euri-bi-des · 4 years
How to learn a language when you don’t know where to start:
General Plan:
Weeks 1 and 2: Purpose:
Learn the fundamentals sentence construction
Learn how to spell and count
Start building a phrase stockpile with basic greetings
The Alphabet
Numbers 1 - 100
Subject Pronouns
Common Greetings
Conjugate the Two Most Important Verbs: to be and to have
Basic Definite and Indefinite Articles
Weeks 3 and 4: Purpose:
Learn essential vocabulary for the day-to-day
Start conjugating regular verbs
Days of the Week and Months of the Year
How to tell the time
How to talk about the weather
Family Vocabulary
Present Tense Conjugations Verbs
Weeks 5 and 6: Purpose:
Warm up with the last of the day-to-day vocabulary
Add more complex types of sentences to your grammar
House vocabulary
How to ask questions
Present Tense Conjugations Verbs
Forming negatives
Weeks 7 and 8: Purpose:
Learn how to navigate basic situations in a region of your target language country
Finish memorising regular conjugation rules
Food Vocabulary and Ordering at Restaurants
Money and Shopping Phrases
Present Tense Conjugations Verbs
Weeks 9 and 10: Purpose:
Start constructing descriptive and more complex sentences
Reflective verbs
Places vocabulary
Weeks 11 and 12: Purpose:
Add more complex descriptions to your sentences with adverbs
Wrap up vocabulary essentials
Parts of the body and medical vocabulary
Tips for Learning a Foreign Language:
Learning Vocabulary:
What vocabulary should I be learning?
There are hundreds of thousands of words in every language, and the large majority of them won’t be immediately relevant to you when you’re starting out.Typically, the most frequent 3000 words make up 90% of the language that a native speaker uses on any given day. Instead try to learn the most useful words in a language, and then expand outwards from there according to your needs and interests.
Choose the words you want/need to learn.
Relate them to what you already know.
Review them until they’ve reached your long-term memory.
Record them so learning is never lost.
Use them in meaningful human conversation and communication.
How should I record the vocabulary?
Learners need to see and/or hear a new word of phrase 6 to 17 times before they really know a piece of vocabulary.
Keep a careful record of new vocabulary.
Record the vocabulary in a way that is helpful to you and will ensure that you will practice the vocabulary, e.g. flashcards.
Vocabulary should be organised so that words are easier to find, e.g. alphabetically or according to topic.
Ideally when noting vocabulary you should write down not only the meaning, but the grammatical class, and example in a sentence, and where needed information about structure.
How should I practice using the vocabulary?
Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check - Use this method for learning and remembering vocabulary. This method is really good for learning spellings.
Make flashcards. Write the vocabulary on the front with the definition and examples on the back.
Draw mind maps or make visual representations of the new vocabulary groups.
Stick labels or post it notes on corresponding objects, e.g when learning kitchen vocabulary you could label items in your house.
How often should I be practising vocabulary?
A valuable technique is ‘the principle of expanding rehearsal’. This means reviewing vocabulary shortly after first learning them then at increasingly longer intervals.
Ideally, words should be reviewed:
5-10 minutes later
24 hours later
One week later
1-2 months later
6 months later
Knowing a vocabulary item well enough to use it productively means knowing:
Its written and spoken forms (spelling and pronunciation).
Its grammatical category and other grammatical information
Related words and word families, e.g. adjective, adverb, verb, noun.
Common collocations (Words that often come before or after it).
Receptive Skills: Listening and Reading
Reading is probably one of the most effective ways of building vocabulary knowledge.
Listening is also important because it occupies a big chunk of the time we spend communicating.
Tips for reading in a foreign language:
Start basic and small.  Children’s books are great practice for beginners. Don’t try to dive into a novel or newspaper too early, since it can be discouraging and time consuming if you have to look up every other word.
Read things you’ve already read in your native language. The fact that you at least know the gist of the story will help you to pick up context clues, learn new vocabulary and grammatical constructions.
Read books with their accompanying audio books. Reading a book while listening to the accompanying audio will improve your “ear training”. It will also help you to learn the pronunciation of words.
Tips for listening in a foreign language:
Watch films in your target language.
Read a book while also listening along to the audio book version.
Listen to the radio in your target language.
Watch videos online in your target language.
Activities to do to show that you’ve understood what you’ve been listening to:
Try drawing a picture of what was said.
Ask yourself some questions about it and try to answer them.
Provide a summary of what was said.
Suggest what might come next in the “story.”
Translate what was said into another language.
“Talk back” to the speaker to engage in imaginary conversation.
Productive Skills: Speaking and Writing
Tips for speaking in a foreign language:
If you can, try to speak the language every day either out loud to yourself or chat to another native speaker whether it is a colleague, a friend, a tutor or a language exchange partner. 
Write a list of topics and think about what you could say about each one. First you could write out your thoughts and then read them out loud. Look up the words you don’t know. You could also come up with questions at the end to ask someone else.
A really good way to improve your own speaking is to listen to how native speakers talk and imitate their accent, their rhythm of speech and tone of voice. Watch how their lips move and pay attention to the stressed sounds. You could watch interviews on YouTube or online news websites and pause every so often to copy what you have just heard. You could even sing along to songs sung in the target language.
Walk around the house and describe what you say. Say what you like or dislike about the room or the furniture or the decor. Talk about what you want to change.This gets you to practise every day vocabulary.
Tips for writing in a foreign language:
Practice writing in your target language. Keep it simple to start with. Beginner vocabulary and grammar concepts are generally very descriptive and concrete.
Practice writing by hand. Here are some things you can write out by hand:
Diary entries
Shopping lists
What could I write about?
Write about your day, an interesting event, how you’re feeling, or what you’re thinking.
Make up a conversation between two people. 
Write a letter to a friend, yourself, or a celebrity. You don’t need to send it; just writing it will be helpful.
Translate a text you’ve written in your native language into your foreign language.
Write a review or a book you’ve recently read or a film you’ve recently watched.
Write Facebook statuses, Tweets or Tumblr posts (whether you post them or not will be up to you).
Write a short story or poem.
Writing is one of the hardest things to do well as a non-native speaker of a language, because there’s no room to hide. 
There are lots of ways to improve your writing ability, but they can be essentially boiled down to three key components:
Read a lot
Write a lot
Get your writing corrected
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euri-bi-des · 4 years
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Class 1-A friendships
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euri-bi-des · 4 years
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Meet Bob and Bill, they will gradually become better but for now they are establishing their grounds.
(Click for high res)
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euri-bi-des · 4 years
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Bill likes cats.
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euri-bi-des · 4 years
My nephew likes to play McDonald's, which is what you'd expect it to be. He says, "Welcome to McDonald's. How may I help you?" After you order, he says, "Okay, coming right up," and pretends to give you your food. He has another game called "Silly McDonald's," which is the same thing, except no matter what you order, he says, "Here's your cold hamburger."
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euri-bi-des · 4 years
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its gonna save us
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euri-bi-des · 5 years
A research tip from a friendly neighborhood librarian! 
I want to introduce you to the wonderful world of subject librarians and Libguides. 
I’m sure it’s common knowledge that scholars and writers have academic specialties. The same is true for subject librarians! Most libraries use a tool called Libguides to amass and describe resources on a given topic, course, work, person, etc. (I use them for everything. All hail Libguides.) These resources can include: print and ebooks, databases, journals, full-text collections, films/video, leading scholars, data visualizations, recommended search terms, archival collections, digital collections, reliable web resources, oral histories, and professional organizations. 
So, consider that somewhere out there in the world, there may be a librarian with a subject specialty on the topic you’re writing on, and this librarian may have made a libguide for it. 
Are you writing about vampires? 
Duquesne University has a guide on Dracula
University of Northern Iowa: Monsters and Religion
Fontbonne University has a particularly good one on Monsters, Ghosts, and Mysteries
Washington University in St. Louis: a course guide on Monsters and Strangeness 
How about poverty? 
Michigan State: Poverty and Inequality with great recommended terms and links to datasets 
Notre Dame: a multimedia guide on Poverty Studies.
Do you need particular details about how medicine or hygiene was practiced in early 20th century America?
UNC Chapel Hill: Food and Nutrition through the 20th Century (with a whole section on race, gender, and class)
Brown University: Primary Sources for History of Health in the Americas
Duke University: Ad*Access, a digital collection of advertisements from the early 20th century, with a section on beauty and hygiene  
You can learn about Japanese Imperial maps, the American West, controlled vocabularies, Crimes against art and art forgeries, anti-Catholicism, East European and Eurasian vernacular languages, geology, vaudeville, home improvement and repairs, big data, death and dying, and conspiracy theories.
Because you’re searching library collections, you won’t have access to all the content in the guides, and there will probably be some link rot (dead links), but you can still request resources through your own library with interlibrary loan, or even request that your library purchase the resources! Even without the possibility of full-text access, libguides can give you the words, works, people, sites, and collections to improve your research.
Search [your topic] + libguide and see what you get!
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euri-bi-des · 5 years
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If fear was a song
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euri-bi-des · 5 years
How to Handle Having TOO MUCH To Do
So let’s say you’re in the same boat I am (this is a running theme, have you noticed?) and you’ve just got, like, SO MUCH STUFF that HAS to get done YESTERDAY or you will DIE (or fail/get fired/mope). Everything needs to be done yesterday, you’re sick, and for whatever reason you are focusing on the least important stuff first. What to do!
Take a deep breath, because this is a boot camp in prioritization.
Make a 3 by 4 grid. Make it pretty big. The line above your top row goes like this: Due YESTERDAY - due TOMORROW - due LATER. Along the side, write: Takes 5 min - Takes 30 min - Takes hours - Takes DAYS.
Divide ALL your tasks into one of these squares, based on how much work you still have to do. A thank you note for a present you received two weeks ago? That takes 5 minutes and was due YESTERDAY. Put it in that square. A five page paper that’s due tomorrow? That takes an hour/hours, place it appropriately. Tomorrow’s speech you just need to rehearse? Half an hour, due TOMORROW. Do the same for ALL of your tasks
Your priority goes like this:
5 minutes due YESTERDAY
5 minutes due TOMORROW
Half-hour due YESTERDAY
Half-hour due TOMORROW
Hours due TOMORROW
5 minutes due LATER
Half-hour due LATER
Hours due LATER
At this point you just go down the list in each section. If something feels especially urgent, for whatever reason - a certain professor is hounding you, you’re especially worried about that speech, whatever - you can bump that up to the top of the entire list. However, going through the list like this is what I find most efficient.
Some people do like to save the 5 minute tasks for kind of a break between longer-running tasks. If that’s what you want to try, go for it! You’re the one studying here.
So that’s how to prioritize. Now, how to actually do shit? That’s where the 20/10 method comes in. It’s simple: do stuff like a stuff-doing FIEND for 20 minutes, then take a ten minute break and do whatever you want. Repeat ad infinitum. It’s how I’ve gotten through my to do list, concussed and everything.
You’ve got this. Get a drink and start - we can do our stuff together!
94K notes · View notes
euri-bi-des · 5 years
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euri-bi-des · 5 years
dealing with the worst case scenario
your condom breaks
you feel a lump on your breast
your friends are ignoring you
you’re stranded on an island 
you got rejected by a crush
you get into a car accident
you got stung by a bee/wasp
you got fired from your job
you’re in an earthquake
your tattoo gets infected
your house is on fire
you’re lost in the woods
you get arrested abroad
you get robbed
your partner cheated on you
you’re on a ship that’s sinking
you fall into ice
you’re stuck in an elevator
you hit a deer with your car
you have food poisoning
your pet passed away
you fall off of a horse
you or your friend has alcohol poisoning
you have toxic shock syndrome
your house has a gas leak
1M notes · View notes
euri-bi-des · 5 years
i just want to speak every language ever, is that too much to ask
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euri-bi-des · 5 years
things that made me stop wanting to die that require no effort whatsoever
change the color used to highlight text on your laptop
move the pictures on your wall
stack whatever clutter is in your room into piles even if you don’t have time to clean it all
slightly vary your commute, even just by one street
change where you sit and scroll aimlessly on your phone even if it’s only to the chair in your room instead of your bed
drink water or juice out of a wine glass in the morning because nothing is real
shower with the lights off, without music
buy $3 flowers at trader joe’s—they look bad next to the more expensive ones but they look so good in your room
start typing things you don’t post into your notes. your thoughts can be worth documenting even if you don’t deem them worth sharing
wake up super early just once. you don’t have to make it a habit it’s just extra satisfying to go to bed that night
listen to the entirety of your favorite album from 2015
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euri-bi-des · 5 years
This is so important. 
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euri-bi-des · 5 years
Extremely helpful
Saiyuki Animes in Order
With the anime release of Saiyuki Reload Blast, and the rise of new fans, I’ve seen a lot of questions concerning what Saiyuki animes and OVAs came out before Saiyuki Reload Blast, and how best to watch them. Ergo, I’ve made 2 lists here, one list for the chronological order of the events in the animated series, and a second list for the viewing order in which I think it is best to watch Saiyuki. 
Please keep in mind that the manga of Saiyuki is extraordinary, and well worth reading as well, if you are interested. I came across Gensomaden Saiyuki first, picked up the manga afterwards, and have never been able to put the series down since. That was in 2006. 
Also, know that the animes Saiyuki Reload and Saiyuki Reload Gunlock can be frustrating to watch, and Saiyuki Reload Gunlock in particular is riddled with “out of character” behavior. So, if you would like to skip Saiyuki Reload Gunlock, it will not be any great loss to you. 
Finally, if you are a fan of dubbing and do not care for subtitles, the dub cast for Gensomaden Saiyuki, Saiyuki Requiem, and Saiyuki Gaiden is excellent. However, Saiyuki Reload and Saiyuki Reload Gunlock were both dubbed by a different set of actors, and to get a better experience, I would recommend watching those latter two shows with subtitles.  
Chronological Order of Events in Saiyuki Animes:
Saiyuki Gaiden: Tokubetsu-hen – Kouga no Shou [1 OVA]
Saiyuki Gaiden [3 OVAs]
Saiyuki Reload Burial [3 OVAs]
Gensomaden Saiyuki [50 Episodes]
Saiyuki Premium [2 OVAs]
Saiyuki: The Jade Pearl [1 OVA]
Saiyuki Requiem [Movie]
Saiyuki Reload [25 Episodes]
Saiyuki Reload Gunlock [26 Episodes]
Saiyuki Reload Blast [12 Episodes] 
Suggested Order for Watching Saiyuki Animes:
Gensomaden Saiyuki [50 Episodes] 
Saiyuki Premium [2 OVAs]
Saiyuki: The Jade Pearl [1 OVA]
Saiyuki Requiem [Movie]
Saiyuki Reload [25 Episodes]
Saiyuki Reload Gunlock [26 Episodes]
Saiyuki Reload Burial [3 OVAs]
Saiyuki Gaiden [3 OVAs]
Saiyuki Gaiden: Tokubetsu-hen – Kouga no Shou [1 OVA]
Saiyuki Reload Blast [12 episodes]
You may notice that, in my Suggested Order list, I do not cite all the shows as they were released. Saiyuki Premium came out before Gensomaden Saiyuki. However, the reason for this order is that I  believe  a new viewer will have a more engaging time watching Gensomaden first, getting to know the characters there, and then going back to Premium. I also put Requiem after The Jade Pearl, even though it came out first. This is because Requiem is the more impactful and dramatic of the two, and a better sendoff to the artstyle of Gensomaden, The Jade Pearl, and Requiem. 
Those are my lists. I hope they’re helpful!
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euri-bi-des · 5 years
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euri-bi-des · 5 years
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