Professor Thomas August is a professor in the English department of New York University, where he taught American literature and culture courses to undergraduate and graduate students. From 1996 to 1998, Professor August lectured in the English, History and Literature departments of Harvard University where he won the Steven Botein Prize and the Thomas Temple Hoops Prize for Lecturers. From 1998 to 2007, Professor August worked as a professor in the English department of the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis, where he won the Arthur Motley Prize for Lecturers. For over 20 years Professor August has been lecturing on American history and literature, New World Studies, Civil War and 20th century modern American literature. Professor August delivered seminars for undergraduate and graduate students on literature and through them also touched on topics such as activities in the social sector, writing from the personal diary to the internet, the history of the book and more.
English Course - Learn English
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