evasty · 3 months
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digital illustration using procreate
circa 65h
had a lot of fun with this one! i got to experiment with color theory and perspective a lot
(SORRY my account is dead on here, im more active on instagram 🙏 drop a follow there if you want to see more art from me)
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evasty · 11 months
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omg asriel haiiiiii (this is a commission!)
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evasty · 11 months
woah woah hey at least take me out to dinner first buddy
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omg asriel haiiiiii (this is a commission!)
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evasty · 11 months
ok and how bout you consume deez nuts
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omg asriel haiiiiii (this is a commission!)
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evasty · 11 months
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Earth-50101 design exploration for Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse by Kevin Aymeric ( 1, 2, 3, 4.)
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evasty · 11 months
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evasty · 11 months
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thought i’d finally post something i made on here. so here it is!
a realism exercise i made using procreate a few months ago. not very exciting, i know.
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evasty · 11 months
@penguinmaster9999 i’m honored. thank you.
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Ralsei offers to share his ice cream
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evasty · 11 months
combien cela coûterait-il de vous faire faire une commission pour moi ?
again, question in french, so i’ll answer in both languages. :)
english :
it’s hard for me to give you a definitive answer because i’ve never considered it, and i doubt i will, at least for the time being.
i’m a college student, so i’m still learning, and it’s very hard for me to value my own art.
plus, i don’t know much at all about the freelance illustration market ; i couldn’t even tell you how much a commission should be.
over the next couple years my art is going to evolve and improve a lot, so maybe by the time i get my master’s degree i’ll have my own defined « style » and i’ll be more familiar with all of this. then i’ll give you an answer.
however, if you want me to make you something right now, i’m on summer break, so i’d be more than happy to take your commission for free (if you have something in mind of course).
hit me up, my discord is « artcollegegoblin »
also, sorry for replying so late, i have no excuse, i simply forgot. have a good one!
french :
ce n’est pas facile pour moi de te donner une réponse claire et tranchée, parce que je n’y ai jamais songé, et je n’y songerai pas avant un bout de temps.
je suis étudiant en art, je ne fais qu’apprendre, et il est donc difficile pour moi de mettre un prix sur mon travail.
je n’y connais rien au marché de l’illustration freelance ; je serais incapable de te dire combien une commission coûte, ou devrait coûter.
au cours des années qui suivent, je vais faire évoluer et améliorer mes dessins, alors peut-être qu’après la fin de mon master, j’aurais un « style » bien à moi et une réponse claire à ta question.
cependant, si tu veux que je te fasses un dessin, je suis en vacances d’été actuellement, et je serais ravi de prendre une commission gratuitement ! (si tu as quelque chose en tête bien entendu)
tu peux m’ajouter sur mon compte discord :
« artcollegegoblin »
et désolé de t’avoir répondu si tard, je n’ai pas d’excuse. j’ai tout simplement oublié. bonne journée à toi!
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evasty · 1 year
this fucking paper is gonna kill me
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evasty · 1 year
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Thought it was about time I drew Silco!
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evasty · 1 year
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Zelda felt it! by 林菜鸡
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evasty · 1 year
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evasty · 1 year
Comment restez-vous motivé pour continuer à dessiner ?
« how do you stay motivated to keep drawing? »
since you asked the question in french, i’ll answer it in both french and english, so everybody can follow.
french :
c’est une très bonne question ! x) personnellement je pense au résultat final, et j’essaye de ne pas arrêter tant que je ne suis pas satisfait.
une petite pause peu aussi aider ÉNORMÉMENT! parfois, il suffit de poser les crayons, d’attraper une petite tasse de thé et un bouquin, et une heure plus tard, j’ai la tête pleine d’idées neuves et de motivation. il est inutile de forcer quand tu n’arrives plus à avancer. fais autre chose!
et si tu cherches des moyens de COMMENCER un dessin, j’ai ma méthode :
quand je me balade dans la rue, où que je sois, dès que mon oeil s’arrête sur quelque chose qui me plaît, je prends une photo. en arrivant chez moi, j’ai donc une poignée d’images à utiliser comme référence pour un dessin :)
mais tous les moyens sont bons tant que tu trouves la méthode qui fonctionne pour toi.
english :
that is an excellent question ! x) personally, i imagine what the final result will look like, and i try to keep at it until i’m satisfied with the results.
taking a break can also help LOADS! sometimes, all i need is to put my pencils down, grab a cup of tea and a nice book, and an hour later, my head is full of fresh ideas and newfound motivation. if you notice that you aren’t making progress anymore, there’s no point in forcing yourself. do something else!
and if you’re looking for ways to START a drawing, i have my method :
when i’m walking down the street, wherever i may be, as soon as something catches my eye, i take a picture of it. that way, when i come home, i always have a handful of pictures to use as references for my next piece. :)
but every method is good as long as it’s what works for you.
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evasty · 1 year
Jesse: "Yo, Mr. Fring, I've been thinking about this quote, man. "One must imagine Sisyphus happy." What do you make of that?"
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Gus: "Ah, Jesse, I see you've stumbled upon the existential musings of Albert Camus. It's an intriguing concept, to say the least."
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Gus: "Sisyphus, condemned to an eternity of rolling a boulder uphill only to watch it roll back down again, represents the futility and absurdity of life's struggles."
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Gus: "However, Camus suggests that by accepting and embracing this absurdity, one can find happiness."
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Jesse: "Yeah, but I mean, isn't that just some crazy philosophical bullshit? How can someone be happy in such a fucked-up situation?"
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Gus: "Happiness, Jesse, is a state of mind. It's not about the circumstances we find ourselves in, but rather how we choose to perceive and respond to them."
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Gus: "Sisyphus, despite his eternal struggle, can find meaning and purpose in his repetitive task. By embracing his fate and finding fulfillment in the act itself, he transcends the burden he carries."
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Jesse: "That's deep shit, man. So, what, you're saying we should just accept all the crap that comes our way and be happy about it?"
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Gus: "Not necessarily. Acceptance doesn't mean complacency. It means acknowledging the realities of our situation and finding a way to navigate them while maintaining our inner peace."
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Gus: "It's about finding meaning in the journey, even if the destination remains elusive."
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Jesse: "Yeah? I guess that makes sense in some messed-up, twisted way... Hey, speaking of finding happiness, have you tried Taco Bell's Nacho Fries? They're insane, man!"
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Gus: "...Nacho Fries, Mr. Pinkman?"
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Jesse: "Oh, you gotta try 'em, Mr. Fring! They're like these crispy, seasoned fries with this gooey cheese dipping sauce. It's like a flavor explosion in your mouth, man. I bet you'd love 'em."
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Gus: "If they are as remarkable as you claim, perhaps we can find a moment to indulge. After all, even in the face of existential ponderings, we mustn't forget to appreciate life's simpler pleasures."
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Jesse: "That's what I'm talkin' about, Mr. Fring! We'll have ourselves a little culinary adventure amidst all the fucking chaos. Life's all about finding those moments of joy, even if it means embracing the absurdity along the way, right?"
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Gus: "Indeed, Jesse. Life's contradictions often lead us to unexpected discoveries. Perhaps, we may find a glimpse of Sisyphus' elusive happiness in the process."
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evasty · 1 year
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evasty · 1 year
is you baguette man
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