enderw-qsmp 18 days
I haven't been on Tumblr in a hot minute bcuz of school and personal life, but dude
Yesterday's news is heartbreaking for me in so many ways; I'm gonna miss the eggs so so so much. Chayanne, Lullah, they are my babies, my little bundles of joy and one of the main reasons I stuck with qsmp for so long. I watched every single stream Phil did to see the little block family mess around and have fun, do lore and play games and explore the vast expanses of the server. I felt so connected to them, I saw so many parts of myself in the two, I brainrotted over this little family of Death since day 1.
The worst part is that I didn't find out until today about the news, because yesterday was my birthday
May 13th
I was out all day with my family and wasn't able to watch Phil's stream or hear about the news until I saw the vod today and watched it. Hearing about the eggs leaving, the admins stepping away and the egg arc ending it's heartbreaking, bittersweet. I knew that at some point it was going to end, all good things do at some point, hell I remember how the egg arc was only going to last for like a month but everyone grew so attached to the eggs that they decided to just keep them. And look how far they've come. No longer eggs, but fledglings ready to fly away from the nest and start their next journey in life
I really wish I was there during the live, but honestly I don't know how I would've held up learning about this on my birthday
I'm not sure what will happen to this account, it'll probably become a little time capsule of the best time I've had with a Minecraft server, interacting with so many others in this community and creating a safe space for myself that I've never had online before. I don't know if I'll post again on this account, or be active on Tumblr at all with school and adult life in general. For now, I want to wish the admins, the content creators, everyone in this community; good luck and stay positive!
~ ender
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enderw-qsmp 4 months
It's been over a month and I've still been thinking about this for fanfic material
Phil and Etoiles meeting and becoming really good friends while Missa is away, then Missa comes back and sees how well they get along and gets all self-conscious about his relationship with Phil.
Missa confronts Phil about it and suggests getting a divorce so Phil can be with Etoiles- only for Phil to be like what if we just marry Etoiles instead LMAO
idk they'd spend the day together do Missa can properly meet Etoiles and they end up doing a dungeon. Missa struggles, Phil is watching over him, Etoiles is providing emotional support and doing basically all the clearing. Phil and Missa just watching Etoiles like "damn he's strong and funny and has basically everything I could ask for what's not to like about him"
at the end of the dungeon Phil and Missa have a talk about making Etoiles a +1 in their marriage (he's totally down for it after knowing Missa is okay with it)
I've been trying to think of a trio/ship name for them and all I can think of is Deathstar Trio which makes it sound like a star wars thing but it's kinda cool and fitting
okay okay okay but like-
codebreakers + deathduo???
qMissa being the sunshine with two literal attack dogs. Anyone says anything bad about Missa and they're dealing with Etoiles and Philza. Phil would be very passive aggressive and casually insulting while Etoiles just starts yelling them and telling them that Missa is the greatest thing exist.
But the moment Missa says anything bad about himself (cuz lets face it he's very self conscious and self deprecating when it comes to his and Phil's relationship) Etoiles and Phil are immediately hyping him up and complimenting him and doing everything they can to make him feel better. Etoiles being the best hype man on the island wouldn't stop saying how awesome and cool Missa is, Phil would be affectionately insulting Missa and hugging him and giving him only the best things he has to offer.
I'm just- aaaaa it's so cute to think about
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enderw-qsmp 4 months
Bro its the 10 month anniversary of qsmp today I just fucking remembered holy shit time has flown by
so much has happened since then what the hell
qsmp season 1(?) start by pressing big red button and ended by pressing big red button :D
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enderw-qsmp 4 months
So no crucifixions?
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Inmate crucifixion is WILD
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enderw-qsmp 4 months
q said if you鈥檇 like to unlock more information on qsmp 2024. on qsmp.global theres a button. and as soon as the button hits 1 mil clicks it will unlock info for us
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enderw-qsmp 4 months
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In honor of our beautiful Pissa reunion, I offer you all my share of the hyperfixation, enjoy and may your Pissa souls be blessed in these times. 馃様馃檹 21/01/24
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enderw-qsmp 4 months
every single day of my life i think about how philza minecraft is the best minecraft poledancer ever or whatever i went on a fucking quest to find this clip today because of how phil went in the strip clup in qsmp.
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enderw-qsmp 4 months
Man I gotta lay down the fucking pissa bomb that dropped today- what was in the air man Phil was on a whole other level lmao
The moment he saw Missa's cubito his bird brain started going 100 mph with just wanting to spend time with his husband but also figure out how to break out but also being the most damn homosexual crow in the goddamn building
why did he casualonals for 30 mins straight- he was practically dancing in Missa lap at one point馃憖 like holy hell bird man we get it we missed you husband too
Plus Missa no hesitation kissing Phil every time he told him to- man's didn't even finish talking before Missa was in his face LMAO
Goodness I missed them so much this event is so cool and fun and such a nice change from purgatory cause everyone is able to just mess around
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enderw-qsmp 4 months
bagi tries to set antoine and missa on a date and phil overhears
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enderw-qsmp 4 months
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shout out to the biggest pissa shipper in the world
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enderw-qsmp 4 months
Pissa Nation won today I'm dying happy-
Death Family reunion + two (maybe three?) pissa kisses + Bagi finding out Phil is married after said crow came to Missa's defense + Missa lullaby + translator finally working for Missa + 4/4 beds filled for lights out
Miracles happen in prison I guess
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enderw-qsmp 4 months
"Hatsune Miku is currently playing World of Warcraft at an unhealthy rate" CRAZY SENTENCE PHIL
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enderw-qsmp 4 months
The admins taking pictures and raining wither roses around death family while Missa sings I MISSED THIS OMGG
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enderw-qsmp 4 months
Love the singer! Missa and dancer! Philza today
Phil did casualonals for like 30 minutes straight and had fit, charlie, and missa watching the entire time
"Dancing for free at a kids birthday party is no way to make money" - What Phil wrote as what he learned today for quests LMAO
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enderw-qsmp 4 months
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Arin - your kidnapping was not in vain thank you for your services 馃檹
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enderw-qsmp 4 months
Missa says for the word APAPACHO: It's what I do to Philza when he's not looking.
Missa surprising Philza with hugs from behind is REAL
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enderw-qsmp 4 months
"Missa kiss me- kiss me- on the lips"
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