eunieinnit · 5 months
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Aww yusss, Eunie’s the boss! 😎
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eunieinnit · 6 months
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❝–   UGH!! i can't be arsed... ❞
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eunieinnit · 7 months
eunie would bully noah so much as kids, but the second someone comes at him, she's being put in isolation for a week for breaking the kids nose and gripping a handful of his hair out.
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eunieinnit · 8 months
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ive had this sitting around since the day ino’s dlc was released
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eunieinnit · 8 months
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❝ – was talkin' to that Knoq bloke the other day -- well, more i was tryna' plug my ears but he kept talkin' about how many people fail his trainin' or scive, and i don't know why he would boast bein' shit at his job yet here we are.  ❞
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eunieinnit · 8 months
“I was just singing, uh, to myself.”
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❝ – .. 's nice. ❞ SHE MURMURS, not lifting her head from the gormotti's shoulder, she really ought to go to her sleeping mat but she was too comfy, her back and neck certainly wouldn't be if she stayed like this till morning. the fire was warm, belly full of MANANA'S cooking and a comfy shoulder to lean on, when silence sits for a beat, she shifts, coming in closer?... as though nudging her, or did mio imagine it?
❝ – keep goin'... ❞
the jungle book (1967) sentence starters.
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eunieinnit · 8 months
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❝ – what do you call a bloke who has no arms, legs and lays on the floor? MATT. ❞
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eunieinnit · 8 months
the jungle book (1967) sentence starters
“This will take brains, not brawn.”
“You wanna help me?”
“But, but– you said we were partners!”
“Now believe me kid I– I… “
“You better believe it, and I’m loaded with both.”
“Will you STOP this silly beat business and LISTEN!”
“___. what a surprise.“
“I’ll learn him all I know.”
“It’s. Not. Funny.”
“S/He’ll get ___ while s/he’s young and helpless.”
“Trust in me.”
“you know it ain’t easy growing up to be like me.”
“Pah! A disgraceful performance.”
“Oh, I don’t care, as long as I’m with you.”
“Now just a minute! That’s going too far!”
“Say now, what have we here?”
“I love that kid.”
“___? Where we going?”
“Alright what happened? Where’s ____?”
“You’re going even if I have to drag you every step of the way.”
“Bravo, Bravo. An extraordinary performance. And thank you for detaining my victim.”
“Run, friend, run!”
“So nice to see you again.”
“No sir! I know what you’re trying to do ____–!!”
“You do!? Uh I mean… you don’t trust me?”
“You don’t want me to look at you? Then… you look at me.”
“Let me look at you.”
“But first, you must trust me.”
“That does it.”
“Give me back my man-cub!”
“I’m not going!”
“Oh… I have my own subtle little ways.”
“That’s some pretty big talk, little britches.”
“I’ve had it. From now on, you’re on your own. ALONE.”
“Don’t worry about me.”
“You don’t scare me. I won’t run from anyone.”
“The memory of _______’s sacrifice and bravery will forever be engraved on our saddened hearts.”
“I wish my mother could have heard this.”
“Look, _______, first I say, “What we gonna do?” Then you say, “I don’t know, what you wanna do?” Then I say, “What we gonna do?” You say, “What you wanna do?” “What we gonna do?” “What you want…” Let’s do SOMETHING!”
“You’re snoring.”
“I’ve told you once, no I’ve told you a THOUSAND TIMES.”
“How’s that?”
“I can see to it, that you never have to leave ____ ”
“Oh no, no now you’re ticklin’.”
“I’m a lot tougher than some people think.”
“No one wants me around.”
“Haven’t you got a mother or a father?”
“Know something? You’re alright kid.”
“Well, it’s happened. Took a little longer than I thought but it’s happened.”
“I wanna stay here with you!”
“I’m not like those so-called, fair weathered friends of yours.”
“You can believe in me.”
“Well, you just forgot our son.”
“Now give me a big bear growl, scare me!”
“I was just singing, uh, to myself.”
“It’s simply terrible. I can’t eat, I can’t sleep, so I sing myself to sleep. You know, self-hypnosis.“
“Now, it’s no use arguing anymore. No more talk until morning.”
“You told me a lie, _____. You said I could trust you!”
“It’s like YOU said: you can’t trust ANYONE!”
“Go away! Leave me alone!” “Ol’ ___ is gonna learn ya how to fight like a bear.”
“Sure, just do what I do. But don’t talk in ranks. It’s against regulations.”
“Forget about those, they ain’t nothing but trouble.”
“What a funny little– OW!”
“Oh you heard me huh?”
“So nice to see you again.”
“Shut your eyes.”
“Alright, let’s get on with it!”
“Forward, MARCH!”
“Just a minute. I’ve never seen one before.”
“And now for my rondevu with the lost ____.”
“I’ll be right back. I want a better look.”
“Man that’s what I call a swinging party.”
“Leave me alone.”
“Can’t a guy make one mistake?”
“Are you kidding? There’s teeth in the other end!”
“Blimey! S/He’s got legs like a stork, s/he has.”
“Have we got a deal?”
“Dear, haven’t you forgotten something?”
“Keep it down! You’re gonna wake _______. S/He’s had a big day.”
“I’m not as crazy as you are.”
“Nonsense. No one explains anything to _______.”
“Yeah, that’s _______! How’d that square get in there?”
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eunieinnit · 8 months
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❝ –  alrigh' listen here you sparkin' bellend -- pack it in, you're gettin' on my sparkin' tit now.  ❞
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eunieinnit · 8 months
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a family of birds and cats 😌❤️
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eunieinnit · 8 months
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❝ –  YOU'RE DEAD SERIOUS? yeah well, i'm alive, silly. we ain't the same, mate.  ❞
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eunieinnit · 9 months
people out here like 'maybe you should drink more water eunie instead of tea and coffee all the time' and she just straight 'hear that?... that's right, it's the sound of me not asking. ' and proceeds to gulp down her mug of tea.
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eunieinnit · 9 months
"how are you doing?"
well *wipes tears* *takes a hit* *coughs for 5 minutes* *takes a swig of water* *takes a painkiller* *takes another swig of water* *pauses music* im living deliciously
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eunieinnit · 10 months
get in loser we’re living past the end of our myth
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eunieinnit · 10 months
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Taion Happy Face
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eunieinnit · 10 months
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eunieinnit · 10 months
❝ come on, we have stuff to do today. ❞
  ❝ – yeah, yeah... ❞ SHE WAS ALREADY AWAKE, practically woven into her DNA since fresh out of the pod to wake up for training, drills, missions you name it. you would think becoming outlaws to the literal world would grant some lie ins -- but even then, she can never find herself sleeping beyond the crack of dawn, well.. no thanks to LANZ's first place winner of ARMU IMPRESSIONIST in his sleep. STILL, even if she wasn't asleep just laying about was quite nice, and no drills to wake up to was even more cushty, laying there letting the new day's warmth slowly creep over her like a blanket -- hm, perhaps she couldjust fall back asleep, however the figure over her instead gets her to sit up with a grumble, her arms reaching up to stretch above her head humming, her wings appearing to stretch themselves and ruffle causing a stray feather to fall.
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 ❝ –  so -- what's on todays agenda then? hopefully task one is waking DEPUTY DICKHEAD over there.  ❞
perhaps she may need a little bit of vengance to start her day from such, if not, most rude awakenings from her comrade. you would think near tenwhole terms with the git would make her used to it.
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