I want to write with you though I’m really confused by all your muses saying request only under them.
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Hey Anon! Thank you so much for your question, and I appreciate the chance to clarify it below!
The answer to your question is essentially related to the fact that this blog is private and selective. So, I’d only be interested in writing with mutuals. You might be asking yourself, what does this mean? I’m not really sure how to explain it so eloquently and appropriately more than Gwen from @gwenresourced has defined it so perfectly well. Mutuals mean that you follow them and they follow you. So, I will only be writing with those who I have followed back and who have filled out my interest tracker, indicating that they have read my rules. How does this affect all of my muses to be labelled as request only below them? Personally speaking, this means that they are open to being written with any of my mutuals, granted that they request or show any interest to write with this, for this blog, at least.
Hopefully, this answers your question! I am always looking for roleplay partners to write with. And so, this would never change — those interested in writing with me are always going to be welcome to approach me here via IMs or, even otherwise on this blog. Thank you for your displayed interest, and if you have more questions or, need further clarifications on this matter? Please don’t hesitate to reach out to ask me about it via off-anonymity via IMs, or even by sending another ask, if you do, really. I’m always happy to help. And I hope that this was helpful to you in clearing up any confusion. Thank you for sending this ask in. All the best for your day ahead, and please stay safe, and take care of yourself, and your family! :)
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Formal  Notice      (especially  addressed  to  new  followers  that  I  haven’t  interacted  with  as  of  yet)
I  am  giving  you  my  promise  and  word  that  I  will  EVENTUALLY  come  and  interact  with  you,  but  please  bear  with  me  as  I  very  SLOWLY  catch  up  with  my  backlog  of  threads  and  writings  and  settling  back  into  the  rhythm  of  running  my  FIRST  indie  blog,  since  I  JUST  finished  and  completed  my  mid-terms.  I  actually  DO  WANT  to  write  with  you  and  all  that  jazz  enthusiastically.  Nonetheless,  I’d  seek  and  appreciate  your  understanding  regarding  this  matter.  Although  my  word  may  not  mean  a  WHOLE  lot  to  you  right  now  since  you  don’t  know  me  PERSONALLY  yet,  I  would  like  you  to  be  rest  ASSURED  that  I  will  do  my  UTMOST  best  and  due  diligence  to  ensure  that  we  interact  as  soon  as  possible.  Interest  trackers  will  be  FILLED  up  and  approaching  muns  will  GET  DONE,  albeit  it  MIGHT  take  some  time.  This  post  is  made  with  the  purpose  of  LETTING  muns  know  that  I  am,  indeed,  INTERESTED  in  writing  with  them,  it  might  just  take  a  HOT  MOMENT  for  me  to  get  my  bearings  straightened  and  activity  well-established  and  that  I  am  STILL  INTERESTED  and  AROUND.  Thank  you.
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Reblog if you RP using Discord
Message me if you’d like my username.
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PLAN FOR THE EVENING      ( Let’s Plot & Talk )
Find screencaps (Teen Wolf for Malia and Allison) 
Edit at least 5 icons (especially for discord tupperbox character profiles for responses)
Fix discord tupperbox character profiles
Write 3 responses (discord)
Draft 2 original poetry pieces (in the drafts)
Write 10 ask memes responses (in the drafts)
Draft as many reblogged ask memes as possible (in the drafts)
Queue at least 11 posts and replies (in the queue) * set to one post per day now
Reply discord DMs
Fill up some interest trackers of blogs
Start messaging muns that I haven’t approached yet
Play around with psd for an oc
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FORMAL  ANNOUNCENMENT  ABOUT  THREAD  FORMAT  EVOLVING  ;     I  feel  like  I  need  to  establish  a  new  rule  for  myself  and  my  mental  health’s  sake  to  keep  it  in  check.  So,  for  now  and  until  further  notice,  most  of  my  thread  responses  WILL  be  CHANGED  to  be  ICONLESS.  Another  post  will  be  made  and  published  once  this  is  further  changed  ever,  once  it  is  altered.  As  always  things  in  regards  to  this  are  liberally  available  to  be  openly  and  freely  communicated  and  clarified  through  communication  privately  to  my  roleplay  partner(s)  who  I  write  with,  potentially  anyone  considering  possibly  and  potentially  writing  with  me  or  interacting  with,  or  much  rather  on,  my  blog,  or  just  to  anyone  whom  it  may  concern.
Going  iconless  WILL  help  me  and  my  mental  health’s  sake  help  me  REAFFIRM  to  be  STRESSED  and  ANXIOUS  from  SELF-DOUBT  and  just  overall  sane  in  general  to  FOCUS  on  WRITING  QUALITY  content  for  my  roleplay  partners  and  muns,  which  is  what  MATTERS  to  me  and  the  PURPOSE  of  this  HOBBY  and  BLOG.
Would  LOVE  to  have  the  ABILITY  to  USE  DIFFERENT  icons  for  EACH  character  muse  and  every  SINGLE  thread  response,  but  I  REFUSE  to  allow  this  DESIRE  and  IDEATION  of  how  I  can  make  EVERYTHING  on  this  blog  APPEAR  PERFECTLY  and  UNIFORMLY  streamlined  in  terms  of  STYLE  and  AESTHETIC.  Nonetheless,  I  am  NOT  a  PERFECT  superhuman  and  I  DON’T  have  the  HUMAN  RESOURCES  such  as  TIME  or  ENERGY  to  FUEL  my  WHOLE  PERFECTIONIST  streak  to  ACHIEVE  my  OWN  satisfaction  for  my  IMPOSSIBLY  enormous  and  HIGH  expectations  for  myself  and  this  blog.
Would  NO  longer  BEAT  myself  up  over  NOT  having  made  ORIGINAL  single-use  of  DIFFERENT  facial-expressions,  or  countenance  DISPLAYED  on  all  of  my  22  muses  (these  are  the  ONLY  muses  that  I  have  CURRENTLY,  not  counting  the  UNLISTED  test  ones  of  mine)  for  every  SINGLE  thread  response  that  I  will  EVER  publish  in  the  history  of  this  ENTIRE  blog.
That  being  said,  this  does  NOT  NECESSARILY  mean  that  I’m  ALWAYS  going  to  be  going  ICONLESS  FOREVER  and  that  I’m  NEVER  going  to  be  USING  icons  in  thread  replies  of  ALL  time;  I  am  and  will  always  be  CONSTANTLY  trying  to  CREATE  and  BUILD  up  my  COLLECTION  of  ORIGINAL  ICONS,  which  I  OWN.
Publishing  this  post,  at  this  juncture,  is  with  the  PURPOSE  of  RELIEVING  myself  from  the  PRESSURE  of  MY  OWN  expectations,  and  instead  more  of  EMPHASISING  to  myself  why  I  decided  to  establish  this  blog  ORIGINALLY;  to  be  HAPPY  and  ENJOY  when  I  UNLEASH  my  CREATIVE  WRITING  skills,  HONE  and  REFINE  my  craft,  LEARN  and  GROW  while  meeting  NEW  people  and  MAKING  friendships  and  do  characters’  PORTRAYALS  JUSTICE  where  the  WRITERS  and  their  HEADCANONS  have  FAILED  to  do  so  through  my  FORM  of  SELF-EXPRESSION  that  is  through  telling  stories  of  CHARACTERS  with  chosen  use  of  VOCABULARY  and  CRAFT,  that  is  WRITING.
In  the  odd  case  that  you’ve  indeed  read  and  saw  through  to  the  end  of  this  announcement  post  full  of  my  ramblings,  I  would  like  to  end  off  with,  thank  you  for  taking  the  time  and  effort  to  read  this  very  lengthy  announcement  post,  and  to  conclude  with  this,  those  blogs  and  muns  who  choose  to  stay  on  with  me  for  this  crazy  epic  writing  journey,  thank  you  for  your  understanding  and  patience,  and  for  those  who  don’t?  Well,  I  wish  you  all  the  best  and  I  understand  that  certain  formatting  styles  are  deterrents  and  don’t  mesh  or  sit  right  with  yours,  understandably,  and  it’s  totally  fine.  It  may  come  off  as  rather  harsh,  but  I  will  end  with  this  “those  who  matter  won’t  mind,  and  those  who  mind  don’t  matter  (and  can  kick  rocks)  (no  hate  or  shade  being  thrown  intended)“  by  Dr  Seuess,  I  believe.  I  guess  that  the  words  that  I’m  trying  to  formulate  the  meaning  of  by  stringing  words  together  is  that  I  respect  your  boundaries,  and  mine.
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First meetings (angst-based.)
Requested by anon!
❝Whoa, hey. You alright there?❞
❝Do you need me to call an ambulance?❞
❝Don’t you talk?❞
❝You don’t have to be afraid of me.❞ 
❝Take it easy, you just passed out.❞
❝Take it easy, I think you just had a seizure.❞
❝I already called 911.❞
❝Excuse me? Sorry to bother you, I just feel– like I’m gonna–❞
❝Have you had a bit too much to drink?❞
❝Where’s the nearest hospital?❞
❝Don’t do it.❞
❝You can’t talk me down, I don’t even know you.❞
❝Hey, watch where you’re going!❞
❝I just wanted to say, that was really unfair. What they just said to you.❞
❝Do you have a place to stay tonight?❞
❝You took that hit pretty hard, you gonna be okay?❞
❝You look like you need someone to talk to.❞
❝You look horrible.❞
❝You’ve got blood on your–❞
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❝  Perhaps  I  don’t  say  it  enough,  but…  I’d  like  you  to  know  that  I’m  always  here,  if  you  ever  wanted  to  talk.  ❞  For  Hope
Emotionally  Intense  Prompts  |  @paintedstory
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❝  You  do  not  say  it  NEARLY  enough,  Dad.  ❞  The  young  werewitch  rolled  her  eyes  -  ones  that  were  once  said  to  have  a  hint  of  the  DEVIL  in  them,  but  whose  decorum  were  so  much  like  taken  after  those  of  her  MOTHER.  She  looked  at  the  respected  older  red-haired  man,  whom  she  had  internal  CONFLICTED  feelings  about  since  she  yearned  to  know  her  very  DISTANT  father  whom  she  loved  IRREGARDLESS,  yet  couldn’t  ever  UNDERSTAND  his  reasoning  and  hated  for  him  CHOOSING  to  have  had  completely  cold-turkey  cut  any  of  her  bond  or  emotional  connection  to  for  no  ABSOLUTE  reason,  other  than  the  fact  that  it  was  under  the  PRETENSE  of  doing  what’s  BEST  for  her  and  keeping  her  safe  -  which  was,  in  her  opinion,  not  his  DECISION  to  make  for  her.  When  all  things  were  said  and  DONE  though,  the  auburn-haired  brunette  young  werewitch  daughter  wanted  nothing  MORE  than  she  did  THAN  when  she  was  7  -  a  REAL  chance  to  get  to  know  her  father,  the  OPPORTUNITY  she  never  truly  got  for  LONGER  than  a  really  SHORT  period  of  time  when  she  was  7,  which  was,  also,  truly  too  brief  in  her  OPINION.  The  young  IMPRESSIONABLE  werewitch  teenage  girl  has  had  to  LOSE  both  of  her  parents,  and  her  family,  MORE  times  than  it  was  NECESSARY  to  leave  an  impression  on  her.  So  much  so  that  there  SHOULD  have  been  a  word  to  describe  the  SHEER  amount  of  TRAUMATIC  LOSS  events  and  emotions  that  she  has  had  to  experience.  Trauma  doesn’t  even  COVER  what  she  has  had  to  ENDURED,  and  how  MANY  times  in  one  way  or  ANOTHER  she  had  to  have  a  parent  LEAVE  her  to  keep  her  safe  -  whether  she  knew  or  UNDERSTOOD  it  consciously  or  subconsciously,  didn’t  matter  to  make  much  of  a  DIFFERENCE.  For  the  MOMENT,  though,  she  really  wanted  to  FOCUS  on  living  in  the  moment  to  get  to  know  him.  Lord  only  knows  of  the  LIMITED  amount  of  time  that  they  had  together  before  they  were  unfortunately  TORN  apart  from  each  other  for  who  knows  how  long  due  to  another  one  of  the  many  EXTENUATING  circumstances  that  just  seemed  to  NEVER  endingly  tear  them  apart  CONSTANTLY.  ❝  But  you  know  that  you  NEVER  have  to  say  it  out  loud  for  me  to  know  that  is  a  HARD-COLD  fact  that  could  never  CHANGE  ever.  It’s  nice  to  hear  you  REAFFIRM  it  every  once  so  often,  though.  And  it’s  never  NECESSARY.  Nonetheless,  thanks  Dad.  ❞  The  young  werewitch  -  his  daughter,  completed  quipping  with  a  SOFT  chuckle  and  smile,  looking  into  her  father’s  own  BLUE  eyes  with  as  much  joy  as  she  could  muster  to  RADIATE  from  her  own,  trying  to  effectively  capture  and  COMMIT  it  to  her  memory,  before  she  couldn’t  see  him  again  for  who  knows  HOW  long?  Her  actions  evidently  RESEMBLED  and  mirrored  so  much  of  her  mother.
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some  ideas  for  first  meeting  prompts  that  may  help  break  the  ice  between  characters .  feel  free  to  amend  contexts  &  roles  where  required !  violent  &  alcohol  related  prompts  present . 
[ BAR ]  :   for  your  muse  to  join  mine  at  a  bar  [ DINER ]  :  for  your  muse  to  join  mine  at  a  diner / restaurant   [ SAVE ] :  for  your  muse  to  step  in  to  save  my  muse  in  a  fight  [ FAKE ] :  for  your  muse  to  pretend  to  know  my  muse  in  public  to  save  them  from  a  difficult  encounter [ RUN ] :  for  your  muse  to  grab  my  muse’s  hand  and  tell  them  to  run  [ STEAL ]  :  for  your  muse  to  try  to  steal  from  my  muse  ( pickpocketing ,  in  their  home  etc  –  feel  free  to  specify  context ! ) [ STUDY ] :  for  your  muse  to  join  mine  to  study / read   [ PICNIC ] :  for  your  muse  to  join  mine  on  a  picnic  [ FIRST  DATE ] :  for  your  muse  to  meet  mine  for  a  first  date   [ BREAK  IN ] :  for  our  muses  to  break  in  somewhere  together  [ ATTACK ] :  for  your  muse  to  try  to  attack  mine  ( specify  context ! ) [ DANCE ] :  for  your  muse  to  invite  mine  to  dance  [ PAY ] :  for  your  muse  to  pay  for  my  muse’s  item(s)  ( specify  context ! ) [ TAXI ] :  for  our  muses  to  share  a  taxi  ride  somewhere [ CAR ] :  for  your  muse  to  jump  in  my  muse’s  car  and  tell  them  to  drive [ LOCKED  OUT ] :  for  your  muse  to  be  locked  out  of  their  apartment  &  to  ask  for  help  from  mine  [ DIY ] :  for  your  muse  to  ask  mine  for  help  with  diy  in  their  home  [ DARE ] :  for  your  muse  to  approach  mine  on  a  dare [ PATCH ] :  for  your  muse  to  help  mine  with  an  injury [ COMFORT ] :  for  your  muse  to  comfort  mine  [ SWIM ] :  for  your  muse  to  throw  mine  into  the  sea /  a  river /  pool  ( specify ! ) [ RESTRAINED ] :  for  our  muses  to  be  tied  up  together  [ CRY ]  :  for  your  muse  to  find  mine  crying   [ KIDNAP ] :  for  your  muse  to  kidnap  mine [ DRUNK ] :  for  your  muse  to  look  after  mine  while  drunk  [ ZOMBIE ] :  for  our  muses  to  be  caught  in  a  zombie  attack  together  [ TRAPPED ] :  for  our  muses  to  be  trapped  somewhere  together  ( stuck  in  a  storm ?  kidnapped  together ?  dodgy  lock  on  a  door ? )  [ WARN ] :  for  your  muse  to  warn  mine  of  incoming  danger [ COFFEE SHOP ] :  for  your  muse  to  join  mine  at  a  coffee  shop  /  café [ WORK ] :  for  your  muse  to  help  train  mine  on  the  first  day  of  their  job  [ ROOMMATES ] :   for  your  muse  to  be  my  muse’s  roommate  ( feel  free  to  specify  whether  in  a  college  or  a  regular  setting ! ) [ BOOKSHOP ] :  for  our  muses  to  meet  in  a  bookshop  [ EVENT ] :  for  our  muses  to  meet  at  a  charity  event   [ FUNDRAISING ] :  for  our  muses  to  team  up  to  raise  money  for  charity  ( feel  free  to  specify  potential  ideas ! ) [ COMPETITORS ] :  for  our  muses  to  be  rivals  in  a  competition  [ KARAOKE ] :  for  our  muses  to  sing  karaoke  together  [ MUTUAL  FRIEND ] :  for  our  muses  to  meet  through  a  mutual  friend [ STOOD  UP ] :  for  your  muse  to  join  mine  on  a  date  after  noticing  that  they  have  been  stood  up [ MISSION ] :  for  our  muses  to  meet  on  a  mission  [ UNDERCOVER ] :  for  your  muse  to  approach  mine  while  undercover [ MUSUEM ] :  for  our  muses  to  meet  at  a  museum  [ ABANDONED ] :  for  our  muses  to  meet  in  an  abandoned  building  [ STARGAZING ] :  for  our  muses  to  meet  while  stargazing  [ ROOFTOP ] :  for  your  muse  to  find  mine  on  a  rooftop 
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from  the  2014  album  by  taylor  swift .    please  amend  wording  where  required !
“ everybody  here  wanted  something  more . ”
“ searching  for  a�� sound  we  haven’t  heard  before . ”
“ welcome  to  new  york . ”
“ it’s  been  waiting  for  you . ”
“ i  could  dance  to  this  beat  forevermore . ”
“ everybody  here  was  someone  else  before . ”
“ you  can  want  who  you  want . ”
“ boys  and  boys  and  girls  and  girls . ”
“ like  any  great  love ,  it  keeps  you  guessing . ”
“ like  any  real  love ,  it’s  ever  changing . ”
“ like  any  true  love ,  it  drives  you  crazy . ”
“ but  you  know  you  wouldn’t  change  it  for  anything . ”
“ the  lights  are  so  bright ,  but  they  never  blind  me . ”
“ nice  to  meet  you ,  where  you  been ? ”
“ i  could  show  you  incredible  things . ”
“ magic ,  madness ,  heaven ,  sin . ”
“ you  look  like  my  next  mistake . ”
“ love’s  a  game ,  wanna  play ? ”
“ i  can  read  you  like  a  magazine . ”
“ i  know  you  heard  about  me . ”
“ i’m  dying  to  see  how  this  one  ends . ”
“ grab  your  passport  and  my  hand . ”
“ i  can  make  the  bad  guys  good  for  a  weekend . ”
“ it’s  gonna  go  down  in  flames . ”
“ you  can  tell  me  when  it’s  over  if  the  high  was  worth  the  pain . ”
“ got  a  long  list  of  ex-lovers . ”
“ they’ll  tell  you  i’m  insane . ”
“ we’re  young  and  we’re  reckless . ”
“ it’ll  leave  you  breathless  or  with  a  nasty  scar . ”
“ i’ve  got  a  blank  space ,  baby ,  and  i’ll  write  your  name . ”
“ you’re  the  king ,  baby ,  i’m  your  queen . ”
“ the  worst  is  yet  to  come . ”
“ i  can  make  all  the  tables  turn . ”
“ i  get  drunk  on  jealousy . ”
“ you’ll  come  back  each  time  you  leave . ”
“ i’m  a  nightmare  dressed  like  a  daydream . ”
“ boys  only  want  love  if  it’s  torture . ”
“ don’t  say  i  didn’t  say  i  didn’t  warn  ya . ”
“ could  end  in  burning  flames  or  paradise . ”
“ it’s  been  a  while  since  i  have  even  heard  from  you . ”
“ i  should  just  tell  you  to  leave ,  ‘cause  i  know  exactly  where  it  leads . ”
“ i  got  that  red  lip  classic  thing  that  you  like . ”
“ when  we  come  crashing  down ,  we  come  back  every  time . ”
“ we  never  go  out  of  style . ”
“ i  heard  that  you’ve  been  out  and  about  with  some  other  girl . ”
“ what  you  heard  is  true ,  but  i  can’t  stop  thinking  about  you . ”
“ take  me  home . ”
“ looking  at  it  now ,  it  all  seems  so  simple . ”
“ the  rest  of  the  world  was  black  and  white ,  but  we  were  in  screaming  colour . ”
“ and  i  remember  thinking ,  are  we  out  of  the  woods  yet ? ”
“ are  we  out  of  the  woods ? ”
“ are  we  in  the  clear  yet ? ”
“ we  were  built  to  fall  apart  then  fall  back  together . ”
“ twenty  stitches  in  the  hospital  room . ”
“ when  you  started  crying ,  baby ,  i  did  too . ”
“ but  when  the  sun  came  up ,  i  was  looking  at  you . ”
“ remember  when  we  couldn’t  take  the  heat ? ”
“ i’m  setting  you  free . ”
“ the  monsters  turned  out  to  be  just  trees . ”
“ when  the  sun  came  up  you  were  looking  at  me .”
“ people  like  you  always  want  back  the  love  they  gave  away . ”
“ people  like  me  wanna  believe  you  when  you  say  you’ve  changed . ”
“ the  more  i  think  about  it  now ,  the  less  i  know . ”
“ all  you  had  to  do  was  stay . ”
“ had  me  in  the  palm  of  your  hand . ”
“ why’d  you  have  to  go  and  lock  me  out  when  i  let  you  in ? ”
“ i  don’t  know  what  to say . ”
“ i’ve  been  picking  up  the  pieces  of  the  mess you  made . ”
“ people  like  you  always  want  back  the  love  they  pushed  aside . ”
“ let  me  remind  you  this  was  what  you  wanted . ”
“ you  were  all  i  wanted ,  but  not  like  this . ”
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emotionally intense prompts.
idk my dudes i started listening to the etern.als theme music and now i have these things. bon appetit!
“ i’d follow you to the ends of the universe, if you asked me to. ”
“ how bad is it this time? ”
“ we’re the only thing standing between this world and its destruction. ”
“ we could stop all of this… with just a thought/flick of my wrist. “
“ fair?! how is any of this fair?! “
“ do you truly believe that anything so little as a rule, or a law, might have stopped me from protecting you? “
“ we have to fight. ”
“ we’re not giving up. ”
“ you. i’ll always and endlessly fight for you. “
“ i can wait a thousand lifetimes for you. “
“ we’ve had a pretty good life. but maybe normalcy is a thing we’re meant to protect, rather than enjoy. ”
“ i don’t know if i can protect you any longer. “
“ we’ve seen what they’re capable of. now we need to retaliate. “
“ if only the world knew what we do for them… ”
“ i’m sick and tired of being the one who has to make the sacrifices! ”
“ haven’t we lost enough? ”
“ i’m tired. beyond tired… i am exhausted from the endless fighting. ”
“ things must be catastrophic if you’re calling me at this hour. ”
“ this is what we’ve been waiting for. ”
“ i’d follow you to the bitter end; as i always have. ”
“ the time has come. ”
“ this is what we’ve been waiting for. ”
“ i thought we had more time.  i regret to confess… it appears that i was wrong. ”
“ don’t let them control you, eh? ”
“ you’re better than this. ”
“ everything’s about to change… ”
“ do you truly think so little of me? ”
“ careful… you’ve never had to fight me before. ”
“ we need to leave. ”
“ we’re a good team, you know. “
“ look around you. do you still truly see no reason for us to fight? “
“ we’re family. we don’t turn our backs on each other. “
“ it’s too late! let’s go! ”
“ it wasn’t your fault… ”
“ why are you doing this?! ”
“ i’m sorry… “
“ perhaps i don’t say it enough, but… i’d like you to know that i’m always here, if you ever wanted to talk. ”
“ you/they will always be worth fighting for. ”
“ don’t pretend like you understand. “
“ tell me how i can fix this… ”
“ don’t say it. ”
“ they’re not worth saving. ”
“ i am a god. you… you’re nothing. “
“ well. for whatever it’s worth, it’s been a pleasure fighting alongside you. ”
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【 alexandrea luddington ; responds 】. . . fear her when she looks into a fire and SMILES.  
【 alexandrea luddington ; answered 】. . .  fear her when she looks into a fire and SMILES.  
【 alexandrea luddington ; edit 】. . .  fear her when she looks into a fire and SMILES.  
【 alexandrea luddington ; musings 】. . .  fear her when she looks into a fire and SMILES.  
【 alexandrea luddington ; desires 】. . .  fear her when she looks into a fire and SMILES.  
【 alexandrea luddington ; headcanon 】. . .  fear her when she looks into a fire and SMILES.  
【 alexandrea luddington ; visage 】. . .  fear her when she looks into a fire and SMILES.
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【 lauren bloom ; responds 】. . . she takes CARE of her people.  
【 lauren bloom ; answered 】. . .  she takes CARE of her people.  
【 lauren bloom ; edit 】. . .  she takes CARE of her people.  
【 lauren bloom ; musings 】. . .  she takes CARE of her people.  
【 lauren bloom ; desires 】. . .  she takes CARE of her people.  
【 lauren bloom ; headcanon 】. . .  she takes CARE of her people.  
【 lauren bloom ; visage 】. . .  she takes CARE of her people.
0 notes
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【 helen sharpe ; responds 】. . . for all of it, but not at the EXPENSE of her patients.  
【 helen sharpe ; answered 】. . .  for all of it, but not at the EXPENSE of her patients.  
【 helen sharpe ; edit 】. . .  for all of it, but not at the EXPENSE of her patients.  
【 helen sharpe ; musings 】. . .  for all of it, but not at the EXPENSE of her patients.  
【 helen sharpe ; desires 】. . .  for all of it, but not at the EXPENSE of her patients.  
【 helen sharpe ; headcanon 】. . .  for all of it, but not at the EXPENSE of her patients.  
【 helen sharpe ; visage 】. . .  for all of it, but not at the EXPENSE of her patients.
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【 nicolette nevin ; responds 】. . . we all have our demons and she never stopped BELIEVING in him.  
【 nicolette nevin ; answered 】. . .  we all have our demons and she never stopped BELIEVING in him.  
【 nicolette nevin ; edit 】. . .  we all have our demons and she never stopped BELIEVING in him.  
【 nicolette nevin ; musings 】. . .  we all have our demons and she never stopped BELIEVING in him.  
【 nicolette nevin ; desires 】. . .  we all have our demons and she never stopped BELIEVING in him.  
【 nicolette nevin ; headcanon 】. . .  we all have our demons and she never stopped BELIEVING in him.  
【 nicolette nevin ; visage 】. . .  we all have our demons and she never stopped BELIEVING in him.
0 notes
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【 malia tate ; responds 】. . . she could have beat him up but she CHOSE to restrain herself.
【 malia tate ; answered 】. . .  she could have beat him up but she CHOSE to restrain herself.
【 malia tate ; edit 】. . .  she could have beat him up but she CHOSE to restrain herself.
【 malia tate ; musings 】. . .  she could have beat him up but she CHOSE to restrain herself.
【 malia tate ; desires 】. . .  she could have beat him up but she CHOSE to restrain herself.
【 malia tate ; headcanon 】. . .  she could have beat him up but she CHOSE to restrain herself.
【 malia tate ; visage 】. . .  she could have beat him up but she CHOSE to restrain herself.
0 notes
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【 allison argent ; responds 】. . . she can PROTECT herself.  
【 allison argent ; answered 】. . .  she can PROTECT herself.  
【 allison argent ; edit 】. . .  she can PROTECT herself.  
【 allison argent ; musings 】. . .  she can PROTECT herself.  
【 allison argent ; desires 】. . .  she can PROTECT herself.  
【 allison argent ; headcanon 】. . .  she can PROTECT herself.  
【 allison argent ; visage 】. . .  she can PROTECT herself.
0 notes
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【 musa wang ; responds 】. . . it’s ironic that she’s an empath mind fairy that has to feel everyone else’s emotions but she is BROKEN beyond repair.  
【 musa wang ; answered 】. . .  it’s ironic that she’s an empath mind fairy that has to feel everyone else’s emotions but she is BROKEN beyond repair.  
【 musa wang ; edit 】. . .  it’s ironic that she’s an empath mind fairy that has to feel everyone else’s emotions but she is BROKEN beyond repair.  
【 musa wang ; musings 】. . .  it’s ironic that she’s an empath mind fairy that has to feel everyone else’s emotions but she is BROKEN beyond repair.  
【 musa wang ; desires 】. . .  it’s ironic that she’s an empath mind fairy that has to feel everyone else’s emotions but she is BROKEN beyond repair.  
【 musa wang ; headcanon 】. . .  it’s ironic that she’s an empath mind fairy that has to feel everyone else’s emotions but she is BROKEN beyond repair.  
【 musa wang ; visage 】. . .  it’s ironic that she’s an empath mind fairy that has to feel everyone else’s emotions but she is BROKEN beyond repair.
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