Check meow-t!
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Am I going to Hell?
I’m divorced. The was-band and I, both in the military, married young. **side note—if you are young and in the military—-deployment is NOT a good reason to get married.
Anyhow, moving on...
At one point, early in our 10 year marriage, we got a puppy.
There is an entirely different story behind that, but, I digress.
So the puppy—-we had him for about 6 months and the was-band decided the dog was too much work. Luckily, my family who lived just a few hours away LOVE dogs so they took the puppy in with open arms (he still lives with them to this day and is happy with all his buddies).
Fast forward to 5 years later. We are both off of active duty and we have moved closer to my family. We have a beautiful house with a yard and 2 kids. What completes this American Dream? A puppy!!!!!
So we spend weeks online looking at dogs in our area that are available for adoption.
He insisted we only adopt a male dog.
He was the only male in the house and wanted a male dog for that reason.
We zeroed in on a few and swung by an adoption event at a pet store one Saturday. One of our top dogs (ha! See what I did there?) was at this event. We pet him, play with him and love on him. We leave the event and go grab lunch. We talk about the pup. We decide to go back and get said pup.
When we take the dog home the kids love him. The was-band loves him. I love him.
The was-band works from home so naturally the pup latched on to him. They were the only males in the house and became inseperable. Outside for walks all the time, sitting on the couch together...you name it.
Fast forward again..(there are so many good stories in between these fast forwards btw) to 3 years later when life has thrown us curve balls that our marriage can not survive.
We separate.
For 6 weeks The was-band refuses to move out. (We were living in a house my mother owned—rent free—while we bought land and build our dream home...dream=dashed). His reason for not leaving was that he needed to either:
A. Find an apartment that allowed dogs
B. Buy a house with a fenced yard
So he finally buys a place, moves out and for 3 weeks everything is fine. Then one afternoon I get a text.
Was-band: I think I am going to find someone to take the dog. It’s too much work.
Me: You can’t give away the family pet. The kids would be destroyed.
Was-band: It takes too much time. I don’t want him anymore.
Me: I’ll take the dog then—you can’t just give an animal away.
Pup comes back to live with me. The adjustment for the pup was difficult. I worked five days a week outside of the home. The dog would get walked in the morning, would be home alone all day, and then walked and played with only in the evenings. But, the kids were so happy to have their family pet at one of their houses.
Present day… The was-band has a new girlfriend. She’s a dog fanatic.… Has three of her own “fur babies”. All the sudden when I am picking the kids up from his place after school, his girlfriends dogs are frequently there. No biggie until....
My littlest starts talking about how she is going to get a puppy at her dads house. She talks about how her father and his girlfriend have been going to the SPCA regularly to look for puppies for her. My mind starts rolling… Third times a charm? Will this be the dogs forever home?
How my going to avoid saying these things to him?!
So they find a sweet little pup and adopt it. The dog has come up in our conversations about the kids from time to time and I have managed to not make any snide remark’s… Even though it would feel so good.
Today I want to drop something off for my daughter. After knocking on the door I heard the was-band scream out twice before opening the door.
After opening the door and almost letting the puppy and two of his girlfriends dogs run out in the road (sorry, not sorry) I noticed blood on his hands. Then I looked up… Blood was dripping down his face.
Me:OMG! What happened??
Was-band: When I went to pick up the puppy, she banged her head up into my nose.
I apologized. I’m not sure why...Probably didn’t know what else to say...and quickly left.
I had to leave quickly to avoid laughing in his face.
I feel like karma give me a high-five today.
.....so am I going to Hell?!
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