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Jealousy and cheating?
Duration: Very long(?)
If EN gets jealous?
This gal doesn't feel jealous.
Rejected is a better word for it.
Wouldn't feel anything if she sees you out with a person she doesn't know since she hangs out with boys all the time, aka the gang, and you don't exactly know them either.
Sometimes if she sees you with another she’ll say hi and talk to both of you for awhile.
Wouldn't get it if the person you're hanging out with wants her to go away.
She’ll try to befriend the person.
You cheating?
The word ‘jealous’ doesn't exist, because the word ‘rejected’ took the spot.
Don't try to make this baby jealous because it wont work, but if she sees you cheating she’ll ask whats up before jumping to conclusions.
If you keep on doing it even though you said you didn't mean anything, she’ll feel betrayed and rejected.
She won't break up with you, she doesn't have the heart to, so she’ll just lock herself away.
IN will probably kill you when she find out, and trust me. SHE’LL FIND OUT-
EN might guiltrip you a bit but it's not on purpose, just call her the guiltrip master.
Trying to make her jealous by hanging out with other people more than her?
She’ll feel a bit rejected, but wouldn't complain much.
She may think that you're getting bored of her so she’ll try to be more interesting.
Or she can feel like you think she’s too clingy but doesn't want to hurt her feelings, so she’ll stop being so clingy and affectionate.
Nothing really good comes out of it?
She wouldn't be all ‘he's mine go away’ but instead she’ll be like ‘it's okay if you want to hang out with someone else more, you can't be with me all the time, that would bore you.’
So she’ll just have self deprecating thoughts, until you say why you were doing it. Then she’ll feel relieved she finally knows the reason, it doesn't matter what the reason is whether it's because she's boring, too clingy or you just wanted to see her reaction, she’ll still feel relieved she finally found a reason.
What if you feel jealous?
If you choose to ignore her
You have to tell her.
If you ignore her she’ll think she did something wrong :(
Just tell her damn it, don't be like anime where both people ignore eachother because of a misunderstanding.
It's not like EN can survive a day with you ignoring her anyway.
She’ll beg you to tell her and when you do she’ll be the one to say sorry for hurting you even though you ignored her the whole day.
She’ll explain her relationship with the gang and that they're just best friends.
If you saw her with Windy, she'll explain that her and Windy are just really close best friends. (not with benefits!)
If you choose to tell her
Well that solves the problem before it even exist.
She’ll just be like,
“Oh? You mean the gang? Oh no we’re just all best friends~ I'm sorry you felt that way though, I should introduce you to them sometimes!”
“Oh? Windy? Were childhood best friends! Sure people sometimes think we're a couple, but we're not. How about I introduce you two some time?”
Then she just smiles and go back to doing whatever she was doing before.
Well that was easy.
Her cheating?
EN will never cheat. Even refusing to say she was cheating as a prank. She thinks it's mean to mess with people's feelings like that and it can cause unnecessary doubts and problems.
She's like a loyal obedient puppy.
CLTN wouldn't cheat either, she still has EN’s morals... somewhat? Even though her job is manipulating feelings she only does it to people she doesn't care about. She might say that she cheated as a prank then when things are about to get out of hand she explains that “it's just a prank bro.”
If IN gets jealous?
She is never normally jealous, she's just nonchalant about it, like “Oh, Y/N’s hanging out with someone, okay whatever. Just normal life.”
She only gets worked up and overly jealous in one of her mood swings, but will quickly apologize when it's over, and says that her emotions went out of whack and that she's fine now, and to not take anything she said before to heart.
IN will then say that she doesn't care that you're hanging out with other people because she also hangs out with other people.
You cheating?
Don't expect to come out unschated.
If IN sees you do it she will demand an explanation and if the explanation makes sense she will give you another chance, but expect to be half-glared at once in awhile.
If you keep on doing it she’ll just break up with you and considering she's good at gulitripping, be ready to feel really bad about yourself.
Unlike EN she does it on purpose.
If she's in one of her moods prepared to the thrown out… Literally.
She might even burn your clothes and take a picture of it to show you~ This is only in one of her moods though, but don't expect her to apologize, even when her moods are over.
Trying to make her jealous by hanging out with other people more than her?
Isn't really bothered,
doesn't mind you hanging out with other people more than her tbh.
isn't really suspicious on where you are unless she's in one of her moods.
She just trusts that you're just hanging out with friends.
If you get jealous
really doesn't know why???
She’s basically in her anti-void all day everyday unless something is seriously wrong?
She’ll just be like, why would you think that? I haven't left my place at all except to visit you, and even then I just teleport in front of your door so you have no reason to be jealous?
Don't even try to hide it, she can see right through you.
She's pretty observant with people's emotions to try and figure out what other people are feeling and when, to help her soul vessel decide the right emotion at the right time.
She has seen jealousy in people before, but when you do act jealous she's just confused???
She doesn't really have any relationships? If she does it's usually just acquaintances or they get friendzoned so you have nothing to be jealous about?
The person she’s closest with is EN, but they have a sisterly hate relationship and even if they didn't have a sisterly hate relationship, EN is as straight as a stick.
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Since it's late and I'm bored, here's something for ya.
What if you were soulmates?
Would accidentally friend zone you.
Don't be sad about it man, she's just clueless and dense.
Might be cuddlier than when she's with others.
If you don't like to be touched, she'll just sit as close as you feel comfortable with her sitting, and smile.
It sometimes feel like she's cuddling you with her smiles. It's weird.
If you don't like it she'll just cuddle a pillow.
Or her accident.
The accident is a cat.
Don't worry! You shouldn't get an allergic reaction since it's made out of strings.
Don't know how it's alive but oh well, were getting off track here.
EN might seem like the impulsive type, and honestly, she is, but when it comes to things she doesn't know about, she just doesn't act on it.
If she knows somewhat what is going to happen then hecka yeah she's going for it.
But if it's something like romantic feelings you'll have to be the one to start.
EN is affectionate don't get me wrong, it's just that...
She's like that with everybody, so even when it looks like she's a clingy cuddly girlfriend, she's just an extremely clingy and cuddly friend.
And she has no shame either. As long as you're her close friend she'll basically do anything no matter how weird or incredibly stupid it is.
Romantic cues = being friendly, Romantic feelings = Best friends uwu
That's how EN's brain works.
You just have to get it in her dense oblivious head that you're soulmates.
And get ready for a bunch of questions, because you're going to get a bunch of questions...
"What are soulmates?"
Just explain beforehand...
Soulmate? I don't have a soul man.
... Well she does technically have a soul but it's fake.
How the whole soulmate thing happened is confusing, but just roll with it~
Would be awkward and kind of tense around you.
Like, tf why am I feeling this, IM NOT SUPPOSED TO BE FEELING THIS-
If you get through that awkward stage you're now into a stage were she just gives up on trying to fight it/trying to find out how it even happened.
Told you to just go with the flow~
She's just chill now.
So, what do you want to do today?
Basically just a normal chill relaxed relationship.
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Have a special one about Covid-19 y'all!
How would they try to protect themselves from Covid-19?
Well they live in the anti void so they don't really need to prevent it.
They also don't have internal organs so it doesn't matter.
They only have what you can see from the outside, so, skin, eyes, mouth, teeth, tongue, hair ect.
What if you're scared of Covid-19 and you know them?
Will invite you to live in her anti void until everything is solved, of course you can go back and visit your family if you want.
Just imagine the anti void as a really big house.
Everything should be sanitary as well since there isn't anything viruses and bacteria can live on in the anti void, other than EN occasionally bringing in chocolate goods, but since EN is immune to most infections and diseases, the bacterias and viruses just die.
If you're worried about the chocolate, then don't worry! IN made the chocolate herself without getting anything from an au, an even if she did she won't choose an au with covid-19, like, that's stupid.
So the chocolate should be sanitary as well.
If you want to go outside (or need vitamin D), she’ll let you walk around an au where there is no pandemic.
You can also buy food there if you want.
You could totally chill at her place (the anti void), she can create whatever you want.
You want a couch? Just wait a few minutes and bam! You have a couch!
Just don't ask for anything that needs many small details because… Shaky hands… It's the bane of IN’s existence… An artist with shaky hands…
Read EN part about the anti void for info on how sanitary it is.
IN’s food is 100% Covid-19 free.
Don't expect proper foods though, probably just desserts.
If you can cook then great. If you can't then… Just go to an au without Covid-19 and get food there :D
You probably shouldn't live there though, because there's probably another you somewhere.
IN will open a small (teeny tiny) portal that YOU can open.
If you need to go outside or want vitamins, just open it.
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I have like a million hcs in my document, but I just haven't posted them, oh well maybe later?
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Who confesses first?
Three posts in a day? You must be insane!
Duration: short
You have to confess first.
EN doesn't even know what romantic feelings are, so you’ll have to confess.
She’ll probably ask you what couples do first, or go ask IN who goes in full “overprotective sister mode”
IN will probably stare you down to see if you’ll crack, if not then she just smile and talk to you about EN.
Ask you tons of questions and if she likes you she’ll tell EN about romantic relationships and couple stuff, and then EN will choose if she wants to be with you or not.
Knowing her, she’ll probably say yes.
I mean, it depends?
Who is quicker to confess?
IN will confess if you don't, so it doesn't really matter?
If IN likes you enough that is.
If you like her, just don't confess if you're not sure she likes you back.
If she likes you too she’ll just suck it up and confess because feelings arent much of a problem for her, she can just push them away.
Not really a good way to do things, but hey, it works.
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How they flirt/spend time with you.
Woah! Two posts in a day?
Duration: long-ish?
This baby be damned.
No experience in romantic love whatsoever.
Haven’t had “the talk” yet either.
She’s 21, when are people going to tell her what it is???
Anyway back to the point, EN would plan small, cute and comfortable hangouts for you two, usually consisting of “Netflix and chill” but literally just watching Netflix and chilling.
Would get you cake and chocolate but if you don’t like sweets, she just gets you whatever you want to have.
EN prefers chocolate cake though.
Wouldn’t mind a trip out, but people would usually stare at her, maybe because of her mismatched eyes or weird colours in her hair, or just her bad sense of fashion in general.
If you’re going out, you’re definitely going to choose the outfit, because if she chooses it you can expect it to be bad. I mean really bad. Trust me.
She’ll constantly talk about stuff, sometimes you have to remind her to just shut up for a minute.
She’ll usually talk about herself or question you about yourself, she wouldn’t go too deep in to her past but will breeze over it if you want to know.
She just wants you to trust her honestly.
She doesn’t truly trust many people and you’re making her feel weird and excited to meet and hangout, so she keeps on coming up with every excuse possible to be together.
Not really much flirting going on since she doesn’t know how, and probably doesn’t even realize what her feelings are.
If she’s in her CLTN mode, get ready to be heavily flirted on.
A huge contrast to her normal way of doing things. CLTN is blunt, just like EN but with more knowledge on things.
While EN is blunt too, she doesn’t know she’s interested in you in any romantic way, but CLTN is as blunt as a person can be and actually knows what her feelings are, she constantly flirts and teases you.
She’s also pretty confident and sometimes even cocky, wanting attention and praise most of the time, but don’t worry she’ll praise you back too, while EN is more of a humble little thing wanting to give attention more than receiving it, but that doesn’t mean that she doesn’t want a lot of attention though.
EN will show her affection for you verbally and physically, clinging on you and unconsciously looking at you with happy puppy dog eyes, while saying how much fun you are to be around.
It looks like a little kid hanging on their parents arm.
CLTN would show her appreciation verbally and physically as well, their love language doesn’t change just because they changed personalities, she’s still the same person, but CLTN would be more… Flirty.
Clinging on to you like a girlfriend would instead of a how a little kid would, flirting, but with a message underneath all the flirting and teasing that basically says “I love you”.
EN has dissociative identity disorder, but don’t worry, she’s not suicidal! Maybe a bit depressed at times, but has never attempted suicide.
The big glitch lessened her depression and she’s mostly just happy, though CLTN has some… Dangerous thoughts…
Not exactly sure what EN’s love language is, Quality Time, Physical Touch, Acts of Service (Devotion), and Words of Affirmation all fit EN.
Not much of a flirt.
Doesn’t think her feelings for you are real in the beginning so you’ll have to be the one flirting first.
When she does flirt, she flirts by giving you something (Most likely a dessert, aka chocolate cake, but if you don’t like sweets or chocolate then something else she can make/create.) and/or writing small notes for you.
Like a cake that says ‘you’re sweeter than cake!’ or a painting that says ‘you’re my inspiration’
Much better at flirting than EN that’s for sure.
sometimes she just puts sticky notes everywhere, with cute motivational texts on them. Sometimes they’re decorated with hearts and doodles of random stuff.
Doesn’t really care if you go outside or stay inside to hang out?
Likes to be outside to look at nature for inspiration, and likes to be inside to spend some quality time together without being distracted by anything. It really just depends on what she feels like doing.
Isn’t as clingy as EN but wants attention nonetheless, just doesn’t want to be too much of a bother.
It’s not like she’s going to die if you don’t give her constant attention.
Still expects some attention though.
isn’t really touchy or verbal, her love language is most likely Gift giving and/or quality time.
Relieves stress by cuddling, so when she’s stressed she might be a bit clingy, just cuddle and she’ll stop being clingy, or she’ll fall asleep on you, that happens too.
You better be taller than, or as tall as 6,65 or else she going to tease you about how you’re short.
Don’t mind her, she doesn’t know the average height of HUMANS.
IN your kind might be 6,65 in average height, but humans arent that tall okay?
IN is 6,9(no it’s not a joke-) and EN is 6,5 if you were wondering.
If you’re short she calls you ‘shortcake’, but in a more affectionate way than when she says it to EN.
With EN she would have this annoying cocky voice on, but with you it almost sounds like she’s talking to a puppy when she calls you shortcake.
Maybe she thinks it’s cute?
IN is a mystery~
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What is their ‘ideal type’?
Duration: between short and medium
Who is ‘EN’s type’
EN’s type is someone who doesn’t mind getting constant attention, but is also willing to give some attention back of course.
Someone who has a lot of free time would be preferable, but it doesn’t really matter much?
Someone who has a sweet tooth is recommended, but you don’t have to have a sweet tooth for the relationship to work.
Someone with good fashion sense would be nice, because EN doesn’t know which colours compliments eachother. She has a dress with pink red and yellow mushed together like mud. It’s very ugly, but don’t tell her i said that.
Someone with a lot of patience to deal with EN’s dissociative identity disorder, because CLTN can get very annoying and isn’t as obedient as EN.
Someone with a sense of humor is prefered.
Someone who can handle a lot of weird stuff. Usually something unexpected.
Someone who can deal with Liam. EN would be eternally grateful.
Someone who can cook would be VERY PREFERABLE- This baby doesn’t know how anything in a kitchen works, she is good at taste testing chocolate though, but that doesn’t really help with her skills in the kitchen.
She doesn’t need to eat food very much? A chocolate bar can last her around a month.
Who is ‘IN’s type’
IN’s type is someone who isn’t needy or wants attention all the time, she isn’t really good at showing attention.
Someone who is patient would be nice, since she can get horrible mood swings and most of the time it makes her really agitated and mad.
Someone kind-hearted, willing to help her through her troubles and stay by her side. IN might seem like a jerk, but she feels constant guilt all the time because of what she did to EN 13 years ago.
Someone that can do any form of art would be prefered, but even if you can’t do art IN could help you if you want, but only if you want to.
IN is great at making desserts, mostly chocolate, but has no idea how to cook food, so someone who knows how to cook would be very nice, because if you can’t cook, you have to buy food instead, or starve to death, IN doesn’t need to eat so that’s why she can’t cook, and making chocolate is more of a hobby than anything. Or bait for EN.
Actually i lied, IN does need to eat, but it doesn’t matter what she eats? It just has to have some magic inside. One of her chocolate bars can last her or EN quite awhile, around a month or so.
You better be taller than 6,65 feet or you’ll get teased by her.
She doesnt know what the average height is, so dont mind her that much.
If youre shorter than 6,65 (which most people are) then you better not get angry easily.
She wont be as harsh on you as she is with EN though, wouldnt want you to feel bad about yourself, its just a bit of fun.
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Their relationship to eachother and the gang.
EN’s relationships:
Duration: between short and medium.
The gang:
Erru(the version my friend uses in our rps)
Basically best friends. EN can be annoying at times, but they're probably friends for the longest time in the whole gang.
Er(a collab au sans with my friend)
He is also close with EN, probably as close as she is with Error, but that's because she doesn't call him ‘floof boi’ or anything like it. He probably has the most common sense out of everyone, and whenever he uses it EN backs him up because honestly they do some stupid stuff that's most likely dangerous.
Inku(the version my friend uses in our rps, his nickname is Bic)
Ink is… Something. He's fun sometimes, but loud and obnoxious 90% of the time. Also, he doesn't mind hugs so that's nice. People call him smooch material™ so give him smooches because no one in the gang wants to.
Sister hatred all the way.
She doesn't hate her that much after the big glitch.
Before the big glitch EN hated IN personally, so that's why she sought to destroy everything she cared about.
IN abandoned EN when she realized that EN’s au was about to get corrupted.
When IN returned EN saw her with new friends, so she became spiteful towards her.
When she found out how to escape her au and found out that IN’s new friends were from other aus, she decides to destroy them all and maybe kill IN in the process.
The big glitched messed with their feelings and personalities.
IN became unstable and EN became a cute but manipulative person.
She doesn't have a lot against IN anymore though. She just likes to annoy her.
Damn the source code is strong, it made EN not absolutely hate IN after years of abandonment.
IN’s relationships:
Sister hatred all the way…
Secretly feels bad she abandoned her.
Not like she's going to say it though, it brings back memories that she would rather suppress.
Likes seeing EN and the gang do stupid stuff the most because they overreact, even when Ink isn't.
Was planning to go back to visit EN but forgot.
Found EN’s Au 13 years later and returned before EN could reach them
Plans to come back and see whats wrong.
BAM EN comes and tries to kill everyone.
BAM- the big glitch. If you want to know what that is, just read what EN’s relationship to IN is.
The gang
isn't apart of it, but likes to secretly tag along without them noticing.
faceplams every 5 minutes.
Make that every 5 seconds.
Really just neutral towards them.
This Error doesn't destroy aus
Er is somewhat sensible
Ink is... Dramatic...
EN is random. She’s sensible only if another person is, if not she just goes full YOLO.
They're stupidly lucky
And just stupid in general, but that's what makes it fun to watch.
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How a relationship with them would be like
I made another. I’ll probabaly make them everyday, so yeah.
Duration: Long-ish
expect this baby to give you affection whenever and wherever.
Unless you tell her to stop she will be showering you with affection 24/7.
Yes. Even when you sleep.
Not in a creepy way, just cuddling and trying to be as close to you as possible.
EN doesn't need sleep, but it feels refreshing nonetheless.
If you want something. You get it.
Unless it's very expensive, then it’ll take awhile to get that for you.
If you want it quickly, then expect some deaths.
Give this baby love pls.
If you don't give her your affection back, she’ll get sad :(
mutual affection everybody!
This gal gets lonely pretty easily, but shows it by giving your more affection than usual.
Don't ignore her please.
She might need some confirmation that you love her from time to time, but won't directly ask for it.
She would just be more clingy (is that even possible!?)
The cons of her relationship is how clingy she is, and how annoying it could be.
It makes sense since she haven't loved anyone or been loved in 13 years, so she has lots of love to give.
You really need to set up some boundaries.
She’ll listen like an obedient puppy, so don't worry about her being too bothersome.
To scared to lose you to defy you, but would say it outright if she doesn't feel good about something.
Don't expect many arguments.
Verbal confirmations or physical confirmations are both fine.
It doesn't have to be sexual, just hugging her once a week makes her happy.
Seriously, only once a week.
Might act desperate for affection, but just smiling at her once a day makes her the happiest person alive.
So smile at her everyday, hug her every week, or even better. Give her affection everyday~
If you do give her constant affection and attention she might explode with love-
okay, not literally (maybe), but she’ll definitely love you more.
doesn't really have a high sex drive since she doesn't even know what it is.
But she won't refuse if you ask.
Doesn't really care if you want a lazy lie-in or a trip outside.
Might seem really energetic, but honestly just want to be somewhere comfortable, watch a movie or something and cuddle.
I talked about cuddles a lot, so you better give her some cuddles from time to time.
Doesn't really care if you're busy, and won't nag you to talk to her.
Might get lonely and sad, but she has friends, so she hangs with them until you have time.
Just very considerate in general.
Unlike EN she doesn't really need much affection.
Sex is considered rare with her.
She’ll do it if you really want it or if her sex drive is acting up for some reason. (Doesn't happen often, probably once a year, but 50% of the time, won't reject you if you REALLY want it.)
Honestly just agrees because tired cuddles are nice.
Enough about that.
As i said. All Nassi’s love cuddles.
Just cuddle.
IN would give you chocolate as presents, (or if you're allergic or doesn't like chocolate, she would draw something. Expect it to be BIG if not, slightly shaky, but still good…) 
If you don't like art or have too much of it, then she’ll just ask you what the hecc you actually want.
Be prepared to get it tomorrow.
Maybe a big version of it, unless it's a video game or a console. Maybe she can make the console screen bigger manually? Hm…
Doesn't want to draw money so she just sells her huge paintings to people and get money that way.
All that money are just for you honestly, but it does help her clear her place so there arent paintings everywhere you look.
Don't expect her to be very emotive with you.
She might sound like she's arguing about small random things, but most of the time she isn't and she just sounds that way.
Expect her to get terrible mood swings all day everyday.
You might need to help her ‘soul vessel’ choose which emotion is appropriate.
rarely displays physical affection, going more for homemade gifts (If you like them) and verbal affection, but even then, the verbal affection is limited.
Has no experience with love.
Literally no experience other than when EN and her were children and they had this sister relationship with eachother. They still do, but it's not really loving most of the time.
Don't expect her to fulfil your weird fetishes~ She might be a sadist, but she won't punish you for everything.
She just likes to see EN and the gang do stupid stuff.
Not like she’ll let them hurt themselves too much.
Once EN died and damn she panicked, even if it didn't look like it.
It just looked like she was staring with wide eyes and thinking ‘what the flip’
She isn't a big sadist. Remember that. Just likes to see them do stupid stuff that 99% hurts them in some way.
No emotional pain tho! That's bad :(((((
IN is busy most of the time, but it's usually just making chocolate and painting.
You can interrupt her all you like, she has nothing better to do than watching EN being stupid, painting, making chocolate and hanging out with you
sells to different au’s to avoid being too well known.
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I'll continue making these~
So uh... Heres some info about my ocs~
There will be more text on EN’s part, but thats because shes more developed!
IN ‘headcanons’ (She’s my oc so i guess it’s more like facts than anything else…):
Her hands tend to get shaky sometimes and that’s why she hates using small brushes.
She does actually have a soul, but it’s not really good at displaying the proper emotions at the right time.
She gets mad really often.
like, really often.
she’s also pretty sadistic most of the time, i don’t think she knows it herself though.
mistakenly used blood as red paint before and comments on how she would like to use it more often.
IN’s soul is just a vessel. It contains the shards she used to eat before. She still has to eat the shards, but she doesn’t have to feel the feeling of the shard straight away, only when the soul deems the emotion appropriate for the occasion.
Which usually isn’t the appropriate emotion. She needs some emotional control…
IN is really good at making chocolate. It’s like you’re tasting heaven.
The surprising ingredient is explosions.
Lets just say that if you hear explosions and you’re with IN she probably exploded the kitchen making chocolate.
She would repair it for you though since she has nothing better to do, and honestly EN is only a threat to her chocolate.
EN doesn’t even seem to try destroying things anymore, she just hangs out with ‘the gang’
But honestly IN doesn’t mind EN hanging out with the gang. They’re all idiots who has no common sense and it makes IN laugh really bad when they do something stupid.
It’s usually something dangerous that IN finds funny.
That damn sadist
When IN is kind though…
Prepare to be mentally weirded out by how affectionate and cute she is.
Like seriously she’ll just shower you with endless affection and gifts, mostly consisting of chocolate, but shaped into hearts, animals, plants and etc. 
All Nassis loves cuddles.
Give this sadistic woman some cuddles.
Cuddles are the second best thing.
The first is EN doing something stupid.
She does care fo EN though. They have this love hate relationship that sisters seems to have.
she is asexual.
EN ‘headcanons’ (She’s my oc too so i guess it’s more like facts than anything else…):
EN loved to draw and has her own drawing collection.
Keyword: Loved. Past tense.
Of course they’re old drawings, but sometimes she gets a weird urge to just draw something, sometimes something nice…
But other times…
She wants to aggressively scribble and stab the paper, tear it into pieces, chew it then burn it with a flamethrower and stomp on it’s ashes.
You know the thing where there’s a good side and a bad side?
What if both sides were bad?
One side is an innocent looking girl, likes to wear white or pastels, loves to make flower crowns and stuff…
But she is secretly a manipulative murderer.
The other is… Well… EN. That one where she runs around with a flamethrower and burning everything that’s near her, or just sometimes stab things for fun.
She doesn’t NEED to stab things obviously, she can find a much quicker and less messy way to kill someone, but sometimes you’re just too lazy to do magic…
CLTN is the innocent looking one, but is probably the cruelest. She loves killing them slowly, her victims usually die by blood loss. Her favorite killing method is the befriend betray method. Just the look on their face when their supposed ‘friend’ stabs them in the back… Literally and figuratively at the same time. Usually CLTN will avoid harming the heart or anything on the face, usually stabbing the legs, arms or just stabbing the victims back and miss the heart on purpose.
But EN likes a fast and clean method.
EN can’t be bothered to clean anything, CLTN can’t be bothered either, but it’s not that big of a deal to her since she just leaves the person dying in an alleyway and destroys any form of communication before leaving. The only hard part is sneaking back home undetected and cleaning her clothes and knife. She usually wears gloves so fingerprints arent much of a problem.
Anyway, back to EN…
She really isn’t the one you should be worried about, she is pretty chill and it would take a lot for her to actually try and kill you. She just isn’t bothered. After all there isn’t many aus in the multiverse she lives in, so if she tries to destroy them all there would literally be nothing left to do, and she does try to destroy them sometimes, but she would much rather plan stealing chocolate from IN.
EN is usually very affectionate, but sometimes she’s faking it.
It can be really hard to tell when she’s faking it, but if she clings onto you so much you feel like your bones will break, and if she stops when you say it’s too tight, then it’s probably real affection. If she doesn’t stop crushing you in the hug, either she is trying to annoy you usually only does it for a few seconds, or she’s faking it this will last until you’re begging for your bones to live.
If she considers you her real friend she will endlessly shower you with affection anywhere you go… Literally. As long as she is allowed to go there. The clinginess is dependent on how close you are.
If you’re as close with EN as ‘the gang’ is which is highly unlikely, then she will literally be a leech, but the only difference is that she will never get off. She will give you privacy when you sleep, change your clothes, go do anything in the bathroom or if you’re trying to cook, but don’t expect her to sit still while you do it. If you’re cooking she would help if she would, slicing food like she is a master, but is really bad at anything else.
If you’re changing or doing stuff in the bathroom not counting brushing your teeth and taking a bath, she will talk to you.
If you’re going to sleep she might sometimes ask to cuddle.
Please give this attention starved baby affection.
She haven’t touched anyone for 13 years and when her haphephobia was cured she has been craving for any sort of touch.
She’s also surprisingly innocent when it comes to sexual things. She knows everything about torture and murder techniques, but sex is just something she doesn’t know at all.
EN doesn’t really know the difference with PDA and P(rivate)DA so she just does the same thing she would do regardless of where you were nad how many were watching.
This woman doesn’t know what embarrassment is.
If you tell her to stop doing something in public she would listen, but when your in private again get ready to get showered with pent up affection.
If you’re her friend she would still be clingy but wouldn’t disturb you when you sleep, change your clothes, go do anything in the bathroom or if you’re trying to cook.
She might help with the cooking sometimes or talk with you while doing it, but otherwise there won’t be any affection when you’re doing these things.
she would still hang on you like a leech, but since her attention span is literally nothing, she would get distracted and go somewhere then come back and just walk and talk like a normal human and it’s just confusing sometimes.
Her attention span changes the closer you are with her.
EN only began destroying aus because she had a… hmm… complicated past with IN.
she is demisexual and straight.
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