emostudent · 3 days
"(...) Finché quella parola – antifascismo – non sarà pronunciata da chi ci governa, lo spettro del fascismo continuerà a infestare la casa della democrazia italiana".
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emostudent · 3 days
Quando andavo alle manifestazioni a Roma contro Berlusconi, con all'epoca PdS e poi DS, sfilando un giorno per non mi ricordo quale vialone romano vedemmo affacciarsi un signore, che urlava da una finestra ai piani alti
e tipo c'era uno dietro che voleva tirarlo via dalla finestra, e noi giù che applaudivamo e provavamo a dargli tutto il nostro supporto.
Ecco, qui in Germania oggi non è ovviamente festa, perché che devono festeggiare questi, il giorno che li hanno presi a calci in culo?, e mi sento come quel signore di tanti anni fa, che da lontano, affacciato ad una finestra, vi urla che sono al lavoro ma che sono testa e cuore con voi ❤️.
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emostudent · 3 days
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ora e sempre viva l'italia antifascista
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emostudent · 3 days
25 April - Anniversary of Italy's Liberation
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25 April also known as the Anniversary of Italy's Liberation is a national holiday in Italy that commemorates the victory of the Italian resistance movement against Nazi Germany and the Italian Social Republic, puppet state of the Nazis and rump state of the fascists, culmination of the liberation of Italy from German occupation and of the Italian civil war in the latter phase of World War II. That is distinct from Republic Day (Festa della Repubblica), which takes place on 2 June and commemorates the 1946 Italian institutional referendum.
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Every year on 25 April Italy celebrates Liberation Day, known in Italian as Festa della Liberazione, with a national public holiday.
In addition to the closure of schools, public offices and most shops, the day is marked with parades across the country, organised by ANPI, Italy's partisan association which preserves the memory of the Resistance movement against Fascism.
The occasion is held in commemoration of the end of the Fascist regime and of the Nazi occupation during world war two, as well as the victory of Italy's Resistance movement of partisans who opposed the regime.
Formed in 1943, the partigiani comprised a network of anti-Fascist activists, from diverse backgrounds including workers, farmers, students and intellectuals, across Italy.
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Together they united in armed resistance against the Nazi occupation and the Fascist regime, making their struggle both a war of liberation and a civil war.
The annual event marks the day in 1945 when a nationwide radio broadcast calling for a popular uprising and general strike against the Nazi occupation and Fascist regime was announced by the National Liberation Committee of Upper Italy (CLNAI), a political umbrella organisation representing the Italian Resistance movement.
This announcement - made by partisan and future president of Italy Sandro Pertini - resulted in the capture and death of Fascist leader Benito Mussolini, who was shot three days later.
The Festa della Liberazione represents a significant turning point in Italy's history, paving the way for the referendum of 2 June 1946 when Italians voted in favour of a republic and against the monarchy which had been discredited during the war and whose members went into exile.
Scurati controversy
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This year's event takes place against the backdrop of a political controversy after the state broadcaster RAI stopped a well-known Italian writer from delivering an anti-fascist monologue on television a few days before the Festa della Liberazione.
Antonio Scurati accused RAI of censorship after his monologue was dropped abruptly from the Saturday night talkshow Chesarà for "editorial reasons".
The writer claimed that the move highlighted the alleged attempts by premier Giorgia Meloni's right-wing government to exert its influence over the state broadcaster which has seen several veteran presenters leave over the last year including Fabio Fazio, Bianca Berlinguer and Amadeus.
 In his speech Scurati criticised the "ruling post-Fascist party" for wanting to "re-write history" rather than "repudiate its neo-fascist past".
RAI director Paolo Corsini rejected any talk of censorship, as did Meloni who responded to the controversy by posting Scurati's text on her Facebook page, stating that the broadcaster had "simply refused to pay 1800 euro (the monthly salary of many employees) for a minute of monologue".
Meloni added that the Italian people "can freely judge" the contents of the text which was later read live on air by Chesarà presenter Serena Bortone in an act of solidarity with Scurati.
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emostudent · 3 days
Buon 25 aprile e viva l'Italia antifascista 🇮🇹
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emostudent · 15 days
i think it's fucked up that there are plants that decided they wanted to eat meat
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emostudent · 15 days
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well @lycanthropicture
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emostudent · 15 days
thinking about the time when movie posters and book covers had detailed original paintings made for them compared to what we have now
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emostudent · 15 days
gonna try using tumblr on my 3DS
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emostudent · 15 days
Watched Trials and Tribbleations today and… can I just say the comedic genius of having Sisko search through the grain storage for the explosive Tribble and just throw the safe ones down the open hatch which is then perfectly cut to show that same tribble falling down on Kirk?! Unparalleled! Haven’t laughed this hard watching Star Trek since I watched the og episode.
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emostudent · 15 days
Pornbots are so annoying like I’m not gonna fall for this I’m not an idiot I know sex isn’t real and its just something made up for destiel fanfiction
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emostudent · 15 days
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YOU hates terfs
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emostudent · 15 days
“i'm an ally" and "i mean sure, i’ll check out a hot guys ass but that’s normal” are things that dean winchester should have said to sam on the cw’s supernatural
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emostudent · 15 days
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STACKEDNATURAL ⇉ 137/327 (part 1)
2.9 Croatoan Written by John Shiban Directed by Robert Singer Original Air Date: December 7, 2006
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emostudent · 15 days
Okay but to be FAIR to Sam. He IS loreboy and he does do research for hours and hours on end and Dean is very capable of doing research but he is not looking at books for 17 hours straight unless he absolutely has to. But Sam will be doing that because he’s like a dog with a bone and has an insatiable appetite for learning facts and histories and acquiring knowledge and I think Dean looks at him reading for 17 hours and goes “I am not doing that” and then cooks them some bacon.
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emostudent · 15 days
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cas also does 10,000 calorie mukbangs 😇
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emostudent · 15 days
spending the entire day writing one paragraph
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