s the only thing you’re good at.  ‘
‘  so, what, you’re grounding us?  ‘
‘  one: don’t you ever touch me again. two: don’t you ever touch me again.  ‘
‘  now, you have no idea who the hell i am or where i’ve come from, and i’m not about to tell you my whole life story.  ‘
‘  you know, you live in someone else’s head for so long… the hardest part to deal with is the silence.  ‘
‘  well, that’s classified. so i couldn’t tell you. even if i wanted to. but it is pretty cool, so i might tell you. i’m gonna tell you.  ‘
‘  jesus, we can’t just sit here and watch them die.  ‘
‘  let me in, i’m a doctor!  ‘
‘  we have a choice here. we either sit and wait, or we take these flare guns and do something really stupid.  ‘
‘  as harsh as it sounds, there is no time to celebrate. we lost people. no time to grieve.  ‘
‘  how sick are you? and why didn’t you tell me?  ‘
‘  i haven’t exactly had a very good day, okay?  ‘
‘  we’re gonna own this bad boy!  ‘
‘  by jove, we are going to own this thing for sure!  ‘
‘  today, at the edge of our hope, at the end of our time, we have chosen not only to believe in ourselves, but in each other.  ‘
‘  today we are canceling the apocalypse!  ‘
‘  as for you, well, you’re easy. you’re an egotistical jerk with daddy issues. a simple puzzle i solved on day one.  ‘
‘  i just don’t want to regret all the things that i never said out loud.  ‘
‘  well, my father always said, if you have the shot, you take it. so let’s do this.  ‘
‘  all i have to do is fall. anyone can fall.  ‘
‘  i can’t find his pulse. i don’t think he’s breathing.  ‘
‘  no. don’t go. please.  ‘
‘  you’re squeezing me too tight. i couldn’t breathe.  ‘
‘  where is my goddamn shoe?  ‘
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everyturnanycost · 7 years
‘we’ve been fucking with no strings attached but i just saw you go upstairs with another guy and im drunk and following you both upstairs to punch the shit out of him’
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everyturnanycost · 7 years
You are my good days, the entire reason why I have a good life.
Lukas W. // Good life (via somepiecesofmyheartandsoul)
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everyturnanycost · 7 years
Ghost Adventures Starters
"I hate the basement. I'm just putting that out there."
"I've come a long way to talk to you because I think you're a piece of crap."
"Is this spirit being a smartass?"
"You look great for being... not alive."
"Ghosts don't even like me."
"It's cold, it's dark, and it's exciting as hell!"
"Are you banging your head on the wall?"
"Something is up here, gathering all the power it can."
"If this is the portal of hell, why don't you come up out of that ground and get us?"
"Here I am in the sugar shack!"
"I hope you can hear me up there in the damned attic!"
"I can't wait to get locked in here."
"Dude, he's kinda creeping me out. No joke."
"Have you ever heard of those guys who wear jackets when it's really, really hot out?"
"I can't believe they left me out here, all by myself, with this music playing."
"Wait, am I standing on his grave?"
"I have respect for all spirits... except for you."
"I just wanna see where the massacre took place."
"This right here is like putting holy water on a demon."
"I'm just pumped! Are you guys pumped?"
"I smell beautiful."
"Do you see that? Because I can't, either."
"You have reached your final desination. Hell."
"This is tougher than it looks on tv, trust me."
"This is beyond dangerous. I don't recommend anybody do this."
"It was probably the most dangerous, craziest thing we've ever done."
"Hey, we're just lost. We need a place to stay."
"Thank you for knocking."
"I've got a teddy bear for you!"
"Were you stabbed in this room, Sir?"
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