elenasescape1-blog · 4 years
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✨ M O N D A Y ✨ - One week of isolation down! It’s day 10 for me! Also just want to specify I haven’t isolated for longer because I’m ill, I just started from two Fridays ago because I’m mega paro 😂 - It really started to hit me yesterday how much I miss everyone 🥺 it’s been hard but I thank modern technology for maintaining contact with everyone 🙌🏼📱 - I’ve found so much to do in the last week, including making an account with Disney+ to bring back some nostalgia 🤪 hopefully after the 3 weeks we’ll see some improvement and this lockdown is lifted somewhat! - One day this week I plan on making dinner for the family (yikes, I know!) I’ll be posting the recipe for the dinner on here so keep a look out if anyone would like to try it too 👀 - What’s everyone up to today? 💚✨💚✨ https://www.instagram.com/p/B-W0fvpF8rm/?igshid=1a5luzkxet09m
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elenasescape1-blog · 4 years
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✨ S A T U R D A Y ✨
Day 8! How’s everyone getting on?! Today I’ve been a bit productive (aside from playing on the Xbox most of the day). So… anyone that knows me knows I’m not the best/most confident cook. I don’t get too involved in the cooking side of things because I’m scared to get something wrong and give myself & my family food poisoning 🤣. I have cooked some meals in the past, but that was when I was in school and still doing Food Tech lessons. I thought to myself a few days ago, what better time to learn to cook now that we’re all isolating and I have all the time in the world to learn something?? So today I got stuck in and I helped my sister cook dinner! It was a simple Spag Bol but I enjoyed joining in and it was a laugh 😁. I know it’s the most basic meal to make and it looks so basic in the pic 🤣 but I give myself 10/10 for effort and incentive 🤣😁. I know once I’m confident enough I’ll love cooking, right now I wanna learn to make simple dishes and work my way up! Yes I will admit I’m a 24 year old that can’t cook 🤷🏻‍♀️ but I’m turning that around now 🤣🎉 💚✨💚✨
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elenasescape1-blog · 4 years
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✨ F R I D A Y ✨
So it’s the end of the week, for some of us the week started off as usual, going to work but being careful etc. The week has ended quite differently to how it started... Most of us have only been in isolation just for this week, but there are some who have self-isolated from last week. As I said in a previous post, this can be a really testing time for some who become anxious when at home for long periods of time.
I think everyone is doing amazing so far! It’s been tough not seeing loved ones and trying to keep occupied most of the time, but we’re all dealing with it well and hopefully everything can go back to normal pretty soon!
Also, would like to say a massive thank you to the NHS carers for their endless hard work to save lives! Many workers have returned from maternity leave early and retired doctors have also returned, all to save the lives of many who have fallen ill. What a great example of humanity to go by!
Keep going everyone! Remember, this is temporary! NHS staff included! 💚✨💚✨
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elenasescape1-blog · 4 years
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Beautiful day to spend in the garden! What’s everyone up to today? 💚✨💚✨ (at London, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-MrRrcAKeu/?igshid=b1l9qfk93oas
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elenasescape1-blog · 4 years
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So it’s day 5 for me & my family, we’re getting used to being at home and finding things to do 😁
Here’s what I’ve been doing today! 🤪 So I recently got into collecting different kinds of tarot/oracle decks and learning to read the cards. In a classic tarot deck there are 78 cards, each have 2 meanings. Learning these all off by heart is quite tricky as some have similar meanings and others have meanings you didn’t think they would 😅. Once you get into the reading and know what each card means on its own, you can piece together what the cards are saying 🔮✨ To help me learn these meanings I’ve started making a journal, writing down each cards definition; it’s upright meaning & it’s reversed (upside down) meaning! I’ve always been a more visual learner so if I see it in front of me it really helps! I also find that writing things down really helps, as I remember what I’ve written… if that makes sense? 😂 I’m in no way claiming I’m a psychic or that I can channel spirits or anything like that, but I’ve always felt I had something spiritual about myself and I wanted to explore it. In hindsight, I find this a really fun hobby and there have been times where the cards have not lied, for me and for others 🤣 right now I’m just practising on myself & others so I can really learn to do it properly, I’m not doing proper tarot readings at the moment. Keep safe everyone & listen to the governments rules! We need to stay inside to stop the spread of this evil virus 🦠 💚✨💚✨
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elenasescape1-blog · 4 years
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Anyone else just eternally grateful for their pet?
Whether you have a dog/cat or whichever kind of pet, you just know they’ll keep you company and offer lots of cuddles 💚✨
This is my baby boy Caesar, he’s a hyperactive little rascal but me & my family adore him 💚✨
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elenasescape1-blog · 4 years
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Good morning ✨
So now we are pretty much in an official lockdown in the UK; the confirmed cases and death toll are increasing daily... I want to talk about where I think this virus REALLY came from, as I truly believe this was not spread like how everyone thinks.
I really do believe this virus was man made; I believe this was a big distraction from what really was going on. Current wars in other countries have been completely forgotten about! World War 3 was about to break out but suddenly we don’t hear about it anymore because the only thing spoken about in any form of media is Covid-19... not sure if this is any use to anyone but Covid-19 translated into Hebrew then back to English is “Kobe”. Which celebrity death was all over the media then got taken over by Covid-19? Kobe and Gianna Bryant’s. Now this takes me to a couple of episodes from The Simpson’s, where they have predicted many things to have come true.. 9/11, Donald Trump’s presidency... how weird is it that they predicted Kobe’s death? Even weirder, they predicted both the Coronavirus and Tom Hanks’ isolation... and that’s all I’ll say on The Simpson’s, they seem to have predicted many things to have happened in the last 20-30 years... just food for thought with that one. Lastly on predictions, I’m sure many people have seen a picture on Twitter which has even been retweeted by Kim Kardashian West; it’s a snippet of a book written many years ago, stating “in 2020 a pneumonia like virus will attack the globe, vanishing just as quickly as initial onset”. Still not think it’s somewhat man made?
Let’s also think about what’s really in those chemtrails we see in the sky; yes we see them at certain times of the day because of air pressure and weather etc, but do we really and truly know what’s in them? One more thing to think about, how convenient that all this Brexit stuff went on for nearly 4 years and then we formally left the EU January 31st 2020? Brexit now means that the Covid-19 vaccine won’t be available in the UK as quickly as other countries... weird timing, right?
I don’t believe this was necessarily spread through Chinese people from Wuhan eating bats or whatever it was. Yes the first cases came from Wuhan, but why weren’t flights from China suspended straight away? I believe this virus was planted in the food markets as a way for them to have population control over China, where let’s not forget for a while the families were restricted to one child each as their population was over 1billion. Flights were not suspended to other countries to allow the spread, which they knew would be very easy and very quick. This, in my eyes, was a way for the governments to have some form of population control and also climate control, now that everyone is staying home much more of the time, pollution levels have decreased a lot, so much so that there are fish back in the canals of Venice. I expect to see dolphins in the river Thames within the next month (🙄).
Anyway, here’s a video I thought I’d include that I came across on Facebook yesterday - it reiterates a lot of what I’ve said and it’s really interesting.
Now moving on to mental health during isolation. I used to hate constantly being at home, being left alone just me with my anxious thoughts. This is going to be a testing time for many people who also feel this way. It’s important that we do not disconnect ourselves from our circles; yes we may not be able to physically see the people we want to be around, but we are so lucky to have the technology we do where we can call, video call (with more than one person at a time now) and stay in touch via social media - had this outbreak happened 20 years ago we would have been far worse off in this sense. Most importantly, if you do feel low, REACH OUT! Talk to anyone you can! Now that everyone is at home in the same boat, many more people have more time now to put into conversations. Remember, this is not going to last forever. I just personally hope that we don’t have a pandemic of social anxiety once everything goes back to normal - people will be so used to staying indoors most of the time and in the comfort of their own homes that they may feel anxious being back out into the world, unable to re-adjust to usual life as quickly as others. But we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it...
For those that do struggle with anxious thoughts & being at home for much of the time, or even for those who just get really bored and restless easily, here are 12 things for you to do during your day to keep yourselves busy!
1. Learn to cook
- this a great new skill to take up and one that can keep you occupied for a few hours during your day! Here’s a site with some apps (most of which are free) that give you cooking recipes, advice and can even show you recipes with what you can make do with what’s in your cupboards right now! There are also some great YouTube tutorials out there!
2. Learn a new language
- How cool would it be to come out of isolation billingual?! Okay not completely billingual, but beginning to speak a new language? This is a great task to put your minds to! Here are a couple of free apps that have been rated 4 stars or more on the App Store for iPhone. If they aren’t available on Androids, these apps have websites and there are plenty of other apps for Android too!
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3. Find 5 films of different genres to watch and watch one a day.
4. Find 3 series with a decent amount of episodes/seasons and spread throughout the week.
- this goes for both 3 & 4; I believe binge watching in a time like this is not ideal! Imagine completing the series or film marathon you love in a whole day and then feeling like you have nothing else to watch! Spread the episodes/films out so you have something to do each day!
5. Pamper
- whilst taking care of ourselves mentally, we can’t forget that we have to take care of our skin too! Aside from drinking plenty of water, morning/nightly skincare routines are important to keep your glow, check out YouTube for some tips if you need them! Stay consistent too! You can even make homemade face masks, which are also on YouTube. Giving yourself a mani/pedi should take up a decent amount of time - your skin feels amazingly soft after too!
6. Exercise!
- we have no excuse for not doing exercise now! For those that love a walk or a jog, we are still allowed to leave the house to do this, whether it be around the block or in the park (which will be patrolled). Finding yourself a home exercise routine is a great way to keep occupied and feel good, as we know when we get that endorphin rush after a workout! There are many routines you can find online, and if you’re already a member in a gym and have their app, I’m sure there are routines on there too. If you have kids then you can all do this together! Joe Wickes AKA the Body Coach is doing online PE lessons for kids, so now you can all keep active. I’ll link his YouTube channel below:
7. Meditate
- For those with anxiety, meditation is so important! Meditation trains the mind to keep calm with racing thoughts and to have a mind over matter overall thought process. Here are some great apps below, which I have also used (they really are amazing):
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8. Draw/be creative
- drawing/painting/sculpting - all so therapeutic and calming. They really allow you to put your mind to a task for a lengthy period of time and allow yourself to explore your creative side! A great way to learn new things about yourself if you never knew you had a creative side 😝
9. Vlog/blog your day/keep a journal
- write/express your feelings! If you are feeling low this is so important - this way you can understand your emotions more logically and your form of expression allows you to release them too. For those who are simply just getting bored, this is a fun way to keep occupied throughout the day! You can blog about what you’re doing, vlog your exercise routine etc. It’s great fun!
10. Organise/clear out cupboards/draws/wardrobes
- ever seen Stacey Solomon’s “Tap to Tidy” stories on Instagram? So satisfying! You could do the same. This is a pretty lengthy task and a great way to escape anxious thoughts by putting order in place!
11. Read
- reading is a lovely form of escapism where we can go into our own world for however long we want. It gives us a story to focus on and really become engrossed in the situation and characters, whether it be fiction or non-fiction. If you don’t own books, there are audiobooks, e-books and google books all online where you can find whichever book you want to read/listen to!
12. Find one thing to learn about each day and spend some time researching and learning loads.
- interested in space? Astrology? Egyptian history? Well grab a notebook and YouTube! Find anything in the entire world that you want to learn more about and watch some YouTube videos on it. I say YouTube videos because I personally believe this is the least boring way to learn about something. Write down some notes or draw visual notes on it, whichever way you learn best!
Basically, what all these tasks have in common is that it puts your mind to something fun, that you can really focus on for a decent period of time! Don’t leave yourself anxious or bored in isolation, keep your relationships with others both physically and virtually where you can. Keep yourself to doing something, stay as busy as you can/want! Don’t forget, if you’re feeling low or any type of way, please reach out and talk to someone/anyone, do not let yourself run away with these thoughts over something temporary!
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elenasescape1-blog · 4 years
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✨ M O N D A Y ✨
Morning everyone!
Another Monday, another week ahead!
I had a little something on my mind that I wanted to share... I know Monday can bring anxiety for some of us but in a time like this where many people don’t know what’s going on with jobs and careers, I believe it’s a time to re-think our usual attitudes to waking up early & going to work!
Something as trivial as getting up & going to work is now considered a privilege some people don’t have anymore, which is very sad. Now is a time to reflect on what we may have taken for granted before... Even though working includes waking up early and doing some travelling, going to work every day still ensures routine and balance in every day life. It also ensures keeping busy and being productive every day too 😁 and remember, another day another dollar! 🤑
For those who don’t know what’s going on with their jobs at the moment and/or in self-isolation, right now is a great time to self-reflect and really re-connect with ourselves and our families; spend time chatting away from technology, play games etc.
Don’t forget, now that we will be having all this time at home, we can still be productive! Exercising at home, reading, taking online courses just to name a few things! But we also need to remember to take it easy, as this is a chance for us all to slow down and not live this fast paced lifestyle that we’re used to! Use this to your advantage!
Being a Londoner, I’m very used to a fast-paced lifestyle and always feeling the need to do something, so this is also a time for me to learn to slow down and enjoy a period of relaxation and re-learning to just be. To just be at home, in my sanctuary and to also be productive, which is why I’ve started this blog!
Remember that self-isolation does not mean disconnecting from the world - relationships shall not be lost, including the one you have with yourself. ✨
Have a great week everyone! 💚✨💚✨
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