elizabethzoerner · 1 year
Blog Post #8
One essay topic I could write about it how I changed from being a non motivated student who was also not great in school into a student who cared and put effort into things. Before 8th grade, I had not cared about my grades at all, or the quality of work I was turning in. Once my dad had finally gotten through to me, I stepped up my act, and actually realized I was capable of much more than I had thought. I started to feel much better about myself overall and my grades were reflecting my progress
Another essay topic I could choose was how I was able to learn quickly how to become a better writer. In the beginning of freshman year, I joined an honors english class, my first ever "advanced" class. When getting my first paper back, I did much worse than I anticipated, as my writing skills were not up to par. So I took the criticism, and put it towards my future work, and finished the class with a good grade
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elizabethzoerner · 1 year
Blog Post #7
Some problems associated with English seen as the standard is that only English speaking countries will be seen as the norm, and other languages and cultures will not be accepted. Another problem is people not from an English speaking country will have to learn how to speak english. Their english media they consume could change the way they see society as well
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elizabethzoerner · 1 year
Blog Post #6
"How particularly vulnerable to a story we are as children" struck home with me, as I believed my life would be just like the disney channel. Especially when it came to the idea of how high school was going to go, I look toward my favorite movies when I was younger, High School Musical. As the second one was my favorite, I thought my summer breaks would be just like theirs once I got to high school, but I was wrong. Just like Gabriella, I got a summer job as a lifeguard, but my job was no where near as luxurious as hers was. Disney often shows kids unobtainable futures, as those characters never lead realistic lives, which I didn't understand till I was much older.
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elizabethzoerner · 1 year
Blog Post #5
One discourse community I am a part of is the Chicago DIY Scene. In this scene, politics and morals play a big part, as that is what most of the music is based in. Most people in the Chicago DIY scene share similar views, and often discuss it through music and conversation. This community conversates both in public and online, using platforms like instagram.
Another discourse community I am in is Phoebe Bridgers fan club, as we often discuss her recent music, posts, and appearances. Using platforms like tik tok and instagram, Phoebe fans from all around the world can discuss, instead of just talking to other fans in person like at concerts.
Another discourse community I am in is WZND. Often our discourse revolves around the subject of radio and station matters, but we always are conversating there. I'd say I am most active in this discourse community, as I am at the radio station multiple times a week, and at least 2 times a day on Monday's. Most WZND discourse happens in person in the offices or in meetings, but a little discourse happens in our GroupMe, when people need shifts covered.
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elizabethzoerner · 1 year
Blog Post #4
One example I know of remediation is cover songs, one in specific is Cakes cover of Black Sabbaths "War Pigs". The original song is nearly 8 minutes, but cake turns it in to a lighter rock version and cuts the length of the song in half. Another example of remediation is using the pooh bear image and putting it onto clothing as it is open IP. Another example of remediation is taking an old shirt and making it into a new one by cutting, sewing, or dyeing. One last example is Rapunzel the movie from Disney, as they took the original story, and added more plots to it.
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elizabethzoerner · 1 year
Blog Post #3
In the past, I think I've had adequate critiques on my work, especially as I was frequently in honors or AP classes, and the teachers would push me to work harder. Especially with writing in the past, my critiques of exactly what I need to change have been directly pointed out to me, which I found the most helpful. I would often have things marked or written in my paper itself, and then had a rubric attached, as well as a paragraph writing what I did wrong or what I did right. Going into highschool, I wanted to become a better writer, and thos critiques I received in my honors and AP classes helped me greatly.
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elizabethzoerner · 1 year
Blog Post #2
Rumpelstiltskin is a story about a miller who tells a king his daughter can spin straw to gold, and the character who "helps her" trick the king into thinking she is capable of doing so. Main characters are the king, the millers daughter, and Rumpelstiltskin. This story is mainly told verbally, as it is an older story. The story has not changed over time as it is not too long so many of not messed up details through word of mouth.
Rapunzel is the story of a girl with magical hair, who was stolen from her royal family as a baby by an evil witch who traps her in a tower. For all her life, she is not able to leave, until a prince shows up for her and tells her to let down her hair. She is saved and lives the rest of her life in royalty. The main character is Rapunzel, and the two main side characters are the witch and the prince. This story had not changed until the Disney adaption was made, and they ran with the story more and made it so Rapunzel goes on an adventure when she leaves her castle.
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elizabethzoerner · 1 year
Blog Post #1
Genres I interact with
Starbucks drink paper- conventions are name drink time store info
Class schedule- conventions are plans
Ad for local show- conventions are time, whos playing, cost, location
Dining hall menu- what meals will include
Party flyer- location, dj, time
Sorority fundraiser- what its for, how long fundraising is, what individuals can do
In class worksheet- todays lesson practice
Poster for upcoming event in dorm- what even is based around, food, location, people
Politcal ad- whos side, specific people, main points running on
Blood drive info sheet- location, time, who can donate, shirt in return
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elizabethzoerner · 1 year
Intro Blog Post
Hi I'm Elizabeth Zoerner, a freshman at Illinois State University. I work for WZND, the campus radio station, as a dj and an intern in the music department. I play guitar and bass in my free time, and am always listening to music. Some of my favorite bands and artists include Phoebe Bridgers, Pink Floyd, The Smiths, and Car Seat Headrest. As far as writing in my personal life, most writing is casual, like texts and tik toks. I enjoy doing writing for the radio station, as a write album and concert reviews, which is fun for me to write. I hope to learn to enjoy writing more in general through this course.
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