ethnographia · 4 years
When you did the wolf Shane and rabbit Ryan thing.. that one where Shane was massaging Ryan's tail... Ahem, you wouldn't happen to have a nsfw channel would you??
I got nothing, man. You’ll have to make do with this.
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Anon is talking about this post right here: https://rounove.tumblr.com/post/613258727055835136/it-was-an-accident-officer-i-never-want-to-take-it
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ethnographia · 4 years
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It’s fic rec time! The @skepticbeliever-bookclub loves love, and we’re out here in our feelings today, boys. Thanks to @sequencefairy for wrangling.
I have crossed so many sub-categories with this list, but my primary qualifier was the existence of a marriage, (fake, real, arranged), proposal, or a marriage-adjacent bond. 
The following fics are multi-read favourites for the hopeless romantics, and are presented in no particular order.
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ethnographia · 4 years
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Hey, spooky babies. I’m slinging recs today as part of the @skepticbeliever-bookclub​ ficrecpalooza!
One of the reasons I fell in love with this fandom is the wide variety of possibilities the canon source material offers for the family of tropes I think of as “magic made them do it”: sex pollen! Interfering ghosts! Time travel! Curses! If something supernatural is meddling to help our boys catch feelings (or acknowledge long-since caught ones), I’m interested. 
Herein you’ll find some Shyan recs in this vein, ranging from near-gen to the decidedly horny. Not an exhaustive list, just some of my faves, so feel free to drop some of your faves too.
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ethnographia · 4 years
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ethnographia · 4 years
Shane giving Ryan a piggyback ride so he can "see the ghouls better"
anon this is probably not what u had in mind but thank you for the food
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ethnographia · 4 years
Shane: We’re gonna be practicing this at home, together
Ryan: In the shower tonight 
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ethnographia · 4 years
This is one of the things that I get from social anxiety but I hate eating in front of people but Shane and Ryan deadass stare into each other’s eyes when they’re eating see the mothman pizza and like every other time and I can’t believe they enjoy that cause they’re lovely humans and I love this about them but they eat like boys
I really think one thing about their relationship none of us really examine is the state of the overshare. I 100% believe they have almost zero shame around each other at this point given context clues and also the way they both seem extra charmed by how much the other can eat. 
I was just thinking about this the other day actually because of their live stream where Shane admits that it wasn’t until they spent weeks on the road together for BFU that they became real friends and looking back on it, it shows. Let’s just travel back in time a little bit to 2017 during the Bigfoot episode where it was like a revelation to Shane just how much Ryan can put away in one sitting.
Shane starts off saying he doesn’t even believe Ryan will be able to eat the whole Bigfoot sandwich and Ryan
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Just goes at it until he’s half-unconscious and sick and Shane just smiles at him like
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And I think that started a trend for them that guided them up until the moment you mention in the Mothman episode
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 And now they just can’t quit. 
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ethnographia · 4 years
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Who’s Most Likely To… • Watcher Weekly #014
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ethnographia · 4 years
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buzzfeed unsolved acnh edition. the net is to trap ghosts
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ethnographia · 4 years
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guess i gotta make my own shyan playlist huh: if you’re bored during quarantine, here’s my silly shyan playlist! it doesn’t follow a theme necessarily, just songs that remind me of them for one reason or another.
tracks from youtube because i really want you all to know the brazilian songs in case they’re not available for your region on spotify:
calm me down mother mother
slow hands interpol
r u mine? arctic monkeys
trustful hands the dø
strawberry blond mitski
medo bobo (remix) zebu & jão
heart swells / pacific daylight time los campesinos!
i want to know your plans say anything
the devil wears a suit and tie colter wall
work song hozier
another time (world$tar money) simon eng & duendita
hold on, we’re going home (live) lykke li
devil’s backbone the civil wars
a música mais triste do ano luiz lins
wood rostam
love, love, love (love, love) as tall as lions
zero liniker e os caramelows
crush yuna & usher
1,000 breakfasts with you cookies
all i want stonefox
Q&A kishi bashi
i found amber run
to build a home the cinematic orchestra & patrick watson
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ethnographia · 4 years
Fav moments from Steven’s old FB livestream (you know, the one where Ryan lost a bet so he makes him take his shirt off and tortures him) Here are some actual quotes from Steven:
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Steven: You do look very muscular, kinda like lebron… mini lebron here
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Steven: *teases Ryan about how he ‘likes to take his clothes off on camera in every Buzzfeed video’
Ryan: seems like you’re the one that likes me doing it
Steven:*shifty eyes* maybe..
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Steven: Lebron uses powder, but for a baby, we use baby powder..
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Steven: *threatens to pour water on Ryan’s hair  *sees Ryan flinching 
Ok, I’m not that mean. *splashes water on his nipples instead
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Steven: I’ve never seen someone so gorgeous in my life- Wait I have, it’s my girlfriend…BUT number two after her is Ryan Bergara…
Ryan: Embraces his punishment with open arms 
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ethnographia · 4 years
in another universe, we are two souls that know so much of the other, we never meet. there’s the one i dream where you haunt me and i hunt you, and we die at the end. i like better the world you just made up. where we are girls and we share a bed, we keep secrets between our lips and promise we’ll forever be together and oh we do, we do. in another life, we marry. i take your name and we dance to my favorite song. you are a son to my parents, i’m a daughter to yours and we are always happy- and then there’s that one, the one where we are working men, where you type across me, where our eyes meet just a second and we look away with blushing faces and wonders of if you like me, would you look at me? if i fell in love with you, would you see me? can i look up for a second and see the way you look at me and all those other worlds come together to say yes. i see you
to find you. nc. shyan week 2020, day 3 - in an alternate reality (via wetookanoath)
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ethnographia · 4 years
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no offense but the way ryan bites his lips sometimes is just...illegal
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ethnographia · 4 years
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shane madej
“im not trying to do the whole dismissive thing, but im dismissing it”
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ethnographia · 4 years
I wonder where the break happened that such wide swaths of younger fans don’t grasp fandom things that used to be unspoken understandings. That fic readers are expected to know fiction from reality,  that views expressed in fic are not necessarily those of the author, that the labels, tags and warnings on various kinkfics are also the indication that they were created for titillation and not much more, please use responsibly as per all pornography. The ‘problem’ isn’t that so-called ‘problematic’ fic exists but that some of the audience is being stupid, irresponsible, at worst criminal, at best not old enough to be in the audience to begin with. And that’s on the consumer, not the author who told you via labels, tags, ratings, warnings and venues what their fic was about and what it was for.
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ethnographia · 4 years
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these are my predictions for how the right wing will evolve in 2014
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ethnographia · 4 years
A New History of Fandom Purges
On November 24th, 2018, I posted a list of major deletions of sites or of content on sites that stripped fandom of its history. A bunch of pro-shipper blogs had just been deleted, and people were nervous. I suppose I was thinking “All this has happened before…”
On December 3rd, 2018, Tumblr’s Department of Irony announced the NSFW ban. Thanks for providing this salutary lesson to The Youth and a billion reblogs to me, I guess.
Today, we have AO3 for writing. Audio, images, and video are in as much danger as ever, yet fans attack AO3 every donation drive. For those of you who forget our past…
1992 - Chelsea Quinn Yarbro forces a zine to be destroyed
1995 - Viacom/Paramount goes after fansites
1995 - Anne Rice gets IWTV fic deleted everywhere
1997 - Fox and Lucasfilm go after fansites
1998 - AOL goes after X-Files fansites
2000 - Warner Brothers goes after Harry Potter fansites
2000 - Anne Rice anne rices again
2001 - Tripod Massacre
2001 - Anne Rice goes after IWTV fic on FFN
2001 - The Bronze shut down as Buffy changes networks
2002 - FFN bans porn
2002 - FFN bans RPF
2003 - Gryffindor Tower implodes
2004 - FFN bans script format
2005 - FFN bans CYOA, Readerfic, 2nd person, Songfic
2005 - Sheezyart bans adult content; y!gallery founded
2005 - Viacom/Paramount goes after fansites again
2006 - Sakura Lemon Archive suddenly closes
2007 - Strikethrough, Boldthrough on Livejournal
2007 - Youtube institutes Content ID, deleting many fanvids
2008 - Slash Cotillion closes, taking much historical m/m with it
2009 - GeoCities shuts down, taking old fannish websites
2009 - Greatestjournal shuts down; RPGs deleted
2009 - Marvel gets scans_daily deleted
2009 - imeem, major vidding hub, closes suddenly
2010 - FFN forums purged for inactivity
2010 - DeviantArt purges adult fanfic
2010 - Literate Union goes after Twilight fandom on FFN
2011 - Delicious destroyed by Yahoo’s incompetence
2011 - China arrests women for writing m/m; destroys danmei.org
2012 - major FFN crackdown on porn
2012 - Megaupload deleted for piracy; also destroys vids, podfic
2013 - Max-Dan-Wiz.com purged of fan-generated content
2014 - Quizilla shuts down
2014 - China purges m/m story websites; arrests female authors
2014 - Blip.tv deletes vids
2014 - Viddler deletes vids
2015 - Journalfen’s servers become fully robust, deleting Fandom Wank
2016 - y!Gallery deleted
2016 - Elfwood goes offline
2016 - Audiofic Archive corrupted; major blow to podfic
2017 - Chinese author jailed after being ratted out over fandom drama
2017 - Parents get queer Warrior Cats fic purged from Wattpad
2018 - Tumblr deletes pro-shipper blogs
2018 - Tumblr announces NSFW ban
2018 - Wattpad deletes accounts/fics without warning
2019 - China purges weibo of m/m; more women jailed
This is only a small taste of the many times that:
Fannish moderators got bored, ran out of money, or had a falling out, deleting a site/list/forum along the way.
Sites got bought out and closed for being unprofitable.
Fandom got hit as governments targeted piracy or political dissidents.
Fans grudge reported each other.
Official forums got deleted when the canon finished.
It’s not always malicious. It’s not always about us. But we lose every time.
Some of these purges hit everyone. Many of them hit m/m content specifically or female gaze-y material in general. This is why antis are dead wrong. This is why anti-fujoshi policies end up being anti-m/m policies. This is why we need clear labeling, not content restrictions.
This is why we need AO3.
And it’s why we need a solution for audio, visuals, and video too.
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