emorybrooks · 15 days
For me it's always writing 'that' instead of 'than' and 'is' instead of 'it' because my fingers are just as ADHD as my brain.
Also, new in the past year: 'femail' instead of 'female'.
Every *fucking* time.
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emorybrooks · 17 days
When you fall in love with your characters and their relationship so hard that you forget to put the 'enemies' part in the enemies-to-friends-to-lovers romance.
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emorybrooks · 29 days
TFW you're writing a really hot sex scene between your characters and you get a sudden jolting reminder that someone you know--someone who knows you--is going to read this knowing you wrote it and--
And you have to get up and walk around for awhile because of the mortifying ordeal of being known.
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emorybrooks · 1 month
It was this, and not the horror, that actually creeped me out so much I stopped reading him.
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google help me
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emorybrooks · 1 month
You can pry "unusual" dialogue tags out of my cold, dead hands--
--she shouted declared hissed gritted out etc. etc.
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emorybrooks · 1 month
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Writing in my head; Beautiful flowing sentences full of powerful phrases and witty dialogue.
Writing on my page: They did a thing and said some stuff. There was snark.
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emorybrooks · 1 month
The writing life when you're losing your words due to perimenopause
list of spanish swears
words that mean 'unable to stop'
libertine vs sybarite
synonyms for PLAYBOY (why I turned my capslock on I'll never know)
what is the word for being both asexual and aromantic
what's the word for plotlines that don't get resolved
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emorybrooks · 2 months
Me about 100 times a day.
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Later, when I read my notes.
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emorybrooks · 2 months
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I keep seeing people making fun of using growled, hissed, roared, snarled etc in writing and it’s like.
have you never heard someone speak with the gravel in their voice when they get angry? Because that’s what a growl is.
Have you never heard someone sharply whisper something through the thin space of their teeth? Or when your mother sharply told you to stop it in public as a kid when you were acting up/being too loud? Because that’s what a hiss is.
Have you never heard a man get so blackout angry that their voice BOOMS through the house? Because that’s what a roar is.
Have you never seen someone bare their teeth while talking to accentuate their frustration or anger while speaking with a vicious tone? Because that’s what snarling is.
It’s not meant to be a literal animal noise. For the love of god, not every description is literal. I get some people are genuinely confused, but also some of these people are genuinely unimaginative as fuck.
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emorybrooks · 2 months
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emorybrooks · 2 months
Who needs the stalker thriller plot that drives the story forward when you can write a 10k words of your characters getting it on?
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emorybrooks · 2 months
In the latest episode of wording is hard...
how do you describe chest hair that is in between 'thick' and 'dusting of hair'?
pretty sure 'smattering' is the same as 'dusting'
finding out that what many people consider thick chest hair is what I consider average. wth
there is no other curse I can think of or make up that has quite the same flavor and vibe as 'Jesus fucking Christ'
can suddenly only think in British. what is our word for ice lolly????
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emorybrooks · 2 months
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emorybrooks · 2 months
TFW you're 5k words into a scene about your protagonist and their love interest exploring one of her kinks, and you're just getting to the spiciest bits when your mother texts you with news about another family member and looking at your phone you also see a notification from an ex brother-in-law who wants to tell you about his depression and a FB message from a friend complaining about the weather.
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emorybrooks · 2 months
In today's episode of Wording is Hard:
Googling what the 5 senses are because I could only think of 4 of them
Googling 'what do you call a heavy bag that is freestanding?'
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emorybrooks · 2 months
Honestly...how the fuck does anyone answer the question "What do you write about?"
That's so fucking vague
Do you mean fanfiction vs original fiction vs nonfiction?
Do you mean YA vs adult?
Are you asking about genre?
Do you expect that my ADHD brain actually only writes about 1 "thing"?
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emorybrooks · 2 months
I'd never get past the first scene otherwise...
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