emielregiis · 7 years
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der Nebel by Elena Wymann
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emielregiis · 7 years
Regis was thoughtful and understood humans, so learning of his continued success among them wasn’t altogether surprising to him. He expected it. “That is….good to to hear,” Dettlaff responded carefully, glancing back to Regis. “Days after you left, I wanted to take back what I had said…” He didn’t finish the sentence and instantly locked up at the inquiry. Dettlaff was never one to lie, but he certainly evaded topics best left forgotten, such as his wellbeing during the past months.
And go after you.
During that time, one day blurred into the next. He’d begun to lapse back into habits more creature-like than Higher Vampire, avoided conversation, and shunned much of the day. Even preparing to visit Regis and giving himself a semblance of presentability had been an arduous task. He was a few steps away from the beast, but at least no longer teetering on the edge.
“Yes, I am leaving…I made a promise to give humans my distance, and I intend to keep it.” As stubborn as he was in that promise, what Regis said next was not anticipated. Dettlaff stared to him in awe, and continued to gape at him for some time.
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“I…I turned you away when you wished to help, do you remember?” Dettlaff shook his head remembering that parting exchange in Nazair. “Am I still deserving of that now?”
There was an awkward silence, and he paced the room, expression twisted in frustration as well as confusion. “I was also angry and blamed you at first…you left me at a difficult time.” He stopped beside Regis and continued before the other vampire could comment, shaking his head. “But I could blame you no more. I am simple, Regis, I… wish I could speak as you, understand humans as you do, and empathize and forgive as you can.” But despite those words, Dettlaff was sorry, even contrite as he spoke.
“But I did not, and here we are. I apologize you were brought into my troubles.” How could Regis so easily reason out a future with him and leave civilization behind after everything Dettlaff had put him through?
“You would forget all I have done and leave this–” Dettlaff gestured to the laboratory, and emotion welled in his voice, “behind so soon for a life nowhere with me?” And to offer helping him with the pack…that was tremendous.  It was the first time another of their higher species had offered.
“Why do you choose me now?” He instantly regretted his choice of words, as they sounded selfish or worse, but he was confused and desperately sought an answer.
“Because I care, Dettlaff. I won’t abandon you for a musty laboratory. I regret leaving you once, I’ll not make that mistake a second time.” Lips turn upward as he pulls Dettlaff into an embrace, taking in his scent. Oh how he missed him while they were apart. 
‘No better than a lovesick bruxae’ he chastised himself bitterly. Becoming so attached to another wasn’t his style, & was something he avoided most of his turbulent life. There were a few who pulled at him, to be sure...but the inevitable failures jaded him, and kept him distant. Until that fateful day he was revived, that is. Everything started to change from then on-- Dettlaff just had that effect on others, a magnetic pull that carried Regis away and out of his comfort zone. 
This fact scared him at first, but soon he found himself uncontrollably fascinated by the higher vampire; that fascination soon turning into something else all together. That something grew within him by the day, and wasn’t going to go away. As much as Regis tried to avoid this...something... in his life, it was even less characteristic of the man to not face the facts presented to him. Now that this something was unavoidable, he’d acknowledge and accept it. The real question was how Dettlaff would respond to it.
“We both made a mistake that day, lets let bygones be bygones, shall we? Besides--my work can easily be taken elsewhere. I don’t think you could name one place that isn’t in need of someone to tend to the sick & injured.” His usual wit deflects, but his tone then becomes more serious as he finishes the thought.
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“I got so close to losing everything yet again...all that’s happened since you revived me has made me reassess my life and my future. It’s not something I used to dwell upon before, but when you effectively die twice, well--” His claws muse through Dettlaff’s dark waves as he considers his next words carefully, not relenting his hold on him. 
“It changes your perspective on things. I now know what I want for my future...and it’s you, Dettlaff.” An uncharacteristic shyness laces his internal voice as he continues through their telepathic bond, and a simple question is posed. 
‘will you accept me? will you spend the rest of your days with me?’
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emielregiis · 7 years
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the review has spoken 
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emielregiis · 7 years
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husbands 🌈
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emielregiis · 7 years
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a really cool vampire-related easter egg i found in eso:morrowind! i’m happy there’s at least one other vamp in game that acts the same as how i have regis in that verse as well c: (sweet, sweet validation~)
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emielregiis · 7 years
Regis’ card uses in-game dialogue while Dettlaff’s are new…and I can’t tell if it’s the same VA
Figures a Rhena line, and the last one is so not Dettlaff I don’t know if I should laugh or sigh. Dettlaff never really generalizes on humans besides their thoughts and how it is impossible to understand their motives. However, he never really gave me the impression of the sort to lump them together and say it as a throwaway line - he was someone looking for trust - and if Rhena dies, does seek to spare Geralt and Toussaint from any more violence. If he said something so generalizing, it would be delivered with a lot more anger.
For someone who has risked himself at least twice for humans, it frankly is an insult to his character.
I think this is Dettlaff’s, VA, but something is missing from the delivery and it is frankly very disappointing. Maybe there’s mixing they did to his in-game voice, but from what I recall, the mixing was done on vampire and monster forms only.
@emielregiis cause those last 2 Regis lines  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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emielregiis · 7 years
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potion classes/harry potter studios tour by januarychild on Flickr.
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emielregiis · 7 years
Old things have strange hungers.
Catherynne M. Valente, from The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of Her Own Making (via thewinedarksea)
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emielregiis · 7 years
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emielregiis · 7 years
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emielregiis · 7 years
A wave of relief washed over Regis as he felt his presence, his worries over his well-being quelled. 
He had wondered if they’d ever resolve what took place three months ago, given the man’s well-known stubbornness (along with his own). His presence and willingness to come to him first spoke volumes, and the realization touched Regis deeply. No flare of temper, no angry words, no blame placed on the barber-surgeon; this olive branch given to him by Dettlaff had caught him off guard, and it took the man a moment to regain his bearings. 
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“I’ve had no shortage of people needing my services, that’s to be certain. But enough about me...Dettlaff, how have you fared?” From monster attacks to wars, a barber-surgeon was never out of work; a good thing for his coffers, but it spoke poorly about the state of the world at present. 
The mention of him leaving for the East piqued his interest, and he couldn’t help but prod the subject further. “You’re leaving so soon? You know you’re always welcome to stay with me.” Watching over the pack was a tough burden, one that he knew Dettlaff shouldered without complaint.
“If you need to leave I can come along as well; my work as a barber-surgeon would be valuable even out in the wilderness (perhaps even twofold, given the absence of doctors so far from the city). Getting another cottage would be easy enough--- And you know that having another higher vampire of my status present among the pack wouldn’t hurt.” 
Vampire politics were messy and fraught with conflict, and something the oftentimes ignorant Regis hadn’t concerned himself with; even from a young age. However, even with his rudimentary knowledge he knew that higher vampires were a stabilizing force, who by simply being among the rank and file could keep the peace among lower vampires. 
Three months later
Red smoke emerged from the cottage’s fireplace after it traveled down the chimney. Its tendrils expanded into the room. Dettlaff had not bothered to knock on Regis’s door or formally introduce his arrival. Their connection - their bond - made his presence clear enough, as he was concerned.
The smoke soon massed and materialized into a shape, revealing the higher vampire’s usual black-frocked form. He took in the room and its contents, noticing the familiar scents of herbs and chemicals he expected with Regis, no matter his location. Quaint. Dettlaff was uncomfortable, even visibly so. Their last meeting had ended abruptly, and he was unsure what to expect. He caught sight of Regis and briefly glanced at him.
“Regis…hello.” His voice was harsh, like in those times he returned to check on regenerating Regis, between pack engagements with lesser vampires. The shadows underneath his eyes were darker than when they last spoke. He wasted no time on niceties or additional greetings.
“I’ve come to tell you I am leaving, for the wilderness to the east. I am taking what remains of my pack. I gave the house in Nazair to one who awoke after a long regeneration.” He did not make eye contact with Regis as he started to pace, though appeared far less hostile than he’d been during their previous meeting. Whatever anger or frustration he felt was well concealed. Or diminished.
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“I…I trust you are well?” He glanced over the many vials of elixirs and other potions that were neatly sorted along one of the walls. “You’ve been…busy.”
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emielregiis · 7 years
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emielregiis · 7 years
me looking in the mirror: what’s up you anxious bisexual fuck
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emielregiis · 7 years
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emielregiis · 7 years
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Boreas Mun suddenly detected a powerful smell of herbs: sage, mint and thyme. He swallowed and shook his head. He closed and opened his eyes. It didn’t help. The thin, grey-haired elderly man resembling a tax collector who had suddenly appeared beside them had no intention of vanishing. He stood and smiled through pursed lips. Boreas’s hair almost lifted his hat up.
‘Open the gate, please,’ repeated the smiling elderly gentleman. ‘Without delay. It really will be better if you do.’
Independent Emiel Regis RP AU&OC welcome GIF credit: Made by me
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emielregiis · 7 years
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The Quarians are a race of nomads, living on the migrant fleet after the destruction of their homeworld Rannoch. A strange sight to most, they wear a full containment suit to protect their weak immune systems. 
Like most Quarians, Emiel Regis vas Moreh left the protection of the fleet as a young man in order to complete his pilgrimage. With his debt to his people paid after sending his research, Regis decides to stay outside the confines of the special projects fleet and remains in Illium. Finding that he could do more good for his people out on the field (and enjoying the freedom of the outside world), he sets up a clinic and sends intel when he can. He occasionally travels; especially when his companion Dettlaff, a Drell assassin & tinkerer, needs help with a job. 
Regis is recruited by Jien Garson to join the Andromeda Initiative, and he agrees to come with the Quarian Ark, Keelah Si’yah. Regis dreams of helping his people finally find a home once more on one of the golden worlds in the Heleus cluster. While the Quarian Ark still hasn’t arrived by the events of Mass Effect Andromeda, Regis can be interacted with pre-game or post-game (although those who would be aboard the Quarian ark are welcome to interact during the trip as well!).
Regis would wield a pistol, and his powers would be energy drain, infestation, and cryo beam. He would agree with more paragon-like choices as opposed to renegade, although he’d never leave the party over a decision made (he might voice his displeasure with some snark though).
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emielregiis · 7 years
mass effect andromeda verse post coming soon... >.> i’ll tag it as #mass effect andromeda spoilers just in case people are avoiding them! c:
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