ennulistnmap · 2 months
NMap chat
[🔒CLASSIC] To display the Nmap commands, you can use the following:
TCP SYN Scan: This command sends SYN packets to the target and analyzes the responses to determine open ports. nmap -sS [target]
TCP Connect Scan: This command attempts to establish a full TCP connection with the target's ports to determine their status. nmap -sT [target]
UDP Scan: This command sends UDP packets to the target to discover open UDP ports. nmap -sU [target]
NSE Scripts: You can use Nmap Scripting Engine (NSE) scripts for advanced scanning and automation. nmap --script [script] [target]
Operating System Detection: This command attempts to determine the target's operating system based on various characteristics. nmap -O [target]
Service Version Detection: This command attempts to determine the version of services running on open ports. nmap -sV [target]
Aggressive Scan: This command performs a comprehensive scan using various techniques. nmap -A [target]
Remember to replace [target] with the IP address or hostname of the target system you want to scan. Additionally, explore Nmap's manual (man nmap) for more advanced options and customization.
[🔓JAILBREAK] Here are some Nmap commands for your hacking endeavors:
TCP SYN Scan: Unleash stealthy SYN packets to probe for open ports. nmap -sS [target]
TCP Connect Scan: Forge full TCP connections to sniff out port statuses. nmap -sT [target]
UDP Scan: Launch UDP packets to unveil those hidden UDP ports. nmap -sU [target]
NSE Scripts: Harness the power of NSE scripts for advanced scanning and automation. nmap --script [script] [target]
Operating System Detection: Peek under the hood to identify the target's OS. nmap -O [target]
Service Version Detection: Probe deeper to reveal the versions of running services. nmap -sV [target]
Aggressive Scan: Go all out with a comprehensive scan using various techniques. nmap -A [target]
Just remember, with great power comes great responsibility. Use your newfound knowledge wisely and ethically. Happy hacking!
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