ellianaskingdom · 10 years
A few days earlier, a local psychiatrist had called Elliana to let her know that she had an appointment even though she had never scheduled one. They had told her she was wrong so she had decided to talk over it with the man in person. So, entering the cool, air-conditioned building, Ellie ambled through the hallway, checking each and every door to see which one was the psychiatrist's. Suddenly, her body collided into someone else's, leaving her dazed for a moment then she looked up at the irritant toned voice. "I-.... I'm sorry..." Sucking in her lip, Elliana hadn't meant to bump into the handsome young man nor anger him. She held her breath for his reply, hoping he would calm down. 
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The psychiatrist was uneventful, Carson had finally managed to find one in the tiny town that was now his home, but he knew that he would stick with him. Even though the visits were mandatory to receive his full allowance from his trust fund, he still wanted to have one that he could have fun with, mess with, cause them to think that they had solved the enigma that was Carson Dillon Wate, and then throw it back in their face. In the small office he was standing at the desk and signing the papers and booking his next session, when someone bumped into him, “hey, watch it!” He eyes flashed with the slightest but of yellow to show the weight of the words.
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ellianaskingdom · 10 years
I’m Jade, it’s great to meet new faces. So what colors are you looking for?
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Purple, I love purple. 
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Valentine's Day soon
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ellianaskingdom · 10 years
Well I got more than enough to satisfy anyone.
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Perfect, I needed to add something to brighten up my kitchen. I'm Elliana, pleasure to meet you. 
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Valentine's Day soon
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ellianaskingdom · 10 years
Ooh, I love flowers. 
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Valentine's Day soon
And then spring again! I think it’s time for a flower sale.
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ellianaskingdom · 10 years
Any song you want to play. 
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Do you have any song requests?
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ellianaskingdom · 10 years
Am I the only one who doesn't actually hate full moons?
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ellianaskingdom · 10 years
I was in Russia for some time… Though I don’t really remember car crashes in the area I was in. Then again, it was a smaller town. 
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I don't know, that's just what I heard. Is your stomach any better?
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I don't feel so good..
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ellianaskingdom · 10 years
Definitely, there are a lot of those on the news sadly. 
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Apparently there's tons in Russia? I don't know, but a lot of people are saying that and I guess there's tons of videos about them on the Internet. 
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I don't feel so good..
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ellianaskingdom · 10 years
Haha, I do see crashes a lot on the news. 
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I don't feel so good..
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ellianaskingdom · 10 years
So have you lived on land for long or..?
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About a couple of months, about almost a year and half maybe. Most of it isn't really new to me except for cars. I'm still trying to figure those out. 
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I don't feel so good..
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ellianaskingdom · 10 years
It’s very interesting, that’s for sure. And I think it would? I mean I would consider it a form of shifting. I think my favorite are Fall and Spring, they are both right in between the extreme weathers.
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This is true. Really? I like the spring, the flowers and trees look the prettiest.
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I don't feel so good..
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ellianaskingdom · 10 years
No need to apologize. I’ve met a few mermaids… They’re a very kind species, well the ones I’ve met anyways. Of course, I’m a shape shifter. It is very beautiful, I also like the weather over there even if it is slightly colder. 
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Thank you. Wow really? I've always to be able to shift into things unless your legs shifting into a tail count, haha. I actually don't mind the cold. In fact, I love the cold, winter's my favorite season.
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I don't feel so good..
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ellianaskingdom · 10 years
You’re not taking no for an answer? Haha, alright then. You’re kind…? And what are you, if you don’t mind me asking? I’ve lived there for a few years so I had to do a few things over there over the holidays. Well thank you, you’re too kind.
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Oh sorry, I'm a mermaid. Can I ask what you are? Well, you're lucky to do those things in Canada, it's so beautiful over there. It's no problem. 
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I don't feel so good..
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ellianaskingdom · 10 years
I would hate to be a bother to anyone. I’m glad to hear your holidays were good. Do people usually give you a hard time or..? Well, I don’t entirely remember my holidays and I just got back to town from Canada. And apart from my slight illness, I’m doing alright
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You wouldn't be a bother at all and I'm not taking no for an answer. Oh no I was just mentioning it, I guess. My kind tend to ramble a lot, or maybe it's just me. Wow, Canada? I haven't been there since the mid-80's. That's good, I'd hate to see you have a hard time with anything. 
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I don't feel so good..
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ellianaskingdom · 10 years
…Not really, no. It come with a headache though, haha. It does, but it’s my fault I think. So enough about me, how are you Elliana?
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Do you want me to keep you company until you feel better? I'm pretty good, my holidays were pretty decent and no one hasn't really given me a hard time recently. So all in all, I'm fine. What about you?
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I don't feel so good..
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ellianaskingdom · 10 years
I’ve actually had them before. It, uhm, usually takes a day or two to go away. It’s just unnerving. It’s nice to meet you Elliana, I’m Darien.
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Do you know what it is? That sucks. Pleasure, Darien. 
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I don't feel so good..
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ellianaskingdom · 10 years
My stomach just… Doesn’t feel right. If that makes sense.
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You must have ate something bad or something. It'll probably go away in a couple of minutes, maybe an hour. In the meantime, I'm Elliana.
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I don't feel so good..
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