emmaswarner77 · 2 years
9 Things I Did to Make $5k/Month within 2 Years of Content Marketing
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I started my digital/content marketing + online income blog — The Side Blogger — in June 2018 and I made my first $5k+ in a single month two years later, in June 2020.
Every content marketer has their own, unique story as to how they became successful entrepreneurs. “Success” itself is a word that means different things to different people.
When I started my blog on the side, my hope was to make perhaps $5k/month by the fifth year. So, when I made that within two, to me that was a huge success.
And these are the steps that got me there:
1. I picked a profitable niche
The content marketing niche isn’t an easy one to get traction with because of how competitive it is.
Sure, I could have picked an easy-to-rank niche instead, and hated my life in the process. But I didn’t want to be miserable. So, difficulty notwithstanding, I chose a niche that I was actually interested in.
The real benefit to this niche was that it was easy to monetize with affiliate marketing. Most SaaS companies in this field pay their affiliates handsomely compared to retail products. So, even if you have fewer visitors to your website, you can still make a decent income. (In fact, I made my first $1k in a single month within one year of blogging thanks to affiliate marketing!)
2. I set up a website that people liked
The word out there is that you shouldn’t worry too much about websites as a content marketer, and there’s some truth to that.
But even so, I’ve found that having a good-looking and well-performing website does make a difference. If nothing else, it leaves a strong first impression on first-time readers and stumblers on the site.
I set up my website with WordPress, designed it myself (having a web-design background helped), and made sure it met all the necessary requirements for performance (speed, caching, CDN, SSL, etc.)
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3. I learned all I could about SEO
On-page SEO techniques were pretty new to me back then, but I spent hours learning all I could from people like Neil Patel and Brian Dean (of Backlinko) and even took an SEO course from LinkedIn.
I was already treading a pretty competitive niche, so I had to make sure I was working extra hard on SEO so as not to fall behind.
And all that hard work actually paid off! Within a few months, a couple of my blog posts started to rank on Google’s first SERP (Search Engine Result Page.)
I knew from my research that when a page starts getting traction, you should leverage it to build an audience with an email list. And that’s exactly what I did.
4. I started building my email list from the start
All the big-time bloggers were saying that to make money with a blog, you need to build an email list. I took that advice to heart and set up a couple of sign-up forms on my site.
But it was only after I noticed a couple of my posts on Google’s first SERP that I put some real list-building strategies into action: I updated those blog posts with more value (more than those who ranked higher than me; it’s a common SEO tactic) and leveraged free content upgrades as opt-in freebies for email list signups.
As soon as I did those things, my email list shot up, from 200-ish subscribers to over 1,200 in just four months!
And later on, this email list was how I made the big bucks. But more on that later.
5. I used Pinterest to drive traffic
Yes, a few of my blog posts were starting to rank, but my organic traffic still wasn’t all that great back in the days.
But that wasn’t much of an issue for me because I started to drive a decent amount of traffic with Pinterest.
I hate social media platforms like Facebook or Instagram (and don’t even get me started on TikTok!) But Pinterest was easy. As long as I adhered to some simple rules (no spamming, using good Pin images, writing good Pin descriptions, pinning regularly, etc.) the rest happened naturally. Within a couple of months, I was starting to get a steady stream of traffic to my website.
6. I signed up for high-commission affiliate products
I touched on it earlier that the digital marketing niche creates profitable opportunities.
My first income stream was through affiliate marketing. I didn’t (and don’t to this day) run traditional ads on my website. But I have no qualms about recommending products that I myself love and use.
So that’s what I did.
Many of the affiliate products I signed up for paid anywhere from 50 to 150 per successful sale, which meant that even with a smaller audience, I was able to make a decent amount of money.
7. I created a second income stream
About six months into blogging, I had an epiphany.
One of my freebies was a digital product template, which people seemed to love. That freebie alone brought over 50% of my email list subscribers.
Seeing this, I had an idea. What if I sold digital product templates?
Believe it or not, it ended up being a huge hit! It started slow, but within the next year, I was making over a thousand bucks per month from this income stream.
Selling those templates was what pushed my monthly income to over $2k.
8. I kept a close eye on my traffic sources
I always tell my blog writing workshop students that they should not only install Google Analytics but also submit their sitemaps to Google Search Console (GSC).
GSC can give you in-depth data about which blog posts are trending, how much time people are spending on each page, and much, much more!
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After seeing these data, I had my second epiphany ↓↓↓ This was around the 20th month of blogging.
9. I created my third income stream
Since that aforementioned blog post was doing oh so well, I started to wonder if I could monetize it somehow.
Enter: The online course that finally pushed my income over $5k per month 😃
By this point, I had close to 4k email list subscribers. I had been diligently building and growing this list, but it was only after I created my online course that I realized the true power of email lists.
I leveraged this list to sell my templates before, but those were cheaper products. The course, on the other hand, was the most expensive product I had created (at that time.)
But thanks to my email list, I had a super successful course launch without spending a single dime on ads!
And that’s how, my friends, I took my content marketing blog income from zero to over $5k+ per month in just two years.
In conclusion…
I picked a profitable niche.
I set up a good-looking and well-performing website.
I wrote value-packed blog posts and optimized them for SEO.
I used Pinterest and search engines (thanks to SEO) to drive traffic.
I built an email list using freebies to incentivize sign-ups.
I observed my audience’s behavior (which freebies they were signing up for more than others, which blog posts drove the most traffic, which pages had the highest reading time, etc.) and took cues from those data to introduce new income streams.
I then leveraged my email list to sell my products.
Finally, if you’re trying to make more money with your blog, check out this story about the three blog posts you must write!
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emmaswarner77 · 2 years
Affiliate vs. Referral Marketing: How to Choose the Right One
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What is referral marketing?
Referral marketing involves rewarding existing customers for every successful lead or sale they refer to your business. You usually provide them with a unique referral link to help track their referrals. Rewards are generally discount vouchers, gift cards, or a one-time upgrade designed to enhance the customer’s current experience of your product or service.
In most referral programs, the number of people they can refer is also limited. Customers often spread the word to their family, friends, and immediate social circle. They don’t need to be influencers with a loyal audience to become successful referrers.
Word-of-mouth and personal recommendations are still considered the best form of advertising. According to recent statistics, 88% of people will trust a brand personally recommended by someone they know, and 23% of customers always talk about their favorite brands to their social circle. A referral program captures this segment of your customers and gives them an extra incentive to discuss your offers.
How does referral marketing work?
You can implement a referral program year-round or match it with the current season to create more hype. Once a customer makes a purchase, they receive a unique code that their family and friends can use upon checkout. If you offer a subscription service, you can give them a unique referral link where their referrals can sign up. You can also set up an email or messaging campaign where you inform existing customers that there’s a referral program happening.
The referrer gets rewarded when one of their referrals uses their code or link.
Some common referral campaigns are:
Customers are encouraged to get their friends to sign up or make a purchase for a chance to win a huge prize. People’s inherent desire to win something is a significant success factor for this program. However, aim for conversions (i.e., product sign-ups and purchases) instead of mere leads (i.e., email sign-ups) to ensure you don’t get spammy referrals.
Customers are more likely to refer if they know they’re giving their friends value and are getting rewarded for it. Double incentives like “give $15, get %15” work better than “get $25 for every 5 referrals.” The two-way motivation works on people’s altruism to encourage them to reach out to as many people as possible.
One famous example of this type of reward is Dropbox. The cloud storage platform launched in 2008 and grew by 3900% in 15 months due to a double incentive referral program. Every friend who signs up will get 500MB of free space for both the new and existing accounts. The program had a maximum of 16GB of free space for each person.
Encourage customers to refer multiple times by giving them added benefits as the number of successful referrals increases. Accessing more significant rewards is a huge motivator to keep hitting the qualifying conditions.
Pros & Cons of Referral Programs
For every existing customer, it’s possible to gain 2–3 new customers via referral alone. When customers become brand advocates, they will be a powerful force in promoting your business. The right incentives will motivate them to bring in the people they know will benefit from your offer.
Most referral programs produce high-quality leads because current customers are talking to the same market who will most likely purchase your products or services.
However, a referral program may not be enough to grow your business if you have a small existing customer base. Also, you have to ensure you have enough margins to absorb the additional discounts you’re giving away.
What is affiliate marketing?
Affiliate marketing is a performance-based marketing model that rewards people with loyal audiences for every successful lead they bring to a business. It usually involves influencers, brand ambassadors, bloggers, and other partners who already have a thriving audience that you want to target with your offer. They may or may not be existing customers and are not required to make any purchase from your business.
Affiliate marketing is a multi-billion dollar industry that drives business awareness and sales for small businesses and huge enterprises alike. Rewards are usually in the form of cash, which is automatically paid out once a successful lead is confirmed. The more customers an affiliate can get, the higher their total earnings will be. This incentivizes them to promote their affiliate links to as many people as possible.
How does affiliate marketing work?
Affiliates are provided unique, trackable affiliate links to incorporate into their content. They can include the links in their social media posts, blog posts, or video content. The affiliates also promote their links through paid advertising or organic methods. You can give them the freedom to design their marketing materials or provide them with templates they can readily use.
Every customer that clicks on these links and completes a purchase is attributed to them. An affiliate marketing software tool makes tracking easy and payouts automatic.
When looking for affiliates, you can either seek the help of an existing affiliate network or build your own. An existing affiliate network will have a vast pool of affiliates specific to your niche and ready to promote your products. However, they can charge a massive commission for connecting you to these affiliates. If you decide to build your own network, you must conduct affiliate program launches and invest in marketing to drive traffic to your affiliate sign-up page. Depending on your products and your goals, either of these options can be a good choice.
Pros and Cons of Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing is a great way to scale a business fast. If you have a small existing customer base, you can quickly reach the right market by tapping affiliates. It’s also much less costly than running other types of advertising because you are only paying for successful leads, not just impressions or leads who are unlikely to purchase. Since affiliates already have an established audience, finding the influencers within your niche and tapping their followers is a wise marketing move.
However, affiliate marketing also has its drawbacks. Despite providing brand guidelines and marketing templates, you are leaving control of your brand to the affiliates. Some may not accurately represent your brand, causing brand confusion or a n inconsistent reputation. Since affiliates are not required to become paying customers, the chances that people will follow their recommendations are lower than referral marketing. Lastly, affiliate links can be manipulated and hacked. It’s possible to get fraudulent leads that can harm your business. However, don’t fret because most of these drawbacks can be addressed with the proper affiliate marketing program guidelines.
Affiliate vs. Referral Marketing: The Key Similarities
After covering the basic definitions of affiliate marketing and referral marketing, let’s look at their key similarities. Both marketing strategies are good sources of high-quality leads and have the potential to grow your business.
1. Driven by rewards
Both strategies rely on human’s basic instinct to be recognized and rewarded. Referrers and affiliates are motivated to promote your business to their circles with attractive incentives. Just make sure to offer the right incentives relevant to your audience. Make the incentives compelling and engaging enough that they will feel truly rewarded for their promotional efforts.
2. Cost efficient
Referral and affiliate marketing have low overhead costs and a strong return on investment. Since you’re offering discounts and commissions only for successful purchases, you’ve already earned the sale before the payout.
3. Repeatable marketing channels
Affiliate and referral marketing rely on other parties to drive tremendous business growth. Promotions are done through word of mouth and by sharing unique codes and links. Both can be conducted year-round and heavily promoted on certain occasions.
4. Runs on mutual trust
Both strategies rely on a social currency where referrers and affiliates stake their reputation with the brand they’re promoting. They can lose credibility with their audiences and peers if they promote a bad product. Audiences trust them to promote a reputable product or service for their needs, increasing their likelihood of purchasing.
Affiliate vs. Referral Marketing: The Key Differences
Understanding the differences between these strategies will help you determine which method best suits your business growth.
1. The person promoting the business
Referral marketing taps existing customers who will gladly share their satisfaction with your product. The referral incentive is an extra nudge for them to do so. Customers get a unique referral link when they make a purchase.
In contrast, affiliate marketing taps anyone who wants to earn additional income or commissions from promoting products. They aren’t required to make any purchases and may not have any experience with your brand. Affiliates get their unique affiliate link from the affiliate network you’ve tapped or by signing up to the affiliate program. You can also create qualifiers to ensure you tap the right affiliates.
2. The relationship between the referrer and the potential customer
Referral marketing works best when there’s an existing relationship between the referrer and the potential customer. That’s why referrals are usually friends, families, or peers. The potential customer knows the person making the referral and will more likely trust the recommendation. Likewise, the referrer often knows the most appropriate people within their circle who would benefit from your product and will most likely sign up.
Affiliate marketing doesn’t require the potential customer to know the affiliate personally. They need to trust the recommendation based on the affiliate’s reputation. For example, Instagram followers may not personally know the person recommending a product, but because of the influencer’s reputation, they will likely buy the influencer’s recommendations.
3. The reward types
Rewards are the driving force behind both referral and affiliate marketing programs. Customers who patronize your business will be more motivated to make referrals if there’s an enticing incentive.
With referral marketing, you can offer customers different rewards like discount coupons, brand swags, service upgrades, cash backs, store credits, or gift cards. You can reward both the referrer and the new customer (dual-incentive), or you can reward only one (single-incentives).
In affiliate marketing, affiliates expect either a flat fee or a percentage of sales. Depending on their performance, you can also give them free products. Potential customers are not incentivized, although some affiliates encourage customers to sign up using their affiliate links by offering discounts or other product bundles. For example, by bundling their coaching course with a more extensive program with which they are affiliated, YouTube influencers can encourage their audience to buy a more comprehensive program.
4. The way links are shared
Both affiliate and referral marketing use unique, trackable links. However, they are shared differently.
Referral links are shared directly among friends and family using emails, social media messages, or SMS. This involves personal engagement, which increases the chances of a successful referral.
On the other hand, affiliate links are shared in public channels like social media posts, blog posts, video links, and even in paid channels. The affiliate relies on customers landing on their affiliate pages and clicking their links. They create situations that encourage customers to make the purchase either by writing reviews, making direct promotions, or doing comparative content.
5. The customer lifetime value
Customer lifetime value (CLV) measures how much you can potentially earn from a customer in their entire lifetime. Customers can either make one-time purchases or repeated regular purchases.
Referral marketing works best with products with high CLV, such as subscription programs. Customers are expected to spend on the product repeatedly, and a high level of trust is essential to win them over.
Affiliate marketing relies on one-time purchases since affiliates are rewarded for single purchases and focus on quantity and scale. Products and services with lower CLV work well with affiliate promotions.
However, these are not strict definitions, and you can always use a referral marketing strategy for low CLV products and an affiliate marketing program for high CLV products. Make sure to always consider other factors like your existing customer base, business goals, and profitability targets.
Choosing the Right Program for Your Business
When determining the right marketing strategy, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. You must thoroughly understand your target market, products, and business goals before choosing which approach will work for you.
Both affiliate marketing and referral marketing have great potential to grow your business by increasing your customer base. However, not implementing them properly can have drastic consequences such as lost revenues and a bad business reputation. When deciding which strategy to use, ensure that you set up strict qualifying guidelines, provide attractive incentives, and protect your brand reputation and bottom line.
Whatever program you choose, you need a stellar offer that will make referrers and affiliates proud to recommend it every time. The best marketing strategy cannot mask a lousy product, and there is no substitute for a good product. Invest in your brand and make a compelling offer that makes it easy for others to drive business to you.
If you’ve decided to pursue affiliate marketing and need professional guidance, check out my affiliate marketing consultation program. I can help you build and run a successful and sustainable affiliate program guaranteed to bring qualified leads every time. Check out the details here.
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emmaswarner77 · 2 years
How to build your personal brand?
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What is personal branding?
Personal branding is the process of creating, defining and managing your own brand. This includes building a strong personal identity, projecting yourself differently according to who you’re talking with (which could be different in business spheres than in social spheres), and projecting a desirable image that works for you, not against you. In short, personal branding isn’t just about how people see you when you walk into the room but also about how it affects how they perceive what they learn from watching or listening to you.
So why would anyone want to create a personal brand in the first place?
Building your personal brand allows your unique qualities and characteristics to shine through so that potential employers have an easier time finding you and getting to know you. Once the right employer finds and hires you, having a strong personal brand can help you achieve your potential, both for career advancement and for career satisfaction.
Those goals might not sound very different from those of other people who want to find their dream job, but unlike other types of branding such as product branding or company branding , personal branding is all about achieving success based on your individuality rather than merely following a formula. Personal branding isn’t meant to be one-size-fits-all; it’s far more complex than that.
So how exactly do you go about building a personal brand?
You build a personal brand by positioning yourself in terms of what makes you unique: your skills, passions, interests, and the type of lifestyle you’re looking for. This means understanding what makes you different from others and having a clear idea of how those differences can make you more valuable to your target audience or employer.
Where should I position myself?
Understanding where to position yourself is the first step in building your brand. Ask yourself: “What am I great at?”; “What do I want out of my career (and life as a whole)?”; and “Who will benefit from hiring or working with me?”. The answers to those questions allow you to figure out the best ways to market yourself.
After all, it’s not enough to think that what you’re great at is what you want use as the foundation of your personal brand. If you’re great at something that doesn’t align with what you want from your career or what interests you, your personal brand won’t be as effective.
Let’s take a closer look at how to determine where exactly to position yourself.
For example, Michelle Mone is a bra designer and the founder of Ultimo bra. She also happens to be a Baroness in Scotland . Now though she started out a simple bra designer who merely came up with a fantastic product, her strong business sense allowed her to grow her company until it became one of Britain’s most successful companies . Along the way she developed herself into an entrepreneur and leader , which means that depending on whom she’s speaking with, she positions herself differently because those are the roles that allow her to connect with them best.
Another example is someone like Gary Vaynerchuk . He started out as an average wine enthusiast who simply loved talking about wine, but he used social media to turn his passion into a thriving business (his company). Now he positions himself as both a successful entrepreneur and a visionary marketer . His unique point of difference allows him to build strong relationships by offering value through his personal brand.
Finally, let’s look at Tim Ferriss , author of “The Four Hour Workweek”. While most people would see running their own internet marketing consulting firm as impressive enough for one lifetime, Tim turned it into something far more significant: branding himself as someone who can help people live their lives more efficiently.
As you can see, it’s not enough to understand what makes you unique; instead, you must figure out how your unique qualities related to the products or services you offer (or want to offer in the future).
Once you’ve figured that out, make sure that your brand is consistent. Remember that building a personal brand requires consistency . This means having an overall “brand identity” and sticking with it over time so that others know what they’re getting when they connect with you. One way to do this is by keeping your online persona relatively stable over time through social media sites like LinkedIn , Facebook , Twitter etcetera. Also remember that creating/maintaining relationships will strengthen your personal brand, which means you must be committed to putting in the work to keep those connections strong.
In order for your brand to stand out from everyone else’s, find something unique about what you’re offering and highlight it . This doesn’t mean overselling yourself or deceiving others who connect with you — you still want them to trust you. It just means that highlighting the aspects of your brand that make it different will help your audience notice it and remember it later on.
Finally, focus on going above and beyond what people expect from a personal relationship . You can do this by being helpful , staying true to yourself /your beliefs , understanding what’s important to those who matter most , etcetera. In other words, think of your personal brand as a reputation that you want to build with others, and then do what it takes to make that reputation worth remembering.
After all, if you’ve done all of these things correctly, your brand will position itself around the best qualities from who you are and who you wish to become . In other words, it’s impossible for someone not to trust or respect you once they see what’s underneath the personal brand — that is, your true self .
So remember:
- Figure out exactly where you fit
- Your brand must be consistent
- Find something unique about your personal brand and highlight it
- Focus on going above and beyond what people expect from a personal relationship
If you follow those steps throughout your career , then you can build a personal brand that positively impacts both your own life and the lives of those around you.
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emmaswarner77 · 2 years
Top 10 Most Demanded Freelancing Skills of 2022
Photo by airfocus on Unsplash
In the last decade, the landscape of freelancing has changed dramatically. It has become a competitive field, and freelancing revenue is increasing. A quarter of freelancing professionals make more than they would in a traditional 9–5 employment.
To stay relevant as a freelancer, you must keep an eye out for new abilities that are in demand and then learn them.
The following list will give you a good idea of the most in-demand freelance skills for 2022:
1. Web Designing
Photo by Campaign Creators on Unsplash
2. Food Blogger
Photo by Maddi Bazzocco on Unsplash
3. Copy Writing
Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash
4. SEO Expert
Photo by Myriam Jessier on Unsplash
5. Accounting & Bookkeeping
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash
6. Graphic Designing
Photo by Milad Fakurian on Unsplash
7. Video Creation & Animation
Photo by Ryan Snaadt on Unsplash
8. Editing & Proofreading
Photo by Rod Long on Unsplash
If there’s one takeaway form this article it is that freelancing is a rising industry and it is here to stay. Thanks to Covid, people realised that you can still continue to work from the leisure of your home and earn the same amount or perhaps more to. Covid stole jobs from people and people resorted to new career paths and found a liking to it. It served as best way to go after your hobbies and passion.
So, start that blog you always wanted to write, create that goofy comic you wanted to when you were 9 years old. What’s stopping you from making your Instagram addiction useful by being a digital marketer or you can set up your own online bakery shop. Sky is truly the limit now.
But, it all starts with building a great personal brand or shall I say: a personal website. So, of you go at Snoolink ( https://snoolink.me) and get yourself a digital personality.
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emmaswarner77 · 2 years
Canva Affiliate Program: How to Make $500 or More
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Do you believe that Canva is a brilliant designing tool for non-designers? Are you confident in promoting it? Or do you have an audience interested in the designing industry? If yes, then this blog post is for you because I will tell you how you can make big bucks with the Canva affiliate program.
In this blog post, you’ll have an overview of the Canva referral program, along with my affiliate case study. By the end of this post, you can start making money by promoting the Canva Pro subscription without hassle.
I’ll also reveal smart ways to promote Canva and make $500 or more per month. Sounds exciting and promising at the same time? Let’s get started right now.
Canva Affiliate Program: Introduction
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As you can see, it has a vast potential to reach even more people. Canva has its affiliate program to achieve that goal. You, as an online marketer, make an impression here and enjoy your piece of cake.
Canva uses Impact technology to deliver the program to its affiliate. The program offers you 80% commission on the first two months of Canva Pro and 25% on the annual subscription. That’s quite a great deal. Isn’t it?
You can crush your affiliate program if you are a blogger, email marketer, or social media influencer. You have so many opportunities to promote Canva that you’ll eventually start making money off of it. I’ll talk about such options in the following sections.
Canva Affiliate Earnings
Different affiliates from Canva’s referral program earn different amounts of money. Some make a few bucks, and some of them make thousands of them. As an affiliate, you earn up to $36 for every sign-up for the Pro subscription.
Here are more details about the Canva affiliate earnings:
Affiliate Commission Type: Single-payment (nonrecurring)
Cookie’s Duration: 30 days
Payment options: Tons of options, including PayPal and bank transfers
Commission Rate: 15% for a monthly subscription and 80% for an annual subscription
Affiliate Technology Company: Impact
Here’s a spoiler: I’ve made around $106 in one month with Canva’s affiliate program. And I’m on the way to scale it to $500 with paid advertising. I’ll explain this in the case study section of this blog post. For now, let me review the program for you.
Canva Affiliate Program Review
Canva’s affiliate program is an excellent way for marketers to make money promoting Canva Pro. It offers all the information and tools to help you succeed as an affiliate. The program mentions cookie duration, commission rates, and email addresses.
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Let’s talk about the downsides of Canva’s referral program now. The program’s 30-day cookie duration is way less than most programs in the market now. Canva is strict in accepting affiliates with just a 43% of acceptance rate.
But all-in-all, Canva’s affiliate program is an attractive deal for digital markers, especially those in the design industry.
How to Get Started with Canva Affiliate Program
To get started with the Canva referral program, you need to apply for it on Impact. You make money with it only after the Canva team approves your application.
The criteria for the program is straightforward:
You have a substantial audience (on social media or any digital marketing platform)
And you’re willing to promote Canva across your marketing channels
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3. Wait for approval. Let the Canva know how to promote the Pro subscription to boost your chance of acceptance in the program.
4. Get the email within 48–72 hours to confirm if you’re an approved affiliate for Canva Pro or not. Unsuccessful applications have reasons like ‘your platform is too new, too small, or doesn’t have relevance to design.’
5. Start promoting Canva affiliate links if your application is approved for the program. For that, go to ‘My brands’ and select Canva. Choose from an HTML code or a tracking link. The HTML code refers to ‘Ads/Banners’ for Canva. Choose an attractive banner or copy and paste your tracking link into the relevant content.
For making better affiliate commissions, I recommend you to study the Pro features first. And it would help if you also use the Pro version. Furthermore, I’ll walk you through 7 excellent ways to promote the Canva Pro subscription seamlessly.
But first, let me tell you how I have made money with the Canva referral program in the case study given below.
Canva Case Study: How I Made $106 in One month
In this video, I’ve shared an affiliate marketing case study based on Canva. I have chosen an attractive banner with a puppy to attract those who want to remove background from their images.
And then, I have shown the banner on H-Educate and H-Supertools. I’ve got 53,000 impressions and 1100 clicks and 10 sign-ups for the Pro version in one month. And I’ve earned $106 for 10 sign-ups. That’s awesome! Have a look at the video now.
Now you may believe that $106 is a small amount of money. And you may be right. But honestly, once you get your $100, reaching $500 or more is not far.
7 Ways to Promote Canva & Make $500 or More Per Month
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Create Canva tutorials on social media, including YouTube, and share your affiliate link
Write blog posts helping designers and non-designers and incorporate your promo link
Insert a banner in your header or sidebar (just as I did)
Share your tips and tricks for using Canva efficiently in Facebook groups & Insta Reels.
Create bite-sized videos on TikTok and share your Canva referral link
Link Canva-promoting blog posts on Pinterest
Offer value to your audience when sending them emails
Also, have a look at this guide to help you get traffic fast. Let me answer some of the most frequently asked questions about the affiliate program by Canva now.
FAQs on the Affiliate Program
Does Canva have an affiliate program?
Canva has an affiliate program for its Pro version. You can start making money with the program because everyone needs visual content nowadays. Get started with Canva’s referral program if you are a designer, blogger, or one with a large audience.
How to Be a Canva affiliate?
Go to canva.com/affiliates and click on ‘Join Now. You’ll be directed to Canva Pro’s program on the Impact network. Create your Impact account, enter your information, and start making money by sharing your trackable link with your audience.
How to get Canva affiliate links?
After you’ve created your Impact account and joined the Canva Pro referral program there, you need affiliate links. For that, go to ‘my brands’ inside your Impact account, select ‘Canva’ and choose a tracking link. You can also find the Canva referral link on the right side of your Canva dashboard.
Can I earn money from Canva?
You can earn money from Canva using several ways, from affiliate programs to designing graphics for your clients. With its affiliate program, you can make up to $36 for every Pro sign-up. And you earn a one-off commission for a yearly Pro subscription.
How to know what partner type to choose for Canva?
Canva wants to know your powers. That’s why it asks you the partner type. Choose ‘Content’ if you’re a blogger, ‘Social Media/Influencer’ if you have a substantial social following, and ‘Email’ if you have a considerable email list. You can also go for ‘Service Provider/Tool’ or ‘Consumer Software/Technology’ if you’re a small or medium business.
TL; DR — Canva Affiliate Program
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Canva Affiliate program has everything you need to promote its Pro subscription. When you refer your audience to their landing page, you’ll convert them into Pro subscribers. And that’s how you can make money from it. Let me summarize the process for you:
1. Go to Canva Affiliates and click on ‘Join Now’
2. Create your Impact account
3. Enter your information honestly
4. Promote your links after Canva approves you
Yes, it’s that easy. But Canva accepts approximately 43% of applicants who apply to join. That’s why my recommendation is to start building your audience first. It will help if you have a design-specific audience.
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emmaswarner77 · 2 years
How to Choose Affiliate Program to Make Money on Autopilot
How to Make Money on Autopilot With Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing is a huge business. When someone clicks on that link and makes a purchase, or signs up for whatever reason, then you’ll get a commission. It’s a great way to make passive income, and it’s free to get started.
The best thing about this type of marketing is that you don’t need a large audience to make money on autopilot. Once you have a website or a little social media presence, you can start finding affiliate programs to join.
While this post is about choosing the right affiliate marketing program for monetization, here’s how you can make money on autopilot with affiliate business:
Do your research and understand your audience.
Start helping your audience by creating content.
Select the right product or service to promote.
Promote affiliate products or services in your content.
Grow your affiliate marketing business with CRO techniques and emails.
I have talked about this in detail in this post: Affiliate Marketing for Beginners
How to Choose Affiliate Program to Make Money on Autopilot
Choosing an affiliate marketing program to make money on autopilot sounds great but can be challenging as well. So many products to review and so little time, you ask yourself. There are hundreds of affiliate marketing offers but not all of them will get you bucks while you sleep.
There are 3 major things to consider when choosing a service or product to promote.
Ask yourself this: Is it easy to migrate to another service?
Choose a product or service that has substantial affiliate assets.
Pick a service or product people already love.
The affiliate program you choose should fulfill the needs of your audience and fit into your comfort zone as well. Let’s understand these things in detail now.
1. Ask yourself this: Is it easy to migrate to another service?
When choosing a product or service, you must consider the attachment rate. It’s the rate at which people stick with the products or services.
Let’s say you choose an email hosting service after careful consideration. You are less likely to switch to another service if you have collected tons of email addresses using that service.
The same is the case with hosting, you’ll probably not migrate to another hosting until there’s a huge performance gap. This is where the attachment rate comes to play.
An affiliate program where people are less likely to migrate has a higher chance of making you money on autopilot. Why? Because if they don’t migrate, the number of people using the products or services will be high. And this increases your chances of earning through that particular service for a longer time.
And don’t worry, customers keep paying for a reliable email marketing service like GetResponse or Convertkit. The attachment rate of these services is usually high. And that’s what you want!
So once you’ve referred a customer, you’re likely to get paid for years. Isn’t it awesome? And in case, you don’t want to enjoy a recurring commission, you can also go for an upfront commission of $100. Not bad, right?
2. Choose a product or service that has substantial affiliate assets.
In this way, I don’t need to create new custom assets or creatives from scratch. Otherwise, it would have taken tons of my time.
I would recommend you to stay away from affiliate programs that don’t offer ready-made creatives. It’ll be better for you if you can promote a product or service without spending too much time on design.
3. Pick a service or product people already love
That’s probably the most important aspect when choosing an affiliate product or service. Only a trusted affiliate marketing offer will bring in revenue in the long run.
So when you choose a product or service, it must be something people already love. If not, you will have to work hard to convince them, which might prove hard in the beginning. You don’t want that.
And that’s not the end but the start of bad things. You’ll eventually lose your audience’s trust when you refer to something bad. So you must ensure people need the offers or products to make money on autopilot.
You want people to love it, don’t you?
You understand how important it is to check reviews and ratings before you join an affiliate program, right? That’s why I encourage you to do the same for every product or service you promote as an affiliate.
Promote An Affiliate Marketing Offer to Make Money on Autopilot
Promoting an affiliate marketing offer to make money on autopilot doesn’t have to be a complicated task. But it does take time and effort. This is how you usually do it:
Research your audience
Select the platform mostly used by the audience
And start helping them there with valuable content
Have a look at the affiliate marketing tutorial for an in-depth process. Furthermore, let me share a few methods to promote your affiliate products or services now.
1. Publish Posts Related to Affiliate Services or Products
2. Create an Autoresponder Series for New Visitors
Use affiliate links in your newsletters and email sequences. Promote affiliate products or services whenever you send an email to your list.
3. Create Product Recommendations or Resource Page with CTA
And you can also create a resource page for your audience and include your affiliate links there. That’s wonderful to help your audience and promote your links as well.
4. Create a Product Review Series
People want to know if a product works before they buy it! A product review series will help your visitor decide that a new affiliate product or service is right for them. Create different types of reviews, like a comparison review and a full review.
5. Create YouTube Videos & Share Your Affiliate Offer
Use YouTube Keyword Tool by H-Supertools to find relevant ideas based on your niche. You can also find out about the estimated search volume and difficulty of those search queries.
6. Answer Questions About the Products & Services
Answering questions about a specific product or service is a great way to offer value to your site visitors and build trust with them. Answer questions on Quora, Yahoo Answers, etc. And post them onto your blog posts as well.
Here’s how you can find questions to answer:
Go to Questions Explorer
Enter a primary keyword
And find tons of questions related to that keyword
And start answering them in your blog posts, videos, and more.
7. Create an eCourse About the Affiliate Offer
You cannot just think like a business robot to make money on autopilot with affiliate marketing. Be a human first. Add value to your audience. And one of the best ways to help them is by creating an online course.
Explore H-Educate Academy Courses
People love learning new things! Create an e-course about the affiliate products or services you promote. And start making money on autopilot!
Place Affiliate Banners on Your Website
I love this technique of sharing your affiliate marketing offer with your audience. Why? It’s because you don’t need to take tons of time for adding a banner to your website. All it takes is to copy and paste a code or upload the banner.
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emmaswarner77 · 2 years
10 ways to make money from home — you can start today.
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Fortunately, it’s possible and there are many great ways to make money from home even if you are a beginner.
These posts will take you 5 to 10 minutes, but I can really assure you that you will learn something really valuable for yourself and your friends and family.
You are still reading this post, it shows your passion and it will certainly work for you to build a profitable online business.
I am not bragging and I will summarize my 5 years of great learning to help you start earning without any delay.
Let’s learn the smart “ways to make money from home” that are trusted, tested, highly profitable, and easy to start.
Don’t miss out on anything, it will hardly take 10 mins, I have some important things to discuss in this post and then regret.
Get Paid to Read Emails, Play Games, Search the Web, $5 Signup Bonus.
Ways to make money from home:
There are 100s of ways to make money from home but hardly you will find anyone working for you. However, these 10 methods are easy to start and anyone works from anywhere in this world.
How about earning online from the very first day?
Yes, let’s learn the quick ways first to make money.
1. Online surveys for money (+ Best survey sites)
This is the easiest, most free, and most trusted way to make money. There are many trusted surveys that pay cash instantly for taking surveys.
Many companies require customers’ opinions to build sustainable, user-friendly, and profitable products or services or for marketing purposes.
And your opinion helps them to succeed!
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Source: Pixels.com | Make money from home
5 best survey sites:
There are many best and most trusted survey sites where you can really start earning from the very first day.
InboxDollars- Join and earn a $5 bonus instantly.
SurveyJunkie- Most popular among all others.
Pinecone Research Surveys (US)
Make Survey Money site
Real Surveys That Pay
Yes, these are some popular and trusted sites where you can really start earning from the very first day.
InboxDollars is my preferred choice and it have enormous numbers of surveys where you can share your opinions to earn money.
2. Create A Blog To Earn Money
As an entrepreneur, if you start your journey as a blogger (Content or video), you are most likely to end up making way more than 87% of online performance marketers and freelancers.
When you create a blog, you learn many different kinds of skills that are helpful everywhere… even if you go for a 9 to 5 job.
How To Create A Blog That Makes $5000+ A Month (Tutorial)
A blog can easily generate $1000 to $50000+ every month for you. It can really make you financially free and that’s why…
Don’t hesitate! Nothing in this world comes for free. Even if you are jobless and wasting time on less productive work, you are losing out on a bright future.
You can create a blog for as low as $40 and start earning in different ways. Follow the post shared above to learn exclusively about blogging.
3. Affiliate marketing
What if you start earning $5000 in the first month? Well, you will certainly like to praise me for motivating you.
But, it’s not just that!!
Trust me, it is possible to earn $5000 to $50000 and even more every month online as an affiliate marketer.
My $5000 Earning secret: How to become an affiliate marketer.
Affiliate marketing is an easy-to-start, highly profitable, and passive income stream that helps mi
Lately, I have published this post on medium (
), which can really help you to build a step-by-step affiliate marketing business.
I earned $1479 just by investing $100 for paid ads to promote affiliate products and it could be possible for you too.
Greatest fear of an entrepreneur is wasting money and time to try a new business, but where is not risk in this world?
Even I am writing this post putting all of my skills, experience, time, and hard work to make you learn great things. If you share this, I will reach more people and benefit them.
Or it may waste my time.
Yes, I am writing to help people like you. That’s certainly a courageous thing. Don’t you think so?
Let’s learn about the fourth way to make money from home.
How to start affiliate marketing with no money
Affiliate marketing can be started for free and no skills are required. Just follow the post shared above.
» Create A Blog Today!
4. Freelance work
I started freelancing back in mid-2017 and built an ever-green, trusted, and recurring client base. You can find my freelance work earning secrets and proof here on my website.
Basically, you work from the comfort of your home for clients across the globe and earn money. There is no full-time commitment or fixed working hours.
Easily find freelance work form to websites like Freelancer, Fiverr and Upwork, and others and do the work from home.
What Is Freelancing | Start for FREE and over $5000 per month.
If you want to build a successful career that doesn’t depend on 9 to 5 jobs and has no limit on your earnings, this is…
A freelancer can find various kinds of projects like data entry work, digital marketing work, SEO services, virtual assistants, graphics designing, content creation, customer support, and much more.
Join a freelance website and follow the strategies shared in the above post to start earning $100 to $500 every day as a freelancer.
5. YouTube Earnings
Do you know “How much youtube pays for 1 million views” and what makes you a successful YouTube creator?
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YouTube Earning | Source: Manipathak.com
With that being said! It’s a highly attractive and profitable way to make money from YouTube.
If you create videos on daily basis and address user queries in the form of videos to help them, you will earn of making millions as a YouTube creator.
Hootsuite’s shared the 7 Effective Strategies which can help you to make money on YouTube as a beginner.
6. Influencer Marketing
This looks like a very tough job, however, it is among the top 10 easiest ways to make money from home.
Why would not try a business that requires no money yet is highly profitable?
Yes, you can start it for free.
As an influencer, you promote products or services to your audience to generate leads, sales, or traffic for your clients.
But, Where to find the audience?
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Influencer Marketing. Source: Manipathak.com
Once you have a decent number of followers or subscribers, you can promote affiliate products or brand ads sometimes to make money as an influencer.
Top influencers on internet take somewhere between $1000 to $10000000 for just one post on their social media profiles.
That’s really crazy!
Fortunately, you can also earn like them and there is no rocket science.
7. Paid Consulting
You can help businesses to grow digitally and for your performance marketing skills, they will pay a decent amount.
Google itself offers $500 free Google ads credit to let the business promote its business /services with the help of PPC ads (SEM).
That can give an additional boost to your business.
Where to start?
Fortunately, you can easily find all kinds of business on Google maps, Linkedin, directory sites, or freelancer websites and pitch you SEO, SEM, and PPC ads services to work for.
Obviously, they will pay a decent amount as you are helping them to grow their business and ultimately more revenue.
I know, this is extraordinary and you learned many profitable and free ways to make money from home.
But, I am not yet done here!
8. Dropshipping
You must have bought several products from different websites. Do you know that many of them are being sold at a 30 to 150%+ profit?
I am sure, you don’t know.
Let me reveal the secret. Most of the products sold these days on Amazon, wall-mart, Shopify eCommerce websites, or other shopping sites are drop-shipping products.
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Drop shipping: How it works?
As you can see from the above infographics, anyone can become a drop shipper and make decent money.
No inventory is required.
Low working capital is needed.
High profitability.
You can build and sell from your one site also.
AliExpress is a highly trusted and affordable source for drop-shipping products. You can import from here and sell.
9. Trading
This may look spammy but trust me millions of users across the globe make money by investing and trading.
Warren Buffet one said, a novice trader can make more money than an experienced fund manager, provided he controls his emotions and invest for the long.
Investing can be started with as low as $500 and it can really make you earn $100 to $1000 every day.
That’s that potential.
Note: Trading is a high-risk and high-profit long-term business. Please take advice from any financial adviser before investing.
Even if you select any one of the above “ways to make money from home” and for becoming financially free. I recommend investing $50 in SIPS or stocks every month for 20 to 25 years.
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Source: Earn Money with Transcription Jobs from Home
10. Translation job (transcribing)
Earn money with Transcription Jobs from home. More than 1 million people are earning as a translator online.
You easily earn between $200 to $2000 as a transcriptionist. There are many online websites where you can really contribute your time to transcribe and earn a decent monthly side income.
I found that the REV website offers fair pricing and regular work. However, you may have to go through a long screening process.
This usually takes 20 to 30 minutes and your approval comes within 48 hrs if you qualify.
Learn more about the REV website!
The takeaway for you:
Money doesn’t grow on trees! Hmm. But you can certainly earn and become finically free.
Who cares how you spent your days, weeks, or months it is the right time to take action and create a profitable side hustle.
It took me 5 years to master all of it and I have summarised my 10 ways to make money from home and all of them are genuine and profitable.
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emmaswarner77 · 2 years
Top Secret Affiliate Marketing Strategy Using AdPlexity- No Website Required!
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Today I will share with you a top-secret affiliate marketing strategy used by six-figure affiliate marketers. The best part about this strategy is that it is so straightforward; anyone can apply it without requiring a website, either!
Do you want to know how big affiliate marketers work online? Do you want to know the secret behind six-figure affiliate marketers? This article will tackle how established affiliate marketers work online to reel in big money using a straightforward strategy that requires no website.
Before moving on, I would like to mention that I have already uploaded a video discussing this strategy on my YouTube channel for those who prefer video format.
The strategy!
As I already mentioned, this strategy is so straightforward that anyone can start applying it; and remember, it does not require a website. Applying this strategy, you can start small and slowly work your way up to start making five and six figures monthly and even daily!
There are two steps to the top secret affiliate marketing strategy:
The first step is to find a successful affiliate marketing campaign.
Second, you duplicate the campaign.
By the way, if you are new to affiliate marketing, please feel free to read my article about beginners’ best affiliate marketing programs. And again, If you would rather learn by watching videos, I recommend watching my affiliate marketing tutorial playlist.
Step 1: Find a successful campaign
Starting with step one, the idea is to simply find someone who is already running a paid ad campaign.
If you want to know what paid ads are, I suggest watching my video in which I talk about how I made $25 in 24 hours using affiliate marketing and native ads.
Online, you can find many native ad platforms, such as Outbrain, MGID, Revcontent, and many other networks used to run native ads.
The plan is to find people running successful affiliate marketing campaigns through the agency of these networks. And to do that, you can manually search for these campaigns, which is very time-consuming; or you can use an ad-spy tool. Take, for instance, Adplexity.
What is Adplexity?
By selecting ClickBank, Adplexity will show you all the ads that are promoting ClickBank. Adplexity has a smart filter that you can adjust to view ads based on either how long they’ve been running or based on the amount of traffic they generate. Of course, you can see both the campaigns’ lifetime and the number of hits they’ve generated.
However, you’ll also notice that the same campaigns duplicated repeatedly are still reeling in a lot of traffic because, basically, they’re successful. Using Adplexity, you can find a successful ad campaign and duplicate it.
Before we move on to step two of the top secret affiliate marketing strategy, I would like to say something. When you work online, especially when you work in affiliate marketing, you will encounter dishonest or misleading products; some people might be marketing morally ambiguous products.
They might be involved in some sketchy scams or worse, human trafficking schemes. A piece of advice, it is important not to lose track of the things that matter more than money, such as honesty, integrity, morality, and most importantly, your humanity.
Step 2: Duplicating a campaign
After choosing a successful ad campaign, the next step is to duplicate it. Adplexity shows you everything you need to know about the ad, such as the analytics, the countries in which the ad is running, the devices on which it’s running, and most importantly, the landing pages and used platforms.
Following the landing page link provided, you will see the page on which the article is running. Ultimately you will be able to see the product that this ad campaign is promoting.
You can simply copy the same campaign, making sure to personalize it as much as possible. And as a good practice, you can check the platform used to run the ad campaign to avoid using it yourself. For example, if the person running the campaign uses Revcontent, you can use Mgid or Outbrain to run your version of the same campaign.
One more thing
Another important point that I would like to touch upon in this article is tracking. Whenever you run an ads campaign, it is most important that you keep track of your progress.
I cannot stress enough how important it is to keep track of the progress of your campaign. Think of it as homework, it’s rather tedious and annoying, but it must be done, as it gives you numbers to work with.
You can track your progress using software such as Voluum or Thrivetracker.
To recap
Find a successful ad campaign using Adplexity, sign up for the same affiliate program, and duplicate the same ad campaign on different ad networks.
And remember, tracking your progress is important because it helps you assess your situation and adjust your strategy accordingly.
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emmaswarner77 · 2 years
Influencer Marketing: The Ultimate Guide (And Free Template)
As marketers, we know the value of a good influencer. Influencer marketing helps you gain reach in a targeted audience or niche and can drive campaign performance whether it’s increasing brand awareness, generating leads or boosting sales.
Working with an online content creator means your brand can benefit from their creativity and authenticity. Influencers are creative individuals with a skill for making content that their audience will love, and their voices can be valuable to your brand.
It can also allow you to gain traction on platforms where you may not yet have a presence; creators on TikTok for example are experts at making promotional content that fits in seamlessly with their organic content and entertains their audience.
But influencer marketing can be tricky. It’s not just about finding someone with a lot of followers, it’s about finding the right influencer and making the most of that collaboration. Ultimately, it’s about being clever with your influencer marketing strategy from the start.
This influencer marketing guide offers everything you need to identify influencers, conduct outreach, plan effective collaborations, and much more.
What is influencer marketing?
Let’s start at the beginning, what is the definition of influencer marketing? In a nutshell, influencer marketing is about product placement or endorsement on social media networks through an influencer (a person with a social following and deemed an expert in a certain area).
Just think about the influencer superstars in this realm — the Kardashians who smash social media on a regular basis.
In this blog, we’ll explore these topics to help your influencer marketing strategy succeed:
Current Influencer Marketing Statistics
Types of Influencers
Do’s and Dont’s of Influencer Marketing
Types of Influencer Collaborations
How to Build an Effective Influencer Marketing Campaign
Top Influencer Marketing Tools
Watch our Team Talk video to find out how influencer marketing is changing the game:
Influencer Marketing Statistics 2022
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Let’s dig into some influencer marketing statistics to give you an idea of how you can capitalize on this growing social media usage.
The influencer marketing industry is set to grow to approximately $16.4 billion in 2022 — Influencer Marketing Benchmark Report
71% of marketers planning to increase their budgets in the next 12 months with the majority preferring to work with micro-influencers — Linqi
Businesses can earn $5.78 for each dollar spent on influencers, with some seeing as much as $18 — Influencer Marketing Benchmark Report
In 2021, 91 percent of sponsored post engagements were with micro-influencers — Digital Information World
Cross-channel campaigns are increasing as more people use an average of 6.6 social media platforms, so brands should use influencers that specialize in the channels that matter to them — Backlinko
Check out our blog ’20 Influencer Marketing Statistics that Will Surprise You’ for more insights.
Types of Influencers
There’s more than just one category of influencers, and they all offer different exposure opportunities.
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Influencers can give your brand sparkle and credibility that you might struggle to build on your own. However, be sure to choose the right influencers for your brand.
Influencer Marketing Do’s and Don’ts
There are a few top tips you should think about for your influencer marketing campaigns — otherwise known as your influencer marketing do’s and don’ts checklist!
DO re-share and re-purpose
As your collaboration takes off, make sure you amplify it by resharing and cross-posting the content on all of your social channels. And make sure you have a conversation with the influencer about opportunities to repurpose the content they create; for example, you may use a TikTok post created by an influencer as advertising content.
DO build relationships
While it can be tempting to hop from one influencer to the next, building relationships with individual influencers is hugely valuable. Returning to specific influencers for multiple campaigns helps them be even more authentic when talking about your brand, and builds on brand awareness among their audience.
DO be present on their channels
Before reaching out to an influencer, don’t be afraid to actively engage with their content and show your support. While the collaboration is running, be present and active on their channels, and keep it going after the collaboration has ended.
DON’T be a control freak
It’s important to not be overly prescriptive or controlling when working with an influencer. It is, after alll, a collaboration and you should be making the most of their creativity, originality, and connection to their audience. While a detailed brief is useful and script approval can be arranged, allow the influencer to contribute ideas and take the lead on things like content scheduling and release details.
DON’T be vague when reaching out
When sending your first outreach email to an influencer, don’t be vague or impersonal. Be very clear about who you, your organization and/or your product are. And don’t forget to state what you like about their content, why you think they would be a good fit for your brand, or call out specific work you admire.
DON’T be coy about your KPIs
You should have a clear idea of your KPIs for your influencer collaboration, and be upfront about them. Be clear about what analytics or stats you expect to be delivered at the end of the campaign. Influencers often provide a general set of analytics, but it’s always worth stating exactly which metrics you want to see from the outset. Our ‘Targets and KPIs toolkit’ can help you develop metrics if you need guidance.
Influencer red flags
There are some negatives to watch out for when it comes to choosing an influencer so make sure you are aware of these red flags at the research stage:
Imagery: No profile image or use of stock photos
Username: Unusual or offensive usernames
Profile: Private or anonymous profiles
Followers: Influencer follows more people than follow them
Bio: Templated or copied bio
Website: No link to a website
Content: Little or no original content
Recency: The profile is very new
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Types of Influencer Collaborations
There are multiple ways for a brand or organization to engage and collaborate with an influencer. Here are some ideas.
1. Event coverage
Event marketing is a perfect opportunity to engage influencers. If your event is aimed at people in a particular location or with specific interests, influencers who operate within those areas or niches are ideal for getting your event in front of your target audience.
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2. Gifting
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3. Video
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4. Giveaway
If you are planning a giveaway, you could engage an influencer to host the giveaway for you on their platforms, creating the visual to promote the giveaway and driving their audience to your profile.
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5. Takeovers
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6. Signal boosting
This is an example of a short-term activation that’s particularly great if you have a timely message, charitable cause or social issue you want to boost, like a new helpline or a charity event. For this initiative, it works to contact a targeted list of influencers of various sizes, ask them to boost your message and give them options — this could be as simple as sharing your post to their story.
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If you work in this sector, listen to our podcast ‘Marketing for Nonprofits’ to find out more.
How to Build an Effective Influencer Marketing Campaign
So, now that you know more about influencer marketing, how do you build an influencer marketing campaign? Here are some important steps to help you plan:
1. Set your goals and KPIs
Before you kick off any influencer campaign you need to nail down your goals or KPIs for the campaign. Are you looking to raise brand awareness, promote a new product or drive leads?
2. Confirm your budget
At this stage, you need to confirm the budget you will need for the influencer to promote your brand or product. The costs vary depending on the influencer, network and scope of the campaign. Use this media budget planner to keep track.
3. Choose your network
Make sure you choose the right platform for your audience, sector and campaign type. Is it video content you’re creating, a blog article or imagery? The content type will determine the platform as TikTok or Instagram are great for videos while a blog may do better on Twitter or LinkedIn.
4. Find your influencer
Choosing the right influencer is essential and there are several areas to consider:
Audience type and quality: Are their followers the ideal target audience you are trying to reach or engage?
Preferred social network: What social channels do they use effectively? How are these channels used by your audience?
Content quality: Do they create content that aligns with your brand values?
Authenticity: Do they appear genuine and believable when they promote products?
Brand personality: Do their communication style and personality fit with your brand values?
Engagement rates and frequency: How much engagement do they typically get from their following? How often will they feature your product? How often do they publish new content?
Fees: How do they prefer to be paid (CPA commission, CPC traffic, or flat fees)? Does this work for your budget or goals?
5. Reach out to an influencer
Once you have identified suitable influencers, make contact with them. You can do this via a ‘reach out’ email or social media, but be open, friendly, and honest about what you want and tell them a little about you and your brand. Don’t be afraid to include detailed information that will grab their attention and let them know if the collaboration is of interest to them. Once they are engaged, you should establish fees and terms and consider a contract.
6. Develop your campaign and share with your influencer
This is the fun part as you get to share the campaign assets with your chosen influencer and see what happens online! Make sure to use tracking parameters and relevant hashtags you can monitor and set a timeframe.
7. Monitor performance
With your KPIs and goals in place, you can monitor campaign performance. This can be done on the social platform and also on your website through Google Analytics or your CRM. Your influencer should also be responsible for providing data on performance.
There are some useful influencer marketing tools out there that can help in your campaign strategy. These include platforms that can automate influencer discovery, influencer outreach and even run entire campaigns.
Let’s look at the best influencer marketing tools by category so you know which ones can help at various stages.
Social listening tools
Meltwater provides a social media monitoring and engagement software that uses AI-driven analytics to examine millions of posts from social media networks, blogs and news sites to find the content of interest to you and your brand.
Talkwalker offers social listening and also provides visual recognition analysis so it can track imagery and find influencers on platforms like Instagram or Snapchat.
Influencer discovery tools
Upfluence uses software that indexes and updates influencer profiles in real-time and analyzes all their content for reach and engagement. Its Live Capture tool finds the best influencers for your brand.
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emmaswarner77 · 2 years
Social Media marketing plan.
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Content ensures quality, and good quality yields desirable results. Creating content that provides relevant information to your audience is the first strategy to win social media marketing battles. Good delivery also increases the chance for your audience to identify with your brand, for instance, using humor to deliver content works magic. Brands need to invest in their social media content to succeed in promoting their Ad campaigns. You also need to find the appropriate time to post content to get more social interactions.
2. Creating a sense of belonging for your social media audience.
As a brand, you need to create your clientele base. They are the people who will be ambassadors of your brand to their respective communities. You can use social media fan pages as your clientele base that connects people from across the globe who identifies with your brand. Online communities help brands in the marketing of their products and services. The creation of a fan base, therefore, is a crucial strategy for brands to succeed in the stiff competition. Social media pages, groups, chat rooms, and boards give brand consumers identity and a sense of belonging to your brand. Comments, answers to questions, and reviews shared on your fan pages act as endorsements that attract new consumers, thus increasing sales and more brand awareness.
Utilization of Chatbots. These are tools used to automate responses after an inquiry. Most social media sites support interactions between brand management and clients through the ‘Inbox Feature’ where people send messages to inquire about certain offers or products. You can use Chatbots to help you automate bulk replies and stand in when you are not available to reply to inquiries. Fast response rates help to build trust with your clients. Therefore, Chatbots assist brands to interact with customers on time which increases conversion rates.
4. Use of Hashtags
Hashtag strategy is a powerful social media marketing technique that helps you to make your brand have a large audience. You can use Google Trends and Twitter to locate trending topics then use them to create great content for social media. Hashtags increase the viewership of your social media posts that increase your conversion rates. People follow trending topics and hashtags to get information. Therefore, tailoring posts using hashtags increases the virality of your content on discounts, offers, and new products to reach a bigger audience.
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emmaswarner77 · 2 years
Social Media Marketing that Delivers 10X ROI
Successful social media marketing is exactly what you need for your business to grow.
Social media marketing can be a dynamic powerhouse that solidifies branding, creates quality leads, and drives sales.
Or, it can be a big time-wasting, task-oriented dud. The key is to know how to strategically create, carry out, and measure the overall plan.
Businesses trying to achieve successful social media marketing must overcome several common challenges.
Carving out enough time, creating high-performing content, and properly measuring the resulting metrics are all aspects.
If handled incorrectly, can tank the plan and leave them with a big goose egg as the outcome.
Don’t do that!
With some planning, companies are more likely to reach and exceed the payoff that got them excited about social media marketing in the first place.
Lucky for you, we have the step-by-step plan laid out.
Follow these 10 easy tips to rock your social media marketing strategy and enjoy a 10X return on investment.
10 Effective Tips For A Successful Social Media Marketing Strategy
Identify Your Goals
Identify Your Audience
Select the Best Platforms
Employ a Qualified Manager
Deliver Consistently
Woo Influencers
Grow Your Audience
Engage Your Audience
Measure Your Results
Lather. Rinse. Repeat.
1. Identify Your Goals
It’s a smart business practice to start with goal setting before all new plans, and social media marketing’s no different.
After all, you can be the best bicycle salesperson in the state, but still, fail if you are supposed to be selling ice cream.
Use the SMART goal-setting strategy to create the foundation for successful social media marketing.
Specific. Vague goals like “get more business” don’t help companies pinpoint their objectives and create measures of success.
Goals must nail down exactly what is expected of the initiative.
Measurable. Being able to definitively answer “yes, we hit the goal” or “we missed the goal by 20%” is a good goal standard.
Attainable. Out-of-reach goals are demoralizing and frustrating.
Having to stretch to hit a goal is productive, but don’t go overboard with expectations.
Relevant. A social media marketing goal needs to tie into marketing’s overall goal. Is it to build an audience?
Increase website traffic? Strengthen branding? Make sure the goal relates to the bigger picture.
Timely. Dates and times keep companies accountable for their goals.
Stay on track by breaking up a large project like this into mini-goals that each has its own deadline.
Once companies set their social media goals, which is basically the “why”, they need to decide on the “who”.
2. Identify Your Audience
Your message won’t be effective unless it’s specifically designed for who you are trying to target.
Developing a relevant buyer persona is essential for successful social media marketing.
Three pieces of information offer insight into pinpointing your audience.
Review happy clients. Clients that have been pleased by a company’s product or service are prime starting points when building a buyer persona.
Study their industries, demographics, and their goals closely to understand who you should be targeting.
Nail down pain points. What question does your product answer? How does it make your buyer’s job easier?
Only by thoroughly understanding this can an organization show its value.
Survey customer support. Talk to the people who are on the front lines. What are the questions they hear most often?
Knowing this shows you the direction to take in the content that will most likely engage and interest your targets.
Now let’s answer “where”.
3. Select the Best Platforms
It’s usually a mistake to try to cultivate followers on half a dozen or more social media channels.
The person managing the social media efforts gets overwhelmed, off track, and the results end up being puny.
Facebook is the social media giant, of course. LinkedIn is also great for businesses to have a presence.
But neither may be the one companies should focus on.
Who needs the product or service? What you offer is the key to choosing the best social media platforms for your brand.
Selling directly to consumers? Facebook is your best bet. Targeting a younger audience? Snapchat or Instagram might perform the best.
Marketing to other companies? LinkedIn could be your golden ticket.
Where are the competitors? Put your investigative hat on and figure out which channels your competitors are using.
Study their presence, and look at their followers. It’s not required that you be on every channel they are on.
But, seeing a competitor with tons of followers and engagement should prompt you to move that particular social media channel to the top of the list.
Successful social media marketing takes chunks of time to manage.
It’s far better to choose one or two channels and really invest in them than five or six channels and spread the message too thin.
4. Employ a Qualified Manager
It takes unique qualities to be a savvy social media expert.
One of the mistakes companies frequently make is to choose the person who has the lightest schedule or the cheapest per hour rate with no regard for whether or not they are “built” for the job.
Strategic thinking. There’s almost always a strategic thinker behind successful social media marketing.
Companies should look at the candidate for the job closely and discuss the short and long-range goals.
The person needs to understand how to lay outposts, choose content, and engage with followers in a way that builds toward success.
Organizational skills. Running a social media campaign demands someone that can lay out the strategy in a step-by-step approach.
They need to have a handle on their time and control of their calendars. Simply posting “when they think about it” won’t do much to move the needle.
Branding expertise. They may not be the “face” of the company, but they are definitely the “voice”.
It’s imperative for the social media manager to understand the company brand at a granular level.
Possess strong grammar and spelling skills, and exhibit professionalism in all situations.
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emmaswarner77 · 2 years
The Beginners Guide to Creating Your Own High Converting Sales Funnel
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Photo from Unsplash by Laula Co
You may be wondering what a sales funnel is?
It’s simply an on-site or off-site series of pages that creates a natural progression for your visitors to follow, first clicking through the top-level content (the starting point) and eventually completing the desired action (the end goal).
This blog post will show you how to build your own high-converting sales funnel from start to finish!
What is a Sales Funnel [In-Depth]
A sales funnel is a strategy that marketers use to guide users through their conversion process. The idea of creating an in-depth user journey with the goal of increasing conversions, while also providing enough value for your audience along the way can be summed up into what’s known as a “sales funnel.”
At its core, it’s a process that takes your potential customers through the journey of becoming aware of you, understanding why they should choose you, and then finally making their selection.
The sales funnel follows an inbound methodology; it starts with content that educates people on problems or common struggles (Awareness), followed by insightful data to help them make informed decisions (Interest), and a call-to-action to purchase your product or service (Action).
The sales funnel works by using this process to continually engage with your audience, allowing you the opportunity to create long-term relationships that will eventually lead to more conversions down the line.
Examples of a Sales Funnel
Some examples of sales funnels are:
Paid Traffic Funnels: Facebook Ads, Twitter Ads, Google Adwords etc.
Email Marketing Sales Funnels: Email list building and email newsletters to subscribers and customers through drip campaigns or automated emails based on actions taken by the subscriber.
Affiliate Sales Funnels: Using affiliate partners to help sell your products for commissions as a middle man.
Online Courses and training: These are some of the best converting funnels as they can convert subscribers into leads, leads into paying customers.
All these funnels follow this basic concept:
Top of the Funnel: Awareness for a product or service. This may include things like social media posts, blog articles, PPC ads, etc.
Mid funnel: The first interaction with your potential customer that starts to educate them on the problem you’re solving and how they can solve it by using your products or services.
Bottom of the Funnel: The final stage where a sale is made. This could be direct to your customers or through an affiliate program with partners.
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Photo from Unsplash by Tom Sodoge
The Different Stages in a Sales Funnel
There is an acronym called AIDA that represents the different stages in a sales funnel.
AIDA stands for:
The end goal of a sales funnel is to get leads into the “Action” stage.
The “Awareness” stage is the first step in a sales funnel and the top of the funnel. The goal here is to get people interested in your product or service through social media marketing, SEO, blog posts, etc.
What Does Your Ideal Customer Want
In order to get your ideal customer’s attention, you need to understand what they truly want: more money, more free time, better relationships?
Build your sales funnel around that. Your product should help them get it in some way.
For example, if someone wants a new car, and you can help them get it by buying your product or service — that’s what they want.
If someone wants to be healthier, and you can help them get there with your product — then that’s what they want. The better the fit between their problem and your solution the more likely they are to buy from you.
So ask yourself, what is the main problem your ideal customer has? Use that as a starting point. Then answer questions that your ideal customer is going to have when going through your sales funnel:
Where do I start?
How much does it cost?
What will I get?
When Am I going to be making any money with this course/product?
As long as you can answer those questions for your leads, you can gradually move them down the funnel.
The next stage in a sales funnel is the interest stage. This stage involves interacting with prospects on social media, sending them emails about your product or service, and trying to engage their interest through different marketing tactics.
The goal of this stage is for the prospect to see you as an authority figure within your industry.
How To Be Seen As An Expert
It’s a pretty common question asked by aspiring marketers and entrepreneurs online, especially in the startup community: How do I become an expert?
The answer is more complex than you’d think… but it boils down to one thing:
Providing Value.
If you provide great content on a consistent basis (in other words, if you create blog posts, videos, etc), you will become an expert in your industry — it’s really that simple.
The third stage in the sales funnel is the desire stage. This stage is where you need to demonstrate what your product can do for them and give them enough information that they feel comfortable making the decision to continue moving through the sales funnel.
They should understand how it works, why such products are useful/beneficial, and be sold by your product’s value.
The last stage is the action stage. This stage of your sales funnel will have one main result that you want your visitors to take next. It can also include several secondary calls to action that are more specific actions they can take to get there.
For example, let’s say you are selling a weight loss product and want your visitors to purchase it immediately. Your action stage could be a big green “Buy” button.
If you are selling a course on how to make money from blogging, one primary call to action could be signing up for the blog monetization course, and several secondary calls to action could be buying a domain name or purchasing a website theme.
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Photo from Unsplash by C D-X
How to Measure the Success of Your Funnel
In the following sections, I’m going to break down some of the most common metrics that will help you measure your funnel’s success.
The first thing you need to determine is how many people are going through your checkout process — that is, from their first visit on your site right through to completing a purchase. This number should be recorded daily and totaled at the end of each month.
Your next step is to determine what percentage of people who visit your site, complete a checkout process and actually purchase your product.
The second metric that is incredibly important is your conversion rate. This is the percentage of people who visit your checkout page and become paying customers.
The final metric that you’re going to want to track daily, weekly and monthly is the average value of a sale (AOV) — that’s how much revenue each sale brings in on average, not an individual order but for all orders.
You can measure the success of your funnel by tracking these three metrics on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis.
Once you’ve got this data in place, you’ll be able to monitor how each part of your funnel is performing over time. You should start by seeing if there are any places that are losing visitors or conversions. If this is the case, it’s time for a re-design.
If you’re starting to see a fall in visitors at any point in the funnel, then that means that there is a problem with either your product or your offer and you will need to make some changes immediately.
Conversions, on the other hand, should be steadily increasing over time as the messages in your funnel get more and more persuasive.
For average order value (AOV), this number should always be increasing because it means that you’re getting better at converting people into customers. A higher AOV will not only mean that you’re more profitable, but it can also mean that you deserve a larger cut from the sale.
How to Calculate Your Conversion Rate
One of the most important metrics is your conversion rate — the percentage of people who visit your checkout page and actually purchase. To work out what your conversion rate is, simply take the number of people who purchase and divide it by the number of people who visit your site.
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emmaswarner77 · 2 years
Facebook Ads Retargeting Strategy: Target Your Followers
Is there a plan to run an ultimate successful marketing ads campaign? Of course not. But how about running an ad campaign where you can target people who already know and trust you? Well, in this article, we are going to show you how to use a Facebook ads retargeting strategy to target the people who already follow you on Youtube. How? Read along!
What is Facebook Ads Retargeting?
Let’s suppose you are trying to sell something, any product. Who is more likely to buy you product: People who already know your brand or people who haven’t heard anything about you?
I will give you some time to answer. 3, 2, 1..
Of course, it is the people who already know your brand since they already know what you provide.
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Facebook retargeting ads are one of the best features advertising provided by the platform. It allows you to reach people who are already familiar with what you offer and provide. This strategy gives your ad a great push.
But how to achieve this and what Facebook ads retargeting strategy should you use? We will come to this in a second.
But first, let us explain a small concept that we will need. A pixel.
Facebook Pixel
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No, it is not the pixel you find in an image. Obviously.
A Facebook pixel is simply a piece of code you add to your website.
What does it do?
Well, it monitors people who are entering your website and saves their Facebook pages. You are now getting the point.
Anyone enters a website you have a Facebook pixel added to it, Facebook will know the profile of this user and will target him/her if you choose to run this in your ad campaign.
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Ad in Action
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After this, one of the most important things you need to consider is your audience. of course, you can choose a default audience by picking the country, the demographics, the age group, behavior, etc…
But in this case, we do not want this.
Instead, we want to create our customer audience, which is why we create a new audience.
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As you can see, there are multiple options you can use. But since we are talking about pixels, we pick a website.
One important notice: You should already have a website with a pixel implemented to be able to target the people who visit your website.
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Now anyone who enters our blog, even if they didn’t subscribe or do anything inside the website, we already know that they entered and we can target them in our next ads campaign. This is nice ha?
Now that I have explained the concept of Facebook Ads retargeting, let me show you a new strategy we use to retarget the people who watched our YouTube videos.
Facebook Ads Retargeting Strategy Using YouTube
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You can see, one of our pixels is called YouTube visitors.
We surely cannot put a pixel in YouTube webpage, so how can we retarget those people?
This is very important to your ad. Those who watch your YouTube videos are very likely to purchase or click on any ad you publish. They already know you and trust your products.
Let me dive into this topic now and show you the trick.
The thing you need to use here, is a shortening URL service with a Facebook tracking option, like l-ink.me. Now I can hear the little voice in your head that is saying, look he is just writing this to market his SAAS app. Well, we are marketing it since it is a great tool, but you can create your own tool as we already show you how in the below video. We are here to help you succeed.
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