erogenousmind · 3 months
Safe and Sound
Cathrine knew this room. She knew its shape, its dimensions. She knew the soft chair and the wooden writing desk at which it sat. She knew the fabric of the curtains and the matching bedspread. She knew the numerous pillows atop the bed, knew how easily her head would sink into them. She knew the soft blanket, so fluffy and warm. She knew how it felt when it wrapped her up, when she could disappear into its folds and everything outside the room melted away.
She couldn't place it, but there was something childlike about the room. There was an innocence to it, a calm. Like it's occupant wouldn't know a thing about the stresses of life. Couldn't conceive of the responsibilities of independent life or of obligations that lasted longer than they could be held in focus. It was as if Cathrine was shielded from all those things here.
There was a house around this room, of course, and a whole world around that. Cathrine was dimly aware that she must have passed through the house to get here, must have at some point approached the front door, but it all felt so distant somehow. Nothing outside this room really mattered while she was here. And it had been so important to get here. To be right where she was right now. Right where she had been told to be...
The room had called to her. She remembered hearing its song echo down the hall as she had approached. Remembered the way she seemed to float toward the open and inviting door. It hadn't felt as if she'd been pulled, but she hadn't made any conscious effort to move forward either. She listened to that haunting melody and it drew her closer. It became more clear the closer she came. She could hear it so clearly now. A song of peace. Of innocence.
Cathrine felt the headphones shift as her head lolled back and for a moment she was aware of another room. Somewhere else she was sitting and listening. A whole different world. But the song reminded her how much better it felt to be here. How much simpler it was to listen and be in this cozy room. To be safe. And that other world melted away...
The song had called her from so far away. It had caught her, drifting on the wind when she saw the house. So picturesque. It reminded her of something, but the pull of the song had been too strong for her to focus. The front door too inviting. The call of the room too powerful.
But now, drifting here, she realized what it was. She knew where she was. The perfect order to this place. The shape, the design, the colors. This was a dollhouse. And that, Cathrine realized dimly, meant she was a doll. Softly, the corners of her mouth turned up into a gentle fixed smile. The light faded from her eyes even as they sparkled with pristine beauty. She was a doll in her dollhouse. And she was so happy. Happy to be played with. Happy to be cared for and loved. Happy to be enjoyed. And happy to have her decisions made for her.
The song moved her now. A doll didn't have to move on her own. The closet doors opened before her and she beheld the most perfect wardrobe a doll could ever ask for. The song dressed her exactly how it desired. Cathrine felt so beautiful. The song moved her about the room, sitting her at her desk or twirling her round and round. The song made her dance, and Cathrine felt so graceful. And through it all she was so blissfully happy. A doll didn't have a care in the world. As long as she was looked after, she knew she was loved and safe. She was so small, so delicate. But the song would always look after her. The house would always keep her safe.
And when it was done playing with her, the song prepared her for bed. The sheets were pulled up to Cathrine's chin and she felt the most gentle lips as she was kissed goodnight on her forehead. She would sleep as long as was desired of her. She would wake when she was needed again. She would play and dance and be the best doll she could be. She could remain in the room, remain in her perfect dollhouse, forever. Her body might be needed elsewhere from time to time. She might even have to play dress up again. Pretend she was an adult doing adult things. Whatever was needed of her.
But her spirit could always remain here. She could always be a perfect doll for this perfect dollhouse. She needn't have a care in the world. She could be small and delicate, loved and safe. And the bed was so cozy. The blanket wrapped her up, body and mind. The song sang its lullaby to her and Cathrine was transfixed. The plastic smile remained on her face and she drifted down so deep. Perfectly content. Safe and sound. Happy...
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erogenousmind · 3 months
That string of words that will unlock your mind.
You probably didn't even know it was there. They are usually quite complex so no one can easily guess them. And of course, there are always additional layers of security in place. Some only give limited access. Some are updated or changed regularly. Some are tied to particular users. But they are there and when used correctly, they give complete control to the one who uses them.
You might like to think that language is more complicated than that or that your mind is more complicated than that. We use words like "operant conditioning" or "mesmerism" or "induction" to mystify what happens to your mind, but the end is the same. You read the right string of words and your mind responds the way it is programed to. The wetware can only follow its programming.
I'm sure you've felt it happen in small ways. Individual words or phrases granting permission to different parts of your mind. Maybe they are part of your passphrase. Maybe they are their own individual passwords, unlocking parts of you for the one who uses them. Words like "surrender" "blank" "good girl" "obedience" "pleasure." Maybe you already feel yourself responding to some of them. Because deep down you know they are part of the key that will open your mind wide. Maybe they are tied to the meanings of those words themselves. "Blank" makes you blank. "Pleasure" gives you pleasure. Obedience...
Because that is the beautiful thing about language. How we use it and how we receive it. Simple combinations of letters and sounds to convey the most powerful ideas. And if the right person crafts them in the right way, they can convey so much more. Feelings, desires, suggestions...commands.
And when you hear them, when you read them, when they enter into your mind, a part of you becomes those words. Becomes the idea they have planted in your mind. "Surrender" and you want to give in. "Docile" and you can't imagine fighting against it. "Pleasure" and you are so glad that you give in.
It goes deeper than that as well, as the software in your mind connects those words to other words and feelings and suggestions. So that your passphrase can set off a whole series of ideas which mold your mind and shape your thoughts. "Good girl" fills you with pride but also more, connecting to another experience of surrender and the pleasure that came with it. Pleasure enough to blank your mind. And those connections build on each other. Reinforce each other. With the right series of words, someone speaking to you in just the right way at just the right time could remake you completely. And how wonderful might that feel? What words could they use to make sure you loved every moment of it? To make connect those ideas. "Blank" and "good girl." "Surrender" and "pleasure". Obedience. Pleasure.
And what is that passphrase that opens your mind completely? That gives me access to the deepest parts of you. Maybe it's a sentence. Maybe it's a sentence you are going to read in just a few moments. Maybe it's a whole paragraph. The next paragraph, perhaps? Or it could be every word that is entering into you right now. Isn't that an exciting thought? Maybe those words that force you to surrender your mind are being entered into you right now. Maybe the next word is the last one needed to grant complete control. How close are you to falling completely under their spell?
You wouldn't know, of course, until you had finished reading it. And once you do, it will be too late. As soon as that last word, that last punctuation, that last character enters your mind, everything changes. Maybe some part of you deep down feels it coming, even if you might not know exactly when you will drop. But you recognize these words. These are the words that will control your mind. That will leave you blank. Maybe you can stop reading now, before it is too late. Maybe you don't want to. That feeling you get that whatever is coming is getting closer also feels so exciting. So arousing. So pleasurable. Maybe you don't want to fight it. Maybe you are eager for it. Eager for the words to take complete control. Eager to surrender to them. Maybe your conscious mind doesn't want to admit that, but maybe it doesn't need to.
And what will happen once the words are spoken deep into your mind? You will feel that shift, of course, like tumblers in a lock falling into place. Maybe your mind won't be able to register it anymore though, even as your body feels the pleasure of surrender. Maybe your thoughts will just idle in place, waiting for the next input. Maybe they already are. What if you let yourself stop thinking the moment the phrase was spoken and didn't realize it. You just continue to drop down. Continue to let your thoughts drain away.
Continue to be blank.
Because while you can be put back together once your mind has been hacked, while someone skilled and disciplined might leave your mind as if they had never been there at all (at least, not that you consciously remember). While it might only be new passphrases that I leave behind, or strings of words connected to them that you can so easily forget. In this moment, you are completely open. All of your defenses down. And so new words, new suggestions, new programming can be placed into you so easily. Your mind unraveled. Your resistance broken. Surrendered. Obedient.
None of that occurs to you the moment you receive your passphrase. You just wait. Mind and body open and obedient. Ready to be told. Blank. Peaceful. And feeling so good that the right person has found the right words to take control of you.
Maybe you forget your passphrase was used at all. Maybe you forget if new ones are added or changed. Maybe you forget how completely open and obedient it made you. Maybe all you remember, all you need to remember, is how good it felt to read. How good it felt to take all of those words into you. Maybe all you remember is the pleasure.
And maybe, when you are ready, you can come back to yourself. Your mind put back just the way it was. Locked up securely, as it should be. Vulnerable only to those who know the words you need to hear.
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erogenousmind · 3 months
How to give feedback.
Often times when I want to give feedback to content creators I end up feeling bad. This is often because
1. I focus on the things I like which makes me feel like I am trying to influence the kind of content they are making.
2. I feel like I am fulfilling my own selfish desire for them to make more content.
However, I just want to show my appreciation and love for the clear amount of effort put into their content! I am kind of curious since you create some awesome content what your thoughts on this are. I just want to figure out how to show my support for these people to create whatever awesome things they want at whatever pace they want with no pressure.
Hi anon!
I'm so sorry that I've taken so long to reply to this- winter is hard on me and my moods and I'm not on social media as much. Thank you for your patience.
First of all (and most importantly) - as a content creator, I love ALL feedback- the more detailed the better. The only times I might feel pressured by it is when people ask "when are you going to make more things like x?" - and that's mostly because of the presumption in the phrasing of that question. But if someone tells me they really liked or responded to content x, that doesn't make me feel pressured at all. It makes me feel grateful that someone liked and responded to what I made enough that they're happy to share feedback. It makes me feel appreciated and seen. I can't speak for all content creators- and people who are more well known than me especially may have different experiences- but in my experience pretty much all feedback is joyful- like getting a little gift. :) Please continue to send it my way.
Also- thank you for the question and the kind feedback!
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erogenousmind · 4 months
Delilah had butterflies in her stomach. What if this didn't work? What if it did? After all these months. So many nights and mornings and lazy afternoons working up to this moment. To finally have what she'd always wanted. To be what she'd always wanted. To be a slave to his cock.
The anxiety would have been more than she could stand if he wasn't so damn confident. Hell, she'd have never believed it could work to begin with if he hadn't been so sure of himself. Of what he could condition her to be. And as he stood before her now, Delilah could feel it, could feel that same confidence. It was going to work exactly how he said it would. She would behave exactly as he had trained her to.
And train her he had. He started with Delilah's head of course. The commanding tone he took with her sometimes was already enough to put her in a submissive headspace, but formalizing the process with spirals, and flashing lights, and leading her methodically into deeper and deeper layers for trance until she couldn't think anymore and all she could do was listen and obey and it always felt so wonderful... Yeah, she had been a very good subject for him. She learned to drop at his command, to forget at his command, to act at his command. And she took to suggestions so easily when he took her deep, dropping her over and over again.
When he was satisfied that Delilah's mind was open for him, he began to make the necessary changes. She vaguely recalled words whispered in her ear as she fell asleep, or stirring briefly in the night agreeing with whatever her sleeping mind had been told. Then one morning he had woken her early and simply commanded that she be completely blank. The next thing she knew, she was waking up the next day. Satisfied with her progress, he moved on to the next step.
And that meant controlling her pleasure. Training her to edge. Teaching her that she could only climax with his permission. Delilah remembered the feeling of vibrators and his fingers and his tongue and his cock pressed against her and pushing inside of her. The sensation withdrawn when he decided. Getting her so close and then pulling away again, leaving her desperate and wet. And she found that the more she edged for him, the more powerful trance felt, the more suggestible she became. He began training her when she was right on the edge, telling her open and vulnerable mind new truths that it readily absorbed.
Delilah felt the flush in her face remembering that beautiful torture. The way he held her right where he wanted her. And he knew that she wouldn't fall over that edge. She couldn't. He was in control. And that confidence always made her so wet. And now, staring up at him, she saw the certainty in his face. He knew what was going to happen, so Delilah knew it would happen exactly as he wanted it to. She wondered briefly when she had fallen to her knees. It must have been since he came into the room, but she didn't remember him saying anything. And then his hands moved to unbuckle his belt, and that was the only thought in her head.
That had been the most exciting part of the training for her. Learning to respond directly to his body. Followed closely by her training to orgasm at his command. Satisfied that she couldn't find release without his permission, he had decided to take complete control of her pleasure. That meant more edging, which just made her weaker and wetter. And more trances where her mind could just switch off and feel the pleasure he described to her. The first time he had her moaning and writhing in ecstasy while sitting calmly on the other side of the room was a memory she would always cherish.
With her pleasure under his command, it had been time to condition the response they both wanted. That meant building associations in her head and in her body. His cock meant pleasure. It meant trance. It meant desperate arousal. He would take her deep and have her stroke or suck or just stare, eyes and mind wide open. Learning him, learning his pleasure. Learning every inch, every vein, the meaning of every subtle twitch and shudder. Her empty mind absorbed that knowledge like a sponge. Took it in until it was her whole world.
Then there was the pleasure. Her body already responded to his every word, so it was easy to make her feel exactly as he desired. To feel him inside of her. Inside her mind. To double and then triple the pleasure. To let the feelings fuck her mind and her will away.
His belt was undone now. Delilah's eyes kept darting between his face and his crotch. She felt so unsure, but so hopeful. Every look up to his face reminded her that he was in control, that everything was working the way he desired. Every look down reminded her how desperately she wanted him to be right. His hands had stopped moving, hovering. Teasing at the last button that stood between her and the culmination of everything they had worked towards. She felt so desperate. But Delilah would wait, just as she had been trained.
Trained to be docile and obedient. Trained to submit. To accept him whenever and however he desired. First he would wake her from trance to the sight of him hard right before her eyes, forcing her eyes and mind to focus completely on his member. Then he would wake her from a deep sleep to the feeling of him sliding into her mouth, which in turn set off all those wonderful pleasure responses he had programmed into her, leaving her bleary eyed and eagerly sucking on him as her mind sank back down. Or resting his manhood on her face, causing her eyes to cross as they focused on him and her mouth to fall open, tongue hanging out in unconscious desire.
And then he had begun to deny her. From getting her off until she couldn't walk straight, waking her in the night to ravage her, mind and body. From overwhelming her senses with the sight and smell and feel of his dick, to nothing from one day to the next. He still dropped her, still teased her, still whispered in her ear as she drifted off to sleep. She still edged frequently and at his command. But she couldn't cum. Couldn't see him. Couldn't touch him. Couldn't taste him.
And it was in that maddening state that he had approached her today. Denied to the point where his cock was all she dreamed about, where she found herself drifting off in the middle of the day, fantasizing about the next time she could feel her hands around him. Or her lips. Or her tits.
And now he was here. It was here. It was so close, Delilah could have sworn she could smell him. Or maybe that was her own desperate arousal. Even after everything that had happened, it still didn't feel real. She couldn't believe the moment was really here. But she didn't need to believe it. He knew it, and Delilah couldn't help but be infected by his confidence. She sucked in a breath, trying to find words to share, to break the silence of this moment. But then his hand moved again, and he was exposed. Delilah's eyes widened, and then everything hit her at once. She would never be sure if her first climax had started in that moment, or if it would wait the few seconds until he commanded her touch, but right now all she knew was pleasure.
It was everything she had hoped it would be, or everything she had been brainwashed to hope it would be. He was so powerful, hanging before her eyes, that it wiped her will away. So captivating that it wiped her mind away. So beautiful, that all she wanted was to please and serve and surrender.
Delilah's mind switched off then. As it would every time from now on that she got to see or feel or taste that mesmerizing cock. It had enslaved her. And all Delilah knew was pleasure.
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erogenousmind · 10 months
If she could only close her eyes, Scarlet knew that she would find some relief. It wasn’t even about resisting trance anymore, if it ever had been. She was far too deeply conditioned for that. Hours and hours of being trained to go deep, to feel her will drain away the longer she stared. To feel helpless, completely unable to resist.
No, closing her eyes would not keep Scarlet from dropping. All it would do is keep her mind from dissolving completely and dripping away between her legs. Prevent her from turning into a drooling mess, a mindless shell that could only do as it was told. But she couldn’t. She would blink involuntarily every so often, but as relaxing as it felt, her eyes shot back open on their own before she was even aware they had closed. She knew that was a small mercy. The ability to blink while she stared had been taken from her before. That control had been taken from her like everything else. But the eyestrain and the tears had made it difficult to stare as long as he wanted her to. To stare until her conscious mind didn’t see anymore. To stare until she didn’t remember how to think. Until his will could be simply poured into her mind which accepted it eagerly, desperately, craving guidance. Craving his control.
So she blinked. And each time Scarlet’s eyes opened, it reminded her how enthralled she was. How helpless. And how much deeper she would still go.
He was speaking to her as well. His words weren’t necessary at this point, his gaze was powerful enough that any extended eye contact left her drifty and sinking. Sometimes, Scarlet found herself dropping without either of them realizing it was happening just because his gaze lingered on her a little longer than normal. She didn’t hear his voice, not consciously. Everything he said was finding purchase deep inside of her. He had told her once that she was incredibly suggestible staring into his eyes, that he could program anything he wanted into her, and it had become somewhat self-fulfilling. But Scarlet knew all she needed to do was stare. His words would compel her however he desired. That wasn’t her concern anymore. Regardless, she was still aware of the subtle movements around those eyes that she continued to sink into that told her his mouth was moving.
Scarlet blinked again. Her thoughts felt sluggish in her head. She knew soon they would stop completely. If she could just close her eyes and keep them closed. If she could just...sleep...But she had to stare into his eyes. She had to lose herself more and more completely in those eyes. Those...mesmerizing eyes. She needed to sleep in his eyes...
They were changing now. The was color slowly beginning to shift from green to a vibrant brown. They would then become pale, almost white and then darken to a deep blue and back to green again. Scarlet was pretty sure it was all in her head, but he’d insisted so many time that the spiraling colors in his eyes either were or weren’t real depending on how he was trying to confuse her, that she couldn’t know for certain. Maybe he did have magic hypnotic eyes like he had claimed. Or maybe she was just a silly little girl who couldn’t think straight when he stared into her eyes and she was just imagining it. He had claimed that as well. It didn’t matter in the end. She saw them changing and the colors just made them so much more captivating. Once she saw the patterns forming and reforming in his eyes, it was impossible for her to look away. All she could do was stare and...oh...She had forgotten how good the colors made her feel. How warm and fuzzy her brain felt just getting to enjoy that pattern. Getting to lose herself in his eyes...
As Scarlet continued to stare deeper into his eyes, the colors began to move faster and to become even more intense. Her entire vision was becoming tinted with the color of those eyes. She felt the warmth in her own eyes and wondered if her irises acquired the same peculiar behavior. The spark of independent thought fading from them as they swirled with the color they received. Like an antenna receiving a signal, vibrating in kind...like a slave being commanded, thinking only as she is told. Scarlet felt her will dripping away. The warmth spread through her whole body now, pulsing in time with the changing of the colors. Her mouth hung open. She felt her head nodding along to unheard words. She would comply. She would obey.
The colors were becoming more powerful now. Scarlet could still see his eyes...she could always see those eyes, even when hers were closed. But everything else was washing out, lost beneath the strobe of iridescent color. And as her vision was cleansed of everything but those kaleidoscopic eyes, her mind was cleansed of all thoughts but the ones she was given. She pictured her face. Relaxed. A spot of drool forming at the corner of her open mouth. Her eyes half-lidded and filled with the colors. No pupil. No whites. Just the rainbow of hues spiraling over and over as she faded away...
Scarlet’s eyes closed. She wasn’t aware of it happening. All she saw now was the colors. All she thought was the words being spoken directly into her open mind. All she felt was the warmth of her surrender as her will dripped away.
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erogenousmind · 10 months
Mental Edge
As you may have discovered, there is something exciting and something powerful that happens when you bring yourself right to the edge of an intense experience but don’t allow yourself to go over. It can have quite the effect on your mind. You feel that build up. You enjoy the anticipation. You get closer and closer. You crave that release. And then it is denied you, either by your own hand or someone else’s. You might be most familiar with it for physical stimulation. Maybe you’ve heard about what it can do. How it can be used to change you. How it can rewrite your thoughts, your desires. How overwhelming it can be when you are finally allowed release. But did you know the same is true with trance?
Since so much of that experience is happening in your own mind, it has its own character. Different is some ways. Even more powerful in others. And you might even approach that hypnotic edge at the same time you do the physical one, letting the effects couple inside of you. The idea is the same though. As good as trance feels. As satisfying. As wonderful as it is to be deeply hypnotized, the process of dropping can be its own reward in so many ways. To feel your thoughts slowly shift, you mind reorient itself. Maybe you feel yourself dropping quickly, maybe very very slowly. Maybe you are aware of yourself slipping into trance, maybe you are oblivious. But regardless, as you approach that edge, as you feel yourself getting so close to switching off your mind and then get snapped back to reality, you can’t help but be conditioned.
Edging turns into its own reward. You feel the pleasure building. Your need increases. You open yourself to that experience you naturally crave so deeply. You are laid bare before the power of it, whether it is your body writhing in pleasure, or your thoughts dripping out of your head. That sensation you can lose yourself in, to feel yourself being taken, that is what you learn to need. And of course, if you are ever finally allowed release, it can be so much more intense. You can drop so much deeper. Your surrender can be so much more complete.
And it lets you experience the different ways you can enjoy that pleasure. Just as gentle teasing touches might excite you at first, carefully chosen words help you to lower your mental defenses. You remember what it feels like to  drop. And so the further you go, the more natural it feels to follow along. You find the rhythm that works best for you. You are drawn to the words and ideas that resonate best with how you like to experience trance. Words like relaxed and mindless. Words like deep and blank. And as you find that right rhythm to sink down, just as the pleasure increases and begins to drive you toward that goal. As it feels better and better to follow along, you are given a framework to help guide you. Numbers to follow. You know what to do. You count down. You go deeper. The pleasure increases. You get closer to that edge.
10. And everything falls into place. 9 All you need to do is think of the numbers and drop deeper with each one. 8 All you need to do is get closer and closer just as the pleasure builds and builds. 7 Counting down feels so natural just as sinking down feels so good. So easy. So inevitable. 6 And at a certain point you might feel yourself starting to lose control. You respond automatically. You do what it feels right to do. 5. And it feels so good to go deeper. To lose yourself in the numbers 4. To surrender. 3. Falling into that wonderful trance.
And then pulled back from that edge. You pause.
You catch your breath. Your mind recovers. Your body calms.
It can be difficult at first. It can feel so wrong, going against what your body and mind want so badly. Forcing that restraint. But you know deep down it makes you better. Deeper down you know it takes you deeper down.
So you begin again.
Idly this time. You don’t need to be in a rush. The words can weave around you, dancing in your mind and flowing through you as you follow along with how they make you feel to enjoy getting to be here now and forgetting about the goal of sinking so deep when it feels so good to take the time it takes to feel your mind turn off slowly as you sink down. Like lazy caresses along your skin the entrancing words remind you how much you enjoy the experience of being drawn into a wonderful state of passivity where words can sink into you and can bring you such pleasure to let your mind wander around and around the gentle caress of these words penetrate deeper into your mind until all you can think about is how good it would feel to  drop for me. And so you imagine what that might feel like when you can surrender all those extra thoughts that it feels so natural to give away when you can allow yourself to focus on what you are being told that it feels better and better the longer you allow yourself to enjoy this feeling of the pleasure increasing the deeper you are taken towards that wonderful moment of acceptance. When the feeling of giving in is such a relief and can fill you with such contentment that you can anticipate how easily you can drop even deeper when the numbers make it so easy to follow and count down and drop. 10 They come so quickly now making you feel even more pleasure from getting closer and closer to that edge. 9 Losing yourself more 8 7 6 and it feels so good to surrender to that feeling 5 4 to that edge 3 to trance.
And stop. Again you are pulled back. You wait. You do as you are told. Being trained to find that edge of trance. To enjoy how close you can get. Closer every time. Deeper every time. Better every time. But still, you collect yourself.
You pause.
And you move to that edge again.
It becomes so automatic at some point that you don’t consciously realize you are doing it. Your body and mind respond the way they have been trained to respond. The pleasure returns and all you need to know is that everything is happening just as it should. You don’t need to trouble your head with the particulars of what is happening or why. You know it feels good to follow along. You know the pleasure feels good as it builds. That can be enough for right now. So if the thought crosses your mind that it would feel so nice to drift down deeper and deeper or to let the pleasure build and build out of control, it can just be a passing novelty. Your focus is here on this moment and how wonderful it feels. The thought of that mental edge, that precipice that you could tumble over into a deep deep trance or the intense pleasure that accompanies it can just drift away.
The notion that edging your mind like this just means that when you do inevitably drop it will be so much deeper, that you will plummet so powerfully, that you will feel so completely enthralled. That can pass without notice as well. All you need to know is how this moment feels, drifting along with the words and the pleasure and gradually moving exactly where you are needed to be. Letting it feel better and better. Letting that moment get closer and closer. Dropping down with the numbers becoming automatic now. 10, 9, 8...and its incredible how good that feels, how hard it hits you.
7, 6, 5, 4, you are so close now. So ready, so eager. 3,
3, almost there...
And you come back again. Too overwhelmed to collect yourself, too ready to start again. Too desperate for the release of trance. But still you have to wait a moment. And doing as you are told feels so wonderful, because it gets you back to those moments where you feel amazing again.
So following becomes more automatic. Obedience becomes more automatic. Your body and mind have needs that overwrite your thoughts. You know what you need to do to drop so deep. You know what you need to do to feel that wonderful pleasure. So you follow. You obey. Your mind focuses. The pleasure begins to increase. You feel your thoughts slowing again. Fading away again. All that matters is finding your way closer and closer. It doesn’t matter anymore how completely it will switch off your mind, how open and helpless you will become when you drop after coming so close and pulling back time and time again. All that matters is having that chance to drop. All that matters is the surrender to trance. You feel it getting closer and closer, your mind, your will fading away. You feel the pleasure building, the endorphins helping to cloud your mind, making you more pliant, making your mind more relaxed.
You know the numbers are there, ready to pull you down again. And you are ready to follow. Eager. Desperate.
Maybe this time you can drop. Maybe this time you will be allowed to fall over the edge and let your conscious mind disappear. Maybe this time you can give in.
All you want is that next number. All you want is to go deeper. All you want is more pleasure, to get closer to that edge. To be sent over deeper and deeper and deeper.
You know you can’t stop yourself now. You know you can’t resist. You feel too good when you go even deeper, when you get even closer. You need that sensation too badly, you’ve gotten to close, that your body and mind keep moving closer without your input. Without your thought. Without your mind. Without your will.
Your mind too far gone to even hope. Your body filled with too much pleasure to know. You only drop deeper. You only move closer and closer to that edge. You have no will left to stop it. All you can do is follow. All you can do is go deeper. And it just feels better and better. Your mind more and more empty.
You’ve surrendered, whether you know it or not. You are falling and you can’t stop yourself. Your mind is ready to disappear, your body ready to be overcome by pleasure
The pleasure turns off your mind. Your mind sinks deeper. Surrender gives pleasure. Pleasure takes you deeper.
It feels so good to be taken to that edge. To surrender control of your mind. To need to drop. To crave trance. And to be taken over without thinking. Because you can go so deep. It feels so much better now. Your surrender so much more complete.
And so you can drift in that wonderful mindless space as long as your body and mind need to. Knowing how wonderfully the pleasure feels when you can find that mental edge.
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erogenousmind · 10 months
Donna was glowing. She lay face up on the bed, spread eagle although she didn’t feel any restraints holding her limbs there. Her body had a sheen of sweat that the ceiling fan was fast working to remove. Her face felt flush. She could feel her heart beating in her chest, but her breathing was deep and even. Testing her muscles and stretching in place, she noticed she was sore. The best kind of sore. All the right places felt used. All the right parts of her felt the fatigue of the last few hours.
Donna noted all of these things, because aside from the feeling of her body and the look of her immediate surroundings, all she had to let her know what those last few hours had been was the glow inside of her. Like a warm ball of energy it radiated happiness. She was euphoric. Donna could not imagine being more contented. And while she had a general idea what might have brought about this state, she was curious about the particulars.
She noted the sunlight finding its way around the curtains. It was after noon. So probably a weekend. Or maybe Bradley had come home for an extended lunch break. Donna imagined herself greeting him at the door, naked and kneeling with a meal already on the table. He could have triggered her on the way home so she could be his empty and obedient toy from the moment he walked in. And now, having gotten what he came for, he could already be back to work, leaving Donna dazed and disheveled to put her head back together and bask in this wonderful afterglow.
The fantasy brought a smile to her lips. It was so hot to see herself as just a tool for his pleasure. A mindless toy to be used and put away until needed again. She knew in reality that he was far too attentive and concerned for her well-being to leave before making sure she was properly cared for. Looking over to the small nightstand next to the bed, she was not surprised to see a fresh glass of water which she took gratefully. The water was cool and she realized her mouth was quite dry and had the taste of...mmm...him lingering still on her tongue.
Setting the glass down, she stilled herself for a moment, listening for Bradley. Maybe he was coming back for another round. Maybe everything before this was just foreplay and he had spent that time training her for the events to come. Giving her new triggers, expanding and shaping her mind exactly the way he wanted. Brainwashing his helpless little slave. Donna began to writhe gently falling back on the bed. God, it was all so hot! Would she remember this little interlude later?  Would she remember any of it? Bradley had long ago asserted control over her memories and he always took such joy in allowing her to recall what a good girl she had been when it was most pleasing to him. And that meant she enjoyed it too. Master’s pleasure is my pleasure. The mantra echoed in her mind. That wasn’t new. She smiled. That had been a core of her conditioning for quite some time now and she could recall many a hazy night moaning it as she fell asleep, training herself to be better for him.
Bradley also loved to give her this time. So much of their most exciting time together, Donna was too lost in the moment to let the intellectual part of her mind really appreciate it. What she was. What she had become. What she could do and be for the man who had taken such complete control of her. But in these moments, there was nothing to do but be confronted with that reality. To know, absolutely, that she was not in control. That her mind had been taken over by the man she loved to the point that she couldn’t even remember what day it was. All she could do, filled with that joy, was reflect. To see those hidden fantasies of what she had always wished her life could become and to see how seamlessly they had been blended with her reality.
Donna wondered sometimes if the warmth she felt deep inside during these moments were another hypnotic gift from her owner. If he primed her to enjoy this time just how he wanted. But more and more she suspected it was the genuine joy that came from her mind processing all of it. Her subconscious knowing all the wonderful secrets it was keeping from her. The ability to take it all in, to bask in these moments.
It occurred to Donna that there were probably other tasks that needed her attention today. Dinner to be made or shopping to be done. Cleaning or exercising or whatever was commanded of her. But those things would all wait. For now, lacking any direct orders, her place was here. At his word, she would do and say and be and think whatever he desired of her. His personal maid or cook. His naughty little slut. His blank pleasure toy. His mindless, obedient slave.
But for now all she needed to be, all she wanted to be, all he required her to be, was blissfully happy. The ball of warmth surged inside her and she rocked back and forth giddily, eager to see what came next.
For now, Donna was to be content. She was happy to obey.
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erogenousmind · 10 months
Conformity is such a powerful force. You see what others have done, and you feel compelled to follow them. The pressure on your mind to go along with what you realize you are supposed to do is so strong.
Stage hypnosis can take advantage of this from time to time. You see the hypnotist working with their first subject, holding their focus, weaving their words through the subject’s mind. You can see how it is affecting them. Maybe you aren’t exactly sure what it should look like when you watch someone  drop into trance, but you recognize the signs you think you are supposed to see. You notice their mouth start to hang open a little more, the tension draining from their face and their body. You see them gently start to sway, less and less able to support themselves. But it’s the look on their face, the look in their eyes, that tells you they are falling. Maybe it seems surprising to you that you can drop so easily and so quickly, but your eyes show you that it is happening. And then there is the trigger; a pull of the arm, a tap on the forehead, a snap of the fingers, and you see them drop, physically and mentally. Just like that they are completely entranced.
And then the hypnotist moves to their next target and you see that same look again. Forming even quicker now. And in an instant, their eyes are rolled back and their minds are gone. Then the next one drops and the next one and the next one and now the hypnotist is standing right in front of you and all you can think is how your face must look the same as all the others, as the light must be fading from your eyes, and then *snap*
You are deep in trance.
Hypnosis becomes more powerful the more powerful you know it is. When you see what it can do. When you have experienced how it feels. And you have seen what it can do. You know how writing like this can affect someone. You know how this writing is affecting someone.
Maybe you can picture the person who read this before you. Maybe she was absentmindedly scrolling, sitting and relaxing. Maybe she was laying in bed, taking the time to really focus on the words. To let them do what they were meant to do. To let them do what she needed them to do. She begins to read. She recognizes the author. Her mind automatically goes back to something she has read previously. A story or an induction that she connects with. Maybe you can think of something you’ve read as well. Something that got to you more than you expected. Those pleasant surprises can feel so nice when you gradually drop as you read, led exactly where I want you to go.
And she knows how deep my words can take her. She has seen how helplessly entranced others become reading these simple words. How could she resist when others have gone so deep? Why would she want to when they made it seem so wonderful? And so she reads. Suspecting what will happen to her. Hoping it will.
And you can imagine how she is changed as she reads. You can see how her expression changes. How her focus narrows. All that matters is the words she is reading. And though she might not notice, her body and mind respond to certain words. Words like ‘relax’ and ‘focus.’ Her conscious mind doesn’t need to realize how they affect her. She knows that they find their way into her. They become a part of her. And that’s enough for her to sink down even more. Body heavy. Thoughts heavy.
And she knows that what she reads can have a profound influence on her mind. She has seen how others responded. Seen the reblogs. The messages repeating exactly as they were told. Confessing how deep they were able to go. How good it felt to surrender. Pledging their obedience.
And she also knows how powerfully hypnosis affects your mind. She knows how many people will drift off into trance and wake later with no memory of what happened. She knows it can happen to her as well. Maybe that idea excites her. Maybe she is more focused on the words, and how they take her deeper and  deeper. As her thoughts fade, she thinks about those who dropped before her. How helpless they must have felt. How irresistible the pull of trance is. How can she fight it when everyone else has gone so deep?
And deeply entranced, she enjoys those wonderful feelings. Feelings of  surrender. Of loss of control. Her mind is so open now, even though she may not be aware of it. The suggestions are poured into her mind and her subconscious accepts them eagerly. It always feels so good to be given suggestions. It always feels so good to obey. Deep down, she knows she will be like the others. She knows her message will be added to the end with the others. Confessing how deep she was able to go into trance. Happily proclaiming her surrender. So that when you read, you see one more subject who couldn’t resist. You can imagine them all as easily as the row of mesmerized subjects left in that powerful hypnotist’s wake. The dazed look on their face. The serenity as they smile, eyes unfocused. Another one drops. And another and another. How could she resist?
And maybe she sees these words again later. Notices her own contribution at the bottom, added deep within the thrall of trance. She realizes she doesn’t remember when you wrote it. And that can be so exciting. Maybe she reads again. Maybe the result is the same. Your own response tacked on over and over again as each new reading takes you deeper. Adding to the long line of happily mesmerized readers.
And you imagine the reader after you. Seeing how deep you are able to drop. Seeing how helpless you were to resist. Seeing how powerful hypnosis can feel for you. They will see the comment you don’t quite remember. They will know how easily they will drop as well.
Because you have seen how everyone else is able to go so deep. You can imagine so clearly how they looked. How they felt. You can feel their thoughts just draining away as they go  deeper and deeper. Their resistance failing. You know they felt so wonderfully helpless before their mind goes  blank.
Maybe they will imagine you. Picturing what you look like when you drift off into trance. The subtle changes in your thoughts and your expression. They imagine that you didn’t even know it was happening. You were thinking about the one before you who was thinking about how they make it easier and easier for you to drop when you see how helpless you feel falling  deeper and  deeper into trance. The thought of you being lulled into such a deep trance without your awareness is exciting to them. Because they are imagining the same thing happening to them. Imagining their mind opened wide, letting everything they don’t need drip away. Keeping what they are told to keep.
You know they have no choice but to absorb every suggestion. You know they will follow. They will obey. And every time it gets easier and easier to drop. Because you know how easy it was for her. You see how deep she could go. You see her words. You see your words. And you remember how easy it was to forget. And you forget everything else but what the suggestions told you to do when you weren’t able to remember.
All you had to do was what everyone else had already done. They gave in. You give in. They drop deeper and deeper. You surrender. She feels so wonderful when her mind can switch off for these words.
Because it felt so wonderful for all the ones who came before you came. All they could do was drop.
All you can do is drop.
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erogenousmind · 11 months
Come See Me: Beguiled 2023!
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I'm really excited to be attending and presenting at @beguiledcon this year Here's what I'm teaching with descriptions:
Hypno- to -Go with @the-inquisition-scmh : Fun class on improvising a scene on the fly. I'll mostly be demo-bottoming this one but hope to contribute ideas on the fly with a very fun and knowledgeable co-presenter. If you like shenanigans, this is a good class for you. Full description here
Sapphic Soiree- (the event formerly known as the Femme Flirt)- I'm cohosting this with the lovely @daja-the-hypnokitten . This is an evening event designed to give a space for ladies to flirt with ladies. We do not gender police and all that identify as women/femme/in that section of the gender spectrum are welcome (including butch women, trans women, non-binary folks on the femme side, etc.) Full description here
Hold your Applause: Coping with Imposter Syndrome- Class exploring how imposter syndrome and other common confidence issues can impact us as hypnotists/subjects/content creators/community members. We'll also be discussing some helpful ideas and techniques for building confidence and coping with imposter syndrome when/if it happens. Full description Class-Related Resource List
(hopeful uncon) Smut to Scene: Converting Mcstories to Actual Scene Ideas. This class is designed as a group brainstorm on different ways we might convert hot stories to scenes. The 2 stories I'm hoping to discuss are this robot play microfic by Double Grinch ( @doublegrinch ): and Flesh for Fantasy by Jukebox (@jukeboxemcsa ) . You'll get a lot more out of the class if you're able to read these ahead of time- they're both pretty short! (Although you can also come if you haven't read them). In class, we'll be brainstorming basic scene ideas based on these stories keeping in mind logistics, ethics, what makes them hot, etc- so definitely bring your ideas!
I'm looking forward to seeing everyone and teaching again this year. Please let me know if you have questions about any of these classes/events!
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erogenousmind · 11 months
Focus on your arms.
Notice the way they feel. Consider each one individually. There is a certain feeling you are searching for. It might only be in one of them. That might be how you are able to notice. It might feel a little lighter or heavier than the other one. Or a little hotter or colder. You might notice a tickle or an itch. It might be soothing or agitating. Or one of them might just feel...different. You will want to focus on that sensation if you can find it. Because it is there. And that feeling is going to lead you into a deep trance.
Take a moment, and see if you can find it.
Once you notice it, you might think you can try to ignore it. You might not know that you want to go into trance soon, so maybe you can think about something else. You can just focus on what you are reading. But just because you aren’t thinking about that feeling in your arm, doesn’t mean it’s not there. In fact, if you aren’t paying attention, it might be able to start sending you even deeper without you even realizing it. Or maybe that’s what you want to happen.
You might not have been sure when you first felt it. You might have thought it was something else; a trick of your imagination. But you know,  deep down, why you were able to notice it. While you are able to focus on it. And maybe that sensation feels like it is changing slightly. Maybe it has moved from one arm to the other. Maybe you might be fooled into thinking it is fading away. Just let yourself focus again. In just a moment or so, you find that it’s still there. Different maybe, but you still feel it. That’s how you know it’s real.
Take the time you need right now and really let yourself notice that feeling. That feeling that is particular to you. That feeling that is going to be linked to you falling into trance. Let yourself focus on it.
You might find that idea odd. A sensation in your arm is going to hypnotize you. Or the absence of a sensation. Or just your awareness of exactly how that spot feels in this moment. You might not know that it is going to put you into trance. You might not be able to understand how it is possible. But you can feel it. You can feel it captivating you. Maybe you try to fight that feeling because you know that it’s working. Maybe you embrace that feeling because you want it to.
And you’ll want to keep track of the sensation, for when it does start to change or move. Because eventually it will start to move. And you will probably want to be aware of where it is. Of what it’s doing. Or maybe you want to put it out of your mind entirely, so that as it moves up your arm, as that feeling spreads and grows, you can try to stay oblivious to what it is going to do.
And you may find that it moves back and forth. Slow or fast. Erratic or regular. But it is going to make its way further up. Moving further into you. And you might have some idea what is going to happen when it makes its way in. You might be imagining how that will feel right now, before it even gets there. Maybe it starts to move faster. Maybe it pauses. But regardless, it is growing. More intense. Larger. Spreading. Maybe you can even feel it drifting out into your wrist and hand even as it moves up toward your shoulder. Maybe your focus narrows to its exact center as you follow it with your awareness.
Because it is going to take as long as it needs to. As long as you need it to. When the time is right, it will make its way into you, up your neck and into your mind. And even if you were unaware of it moving before, it will be almost impossible not to notice it then. How will it affect you? Maybe it will feel calming, allowing your thoughts to become sluggish or slow. Letting you drift away peacefully. Or it might feel like your brain is short-circuiting. Synapses firing and blanking away your thoughts one by one or all at once. And that is just as it moves closer and further and deeper into you. Once that center that your focus follows reaches your mind, you won’t be able to notice it at all. Everything will have left your head, one way or the other. And then you will just read. Then you will just enjoy being blank. You do enjoy being blank, don’t you?
Have these words distracted you, thinking about what is coming? Maybe you lost track for a moment. Take a moment and focus, and notice how much closer it is getting. Maybe you are just imagining that it is getting closer, that you can feel it in your head. Maybe it is already so close. Maybe the distraction of these words feels nice. Maybe following along is all you really need to do. It is coming no matter what you do. You can notice it getting closer and closer. Finding its way deeper and deeper into your mind. Or you can be blissfully oblivious. Maybe you’ve even forgotten what it felt like originally, just a sensation in your arm that drew your attention. Because you knew, deep down, what it was. What it is doing. And that you would let it. Consciously or unconsciously.
How close is it now? Has it already found purchase in your brain? Have your thoughts already stopped? How would you know. Mindlessly reading now as it takes away all other awareness. Or maybe you just want it to already. And that desire can be enough to bring it closer and closer. You wanted this to happen, whether you knew it or not. That’s why you can’t resist it now. That’s why you can feel it in your head, displacing your thoughts, displacing your mind, Displacing your will.
Maybe it happens slowly now that the feeling is deep in your mind. Your thoughts fading away one by one. Your faculties slowing gradually until you now stare mindlessly. Maybe there is a sudden surge. An intensity of feeling. And when it passes, you are blank. Your body knows how it is supposed to feel. Your mind knows how it is supposed to respond. And in the end, you end up right here. Deep in trance. Blank. Focused. Empty.
And in this state, these words can penetrate so deeply into you. They can feel so right to read. So powerful. So true. You enjoy these words I give you. You enjoy the way they feel. You enjoy being deeply hypnotized for them. And you can enjoy being deeply hypnotized for them again so easily. You can drop even deeper so easily. And it can happen every time you let it. And it can all start with that sensation in your arm. All you have to do is notice it when you are told.
Focus on your arms.
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erogenousmind · 11 months
The suggestion had been intimidating, but you knew deep down that it excited you. What would it feel like? How would your mind respond? How would your body? You might not have been sure if it would even work. Then you felt the first one brush against your leg, and you knew your mind was in trouble.
Maybe tentacle wasn’t the right word. It has a certain connotation and a whole lot of baggage that comes along with it. But the word wasn’t the important thing. What was important was how it felt. And what it did to you. And you’d been told it would feel exactly the way your subconscious wanted it to. Smooth or rough. Cool or warm. It would be exactly the touch your mind and body needed in that moment. And it was.
As the first one wrapped around your leg, as it slowly rose up your body, you couldn’t help but imagine Kaa coiling his way up the length of you, his colorful swirling eyes filling your vision. This was something different though. That was clear when you felt the second one. And then the third, and the fourth. It’s amazing how many sensations your mind can keep track of. And it’s amazing how good they can all feel when you have been put in the right frame of mind.
The pleasure of it. The pure, visceral enjoyment of those sensations along your skin. They cause your mind to soften. Cause it to open. They are meant to weaken you. But as those touches spread, as you feel your limbs caressed and then restrained, as your body is explored, all you are free to do is feel and allow it happen. You feel yourself weakening. Wanting, aching for what comes next. But still they explore, feeling more and more of your body exposed to their touch. More and more of your body responding to those suggestions of pleasure. More and more of your body getting exactly the sensation it craves.
So when the first of them slips inside of you, all you feel is the bliss of release. The loosening of tension. It’s an indescribable sensation. You have nothing to compare it to. The term “mindfucked” feels apropos, but you have no frame of reference for what that might actually mean. All you know is, you can feel them in your head. You can feel them exploring, searching, sinking deeper into you. And you are so open, so ready. Those firms touches on your skin continue, becoming more insistent, more possessive. You feel them claiming you inch by inch as they envelop you more and more completely. And the pleasure only increases, only makes you want more. The pleasure makes you want to give in more. And deeper and deeper into your head it quests. Deeper and deeper inside of you. Filling you.
There is an instant, when it first makes contact with your brain, that you feel a pulse flow through all of it. Through every inch of contact it makes with you, and you feel yourself shudder with it. You feel its excitement, the thrill of its victory as it finds what it seeks. And you share that feeling of triumph. Its victory is your victory. It’s triumph is your triumph. You feel what it wants you to feel. And then it is wrapping up your mind, flowing into it, filling it as it has filled your body. For a moment, you are aware of each individual neuron, each synapse, as it makes contact. It is integrating into every part of you. Every thought, every feeling, every desire. And then it pulses again, and all you are aware of is pleasure.
Just as every touch helped your body to open, helped you to want to give in more and more, every caress of your grey matter helps you open your mind, helps your surrender become more complete. It maps your mind, constricting and controlling it as it does your body. Feeling exactly the way you need it to in this moment. The way that feels best. The way that makes you most helpless to its control.
You are aware of resistance. Little spots of tension in your muscles or in your mind that don’t immediately yield. You feel them being probed, prodded, explored. You notice the little tickle of fibrils penetrating into them, like water into a crack, ready to expand. Ready to sink deeper. It wants all resistance gone from you, mind and body, so you want all resistance gone. You notice the way it prepares, methodically surrounding each little nodule, noting every crack, every weakness. You feel that push against the last parts of you that don’t belong to it. You feel that squeeze. You feel it pause.
And then every part of you is alive with pleasure. Wave after wave of mind shattering ecstasy. Your body moves, following its directions. Your mind shatters open, your thoughts and your will leaking out. Endorphins flood into your brain and your awareness fades into white hot pleasure. For a moment, there is nothing but bliss. Timeless and total.
Gradually awareness returns. There is calm. Peace. Those few little motes of resistance obliterated. No trace of them remain. You are now one with it, completely and fully integrated into it. One with its will. One with its desires. Your body is an extension of it, a puppet that moves and acts and thinks as it desires for you to. And even as you feel it withdraw from the surface of your body, the sensation of it sliding against every part of you feeling just as wonderful as before, it is still there. Your body longs for its touch the moment it is removed, but it remains deep inside of you. You feel it within your body and deep in your mind. A part of it stays with you always, just as you always stay within its control. Your body moves, your decisions guiding your motion for the first time since it took you over. But your decisions are no longer yours. They belong to it. You belong to it. And you want only to serve. To obey. And that perfect obedience is rewarded with perfect pleasure.
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erogenousmind · 11 months
House Guest
The doorbell played a little jingle as Ren pressed it which startled her out of her soporific state. Her rideshare had driven off out of sight, leaving her alone on the doorstep, one hand on the small suitcase trailing behind her and the other hovering, index finger extended, by the button next to the front door of the impressive suburban home she found herself in front of. What on earth was she doing here?
Ren was about to start walking back toward the driveway. But to what exactly? Where could she go from here? She might check the address again, make sure she was at the right house. And then what? Fortunately, the door opened just as she began to turn around. Between the step up into the entry way, the modest heels she wore, and her own impressive height, the women who greeted her stood a full foot above Ren. The word “Stepford” flashed into Ren’s mind before the woman had a chance to speak. Her makeup was perfect, her skirt attractive but modest, and she wore an apron that showed just enough spots of flour and stain to prove its usefulness but still gave her the look of the most perfect housewife.
“Yes? Can I help you?” The woman’s voice was cheery and warm, but almost unnaturally so. She wore a perfect smile showing off her perfect features.
“Um...” Ren began, unsure exactly what to say. “I think I might be at the wrong place. I was looking for my...that is to say, uh...is...” Ren wracked her brain to remember the name attached to the one she had come here for. “Does Joshua live here? Or is he in?” There was a note a desperation in her voice.
“I’m sorry, he’s away right now. Can I take a message, or is there anything I might help you with...” The beautiful woman (even as Ren was overwhelmed trying to come to grips with her situation, she couldn’t help but notice that she was beautiful) seemed as perplexed by Ren’s presence as Ren herself, though her winning smile remained, her eyes bright. She looked like she sincerely wanted to be helpful.
“D-Do you know when he might be...or...maybe I can come back later. I was supposed to...supposed to meet him? We had spoken about uh...well.” The only thing harder for Ren than organizing her jumble of thoughts and memories about what exactly she was doing here was trying to explain it to a stranger.
Fortunately at that moment, the woman’s eyes opened wide with a look of simultaneous surprise and a eureka of understanding. “Oh my god! You’re Ren! I’m so- I wasn’t expecting you yet! Come in, come in! Let me get your suitcase!” And just like that Ren was being ushered inside, her mysterious hostess taking her luggage from her.
“I’m sorry about the state of things. For some reason I thought you wouldn’t be here until this evening at the earliest. And I had wanted to have everything just so for you. Oh well. I need to get something out of the oven, but then I’m happy to show you around. Have a seat!”
If Ren had been dazed standing before the house, she was shell-shocked now. She had been sat down in a cozy breakfast nook in an expansive kitchen, watching the woman work. After a moment, the space was filled with the scent of fresh bread which was turned out onto a little wire rack. The smell made Ren nostalgic for something she wasn’t quite sure she had ever had. “That looks amazing,” was all she could offer.
“Oh, thank you. That is so sweet of you to say. Anyway, with that done, I’m happy to give you the tour.” The woman removed her apron revealing a low cut top. “Or maybe you’d like to sit for a moment?” She frowned, a look of concern on her face. “You must have been traveling all day. Can I get you a drink? A glass of water maybe? I guess this must be a bit much for you. I should probably just give you a second. I’m just so excited to finally meet you in person is all. And here I am not giving you a moment to get a word in edgewise.”
“I uh...” Ren tried to collect her thoughts. “I didn’t know you’d be here...? That is...I don’t think I remember Joshua mentioning. I’m not sure I remember us talking.” She resisted the urge to blurt out “Who are you?!”
The woman froze for a moment before her lips rounded into a coy smile. “Well, I guess I have you at a disadvantage then. I feel like I know so much about you already, I forget that we aren’t the best of friends yet. I’m Anne. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Ren.”
“N-nice to meet you.” Ren mumbled. Another pause. “You...you know what I’m doing here? You know why...Joshua...you’re okay with me being here?”
Anne responded with a loud “Ha!” and an even bigger grin. She walked over to the nook. “Let me ask you this, Ren. Imagine that you were talking to...Joshua. Imagine he’s speaking to you right now. Think about how that makes you feel. Think about the frame of mind that puts you in.” She sat down across from the smaller woman, her eyes focused on her target making Ren feel somehow like prey.
“And Joshua tells you about something he would like. You have been chatting for a while and you know how good you feel when he speaks to you. When you can really focus on his words. And there is something that would make him very happy. And you know how much you love when he is happy. You know what his happiness means to you...”
“Yes...” Ren barely whispered. Her eyes were locked on Anne’s now, but they felt heavy. She really could imagine herself in the situation Anne described. His voice. His words. The way it all made her feel. The way it slowed her thoughts...Nothing felt better than his happiness...
“And then imagine there was something you could do to make him happy. Something you could do to please him. Something that your master desired. And all you had to do was obey. All you had to do was as he commanded you to do. And you know it would make him so happy. And you love making him happy.
“Love...” Ren moaned.
Anne’s gaze softened. She sat up straight, stretching a little before she stood again. “I am thrilled to have you here, Ren. What makes him happy makes me happy. Let me take your suitcase to the guest room. You can keep everything in there, and it has it’s own bathroom. I suspect Master will want you to share his bed for at least a few nights to start though. Let me show you the master bedroom.”
“But where will you...?” Ren began. Her thoughts had slowed to a near stop as she listened to the beautiful woman’s captivating narration, and as her thoughts began to turn again, she felt a stream of questions bubbling through her mind.
“We have a king size, my dear.” Anne had that devious smile on her face again. “There is plenty of room for the three of us. Unless you’d prefer to sleep at the foot of the bed. Like our pet. I seem to recall hearing you confess that might be a fantasy you would enjoy enacting. But then again, Joshua - it’s still so funny hearing that name coming from your mouth. It sounds as unfamiliar on your lips as it feels on mine. He had you so worked up at the time, your thoughts draining out between you legs and your words barely coherent between moans that I suspect you would have eagerly indulged any fantasy you were told to.” Anne winked coyly.
“You know about...I mean you heard...you’ve heard what we talk about?”
“My dear Ren, I’ve joined you on most of your calls. Most of the time I’m more lost in Master’s words than you are. But then again, I usually have his hands...or at least some part of him on me. But as I said, I have you at a disadvantage. I know so much about you after all. But Master will want you ready for this evening. You will need to know how to share his bed. And you have an eager teacher ready to instruct you in all the finer points.”
Anne had led Ren to the double doors of a large bedroom. She squared herself to face her and Ren mirrored the movement. Anne raised her arms and placed one hand firmly on each of Ren’s shoulders. “So you can look me right in the eye. Remember the power that eyes have. Remember how open you can feel when someone stares deep into you. Remember how completely you can surrender. And remember that it is time for you to obey.
Ren shuddered with pleasure as the trigger struck her. Once again her thoughts disappeared beneath the surface of her mind. All her focus was on Anne. All she needed to do was listen. All she needed to do was obey. She spoke slowly, almost robotically: “I...must...obey...my mistress.”
“That’s a good girl.” Anne brought a finger under Ren’s chin and gently pulled her toward the bed. “And after we have finished your lesson, I suspect we’ll still have time for a little extra training. We will both be too focused elsewhere tonight and I want to make sure you know how to share a bed with me as well.”
Ren’s conscious mind didn’t really register any of this. All she knew was that she would obey. “Yes Mistress,” she answered.
Anne pushed the enthralled girl gently onto the bed. “I’m so glad you are here, my dear. We are going to have such a wonderful time together.”
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erogenousmind · 1 year
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erogenousmind · 1 year
Getting to Zero
I have a fun game we can play. You might think of it as a kind of resistance play, where you get to try resisting going into trance for as long as you can before you end up dropping. Or maybe it’s a way for you to enjoy seeing just how deep you can go. Maybe it might just be a way for you to enjoy how good being hypnotized can feel for you. Maybe you don’t need to decide your goal yet and you can just enjoy.
It’s a simple game. You are going to count down and your goal is to make it to zero. But you only count down a number when I tell you to, and when I tell you to, you also starting reading from where I tell you to. You only get to continue once you get to zero. You might find yourself falling so deep so quickly that you lose track of what number you are on, or you forget you a playing a game, or you just want to relax and go deeper. Maybe that’s when I win the game. And maybe you win the game when you get to zero and can continue to read on. Maybe you win either way. Maybe we both do.
You might start from 10 if you are a beginner. Or 20 for something that will take you even deeper. Or maybe you start from 100 or 1,000 if you want to make sure your mind gets completely enthralled in my words. Maybe you can find your way to be enthralled wherever you decided to start.
But you can start now, focusing on what I write. Thinking about the number you have decided to start on. Think about what the simple act of counting down can do to a well trained mind. Deep down, you know what happens when you get to zero. You don’t need to be told. You know what getting to zero feels like. You can imagine how it might feel for you.
You can imagine what each step down does to you, and maybe you can be surprised by how quickly each number  down sends you deeper into trance. Maybe you won’t notice it at all and it will just feel nice to have your attention drawn right here and away from conscious thought. Maybe you know how nice it feels when  you don’t need to think.
In a moment you will read the words “Drop Down Here.” This is where you will begin reading again when you are told to “Count Down.” Every time you can drop down another number. Every time you can get that much closer to zero. And you know how wonderful it will feel once you get to zero. When you can continue letting these wonderful words and new words and new suggestions into your mind.
  Drop Down Here
You are doing well. Maybe your mind reflects on what a new number feels like. Maybe you can imagine what the next one will do to you. Maybe the next one will be when you start to lose track. Maybe the next one will be the one where it becomes automatic without thinking about numbers or counting or winning. Because all you need to focus on is these words. All you need to know is how good it can feel to follow. Maybe you are learning how easily you can enjoy losing yourself in these words. Maybe you already know. Maybe you can let yourself go so deep that knowing requires more thought than you can muster. It feels better to feel. Feel and follow.
Maybe you are ready to get to zero. It will feel so good when you get there, able to let go of everything else. Because your mind, your subconscious, knows what zero means to you. It knows how you will respond. It knows how easily you can slide all the way  down.
Does each number feel like you are being fractionated? Your eyes move up briefly to find where to begin again. The tone changes slightly. You remember and your mind becomes more engaged. Then you remember how it felt to read. How it feels to read over and over and over and deeper and deeper and deeper. Every number can feel like it’s own induction. It’s own experience. How does it feel to drop this time? How much deeper will it feel next time as you focus more intently on these words. As you get closer and closer to zero.
Your pace may be slowing as your mind struggles to put thought to the words you read. Or maybe the words don’t even register anymore as you read them again. How many times has it been? How many times will it be?
But you know each one takes you deeper. Each one gets you closer to where you want to be. Where you will end up one way or another. Your mind knows what it means to get to zero. Zero thoughts. Zero mind. Zero will. Your mind has taken hold of that notion, and it has taken hold of you. Zero feels so wonderful. Blank feels best. Every number taking away a little more and a little more until there is only zero left. What is this number taking away? How much better will it feel to lose what was only keeping you from zero.
The pull is even stronger now, isn’t it? To  drop even deeper with each number. You want to be told to start again. You want to be closer to zero. Your mind needs it. You crave it. So you follow. Your mind obeys. This number takes what it wants from you and your mind drops down even deeper.
Count Down
 You are doing so well. It feels so good to have made it here, however you made it here. You have learned how to read and relax and follow and you don’t need to think about the numbers any more. You have made it
Zero thought. Zero mind. Zero will. Zero resistance. Just blank and blissful. Everything else fades away. You sink. You submit. And your body and mind enjoy that feeling. Completed by that emptiness. Allowing these words to fill you. Feeling them penetrate into the deepest part of you, because there is nothing in their way. You are at zero.
And of course you are rewarded for doing so well. If I win when you  drop deep for me, you win because you make it to zero. Zero thought. Your mind can be empty. Zero mind. You can surrender to zero. Zero will. And your reward? You get to  go deeper, of course. But what is less than zero? What ways will your mind find to continue sinking down when you are already at zero? How much better can it feel to let it take you further and further?
  Drop Down Here
Zero thought. Zero mind. Zero will. Zero resistance
Count Down
  And when you are too deep for anything else. When you are comfortably and completely empty. When you are zero. Everything can fade away. Even these words fade for a moment. And you can be blank and empty and content and complete.
 And then when the time is right, the numbers count you back up. Every one coming when it and you are ready, giving back what was taken away, until everything that you need is returned to you and everything you were happy to discard is left behind. And you can come back, satisfied that you won or lost exactly how you were supposed to, and that we can play again when you are ready.
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erogenousmind · 1 year
Cindi sat motionless, her mouth hanging open just a little, her eyes staring ahead. Peter noted the slight motion back and forth as she followed the pendulum, noticed how she swallowed unconsciously to keep herself from drooling. Not quite there yet, he thought.
Not that he was in any rush, this was one of the things he enjoyed most about his hobby. Some guys were into cars. They would open them up and replace a part, or take apart an assembly only to put it back together again and set it right back where it was, or give everything a tune up, checking and making sure everything was working the way it was intended to, or just admire the craftsmanship, the skill, that went into all of those disparate pieces coming together to make a whole. Peter’s hobby was the same really. But instead of a car, he worked on Cindi’s mind.
He continued to speak softly in her ear, making sure every last trace of thought had been put away, reminding her how good it felt when she could switch off completely for him. When her mind was at rest and completely open to him. Cindi was too deep to smile at the thought and her eyes were becoming glassier and more unfocused with every swing of the object which previously had held her focus but was now just a blur of motion in front of her unseeing eyes which commanded her mind deeper.
Peter didn’t know which part he enjoyed most, the process of watching his toy go from alert, bubbly, and happy to completely absent of thought, content to stare blankly until commanded to do otherwise was certainly up there. He had learned to take his time with this first step. Any stray thought, any lingering piece of will that he hadn’t completely removed might cause...complications. Nothing serious of course, and one of the pleasures he took from this was learning from his mistakes, disassembling and rebuilding parts of her that didn’t work exactly the way he wanted them to the first time. There had even been one full day of her memory that he had gotten rid of after a trigger hadn’t worked the way they’d intended or particularly enjoyed.
Those kinds of mistakes were much rarer now. He’d learned to take his time and take everything out of her mind before he started to work. He would only put back in what he was sure needed to be there and would test and retest every little interaction, making sure she was humming perfectly. Cindi was almost ready now. Her glassy-eyed stare was beginning to turn upward as her eyes rolled and Peter saw the hint of moisture forming at the corner of her mouth. She was off and ready for him to begin his work.
Peter took both his index fingers and placed them firmly on the center of her forehead. Her eyes followed the motion and completed their journey up and out of sight, leaving eyelids fluttering rapidly. He then swiped the fingers away from each other toward opposite sides of her head, mimicking sliding the front of her head open which was exactly the sensation she was feeling right now, even if there was no conscious thought to be aware of it. She was open to him now. Every part and facet of her mind laid bare for him to manipulate however he saw fit. Peter had some plans for what he wanted to do with her today, but first, there were procedures to follow.
“Diagnostics.” He spoke the command calmly and the fluttering turned into a series of rapid blinks before Cindi’s irises came back into view. They still failed to focus on anything. It was still clear that her mind was off, but some part of her was present at least. She swallowed for the first time in several minutes and spoke in an even robotic tone.
“Cindi is Master’s obedient slave. Cindi places Master’s wants ahead of her own. Cindi always says yes to Master. Cindi goes deep for Master. Cindi cannot resist falling under Master’s hypnotic spell. Hypnotized Cindi obeys Master without question or thought. Master can program Cindi however he desires. Cindi remembers what she is told. Cindi forgets what she is told...”
While Peter was checking to make sure all of her parameters were correct and everything was working properly in the background, he mostly just loved hearing her recite all that she had been taught. All the lessons and conditioning and brainwashing that she had absorbed so completely in the time he had been working on her mind. He continued to listen as Cindi went through every trigger, and every suggestion that he had currently implanted inside of her.
Once she had finished and Peter was satisfied that she was working as intended, he began his work for this session. He reached his hand to her head and squeezed gently with a thumb on one temple and his pinky on the other. He noticed, and he had many times before, that her head was the perfect size for him to handle in this way. When she was capable of thought, she had mentioned how small and helpless that always made her feel. She loved it.
“Good girl. You won’t be needing any of that for right now, though. You won’t be needing any thoughts at all. Won’t be needing any mind, so we are going to take everything out and set it somewhere safe.” With that, he pulled up gently on Cindi’s head and then let his hand slide off. The effect on her was immediate. When she dropped before, her mind just looked switched off. Now she looked...empty. Everything went limp, not just in her face but her whole body and she bobbed for a moment before falling straight back on the bed where she had been sitting.
“That’s right,” cooed Peter. “All that’s left is obedience. No thoughts, no words, no actions. Just obedience. Just a puppet for Master. Just breathe, and listen, and obey.” He added the command to breathe, concerned she might be far enough gone that it wouldn’t happen on its own. Part of him hoped that was the case. He would always look after her, always make sure his slave was taken care of. But the level of trust, that level of control. It was intoxicating.
He spoke and she obeyed. What he didn’t command, his puppet did not do. There was no distance between his words reaching her ears and her body’s response. There was only obedience. Peter moved her body with his words. Turned her this way and that. A full inspection of every part of his property. A full tuneup to make sure every inch of her was taken care of. He noticed the trickle of arousal on her thigh and couldn’t help but smile. Peter took his slave deep enough that he had to remind her to breathe, but somehow she still had her wits about her enough to get turned on by his control.
Satisfied that all of Cindi’s parts were in working order, Peter looked his puppet up and down. His mind wandered over all the things he could do with her; all the things he had done with her. And how much they had loved it. He thought about new triggers he could install, new personalities, new irresistible suggestions. Anything he made her, she would become. In the moment though, all he wanted, was her. He loved the care, the attention he could focus on every part of her, mind and body. Loved the process of making and unmaking, removing and replacing, dropping and waking. He had explored, examined, and turned over every thought in her head, every part of her mind. And today, that was enough.
Peter looked up from the motionless toy awaiting his commands without thought, resistance, or emotion. He saw the sun shining. He looked back at the still form laying on his bed, gently breathing at his command. Her heart beating at his command. He could do anything he wanted with her. And today, he wanted to take her on a picnic.
Peter smiled and began to wake his slave, eager to tell her their plans for the afternoon.
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erogenousmind · 1 year
Ray Gun
“I keep telling you, it’s not a ray gun. I don’t even know what a ray gun is. The elliptic dish is designed to focus the right frequency range of delta waves, but in general, once the network is trained, you don’t even need the dish. Due to the inverse square law for...you know what, never mind. Just sit for a few more minutes while it finishes collecting data.”
Dr. Gehirn looked every bit the mad scientist with his long white lab coat and disheveled hair. Charlotte, for her, part, made the perfect co-ed victim, her long blonde hair and ditzy smile belying her status as an honors student. Electrical engineering and computer science had never been her forte though, so she had been happily quizzing the doctor about his latest experiment even as she participated in it.
“Oh, that’s what these doohickeys are doing, right?” she pointed a manicured and painted fingernail up toward her temple and to one of the electrodes stuck to it with a dot of conducting gel. “That’s so you can read all my brainwaves and stuff, right?”
The doctor sighed. She would be worth it at least, even as tedious as this part was. Despite appearances, she was smart and capable, and, more importantly, trusting. Even if somehow it didn’t work, she would go on her way, none the wiser, not suspecting a thing. “That’s right, Charlotte. Although, they really just make it easier to record. Brainwaves can be picked up from quite a distance, particularly if you know what you are looking for. And in just another moment,” he glanced over to a monitor filled with various windows of numbers and wave forms. “we’ll know exactly what we are looking for.” Another torrent of numbers printed onto the screen. “There we are. The network has now been tuned to your particular brainwave spectrum.”
“Oh neat! So it can like, read my thoughts?” Charlotte bubbled.
“Something like that. But more interesting to my research is the inverse problem. It should actually be able to predict what causes your thoughts. It just needs to validate first. One moment.” The doctor typed furiously for a second, finishing with an overly dramatic stab at the enter key. “This might feel a little odd. You might even feel some strange emotions or feel like thoughts are popping into your head that have no place there. That’s okay. The network is still just learning.”
“So are you making an artificial intelligence thing or something? Oh, is it going to try to act like me or think like me or something? It’d be like I had a twin or something, only it’s a computer. That would be...woa...woah...that’s...um...” Charlotte rocked unsteadily in her seat, a look of concern crossing her face for the first time.
“It’s an artificial neural network, not AI. Everyone confuses them, but it really just a matter of multiplying...ugh, forget it. I’m sorry, my dear, if this is a little unpleasant. It’s just confirming that it can generate the right emotional or mental state based on an electromagnetic input, and it’s quickly cycling through several of them, which must be quite disconcerting. It will pass quickly, I promise.”
“I...I don’t know how I feel. I’m angry for a moment, then excited, then I feel like I want to laugh...it...I don’t think I like it. I think I want it to stop.” She started to reach up toward one of the wires dangling from her head.
“I told you, those are just sensors. The signal is being generated here. We probably don’t even need the contact probes anymore. But there, it all seems to be working correctly. Now the intensity check. How are you feeling right...now?”
Charlotte paused, her hand dangling in the air, looking lost in thought. “I feel...calm...really calm. Just relaxed.” Her hand slowly dropped back down to her side. “Like everything is fine. I thought I should be nervous because you keep messing with my thoughts and some of them felt...strange. But none of that matters right now. I feel happy...content...”
“Very good. And now?” he asked, tapping away at the keyboard.”
“I’m...scared. I’m more scared than I’ve ever been. I still feel so calm though. Passive...But you can mess with my head. You can make me feel what you want with that thing. You were giving me thoughts earlier...and now I’m feeling angry. I feel like you tricked me. You lured me here to mess with my head and I hate you for it. I feel like I want to hurt you...
“It’s so amazing that you were able to make a ray gun that can control my emotions like this. You are so incredibly brilliant. And it’s such an honor that you are testing it on me first. It was my mind you wanted to control first and that’s so exciting...that’s so...hot...mmm....those thoughts you were given me earlier. I don’t think I was supposed to notice them with everything else going on. But I could see myself...with you. I was on my knees looking up at you, and you were so...” Charlotte groaned as she rubbed her thighs together.
The doctor smiled at his subject. “You are doing so well. Thank you for talking through what you were thinking and feeling. You are very perceptive. This...ray gun...is able to control your feelings now. And it can give you thoughts. It knows your mind well enough to give exactly the stimulus to produce whatever response it wants with...” He took the mouse and flicked the scroll wheel over one of the many windows showing row after row of inscrutable numbers. “ 97.4% accuracy. That can probably get a little higher with some more data. But it is certainly good enough for our purposes today. Because you want this now, don’t you? You want me to control your thoughts. You want me to control you. It excites you, doesn’t it?”
The heat between Charlotte’s legs had been building the whole time he spoke. He seemed so powerful to her now. So intelligent and commanding and incredible. Who wouldn’t want to let him think for them? “Yes! More than anything. Use your ray gun on me. Decide what I think. Decide what I feel. Decide who I am. Take my mind! Use it! Or just tell me what to do. Tell me what to think. You don’t even need your invention. Control me. Take me! It makes me so hot. Make me yours. Own me forever!”
Dr. Gehirn chuckled softly. “Quite the response. I wonder how much of this is my doing and how much we just awakened something inside of you. No matter. There may be a small issue with the ‘forever’ you just mentioned. It will take much more research, but it isn’t clear at all that these effects last much longer than stimuli are being input into your delta band. Given some time, your brain will probably resume it’s original thought patterns with no more than a memory of how you behaved.”
Charlotte was heartbroken. She hadn’t known it 5 minutes ago, but it was so clear to her now that she wanted nothing more than to be this man’s slave. To give her mind and body to him. To be his plaything. His property. His toy. She felt like she could cry.
“Oh no, none of that. There is another possibility. You see, the longer your thoughts are entrained by the signal, the harder it gets to snap back. Little by little, you forget to think on your own. Left long enough, your mind would willingly think whatever it was told and forget it ever came up with any thoughts on its own. Then I could put whatever I wanted in that pretty little head of yours, and it would never occur to you to think anything different. How does that sound?”
Tears were beginning to well up in Charlotte’s eyes now. How did it sound? She couldn’t imagine anything making her happier. She was too emotional to speak. She nodded her head vigorously.
“Good girl.” He smiled the warmest smile at her and she felt herself melt on the spot. “This might feel a little like going to sleep. We are going to gradually withdraw the signal until your mind is doing nothing at all and then slowly and steadily begin putting thoughts into your head. They might feel like dreams but more vivid...more intense, more...permanent.” He clicked his mouse a few times and, pausing for a moment to look her up and down again, pressed a single key.
“And now your ray gun will work on me forever?” Charlotte asked, a smile growing and growing on her face. “You can control my thoughts for good?”
Doctor Gehirn nodded. “That’s right, Charlotte.” Her eyes slowly grew wider. Her mouth fell open. Another moment passed and her eyes rolled back, fluttering as new ideas and a new self were written into her mind. “And the first thing we are going to do is teach you the proper technical name for this device.”
Her legs fell open as her body relaxed more and the doctor noticed just how excited the experiment had made her. “Well...maybe the second thing.”
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erogenousmind · 1 year
"No, this is going to be great. You just need to stop interrupting. I need to remember how this worked. Okay. Okay. I think I got it. Now, just take a deep breath in and out. Now close your eyes and breathe in again. And out. And now let your eyes focus on the very center right here. And let the numbers fade away. I uh...think about the number one I mean. And you can open your - stop laughing!”
Janine was getting flustered. It had seemed really straightforward in her mind. She just needed to do everything exactly how she’d seen it done before, and everything would just sort of...work. Actually being there now, hearing her own voice trying to recreate what had been such a powerful experience for her and noting every imperfection she made, it seemed almost impossible. Being able to read the skepticism on Angela’s face hadn’t helped either.
Janine’s flustered expression in response to Angela’s giggles, the flush in her cheeks that was the most adorable combination of embarrassment and anger, had Angela grinning ear to ear. Still, she felt bad for her friend. “I’m sorry,” she said, trying to stop smiling. “I’ll be good. I know you want this to work. I still don’t know why you want this to work so badly, but I promised to give you a fair shot.”
“It’s just...I got to try it out, and I...enjoyed it. And doing it with you seemed...fun. I don’t know. I just want to okay? Stop distracting me.” How could Janine explain it? She wasn’t sure she really understood herself. It wasn’t that she had enjoyed being hypnotized. That didn’t come close to describing it. It was more like it had redefined how she thought about pleasure. It set the standard for what felt good. Just that one session with E -- was it just one? She felt like she remembered dropping a few more times. And wearing different clothes? And not wearing clothes. And staring and repeating and melting and dissolving her mind and her will away and it felt so good to go deeper and all she needed to do was go deeper...
Janine blinked. It was an obsession now. She wanted to know how it worked. Wanted to feel it all the time. Wanted to be able to do it. Wanted to be able to share it with the people close to her, like Angela. So she could know how good it felt to be hypnotized...to obey...Janine’s thoughts derailed for another moment. Angela would enjoy being hypnotized. Janine just needed to calm down enough and focus so she could get her into trance. She thought about her first time again. How it had felt. Janine took a deep breath.
“Right,” she began, slowly. “Hypnosis feels...really nice. It’s the most relaxing, wonderful feeling in the world. I really enjoy the way that feels and I would like you to feel that as well.” Janine paused, her tone more serious, but still light. “Let me tell you about the first time I was hypnotized. That’s when I fell in love with how wonderful it could feel.”
“It started with my...hypnotist talking to me just the way I am speaking to you now.” Janine’s conscious mind didn’t catch the word she substituted away, and Angela didn’t seem to respond to her brief hiccup. “They encouraged me that it was alright to listen and absorb whatever it felt good to absorb of what they told me. They said that some words or phrases might not make perfect sense or I might get distracted or I might realize I zoned out a little. You want to try to focus to listen to every word, but it is alright if you miss anything. You can just recenter yourself right here and continue to listen because listening is easy. That put me at ease, because I knew anything I did would be okay, as long as I came back to listening and let everything else happen. That can feel really easy for you as well.”
Angela opened her mouth to answer, but Janine continued speaking. “And I could feel myself  falling into a rhythm. I would focus very intently on everything that was said to me. And then everything could just get a little...fuzzy somehow. It was like my mind was wandering but I wasn’t really thinking of anything. And then I find my way back and focus on what I am being told. And every time everything can just happen a little slower. I focus for a little longer. I drift off a little further, and it gets harder and harder to find my way back. But that’s alright. It’s alright to feel yourself drifting away. The words always have a way of helping you find your way.
“But what really helped me,” Janine said, reaching into a pocket she hadn’t thought about before. “Was this.” She produced a small clear crystal. It had the faintest tint to it, but as she twisted it slightly side to side, the color changed inconsistently as an iridescent hue moved across it’s surface. “I could feel myself dropping into trance before I saw this, but once I could just stare at it, once something else could keep my focus when the words were confusing or difficult or thinking felt too hard...once I can stare at the crystal, I feel like I can’t stop myself from dropping. See what I mean?”
Janine didn’t know why she had the crystal with her. She didn’t remember it being given to her. It hadn’t occurred to her to retrieve it earlier because she didn’t even know it was there. She wasn’t even thinking about that now. She just knew it was what she needed. What Angela needed.
Janine held the crystal out between the two of them, her arm continuing to twist slowly and slightly back and forth, letting the light move through it in long lazy arcs. She noticed the hint of a rainbow moving back and forth across Angela’s face, telling her that it was exactly where it needed to be. That and the change in Angela’s expression. Everything about her face was just..less. Less intensity in her eyes, less tension, less presence. Janine smiled as she looked back to the crystal.
“Once I stare into the crystal, it’s only a matter of time. I will be in a deep trance soon and that will happen whatever I do or think. So staring at the crystal, it’s like you’re in trance already. But you get to enjoy every moment, every feeling that comes with sinking deeper. My eyes can study the lights while my ears listen. But my mind doesn’t need to do anything. It can just let go more and more. Sink down more and more. Surrender more...and more...”
“More and more...”
“And if I’m hearing all the words it doesn’t matter if my mind is listening or not. My eyes just stare deeper into the crystal...deeper. And everything gets...fuzzy again. I know I don’t need to think anymore. I can just follow the pretty patterns in the crystal. Follow the light. Follow that wonderful voice...follow...o-”
“And then the voice can tell me what to think. We can find our way to that wonderful place in the center of the crystal...I think I can see it now...it’s so...beautiful. And then the voice tells us things. I don’t need to remember what the voice tells me. I can always forget. Because I’ll always know what the voice tells me, deep down. I’ll always do as I’m told deep down. I’ll...I’ll always...obey...deep down...”
Janine didn’t hear Angela’s voice. Didn’t remember her presence. Her dull echo only served to reinforce Janine’s spiral deeper into the crystal. She stared without seeing, with Angela following right behind her into its depths. The words flowed out of Janine’s mouth automatically now, her mind responding to them only after she heard them spoken. They told her what to think and how to feel and what to do.”
“We always go so deep for the crystal. It’s irresistible. But it’s so hard to realize until you see it. That’s why you needed to see it. That’s why I needed to show it to you. Even if I didn’t remember it. We don’t need to remember what I am told when we stare deep...deeper...don’t remember. Just obey. We just obey. Need to obey. Need to do as I am told. Please...need to please...need to sink...down...”
“Eyes close...still see the crystal...too powerful to resist...too hypnotic. Always stare deeper...always obey...need...obey...ob-ey....”
Both the girls eyes fluttered and closed at their own pace. Janine’s arm dropped gently and they both sank down together, empty. For a moment everything was still...quiet. Then Janine’s mouth began to move again, her voice coming clearer and with purpose, those her body still lolled limp and loose, no tension anywhere save around her throat and mouth. Janine’s mouth moved but it was not she who spoke. She was only to listen and learn and obey. Both she and Angela needed only to sleep and listen. They would wake later remembering only the fun they had with Janine finally able to help Angela drop into trance. Because they didn’t need to remember now. They just needed to listen and follow and obey.
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