emo-nightmare1306 · 2 years
Warnings: None
Paring: Prinxiety
Virgil walked into the Dragon Witch restaurant during lunchtime. He regularly came here during the week, there was a long line and a long wait right now.
He saw Roman waiting tables carrying large plates and cups on a tray that was on his shoulder.
He was dressed in his normal prince attire, he looked like he was loving his job.
Virgil was greeted by the hostess.
“How many for you?”
“Just one.”
“Alright, we have a 15 minute wait for you, would you like us to text you when it’s ready?”
“No thanks.”
“Alright, you're all set.”
“Actually, I have a table ready for him.” Roman said, approaching her.
“We’ll, one of our waiters has a seat for you sir.”
“Great, thanks” Virgil replied.
“My pleasure.”
Roman led Virgil to a seat in the middle of the restaurant next to the bar and pulled out the chair. He smoothly continued to hand out the menu.
“My name is Roman and I will be your server. Would you like a drink while you're deciding?”
“Um, yeah, sure. Can I get a lemonade?”
“Of course.”
Roman left to get the drink without another word.
Virgil noticed how Roman was so collected this time around, not that he hadn’t been other times, but he was calm and he was being so kind. No sassy remarks, nothing. Roman was returning from the bar with Virgil’s lemonade until a woman got up to talk to him. Virgil noticed her right arm climb up Roman’s left. Roman jerked it back cautiously and again, walked towards Virgil’s table.
“Hey uh, you good?” Virgil asked.
“”I’m great.”
“No, I mean with everything that just happened just now.” He clearified as he looked at the woman who was now sitting at her booth.
“Oh, yeah that was really weird, seeing as I’m not a heterosexual…”
“Yeah, I bet that was really uncomfortable. Sorry about that.” Virgil added.
“We’ll, I guess I’m used to it by now.. or I should be.”
Virgil took a drink of his lemonade.
“Can I get some ravioli?”
“Yes, would you like a small or a medium bowl?”
“Medium would be good.”
“Alright, that should be out in about ten minutes.”
“Thank you Roman.”
Roman smiled and nodded.
Virgil opened his phone and looked at Instagram while drinking his lemonade. After seven minutes, he set his drink to the side and a waiter came and picked it up. Before the waiter left Virgil said “Lemonade.” He saw the waiter nod and leave. He continued to scroll through stopping to look at a selfie of Roman. Roman was walking to the table and Virgil hadn’t even noticed. What if he saw the selfie? What if he was mad that Virgil was staring? He panicked and put his phone down so hard that it made a thud on the table.
He looked to Roman hoping he didn’t see anything.
“Why look so alarmed my friend?” Roman asked while setting the food down and the waiter slid the lemonade over next to Virgil’s arm.
“Umm.” Virgil tried to think of words, he could feel his eyes widen.
“It’s alright Virgil, you don’t have to tell me.”
“No, it’s okay.” Virgil started. “I was, I was looking at your Instagram profile.”
“Oh, find anything interesting. Something you like?”
“Uh… yeah.” He said softly. A moment passed before he said: “You…”
“Oh. Virgil, you-“
“I know it’s stupid I just..” He sighed.
Roman put his index finger on his own lips and shushed him. 
“It’s quite alright Virgil. You shouldn’t be embarrassed so say who you like, and if I’m the Prince that you want than I would be happy to be yours.”
Roman touched Virgil’s upper arm lightly, attempting to calm him down.
Virgil spoke quietly. “I don’t know what to say Roman.”
“We’ll, let’s talk more. Although, you shouldn’t let your food get cold. I’ll take my lunch break, it’s fifteen minutes, that should give us some time to organize all this.”
“That sounds like a plan Prince.”
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emo-nightmare1306 · 2 years
Janus Talking to Patton: Do you want this?
Janus: *Points at the half of the sandwich in his hand*
Patton: *Nods quickly*
Janus: shhhh. Whispers: Don’t tell anyone.
*Later at the 5 year anniversary* *Janus lying* I mistook him for a garbage can…
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emo-nightmare1306 · 2 years
Courage To A Question
Warnings: None
Paring: Prinxiety Virgil walked into the Dragon Witch restaurant during lunchtime. There was a long line and a long wait tonight.
As he was waiting, he saw Roman waiting tables carrying large plates and cups on a tray that was on his shoulder.
He was dressed in his normal prince attire, he looked like he was loving his job.
Virgil was greeted by the hostess.
“Alright, we have a 15 minute wait for you, if you would like us to text you when it’s ready I’ll have you put your number in right there.” She said as she pointed to the screen in front of Virgil.
“No thanks.”
“Alright, then your all set.”
“Actually, I have a table ready for him.” Roman said, approaching her.
“Oh, we’ll, one of our waiters has a seat for you sir.”
“Uh, that’s great, thanks.” Virgil replied.
“No problem.”
Roman led Virgil to a table in the middle of the area and pulled out the one of two chairs. He smoothly continued to hand out the menu.
“My name is Roman and I will be your server tonight. Would you like a drink while you're deciding?”
“Um, yeah, sure. Can I get a lemonade?”
“Of course.”
Roman left to get the drink without another word. Virgil barely waited two minutes before Roman came back.
“Are you ready to order?”
“Yeah, can I get some Spinach Ravioli along with a side of Mac n’ Cheese?”
“Of course.” He answered as he wrote down Virgils order.
“Great, that’ll be all.” Virgil said with an awkward smile.
Virgil was playing games on his phone when Roman approached him.
"Spinach Ravioli and a Mac n' Cheese yes?" Roman asked.
"Yep, thank you."
"My pleasure."
Roman went back to waiting other tables. Cleaning them off, taking orders, removing dirty dishes from the guests tables. For some reason he couldn't help but to look at Virgil.
Roman thought about asking if he wanted to get dessert somewhere else. He didn't know any desserts Virgil liked, that would be an issue to solve in a moment. For now, he had other guests to serve.
Virgil was almost done with his meal when Roman came up with a pitcher full of lemonade. He had obviously noticed that Virgil's cup was empty and promptly refilled it. Again, he left without a word only to continue serving other guests.
Roman saw as he was pouring some water that Virgil was done with his meal and was waiting for it to be taken out of his way. He moved to drop off the water pitcher and walked to Virgil's table. Roman took his plate and bowl and gathered the courage to ask him.
Virgil looked up.
"Would you like to get some desert somewhere else with me?"
“Um… yeah, that sounds, cool.”
“great, once I get off my shift I’ll come find you.”
“Sounds good Princy.”
Roman’s thoughts focused on that last sentence. Virgil had called him Princy!
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emo-nightmare1306 · 2 years
Virgil rises up from his room that he had been in for days. He was the first to appear, his mind was only thinking about one thing.
“Hey Thomas?” Virgil asks quietly.
“Yeah Virge?” Thomas answered
“I don’t know, I’m not feeling right. It’s stupid but, I feel like I keep ending up in the same place.”
“What do you mean the same place? You’ve grown so much since you first arrived.”
“Yeah I.. know that, it’s just *sigh* lately I’ve been feeling like I’m not doing enough for you or anyone else, I mean I made Patton a Christmas card, and everyone else’s gifts were so… great.”
“Virgil, you know that Patton loved that Christmas card right? He hung it up above his bed because he wants to remember when he got a personal gift from you. He treasures that moment and it reminds him of how far you’ve come, and how much you’ve grown.”
“Then why do I feel like” [he tried to work out all the thoughts in his head] “like I’m regressing, constantly. Like I can get going and feel better for a while… but, then I hit a wall and it looks like I’m never going to climb over it.”
“Virge, I never knew you felt that way, so thank you for sharing that with me. Addressing the issue of feeling less than the others. I think spending more time with them will definitely help you see that they love you, and that they accept you, flaws and all. Remember, your past doesn’t have to define you. And about having those constant challenges, take them on in small steps. A big brick wall can definitely look scary at first, but focusing on a single brick or just a few can take a lot of the stress off.”
Virgil thought about what was just said, and started to relax.
“Thanks, Thomas. That really helped.”
“Virgil sunk down and Thomas got back on some work, thinking of how he helped Virgil. He decided that when they were all in the living room, he would ask if anyone needed to get anything off their chest. Until then, he had work to do.
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